Episode 5: Thanksgiving Pizza

"Hello everybody and welcome back. This will be the last episode of cooking with Astrid and Hiccup for November. I'm Hiccup and this is my lovely co-host and girlfriend Astrid." Hiccup introduces, looking very smug, as he and Astrid stand behind the counter.

"Hello everybody. Today we will be showing you how to make Thanksgiving Pizza." Astrid said with an edge in her voice. She then turned to the still smug looking Hiccup and hit him on the shoulder.

"Hey! What was that for?!" Hiccup cried out as he rubbed his shoulder.

"To get that smug look off your face." Astrid said while cracking her knuckles.

"I'm allowed to be smug." Hiccup stated while taking a step back. "I finally got you and mom to work together."

" You. Locked. Us. In. Your. Closet." Astrid punctuated every word while jabbing Hiccup.

"It worked didn't it!" Hiccup retorted. "You and mom finally worked together to get out. It cost me a door, but it was worth it!"

Astrid rolled her eyes and mumbled "Let's just get on with the show."

"For our Thanksgiving Pizza we'll need 1 pound pizza dough, All-purpose flour, for dusting, 1 teaspoon cornmeal, 1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil, 1/2 teaspoon sugar, 3/4 cup mashed potatoes, 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese, 2 teaspoons whole milk, 1 cup prepared stuffing, 1 roasted turkey or chicken thigh, with skin, 1/4 cup chunky cranberry sauce, 1/4 cup gravy." Hiccup summed up as Astrid laid out the ingredients.

"Now put a pizza stone or upside-down baking sheet in the oven; preheat to 500 degrees F. Stretch the pizza dough into a 12-inch round on a floured surface." Astrid said as she watched Hiccup stretch the pizza dough.

Astrid gave Hiccup a look as he held the pizza dough up with his knuckles. "Hiccup you're seriously gonna twirl that?" Astrid asked. "I thought you were joking backstage."

"It's no big deal." Hiccup stated. "I know how to twirl."

And yes Hiccup knew how to twirl. Astrid watched as the dough flew elegantly through the air, getting thinner and thinner. "Hiccup, shouldn't you stop now?" Astrid asked.

"Wish I could Astrid. I don't know how." Hiccup stated as he kept twirling.

"I thought you said you could twirl dough!" Astrid shouted.

"I can. I just don't know how to stop!" Hiccup retorted. He then threw the pizza dough a little too high. Hiccup, Astrid, and the audience watched as the dough flew and… landed directly on Astrid's face as she was looking up.

"Hfkepd Ib Dponna Lild tou." Astrid muttered as she lifted the dough from her face.

"What did she say?" Tuffnut asked looking at Hiccup who held his arms out defensively.

"I said 'Hiccup I'm going to kill you!'" Astrid stated once more with a twitch in her eye.

"EEP" Hiccup shouted while running to the other side of the counter.

Astrid was getting ready to follow after Hiccup when Tuffnut cleared his throat. "Guys as much as this chase would get me an Emmy… we do have a schedule to keep."

"We'll be taking a small commercial break." Tuffnut added while Snotlout shut off the feed.

When the show returned we see Hiccup and Astrid behind the counter with a prepared pizza bottom in front of them.

"Dust a pizza peel or upside-down baking sheet with 1/2 teaspoon cornmeal and put the dough on top. Brush with the olive oil and sprinkle with the sugar and the remaining 1/2 teaspoon cornmeal. Slide onto the hot pizza stone or baking sheet and bake until golden on the bottom, 5 to 7 minutes." Hiccup explained as Astrid this time got to work.

"Meanwhile, mix the mashed potatoes with 1/4 cup cheese and the milk in a bowl; set aside. Roll tablespoonfuls of the stuffing into 1-inch balls to look like meatballs. Shred the turkey meat and julienne the skin." Hiccup explained as Astrid demonstrated and neatly cut the skin with her knife skills.

"Slide the crust back onto the peel. Spread the cheddar mashed potatoes over the crust, then top with the shredded turkey. Spoon the cranberry sauce over the pizza and drizzle with the gravy. Arrange the stuffing balls on top and sprinkle with the remaining 1/4 cup cheese and the turkey skin." As Hiccup explained this we could see many of the audience Dragon and human alike drool over the pizza.

"Return the pizza to the oven and bake until golden brown, 8 to 10 more minutes." Hiccup stated as he showed a pre-made pizza to the audience.

"Well that's it for this episode. We hope to see you all again soon." Hiccup happily said.

"The producer also has an announcement to make. The reviewers to our show may send in a Christmas recipe. The best three will be featured in the third season of our show." Astrid stated and then turned to Hiccup.

"Oh Hiccup" Astrid said in a sing-song voice.

"Yes Astrid?" Hiccup answered nervously.

"You have a ten second head start…10…9…" Astrid said as she began counting down.

Hiccup hightailed it out of the studio and Toothless who was watching the whole thing from the audience let out a snort.

Producer's note: (Opens the fridge looking for pizza)…(Finds none)…(scowls)…..(a crash is heard from behind the counter)…(turns around and sees Toothless holding the plate of pizza in his maw)…(Toothless dashes for the exit)…TOOTHLESS GET BACK HERE YOU USELESS REPTILE!