Episode 1: Cucumber and Wasabi Sushi

"Hello everybody and welcome back to our show cooking with Astrid and Hiccup. I'm Hiccup and this is my lovely co-host and girlfriend Astrid." Hiccup introduces as he and Astrid take the stage arm in arm.

"Hello everybody. Today we will be showing you how to make …." Astrid was saying but then stopped to look at Hiccup who had gotten a letter from Ruffnut.

Hiccup read the letter and smiled. "We will be making sushi today on the request of one of our reviewers, Queen-Of-DollZ."

"eh…Hiccup, have you forgotten. The producer banned fish recipes after last season's dragon stampede." As Astrid said this she shoots a glare at the dragon audience, who tried to look innocent.

Hiccup smirked. "Who said anything about today's dish containing fish?"

"It's sushi Hiccup. Shouldn't it always have fish?" Astrid asked but Hiccup shook his head and motioned for her to join him behind the counter.

"Today we'll be making cucumber and wasabi sushi." Hiccup said pulling out ingredients.

"We'll be needing 2 cups sushi rice, ½ cucumber, wasabi paste, and 4 sheets nori." Hiccup said while gesturing to the ingredients.

"Now cut the cucumber lengthways into four and scoop out the seeds. Depending on preference, slice each quarter lengthways into thick or thin strips." Hiccup stated and then gestured to Astrid to demonstrate but Astrid was looking at her knife collection frustrated.

"Astrid…" Hiccup asked cautiously. The audience held their breaths while Fishlegs, Snotlout, Tuffnut and other crew members took a step back.

Astrid was tapping her chin and then let out a frustrated huff. "I don't know which to choose from." Astrid murmured. "I used Inga last night, and Anthony was used to slice that watermelon last week at the beach. I haven't used Berta since my birthday, but Maximus needs a bit of attention too."

"You named your knives?" Hiccup asked shocked.

"You named your inventions." Astrid countered.

"Good point." Was the only thing Hiccup could say.

Astrid then resorted to the only way she knew how to pick the knife. She started playing eenie-meanie-minie-mo and finally selected Berta.

Astrid then proceeded to cut the cucumbers while Snotlout got a close up.

"On your workbench lay out a sushi mat or cling film. Place a sheet of nori on your workspace shiny side down." Hiccup continued to explain after Astrid was finished.

"Put a layer of rice on your nori leaving a gap of approx 1 inch around the sides." Hiccup said and then took a look at Astrid's roll.

"How much or how little rice you put on depends on your personal preference, just beware! your roll may end up morbidly obese instead of just fat." He quickly added, but not quickly enough as Astrid gave him a glare.

"Now you tell me." She mumbled while looking at the large pile of rice.

"On the side closest to you put a line of wasabi paste on the rice - use your finger to do this." Hiccup said while handing Astrid some wasabi paste.

Astrid placed the wasabi on the roll and then got curious. She took a glob of the paste before Hiccup could stop her, and put it in her mouth.

"AAAAG" She screamed and then rushed off stage while fanning her mouth.

"Wasabi is considered extremely hot and should not be eaten in such liberal amounts, as Astrid just demonstrated." Hiccup added as an afterthought. Many of the audience sweat-dropped at that point.

"Oh come on cuz. It can't be that bad." Snotlout said and sauntered up to where Astrid left the paste.

"We'll return shortly after these words from our sponsors." Hiccup said motioning for a break while not doing anything to stop Snotlout.

After the break we see Hiccup and Astrid back behind the counter. Hiccup was sporting a small smirk while Astrid looked incensed. She had her hands crossed and was glaring at the wasabi paste like it was some hell-spawn. Snotlout was back behind the camera but his lips were very red and puffy.

"Ker vpmtiund." Astrid said. The entire stage crew just stood there trying to figure out what she was saying.

"Anyone here speak gibberish?" Tuffnut asked but the stagehands all shook their heads negatively.

"She said, let's continue." Hiccup stated.

"Ysnk tou gopcip." Astrid said again to which Hiccup replied. "You're welcome.

"He must really have fallen hard for Astrid, if he could understand that." Tuffnut whispered to Fishlegs who nodded.

"U vam jesw tou." Astrid said but it didn't come out as very threatening.

Fishlegs and Tuffnut looked to Hiccup who said. "She said, I can hear you." This caused both of them to pale slightly.

Hiccup let out a cough and said. "Continuing onwards we place the cucumber strips on top of the wasabi. Fold the nori "lip" nearest to you over and begin rolling up the sushi like a swiss roll. Everybody rolls sushi in a different way, find what works best for you."

Hiccup looked over to Astrid as she rolled her giant roll up.

"Gently wet the last "lip" of the nori and stick it to the outside of the rolled log." Hiccup said and showed Astrid how to do it.

"Then roll log onto its seam and leave for a few minutes."

"Dip a sharp knife into cold water and allow the excess to drip off but do not dry. Slice the log into pieces, I like a 1/2 inch slice personally. Make sure you dip and drip between each cut." Hiccup explained as Astrid swiftly sliced the roll.

"Arrange on a plate and serve with either shoyu or tzatziki." Hiccup stated as he showed Astrid which were which. Astrid was now eyeing everything with suspicion after the wasabi paste.

"That was it folks for this episode. We hope to see you next time." Hiccup said as he and Astrid waved to the audience.

Just before the cameras stopped with rolling a short long haired blond woman ran from back stage towards Hiccup. "Hiccup Haddock you are not getting away from me!" She yelled. Hiccup backed up a step looking shocked.

"Cami?!" he asked.

"How dare you leave me for this blonde!" Cami shouted. "I'm pregnant!"

"YJE GUXK!" Astrid then yelled.

Producer's note: I think Astrid summed up what we were all thinking.