Warning: NSFW down below

Chapter 10 - "Second Time"

It was the late afternoon. Chief Bogo was standing in front of the reception table talking with Clawhauser about the issue of the MJD. With the remaining five hours, Judy and Nick sat down on the chairs near the exit looking through their cell-phones. It was silent until Judy's stomach rumbled, she was starting to get hungry again. Nick put his phone down and turn towards Judy who was blushing from embarrassment.

"Want to grab something to eat before we head back to Tundratown?" Nick ask.

"What about our friends?" Judy began, trying to come up with excuses. "What if Chief Bogo needs us for something?"

"Need us?" Nick said. "Carrots, we already did too much. I think we both deserve a nice, simple lunch. Don't you think?" He watches Judy's doubtful look before saying, "Besides, we have five hours! How many hours do you need?"

Judy looks down, thinking about the situation. Then, she looks over towards Chief Bogo who was busy talking with Clawhauser. Finally, she gave up and said, "Fine. But we have to get back here before our time is up."

They walk towards Chief Bogo to ask for his permission. Chief Bogo allows them to head out for a quick lunch, but they have to return the suit and armor before going out. After removing their armor, they felt lighter. Finally, they went outside. As they were walking through the cloudy afternoon, Judy was following Nick from behind. After realizing that Judy was walking behind him, Nick turns around and frowned. Then, he reached towards one of Judy's paws and pulls her to close to him. Judy looks up at Nick, then she blushed and quickly look the other way towards the streets. Once they arrive at a sandwich shop, they went in to wait in line. Finally, it was their turn to order.

After Judy finished her order, she asks Nick, "Aren't you going to order yours?"

"I'm good," Nick said, looking at the area.

"Suit yourself," Judy said with a shrug. Nick smiled for a brief second, and then he walks away towards a table near the glass window. After paying for her order, she walks towards Nick and sat down across from him. She unwraps the wrapper of her veggie sandwich, then took a huge bite off of it.

"Isn't the view nice?" Nick began. "To see everyone and everything from this window." Then he smirked and said, "The best thing of all, I get to sit in the front row seat to watch something beautiful."

"Beautiful? Where?" Judy asks, trying to look out into the window to see what Nick meant. Then she looks towards him and asks, "What is beautiful?"

"Dumb bunny," Nick mumbled. He sighs, then he straighten himself and glare at Judy.

"W-What?" Judy said. Her paw moves towards her lips. "Is there's something on my face?"

Nick felt dumbfounded, then he laughs.

"What?" Judy said, she felt her cheeks getting hot. "What is it? Why are you laughing?!"

"Forget what I said earlier," Nick said with a smile, then he murmurs, "You really are just a cute little bunny." Then he rests his right elbow on the table and rests his head against his right paw. He stares out towards the window.

Finally, Judy sighs. "Don't tease me like that." Then she continues to eat her sandwich. After a few moments of silence, she said, "You know, today is my second time eating a sandwich next to a huge, glass window."

"Really?" Nick said, then he slowly sit up straight. "When?"

"At the MJD inside the cafeteria," Judy said with a bright smile. "Aiden offers me to lunch there."

"Oh really?" Nick said. "What did he talk about?"

"Just stuff," Judy said, taking her final bite off of her sandwich. "Ready to go now?"

"Sure, why not."

Once they were outside, they noticed the change in the cloudy sky. The clouds became darker, meaning rain would start soon. They check for the cabs, bus, or any transportation service, but found out that the service would be slow at the moment.

"Guess, we have to hurry back on foot instead," Nick said with a shrug. Then he took Judy's left paw and began walking towards the direction that leads them to the ZPD.

After a few minutes, the thunderstorm began rolling down from the sky. In a matter of seconds, they felt a little drop of rain on top of their head. Small droplets of rain started falling. Judy suddenly shook off the hold from her left paw which caused Nick to stop walking. Nick turns around and face Judy and saw her with a distressing expression.

"What's wrong?" Nick said with a worried look.

"We won't make it," Judy said. "It would take us a long time to get there by foot." She stood still, looking down at the floor. "I knew we shouldn't have gone out."

"Carrots..." Then, he took off his raincoat and put it around on top of Judy. Judy looks up and saw Nick with a warm smile. "There, now you won't get sick."

"But you're going to get sick!" Judy said.

"Well then, officer Hopps. What should we do in this very harsh weather?" Nick ask sarcastically.

Judy was still blushing. As she was peering around the surroundings, an idea came up in her mind. "Nick, how many minutes would it take for us to get to your home?" Judy asks anxiously.

"Umm... 5 minutes. Why'd you ask?"

"Great! Let's head to your apartment!" Judy beamed. This time, she was the one who was leading Nick.

Once they arrived in the ghetto area of Sahara Square, Judy looks up at the old, crusty two-floor apartment building of Nick's current residency. As they were walking up the old wooden stairs, it creaks badly as if they could break any moment. After Judy reached towards the end of the second floor, she stops in front of a door. She ushered Nick to open the door as she was shivering in the cold. Nick smiled, then he took out his keys from one of his pants' pockets.

Based on Judy's memories, she was amazed how the small, dull room was still the same as the last time she visits. In Nick's apartment room, there was a few plain, simple furniture around the place. There wasn't anything much to look at since everything is a drab.

"You should take a shower," Nick suggested, after looking at Judy. "I'm going to put our dirty clothes in the washing machine."

Nick handed Judy some extra pair of clean clothes from his drawers. The clothes were some plain, white PJs that are a little bigger than Judy's clothes size. When Judy finished taking a shower, he thought Judy was adorable to wear his old clothes. Even though his old PJs were small on him, the clothes were still slightly bigger on Judy. Nick heads to the bathroom to take a shower. After Nick finished taking a shower, he sat down on the couch with Judy.

After a few moments of silence, Judy began talking.

"How many minutes until our clothes are done?" Judy asks, looking through her phone.

"Hmm. About 40 minutes," Nick said. "Don't worry, we still have three hours before Chief Bogo realized we haven't returned."

"How long will the rain last?" Judy asks, still looking at her phone.

"I don't know. Check the weather on your phone," Nick said, then he yawns.

"How much-"

"Carrots," Nick said, then he took away Judy's phone to get her attention. "How many questions do you need to ask before you feel satisfied?"

A frustration look appears on Judy's face. "Sorry... I'm just so worried about our friends. I don't know if we could make it on time even when you said we will have enough time. You just... wasted my time-" Then she covered her mouth. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that." She looks the other way. After a few seconds, Judy shivered then she placed her paws near her mouth to make them warm with her breath. She remembers how Nick didn't install an AC in his apartment room because he couldn't afford it.

"Are you cold, Carrots?" Nick ask. He grabs one of Judy's paws and placed it against one of his cheeks.

Judy blushed and said, "I-I'm fine."

"No, you aren't," Nick answer for her. "You're shivering and your paws are cold." Nick suddenly stands up from the couch. He was still holding onto one of Judy's paws. He blushed a little when he saw Judy's curious expression. He turns his head the other way and said quietly, "You could stay in my bed for warmth until our clothes finished drying in the dryer."

"Thanks," Judy said with a smile. After Nick let go of her, she went to Nick's bed. She plops down from exhaustion and yawns. Nick's soft blankets felt like fluffy clouds. It smells like Nick. Judy thought, feeling her cheeks flushing. After a few seconds, she heard Nick sneeze. Judy lifted her head up and saw him shivering on the couch. She sighs, then said, "Come over here." She sighs again when she saw the confused look on Nick's face. "Well? Aren't you cold?"

Nick shudders at the thought of what Judy just said. It reminds him of the time when Alice asks him that question. However, when he looks at Judy, the horrible memory of Alice slips away from his mind. When he climbs into his bed, he lay down next to Judy under his blankets in silence.

"You know..." Judy began with a giggle. "This is my second time sleeping with you on a bed, but this time, on your bed."

Nick chuckled, then said, "Yeah." He stares up at the ceiling. Then, Judy's face appears in front of his view. He looks over towards Judy who was on her knees glaring down at him. "Uhh… Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Nick, I..." Judy said, then she swallow her saliva. "I'm sorry for getting so work up on you earlier." Judy's eyes were delicate and sparkly, but with a hint of worry. Her lips were tender and warm. Nick felt dazed for a moment from the site of Judy, he blushed a little.

"It's fine," Nick murmur, he turns his head to the other direction. Then he said, "I feel weird, Carrots."

"Weird?" Judy repeated. Then she moves closer to Nick. "Are you getting sick?" Suddenly, she got on top of Nick to check his temperature. She gently presses her right paw against Nick's forehead.

For some reason, Nick's heart started beating fast. At the very moment, he felt that he could explode from whatever that is causing him to feel weird. In a few seconds, he realized that he felt excited. "You could get off of me now."

"Why? You're sweating," Judy said. "And your heart is racing." She moves down a little to check on Nick's heart but then found something hard is touching one of her legs. Then, her face reddens when she realized what it was.

"Sorry," Nick said. "I couldn't help it when you're on top of me looking like that." Then, he gave a small cough to clear his throat. "Umm, Carrots? Could you... um, get off of me, please? This urge is unbearable. I don't want to do anything 'rash' on you."

Judy remains silent, the blush on her face wouldn't leave. She couldn't move either; it was almost as if she's frozen. Nick sighs, then he gently push Judy to the side so she wouldn't be on top of him anymore. "Hey!" Judy blurted suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Nick ask, then he yawns as if he's bored.

"The last time when we were in the car..." Judy mumbles. "We didn't get the chance to do it."

"What? Couldn't hear you when you talk like that," Nick said, he rest his head comfortably against the pillow.

Judy felt irritated. Although she hates how calm Nick is now, she could still feel the heat on her face. "I'm trying to say-" Then she stops.

"Yes?" Nick said. Then he got up and grabs Judy by the arm. His gaze was locked onto Judy's eyes. "Carrots, if you don't tell me what's the problem. I won't understand what exactly you want from me."

"I want you to fuck me."

The rain was pounding against the glass windows. Nick sat on his bed and felt dumbfounded. Nick thought he heard things wrong because of the weather, or maybe because he was tired. He could almost choke on his words when he tried to talk again. "Umm. Did I just hear you said-"

"Yes! Geez..." Judy murmur. "Don't make me say it again... idiot."

As much as this surprised Nick, he almost thought it was a dream. Although, dream or not, Nick didn't want to lose the opportunity. "If I did hear it wrong, sorry. In the end, I really couldn't help myself," Nick said.

[NSFW below. Don't read it if you're can't stand sexual things]

Without hesitation, he pushed Judy against the bed. Now, he was on top of her. Although he was blushing a little from embarrassment, he slowly began unbuttoning Judy's shirt, revealing her small breast. Judy never felt embarrassed in her life, to be naked in front of a mammal who isn't a family relative; then, she quivers a little without her acknowledge. Nick stop unbuttoning Judy's PJ when he saw the frightened look on Judy's face.

"First time?" Nick ask.

Judy slowly nodded her head.

"Yep, we're not doing it," Nick said. He got off of Judy and sat down on his bed.

"W-What?! Why? I'm fine!" Judy blurted.

"Carrots, listen," Nick said, then he sighs. "This is your first time, right?" He watches Judy nod her head in confusion. Then, he continues to explain. "We haven't become a couple, and yet, you want to do it. You do know that 'doing it' with a friend is wrong and weird! Plus, we aren't even the same species!"

"So what?" Judy said dully as if his words didn't affect her.

Nick's eyes widen, he couldn't believe what was happening right now. "Dream or not, I'm not taking your virginity because I respect you as a friend, and as your partner in the police force."

"Wow, how modest of you," Judy said sarcastically. Then her expression and tone got serious. Nick felt speechless when he saw the serious look on Judy's face. "I'm fine. Thank you, Nick, for caring about my well-being and asking me for my permission. But, I'm fine. I don't mind if you're my first time. I wouldn't ask anyone for this except you. Why? Because I love you." Judy's head tilt to one side, then she said with a bright, warm smile. "I love you, Nick."

After a few moments, a sly grin spread across Nick's lips. He smiled, then said, "Dumb bunny." Before leaning forward towards Judy and kiss her on the lips.

Finally, Nick gave in and decided to do what he desires. This time, he wants to be more considerate of Judy's feelings after hearing her confession. After Nick finally took off all of Judy's clothing. His right paw moves down to Judy's middle; then he held up his paw, revealing the invisible, slimy cum from Judy's pussy. Judy began blushing when she saw Nick lick it. "You know, Carrots. Since I haven't eaten anything, I'm started to crave for bunnies." Nick tease.

A frightened look appears on Judy's face. Nick sighs, then told her it was only a joke. Later, Nick began sticking his tongue inside of Judy's vagina, causing Judy to squirm, then she cried out a moaned which made Nick stop. By hearing Judy's moans, Nick's uncontrollable urge of excitement is unbearable. "Ugh," Nick groaned. "These pants are killing me."

Judy looks down and notice that Nick was still wearing his clothes. She began blushing when she saw the bulge in Nick's pants. "Let me remove your pants," Judy said when she realized it was the cause of Nick's discomfort. After removing the pants and boxer off, Judy's eyes widen when she saw Nick's erected cock spring out into the open air. "I-It's big! I don't know if that even fit inside me," Judy exclaimed.

"Fit you? Who said that we are doing it?" Nick said with a sneer, but then he stops grinning when he notice that Judy was serious. "You're serious, right?" He asks with a curious look. "Never in my life, I thought I would be doing this with a bunny."

"Hey! What's wrong with that?" Judy blurted out loud.

Nick look at Judy's frustrated face, although he knew Judy was trying hard not to die from embarrassment, he thought he was lucky to meet someone like Judy. "Nothing." Nick finally said, then he gave out a genuine smile. "I'm glad I met you." Then, he leans forward and kissed Judy on the forehead.

After a few moments of silence in the cold apartment room, all they could hear is the sound of the rain. Judy looks up at Nick with an embarrassed expression; she felt speechless. Finally, she spoke, "I'm glad I met you too."

Nick smiled warmly, then he said, "I'm going to go slow, okay?" Finally, he began putting in his shaft inside Judy which caused Judy to uttered a sharp yelp. "Am I hurting you?" Nick ask with concern.

"N-No!" Judy said in surprised. "No, just... just keep going." She murmurs.

"Okay," Nick replied. After he finally got inside of Judy, he groans in pleasure from the tightness inside Judy. He didn't know if he could restrain himself. "Ughn... I've never felt this kind of way before. I don't think I could control myself." He mumbled.

"It's fine," Judy said, then she finally stops being embarrassed. A determined look appears on her face. "I'm ready for anything you got."

With an approval; Nick decided to abuse the offer because of the overwhelming pressure. At first, he started out slow, but after hearing Judy's moans, Nick couldn't help but go faster as time passes. Secretly, he wanted to hear more; he wanted to hear Judy's cries. Judy wraps her arms around Nick's back to hold on when she notices Nick was thrusting faster. It didn't last long for the climax to happen. "Judy... I'm going to cum." Nick whisper into one of Judy's ears. Then, Judy noticed Nick was going to pull out.

Judy grab onto Nick's arms, then said, "No! Stay in there. We're different species anyways. Besides, I want to feel you inside me..." With a quick, sharp movement, Nick groans after he felt his sperms spatters deep inside of Judy's little vagina. "Aaa... Aaahh!" Judy cried out loud after feeling a rush of warm liquid bolting inside of her. "N-Nick! I love you..." Stuttered Judy before she could almost pass out from the sudden shock.

After Nick finished panting hard against the cold air, he began pulling out of Judy, then he sat down on his bed. It's been a long time since he had any intercourse with another mammal. For the first time, compared to the other mammals he'd done this with, Judy was the only one who could make him feel different; physically and mentally. Nick closed his eyes, then sighs; he opens his eyes again and smiled. Suddenly, a random beeping noise rang inside his apartment; it was his dryer, their clothes were finished.

Nick look over towards Judy who was slowly getting sleepy. "Carrots..." Nick said, then he pokes Judy on the arm. "Are you asleep? Hmm. Our clothes are done. We should head off to ZPD since the rain is starting to die down. I even have my umbrella." There was no response. "Umm, Carrots? Wake up. Earlier, you were the one who was eager to leave."

Judy rolls to the side towards Nick, then, she rubs her eyes. "Give me five more minutes..." Then she grabs Nick by the arm and pulls him close to her. Nick's eyes widen when he met with Judy's sleepy face, he couldn't help but smile from the site of cuteness.

After an hour of sleeping, they both woke up. However, Judy woke up in a grumpy mood. She stood up, then shook Nick to wake up. "Nick! Why didn't you wake me up?!"

Nick woke up and yawns, "Because you were so cute when you were sleeping." He said lazily. "Hey, why not you go back to sleep again? That angry face doesn't suit you..."

Judy couldn't believe how Nick was calm. She pushes Nick off of the bed, which caused him to finally wake up. "Come on! We got to dress!" Judy said before running off to get their clothes. After she got their clothes, she frantically began putting on her clothes while Nick was casually putting his clothes on.

After Judy got everything, she quickly opens the door while Nick was getting a slice of bread in the kitchen to eat. The bright sunshine from the outside afternoon beams inside the cold, dull room. Finally, they step out into the open air to take in the warm, bright of the sun.

"We got... two hours!" Judy exclaimed. Then she searches for a local transportation system that will take them to the ZPD quickly.

Nick continues to eat his bread while watching Judy getting work up from stress. Although he knew how Judy felt, he thought Judy was still adorable in a way. After Judy found the time to take the train, she quickly put her phone in her pocket. Then, she began sprinting into the distance. Finally, with the last bite of the bread, Nick began chasing after Judy; however, Judy was faster than him when it comes to speed.