JQ: Okay, so...here's a super long chapter but I'm sure you won't mind none.

I'll see you at the finish line!

I own nothing, aside from the made up people.

Fría awoke, feeling groggy. Her eyes were still closed, as she was experiencing a massive headache. She tried her best to recount what had happened, before she passed out. All she recalled was the burning sensation of alcohol, going down her throat. She sighed gravely. That's why I have a headache. She still felt the slight burn of her heavy drinking, but that was barely an issue; she had been drinking since she was 14.

The princess felt an itch on her forehead and moved to scratch it, but then realized she couldn't. Her hands had been tied behind her back. Her eyes shot open, making her feel dizzy. Panic began to settle in when she also realized that she was just in her corset and trousers. Her hair was out of it's ponytail as well, unconstrained of it's tame nature. She got to her knees and began to scan her surroundings.

All she gathered was that she was in one of the prisoner holding cells. On the bottom deck, of the Solsan ship, there was a series of cells that would house prisoners of war, and such, before they were interrogated and, or, executed. She huffed and desperately tried to squirm out of her bindings. Without her hands, in front of her, she would not be able to control her magic properly. Fría could only control what she saw. She could not see behind her person, therefore, she would not be able to do anything. Her powers were mostly useless. She sighed. At least my legs are free. She sat down, against the wall and wiggled her toes. She knew how to fight and that often saved her from utilizing all her strength, in order to do her magic.

She sighed and stared at the cell bars, at the front of the cell, facing the hallway. The deck sounded empty, except for loud snoring. She rolled her eyes. Only one person could snore that loud. Claudio, you buffoon. She cleared her throat, loudly, in an attempt to wake the her older brother, in the next cell. It was no use; he continued to snore.

"Gilipollas." the princess muttered. Fucking Idiot. Fría had to wake him up somehow. She got down, on her side, and began to roll herself towards the front of the cell. Sure, she could've actually just stood up, but she was still pretty tired, after being drunk all day. She got back on her knees, and peered across the hall. She needed something that she could manipulate. She scanned the ground and began to smirk. She saw a small pebble, which probably made it's way on board wedged in someone's boot. She focused, extra hard, to move the object without her hands. She didn't need her hands, per se; she had just practised her magic with her hands so often, that she relied on them too heavily.

She narrowed her eyes and the pebble began to hover. Excellent. She shifted her gaze, straight ahead. She couldn't see where Claudio was situated, but she had to try. With a nod, she sent the pebble flying forwards, into the cell beside her.

"OW!" without further questioning, Claudio knew the culprit. "puttana." he growled. Fría smiled from ear to ear.

"Morning, fratello." she laughed. "Are you tied up too?" she heard some muffled shuffling and a groan.

"Sí." he huffed. She heard more shuffling and felt his presence draw closer. He leaned against the wall, that was separating them. "What the fuck is going on?" he asked. Fría just shook her head.

"I have no clue, bro." the siblings sighed.

"Also," Claudio added, "I'm a bit chilly. It seems most of my clothes are gone." Fría made a disgusted sound.

"I hope they left your trousers. Otherwise, when I escape, I'm leaving you in here." Claudio let out a hearty laugh.

"Don't worry," Claudio chuckled, "your vision will be spared, hermana." silence ensued for a few moments, before Claudio broke it again. "Um...so...did you figure out a plan, yet, Fry?" the princess shook her head, before realizing that her brother wouldn't be able to see her response.

"Nope," she said, "I got nothing." the royal siblings sighed and began to ponder their situation. They still had no idea why they were half naked and tied up in the holding cells. "Do you remember anything, before getting drunk, bro?"

"No, not really." Claudio answered. "I mean, I just remember Alonso staring at us." the king thought out loud. "But that guy's always super intense; I didn't think anything of it." Fría groaned and knocked the back of her head, repeatedly, on the wall.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid." she chanted.

"You said it, not me." Claudio jeered.

"What if I tried harder?" Fría asked, suddenly. Claudio was confused by the question.

"Tried harder to be drunk?" he tried, "Tried harder...to be stupid? Honestly, Fry Guy, I have no idea what the hell you're talking about." Fría rolled her eyes.

"I meant like...what if I stayed?" Fría questioned. She had just been thinking about what would've happened if she didn't leave Arendelle. "Like...what if I tried harder to talk to her? You know? Instead of –!"

"Running away, like a chicken?" Claudio cut in. The princess scoffed.

"Graçias, egghead."

"Eres muy bienvenido, pollo." You're most welcome, chicken. He laughed and she couldn't help but smile. "Honestly?" he began, "It would've been way better. You and Elsa...I'd never seen two people look at one another so...dopey. I mean, people joke to me about how I look at Tonia, but I'd never understood...until I saw you two together." Fría shrugged.

"You're just screwing with me."

"Bro, I'm serious." Claudio told her. "She's it for you, I know it." Fría felt her rage take over and she growled her response.

"Then why didn't she want me?!" the princess's words echoed throughout the holding units and her chest was heaving. Her eyes were watery, but she didn't cry. Even though her brother wasn't able to see her, she wasn't about to give in to a display of weakness twice in one week. She refused to be weak, even though she was already tied up and in a cell. Claudio just chuckled. His sister was the most hard-headed person in the world.

"Fry," Claudio said, carefully, "humans can make mistakes." he offered. "You mustn't hold an impossible standard, especially when emotions can interfere. I know she loves you, and wishes you around."

"And how could you possibly know that?" she spat at him. He smiled.

"It's all in the eyes."

The engagement party was in full swing; people were dancing, talking, laughing, eating, just having a wonderful time. King Claudio, for the most part, was enjoying himself. The reality had struck him, however, that his sister may not be returning home for a while. Sure they had their disputes and sibling rivalries, that had no place in adult friendships, but that wouldn't stop him from missing his baby sister. He would never admit that though.

He was watching as Fría was teaching Elsa how to do the tango. It was certainly odd and quite funny. He had never, in his life, seen an adult woman struggle so hard with dancing. The blonde would wobble and trip but Fría was always there to hold her. Claudio smiled; he could tell his sister was smitten.

The only problem now was figuring out if Elsa felt the same way.

He began to circle the couple, from a distance, just blending in with the crowd. It wouldn't matter anyway, as both Fría and Elsa were too preoccupied with each other to look anywhere else. He eyed the queen, like a hawk. He wasn't going to let his sister marry someone who wasn't as into it as she was. Even though it was arranged, he would find a way to get Fría to leave.

He watched as Elsa reached out to Fría, for a second dance. His sister had an enormous smile, painted across her face. He observed them on their second attempt at dancing. It was better, Elsa looked more comfortable on her feet. A few minutes passed and the pair curtsied to one another and departed. Claudio, then, made his way over to the queen of Arendelle.

"My lady," he said, bowing to her. She smiled softly and also bowed.

"Your highness," she greeted, still a bit breathless from her impromptu dance lesson. "are you having a good time?" Claudio nodded.

"Yes, the festivities are wonderful here."

"I'm glad it pleases you," Elsa said, "however, I must assume that you don't want to talk about decorations and food." the visiting king chuckled.

"You get points, for not being an idiot." Claudio told her. He had to laugh at her expression. Elsa raised an eyebrow at him.

"I...um...thanks?" she responded, not sure how to respond to that. He laughed some more and placed a calming hand on her shoulder.

"Sorry, you just looked hilarious for a second." he said. "But yes, I do not have an over zealous interest in a discussion about food and ornamentation." he gestured to the hallway. "Shall we take a stroll?" Elsa looked over her shoulder and made eye contact with Fría. The tall girl narrowed her eyes at her older sibling and Claudio laughed.

"It's okay, she's expecting me to play the 'big brother' card." Claudio began to call out to his sister. "I'll be back, hermana!" Fría's only response was a low growl and a scowl. Elsa giggled and waved at her fiancée.

They ended up in the art gallery, just walking in a comfortable silence. Elsa was beyond nervous; here she was, about to get a 'stern talking to' from her girlfriend's older brother. An older brother who happened to be the same size as Kristoff, from a country that prided itself on military power. Elsa felt herself getting dizzy from her anxiety before a calming hand rested upon her shoulders.

"Are you okay, Elsa?" Claudio asked with concern. If Elsa passed out on his watch, he'd have a difficult time explaining it to Fría. The platinum blonde merely nodded her head and cleared her throat.

"I-I'm fine. Ahem! Just, perhaps, a little parched." she smiled nervously at the visiting king. "It's no matter," she said, waving it off, "let's uh...let's get this over with." the queen stared at him, as if she was embracing for an impact. He began to laugh hysterically.

"You're a character, you know?" Claudio finally said, when his laughter subsided. "I promise I won't hurt you, Elsa." the queen, simply, laughed nervously.

"Since we've established that," Elsa began, "I think you should know that I care for Fría, more than I'd ever thought I could care for someone, in such a short period of time." she eyed his expression before continuing. "She's...I don't know how to put it into words...she just feels right to me, I guess. She...makes me happy and...a-and I can only hope that I'll make her just as happy." she took a deep breath, as she looked at king Claudio. He had a rather unreadable expression and she had completely forgotten what she had just said, thereby anticipating the worst. She was equal parts surprised and relieved when she heard him laugh and felt his arms around her shoulders. His laughter caused them both to shake.

"That's good to hear," Claudio told her, "definitely what I wanted to hear and see." Elsa was confused.

"See?" Elsa asked as the king nodded.

"Before you spoke, you had this little twinkle in your eyes." he explained, "Reminded me of when Tonia told me that she loved me, for the first time." Elsa cocked her head to the side, in confusion. Claudio smiled at her. "There's more to a relationship than physical attraction and I wanted to make sure that you truly care for her." Elsa straightened her posture.

"I do." she stated firmly.

"I know." he told her, before pulling her into a hug. "My mother used to tell us that the eyes were the worst witnesses to a crime." he laughed at the memory.

"Why is that?" Elsa questioned. He gave her one last warm smile, before stepping out of the art gallery's threshold.

"Because they give so much away."

"She truly is, I swear on my son's life, in love with you." Claudio said, for probably, the eighteenth time in the passed three minutes. His sister kept asking how he knew about Elsa's feelings and why he felt so strongly about it.

"Sure." Fría sighed, angrily. She still wasn't buying the whole 'true love' speech. "But actions speak louder than words, bro." the princess contested. She had come to realize that she had put herself in front of danger for Elsa countless times, in the last month. The queen seldom did anything. Claudio sighed. He knew exactly what his sister was thinking.

"You're both different people, Fry." he exhaled in exhaustion.

"With different values, apparently." Fría was about to go on another rant, when they heard footsteps approaching. Both of them ran to the front of their cells to see who it was.

It was Alejandro.

"Al!" Claudio exclaimed, excitedly. "Boy, am I glad to see you!" Fría, on the other hand, felt off about his presence. Alejandro had a weird glimmer in his eyes that she could only place as a 'victory' smirk. Her body tensed with rage. While Fría began to seethe, Claudio kept getting over excited. "Do you have any idea how to get us out of here?" Claudio asked, hopefully. The youngest of the siblings laughed and Claudio was confused. The king was insightful, but had the tendency to be quite oblivious. "W-what's so funny? Is Fría doing that stupid face, which she uses to mock me, again?" Alejandro laughed harder while Fría punched the wall beside her, wishing deeply that it was Claudio's idiotic face.

"He's not going to help us, gilipollas!" Fría scolded.

"What?" Claudio asked, completely baffled. "Why the hell not?" Alejandro decided that he should probably explain himself, as he didn't want to harm the remaining seven brain cells that he was certain his brother still owned.

"Fría, ever the perfect detective." Alejandro praised. Fría growled in response.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, hermano?" she asked. He began to stroke his chin with his thumb in mock concentration.

"Hmm..." he thought, "I think I'm...by the looks of it...succeeding in my plan to overthrow you, idiots." Fría growled again while Claudio continued to have a blank and confused look painted on his face.

"I'm sorry, what?" Claudio asked again.

"I planned this." Alejandro deadpanned, "I trapped you. I planned for you and Elsa to drift apart. I staged the war." Fría snapped her head in his direction, at his last admission.

"Wait, what?" suddenly, Isabella entered the room. She linked her arm with Alejandro's and also had a shrewd smirk on her face.

"Actually it was I, who forged the letter, that started the battle." Isabella corrected.

"What letter?" Fría inquired. Her rage was only getting worse, but with her hands tied behind her back and her mind becoming clouded, she wouldn't be able to do anything. Isabella approached the princess's cell and reached in to caress Fría's chin.

"Calm yourself, mi amante," Isabella soothed, "I only staged a fake invitation, to Weselton, instigating a dispute against the marriage. No big deal." Fría shook her head, abruptly, ridding herself of Isabella's touch.

"You. Did. What?!" Isabella merely laughed and leaned in, towards the bars of the cell.

"You're stupid, but pretty." she winked at Fría and the princess just let out a disgusted scoff.

"Couldn't have you becoming a queen," Alejandro supplied, "and also couldn't have you blocking my entry into a throne." Alejandro walked up to Fría's cell and held on to the bars. "Hence, we tried everything in our power to separate you and the queen." he laughed before continuing. "I have to say you are quite the charmer, fratella. It took an actual battle to delve a wedge between the two of you."

"And it wasn't even the battle," Isabella laughed, "it was Elsa's fearful tendencies that became her ultimate weakness; halting her from love." Isabella strutted away from them, as she smirked. "What a stupid downfall." Isabella shot Fría a teasing glance, over her shoulder. "You can do much better." that set off the princess.

"Don't you fucking dare speak ill of her, you whore." Fría seethed, her face pressed up against the bars. Isabella laughed harder; she had gotten the reaction that she wanted out of the warrior.

"My, my," she said, sauntering back to Fría's cell. "that took less time than I thought." nothing could erase the scowl on Fría's face.

"You're both idiots, if you think you can take me down, yourselves." Fría threatened. Alejandro smiled and nodded towards the door.

"That's why I had...an enforcer." heavy footsteps broke the silence and within a few moments, a tall, lanky, elderly man stepped into view wearing a burgundy suit with a black and gold sash. Claudio gasped, as if seeing a ghost. Fría's eyes widened in horror; there stood the man who created her demeanor and her tactics. The man who trained her and was, quite possibly, the only person on the face of the earth who could use that against her. She narrowed her eyes at him and just glared. He chuckled and walked towards his niece and nephew. He stood directly in between their holding units.

"Good morning, children." Oswaldo said, simply. "I'm sorry I didn't bring presents; you guys should really put in a prison gift shop." he quipped.

"Tío." Claudio stated harshly. Fría realized he was standing close enough to her, so she spat on his boots. Claudio laughed and Oswaldo just rolled her eyes.

"The eldest siblings..." he said sarcastically, "such impeccable manners." He quickly reached through both cells, pulling Claudio and Fría by their hair. The sides of their faces were firmly pressed against the bars as Oswaldo leaned in to them. "Some things never change." he snarled. He shoved them away, by their foreheads, causing them both to stumble and fall on their behinds. Oswaldo turned to face Alejandro and Isabella. "Go and fetch me something solid." he instructed, as he turned over his shoulder to glare at the other two. "I think the children and I need to get...reacquainted." Claudio and Fría couldn't see one another, but they both knew that they were in pretty big trouble.


A mile behind the Isla Solsa ship was a band of amateur warriors, on horseback, running across the ocean, which was rapidly turning into ice. They had, as planned, caught up to the ship because the winds were pretty slow that day. Eugene, once laying eyes upon the vessel, began to point and shout.

"Ship, ho!" he wailed. Naomi glared at him.

"Isn't the saying 'land ho'?" she asked. Eugene just scoffed, while shifting the reigns on Maximus.

"Um...it's a boat...duh?" he said, "If it was land, I'd say that. But it is not, HENCE: ship, ho!" Gabe and Kristoff snickered at their banter.

"Man's got a point." Gabe defended as Naomi just rolled her eyes.

"Someone, please, be on my side here!" she shouted, arms raised to the sky. "I miss Fría; she'd always back me up." Elsa tensed, at the mention of her suitor's name. However, being the determined young woman that she was, she straightened her posture and held her head high. Conceal, don't feel.

"Then we've got to get a move on." Elsa said, softly kicking her heels into Sven's sides. "Come on, boy; we're almost there." he grunted and scratched one of his hooves against the ice. Elsa smiled at him and rubbed her hands together. "Okay...you can do this." she quietly encouraged herself. Sven grunted again and she glared at him. "What? I have to warm up too! This stuff isn't as easy as it looks, buddy." Sven scoffed and just began to walk off so they could freeze more water. Everyone just kind of stared at one another for a bit.

"No way," Gabe said, completely astonished, "she speaks to him to?!" Kristoff scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Sven's a people reindeer." Kristoff stated. Anna could only shake her head; her family was a bunch of lunatics.

"Yeah, but she doesn't use the weird voice." Anna jeered, which started a fit of laughter from their friends. Kristoff pouted as the large thug, known as Vlad, hit him in his back.

"HA HA!" Vlad chuckled, "Girly blonde man talks funny!"

"You collect ceramic unicorns!" Kristoff contested, issuing a growl from the rather large man. Kristoff cowered behind Anna. Eugene laughed and placed a hand on Vlad's forearm.

"At ease, Vlad." he said, "we've got bigger fish to fry." everyone nodded, hyping themselves up for the battle. The group continued to follow Elsa, for the remaining mile; everyone eager to get their friends back.


Fría groaned, trying her best to sit up, after Oswaldo practically bludgeoned her to a pulp with a wooden club. He was now making his way to Claudio to do the same thing. Oswaldo moved them into a new room, in order to have them watch one another suffer. Isabella stood off to the side, eyeing Fría with some sick, twisted and sadistic stare. The princess tried her best to pay no mind to her former lover. She also tried to forget the fact that she was tied up in the same room, with said former lover. This whole thing was getting pretty weird.

The raven-haired princess winced, in sympathy, as she lay on the floor listening to her brother cry out in pain at being beat with the club. Both siblings didn't even retaliate. They knew they were out numbered, trapped, stranded and still partially feeling the effects of hard liquor. Yes; Claudio and Fría were pretty much screwed. Fría was no longer feeling angry; she felt betrayed. By the few soldiers on board who were fine with this, by her own brother and by herself. She betrayed herself by leaving Arendelle so soon. She knew it was foolish and idiotic to leave without resolving things but she was just too heartbroken and upset to be rational. Again, the princess willed herself not to cry. She watched as Oswaldo, finally, let up on his assault of Claudio. The former general kicked the king in his stomach before tossing the club to the side.

"Well..." Oswaldo said, brushing his palms together, "that was a very successful therapy session. Exactly what the doctor ordered." Isabella groaned and pushed herself off of the wall.

"When do I get a turn?" Isabella pouted, kneeling down beside Fría.

"You'll get your chance." Oswaldo said, pulling out a knife. "Let's have young Alejandro Martin have some fun with Claudio." he walked over to the youngest sibling and handed him a knife. "Use those hunting skills I gave you." he snickered. Alejandro just had a confused expression on his face.

"Wait...what?" Alejandro asked, dazed. Oswaldo returned the boys confusion with his own expression.

"Boy, it's time for what you've wanted." he shoved Alejandro towards the weak king. "I started it, you can finish it." Alejandro just stood there, above his brother, holding the knife. Oswaldo was growing impatient. "What are you waiting for boy?!" he asked, "Kill him!" Alejandro paled, clutching the knife.

"Wait?! Kill?!" Alejandro asked, bewildered. "Y-you never said anything a-about killing them!" at their brother's girlish shrieks, Fría and Claudio both cast their glances towards Alejandro.

"Wait, seriously?" Isabella asked, getting up from her position to walk over to her stupid partner in crime. Oswaldo shook his head and proceeded to place his face in his palm.

"What the hell did you think we meant by 'overthrow them' then?!" Oswaldo inquired, quite astonished at the pure stupidity of his brother's children. Alejandro fiddled nervously with the knife in his grasp.

"Um..." he began to explain, "...I thought we were just going to toss them overboard...you know...on a deserted island or something..." Oswaldo and Isabella glared at the young prince, before nodding to one another. The both of them began to close in on Alejandro.

Within moments, all three of the siblings were tied up and lying on the floor of the boat, writhing in pain after another brutal beating. Oswaldo just shook his head at them and grumbled.

"This is honestly my brother's legacy?!" Oswaldo asked with rage. "Had I not absolutely hated the fiend, I'd feel much more sympathy for our tarnished family name." after a harsh coughing fit, Fría spoke up.

"Why is it that you hate our padre so much?" she inquired before coughing again. Oswaldo smirked.

"Why, I thought you'd never ask, dear." Oswaldo motioned for Alonso to get him a chair. The tall guard left the room and came back, after a few minutes. He offered the chair to the former general. Oswaldo nodded and took a seat. "Now...where do I begin?" he stroked his chin and thought about it for second. There were many reasons to hate Jacobo. But...there was one reason in particular. "For starters...he was never there for me." Oswaldo said, annoyed. "It was only ever him and I, as boys. We used to be as close as ever, until he turned 10." Oswaldo's face contorted into a disgusted expression. "Every time I wanted to do something with him, he'd wave it off as not fun or a waste of time. Yet every so often, when prince Agnarr of Arendelle came over, they'd do everything I suggested. But was I invited? Noooo, never. He treated that bastard like a brother, more than I was ever treated." Oswaldo spat. "I was no more than an old plaything, tossed aside by a baby that learned how to do other things."

"But...didn't you have other friends?" Claudio asked. The old man chuckled.

"I did." he answered, "But your grandfather, good old padre Gregorio...ha...he wasn't a very understanding man." Oswaldo took a deep breath, willing himself to settle down. It was very apparent that the Solsan royal family was not known for their calm and collected demeanor. "He was...not a fan of commoners." all of the three siblings nodded in agreement. Their grandpa was very selfish and thought that he was all powerful and had no time for commoners. He was a pretty bad person. "Any friends I did make were exiled or threatened for their lives. And especially when I fell in love..." Oswaldo shook his head at the memory of his father prohibiting him from ever seeing his beloved again. "But no matter. There was your father, having a best friend of his own and a lovely family." Oswaldo scoffed. "I was so deprived of the freedom to be with who I wanted." Oswaldo stood and walked towards the siblings. "Even when I came up with the master plan, to finally divide the three of my brother's perfect children, you manage to not be able to harm one another!" Oswaldo exclaimed, tossing the chair towards Alejandro. Luckily, the prince ducked and the wooden chair smashed into the wall. Oswaldo cleared his throat and began to exit. "Come, Isabella. We need to find a larger and sharper knife, for these hooligans." Isabella followed him out and the three siblings were left alone. Fría and Claudio both looked at Alejandro before bursting into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. Alejandro just sat there, waiting for them to stop.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Claudio could barely breathe, "You thought that 'overthrowing' meant tossing people overboard?!" he asked in disbelief.

"BAHAHAHAHAHA! Idiot!" Fría also was having a hard time stabilizing herself. The youngest brother rolled his eyes.

"Okay, I get it; you can stop now!" Alejandro pleaded with them to stop making fun of his terrible mistake.

"Hoo-wee! He was all 'I'm all badass' and 'I'm gonna win'! Ha!" Claudio toppled over in his bliss. Fría began to roll on the floor.

"HA! A-a-and then he was all 'wait, overthrowing means throwing overboard right?' HAHAHA! You're sooo stupid!" Fría began to choke and heave because of how hard she was laughing. Alejandro remained displeased and annoyed.

"Whatever, just shut up!"

"Oh, no!" Fría said, getting herself to sit up. "You, sir, ruined my marriage. On purpose!" she got close enough to him and head-butted him so hard that his nose began to bleed.

"OOOWWW! FRY!" Alejandro whined, falling on his face. She then stuck her tongue out at him. Claudio rolled his eyes.

"Okay, enough!" Claudio exclaimed, interrupting their dispute. Once they stopped talking, Claudio looked at them, with concern. "Al, you're literally the most idiotic thing in the world. But before we comment on that, or do anything else, we need a plan to get out of here." both Alejandro and Fría nodded and the three began to plan their escape, before their uncle came back.


"So what's the plan, Elsa?" Elena asked the queen, pulling her horse up to Sven. Elsa just stared at the Avalorian princess. Elena's eyes widened, realizing that the queen had no plan. "You...you're kidding?" she asked, "The great Elsa doesn't have a plan?"

"Wait, what?" Anna said, bringing her horse up to the other side of Sven. "You...you always have a plan!" Elsa just shrugged and continued to freeze the water. The ice, finally, made it's way to the boat and she smiled as the ice surrounded the vessel. She then turned to princess Elena.

"That was my plan." Elsa said simply, gesturing to the ship, now frozen in place. Elena and Anna narrowed their eyes at the ship and looked back at Elsa.

"But..." Elena began, "...what are we gonna do, when we get on the boat?" Anna and Elena looked at the queen, expectantly. Elsa just eyed the both of them and shrugged.

"I dunno." she mumbled, turning Sven around, so she could face the rest of the group. Elena shook her head and Anna just sighed. Kristoff leaned into Anna.

"Can...do you think she'd let me have Sven back, now?" Anna rolled her eyes and shoved Kristoff off of her shoulder.

Elsa just stared at her friends and her new, rather scary looking, acquaintances. She would always be grateful for their support and she'd definitely be in debt to them if they did manage to succeed today. She inhaled a deep breath as she smiled softly at them. The queen then turned to face Olaf, who was sitting patiently, behind her. He seemed to perk up, when she looked at him.

"What should we do, Olaf?" Elsa asked her little snowman. He thought really hard for a moment, before reaching behind Elsa. He pulled out the white shirt, that previously belonged to Fría. He handed it to the queen, giving her a hopeful glance.

"What you should really be asking is: what would she do?" Elsa stared at him for a moment before looking at the fabric in her hands. Everyone just gasped softly, to themselves.

"Whoa..." Naomi whispered, "...deep." Elena rolled her eyes at her friend. "What?" Naomi asked, noticing Elena's reaction, "It was!" Meanwhile Elsa just continued to stare at the shirt. She knew exactly what was to be done. She, quickly, slipped the shirt on over her ice dress. Once the garment was on her body, she admired how it fit and loved that it still smelled like the warrior princess. She smiled and looked back at her friends before saying,

"We're going to wing it." she sat up, straight and turned Sven to face the ship. A series of cheers began and Elsa smirked. "We're going to get up there, and show 'em who's boss." she tapped her heels against Sven and he began a steady charge towards the boat.

"Wait, what?!" Gabe said, as everyone began to follow with the charge. "Wait, wing it?! Half the people on the ship could probably murder us with a glance!" he finally caught up with the rest of them, just at the side of the ship. "Great," he complained further, "how the hell are we supposed to get up there, now?!" Elsa just shot him a look and raised her eyebrow knowingly.

"Hang on." the queen motioned her arms up and the ice, beneath them, began to rise. Eugene released an excited squeal.

"Oh! This is soooo cool!" he said, giddily. "I love this side of Rapunzel's family!" Anna giggled at her cousin's husband and looked at Elsa. The queen, in turn, offered a smile to her younger sister. Anna placed a reassuring hand on Elsa's shoulder, knowing how nervous the blonde probably was.

"I'm so proud of you, Elsa." Anna praised. Elsa offered a confused look, and halted the ice halfway up.

"Why?" she asked, "I don't even have a proper plan." Anna just gave her another soft and loving gaze.

"Because you're letting your heart guide you." Elsa returned the smile and the sisters shared a short laugh. "Alright, Elsa!" Anna said, sitting up straight, "Let's go get your girl!" another round of cheers and Elsa nodded with determination. She then continued shifting the ice upwards, bracing herself for what was to come.


"So...what if we like, just start screaming?! And then while they're distracted, Fría will jump out of her hiding spot, and snap their necks?!" Claudio suggested, hopefully. His siblings just glared at him. Before the king could say anything else, Fría used her foot to hit him, upside the head.

"HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SNAP NECKS WITH MY HANDS BEHIND MY BACK, GENIUS?!" Claudio winced at the pain and her raised voice.

"Okay, jeez, relax." Claudio said. "If you've got a better idea, go for it." Fría was about to yell at him again, when Alejandro spoke.

"Hey...d-d-do you guys feel a bit chilly?" he asked. The other two, who were pretty much half naked, suddenly noticed the temperature declining, steadily.

"Huh." Claudio said, getting to his feet. He walked over, to a small porthole and peered through. He gasped. "Um...guys? Where the hell are we?" slowly, Alejandro and Fría also got to their feet and stood beside their brother. The boat had stopped and the water, surrounding them, had become ice. Alejandro shrugged.

"I thought we were headed back home." Alejandro said, scratching his head. Both Alejandro and Claudio began discussing the trajectory and direction of the boat. Fría, however, felt that familiar feeling in her chest. Something told her to take a closer look at the porthole. She squinted her eyes and realized something. Snowflakes, usually, were always different. But these tiny snowflakes, on the frost, were all the same. Suddenly, they heard a loud thud, followed by screaming and shouting. Fría smirked.

"It's not regular ice." Fría said, knowingly. Alejandro and Claudio looked at her, confused.

"What do you mean, fratella?" Claudio questioned. Fría just laughed and leaned against the wall, enjoying the coolness that enveloped her. She closed her eyes, and let herself just breathe in the cold air. Earlier, she was upset and seriously doubting a certain blonde's intentions and values. But right now, she couldn't be happier. "What is it?" Claudio questioned again, watching the satisfaction spread across his sister's face.

"It's all the proof I need." Fría said, swooning.


"VLAD!" Eugene chastised the giant man. Elsa was about to announce their presence, when Vlad decided to charge and attack all the guards that he saw. Most of the guards, right now, were on the floor. A few had run back for more back up. Eugene squinted his eyes at Vlad. "What did I say about starting the fight, before the heroic and badass entrance, by the leading man? or..." he quickly glanced at Elsa, apologetically, "leading lady, in the case?" Vlad looked to the ground, woefully. He fiddled with his fingers, before looking back up, at Eugene.

"That...we should wait...'til they're done..."

"Good." Eugene said, patting the large man on the back. He looked back to Elsa. "Carry on." he told her. Elsa just looked around at everyone on the deck of the boat and shrugged.

"I...no one's really going to pay attention now so...um...charge?" she said, nervously. However that was enough of a signal as any. Gabe, Jorgen and Naomi quickly drew their swords, as they saw a new batch of guards appear on the upper deck. They looked at one another, before jumping off of their horses.

"CHARGE!" Gabe and Naomi screamed, running towards the guards. Everyone followed, shortly afterwards.

Everyone, except for Elsa, that is. She watched as everyone, even Olaf and Sven, began taunting the Solsan guards and engaging in combat. Elsa didn't have a clue as what to do. Before she could think of anything else, she saw a bunch of guards heading for her. Using her magic, she fashioned herself an ice-shield. After admiring it's design, she held it in front of her and began to run. As she ran, ice formed, making her glide at full speed. She successfully knocked over any man that she came into contact with.

"I'm coming for you, baby..." Elsa muttered to an imaginary Fría, as she slammed into yet another guard. Before beginning to run again, she realized that she ran into a corner and a bunch of guards were closing in on her. She felt her back against a wall and gulped. She quickly froze the ground and watched as the guards before her got distracted. "I'm getting you out of here...if it's the last thing I do." she promised, before continuing to run into the guards with her shield.


"Sir?!" Ferdinand said, urgently, approaching his daughter and Oswaldo. They turned to face the man, with confused faces.

"What's wrong, papi?" Isabella asked with concern.

"There's uh..." Ferdinand wrung his hands together, nervously, "there's a...disturbance on the upper deck." Oswaldo walked closer to the lieutenant. Ferdinand gulped and fidgeted with the collar of his uniform. He was sweating, profusely.

"What kind of disturbance?" Isabella asked.

"Um...the queen of Arendelle..." Ferdinand answered.

"What about her?" Oswaldo inquired, his blood pressure rising. They then heard a large gust of wind above them, followed by loud thuds. Ferdinand and Oswaldo held one another's gaze for a moment, before the lieutenant said,

"She's here."


"...and this is for having an ugly face! ARGH!" Anna yelled after, successfully, delivering another one of her signature right hooks to a guard's face. Naomi laughed as she kicked a different guard in the stomach.

"Good one, Anna!" the blonde praised, right before stabbing someone with a sword.

"Thanks, Naomi!" Anna replied, over her shoulder. Everyone was in the middle of their own battles, while lieutenant Jorgen was, quietly, navigating his way around the ship.

He was trying to locate the princess and her family. He figured that she'd know this ship, better than anyone, and that with her help, he and the others would be able to ambush the rest of the guards and hold them until they arrived back at Arendelle. Suddenly, he heard voices and footsteps approaching and quickly moved into a corner, hidden from view.

"Hurry! They're knocking everyone out, on the upper!" one of the guards said.

"I knew that siding with Alonso and Ferdinand was going to be our deaths." the other replied.

"Hey, I didn't want my throat slit." the first one said, before they ran out of the hallway. Jorgen felt a shiver go down his spine. He had met Ferdinand and Alonso before and shuddered. He had fought alongside the fearsome warriors and had witnessed just how ruthless they could be. He gulped, before continuing on his mission to find Fría and her brother. He heard some shuffling, around the bend. He quickly turned the corner and drew his sword, signalling a screech from the other person. Luckily, his sword came into contact with a heavy shield.

"Queen Elsa!" He cried, realizing who it was.

"Watch where you swing that, lieutenant." Elsa advised, regaining her ability to speak.

"Many apologies, your majesty." he offered, before putting his sword back in it's holster. "Help me find the princess." he instructed, moving passed the queen into another hallway. Elsa just nodded and prepped her shield.

"Right behind you." the two dignitaries moved, carefully, through the hallways of the ship. No one was really around as everyone was still fighting on the upper deck. Elsa followed her lieutenant in silence, pondering how Fría would be. She was probably mad at Elsa and probably would be for a while. But Elsa would take that over Fría being killed. She stopped in her tracks and held her breath. "Do you..." Elsa started to ask Jorgen,"...think that she's still alive?" the lieutenant just gave a soft chuckle.

"I trust that Miss Fría is fine." he replied. "Look," he suddenly said, pointing down the hall, "there's another flight of stairs, headed downwards." Elsa followed his gaze and she sighed.

"This ship is an unnecessary maze." Elsa complained, following him to the stairs. Jorgen just laughed.

"It was designed to be confusing." he explained, "If there were any prisoners who did escape their cells, escape off of the boat would be futile." Elsa just nodded in understanding. "I've been on some of these ships, before. We once did a training exercise, about escaping enemy ships. It was said that if you could escape a Solsan vessel, you could escape from anywhere."

"Did you make it out?" Elsa questioned.

"Not at all." Jorgen laughed. "But, if we find the royals, I'm sure they would know where to go." Elsa laughed along with him, as they trudged down the stairs, into the bottom deck.

"I sure hope so, lieutenant."


"She really is an ice queen." Alejandro said, amazed, with his face pressed against the porthole. Fría sighed, happily.

"She really is quite talented." Fría said. "It's a shame she doesn't know how to fight."

"Honestly, just by looking out there, I wouldn't want her to know." Claudio admitted. "And from the stories Anna had told us, the ice slowly deteriorating your insides seems like a terrible way to go." both Fría and Alejandro shuddered at the thought.

"Yeah..." Fría said, "that is pretty brutal." suddenly, the door opened, revealing a very angry Isabella. Claudio turned to face his sister.

"Hey, I think this one's for you, sis!" he said. Isabella shoved the king to the side and made her way to Fría. The Solsan princess backed up, into the corner of the room. There was no escaping this crazy woman, now.

"What do you want?" Fría asked, annoyed. Isabella, quickly, moved her hand to Fría's neck and kept her steady.

"You're stupid little queen is here, ruining our plans!" Isabella seethed. Claudio moved, to help his sister, but Alonso appeared and tripped the king, causing him to fall onto the ground. Alejandro remained by the porthole, not wanting any further damage upon himself. Fría began to gasp for air as Isabella's grip only got tighter. Isabella chuckled, enjoying watching her former lover suffer. "I wonder what blondie would say, seeing you like this." Isabella stated.

"She'd tell you to bite your damn tongue."

Everyone's heads turned around, faster than the speed of light, at the new voice. Everyone was shocked, to say the least.

"Elsa!" Claudio and Alejandro exclaimed happily. Alonso growled and Isabella released her hold on Fría, causing the princess to drop to the floor.

"Fría!" Elsa called out. She began to run towards her suitor, when Alonso made his way to the queen. He swiftly grabbed her, by her arms, and held her in place. She squirmed and tried to rid herself of his hold, but Alonso was too powerful. Isabella smirked as she sauntered towards the queen of Arendelle.

"Well, I must admit you're more than you look." Isabella praised. "Thank you for giving me a matching set." she signalled Alonso and he tossed Elsa onto Fría.



"NO!" Alejandro cried, suddenly very protective of his sister. Isabella scowled at him.

"Shut up, idiot!" Isabella screeched. In one swift motion, of her right hand, she punched the prince in his mouth. He fell onto the floor and winced in pain. "Alonso; watch the door. I'll go find Oswaldo." the henchman nodded and followed Isabella outside. All four people, in the room, heard the door latch shut, before starting to talk again.

"Elsa!" Claudio cried, scrambling to his feet, "Are you alright?!" Elsa groaned but sat up easily.

"I'm fine." she said.

"Cool story." added Fría, "I can't feel my arms. Could you get off?" Elsa panicked, realizing that she was still atop her girlfriend and quickly scrambled off of her.

"Oh my, I'm sorry!" the queen said, getting to her feet. She quickly bent down and untied Fría's bindings. "Jorgen just went off to find some reinforcements, to help us escape." Elsa said, as she untied the ropes. Once the princess was free, she looked at her hands and began to wiggle her fingers. Elsa felt awkward, as they sort of just had a large argument and was afraid to anger her lover any further. She just continued to explain the plan to Fría. "We'll just wait here, for him. I'm certain that the others are almost done clearing the upper de – mmph!" her words, suddenly, became lost in Fría's mouth. Gone were the animosities, gone was the anger and doubt. "Upper...deck...mmm..." Elsa sighed, blissfully, forgetting what she was just talking about. Fría chuckled as the dopey smile took over Elsa's face. After a few happy moments, Fría frowned and flicked Elsa on her forehead. "Ow! Hey!" Elsa said, rubbing at the spot where she had been attacked. "What was that for?" Fría raised an eyebrow at her and crossed her arms.

"That was for hmm...let me think..." Fría stroked her chin, thinking of everything that had conspired in the last two says. "For being stubborn, for sending me away without a proper explanation, for ignoring me, for making me believe that you didn't love me anymore, for scaring the shit out of me, for being a big meanie –!" Elsa covered the princess's mouth with her hand, as she rolled her eyes.

"Okay, I see. All fair points." Elsa sighed and released her hold on Fría's mouth. She looked down, at the ground, shamefully, before continuing. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean for those things to happen and I certainly do still love you. A-and I heard everything that you said, when you sat outside my door." at that, the raven-haired princess paled.

"I-I-I didn't, um," she stammered, remembering how harsh she probably was, "I didn't mean that. I...I was angry and hurt and I didn't mean any of those mean th –!" she was cut off, by Elsa's hand on her mouth, again.

"I know, but that doesn't make it any less true." the queen stated, "You were right: I was being a coward. Even after all we had been through, I still managed to return to my old self and I shouldn't have."

"Still; what I said was pretty rude and uncalled for." she leaned her head on the blonde's shoulder and closed her eyes. "I'm sorry." Elsa smiled and took the taller girl's hand in hers. She began to kiss the bruises that were left from the ropes.

"Me too." Elsa said. The two just smiled at one another. "So..." Elsa began awkwardly, "are we, um, are we good?" Fría, desperately, pulled Elsa by the back of her neck and crashed their lips together. Elsa didn't need any further explanation but certainly was not opposed to the princess's warm and inviting lips. Alejandro coughed, awkwardly.

"Um...please don't mind us." Alejandro offered sarcastically. Immediately, at the sound of his voice, Elsa pulled away. She began to glare at the young prince and all he could do was shift his weight, awkwardly. "Um...hey?"

"You! You ruined everything! We wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for you and Isabella!" she went directly for his neck, grabbing him and shoving him up against the wall. Claudio and Fría were pretty astonished at the sudden display of anger from the usually docile queen.

"I-I-I know! I-gah-I'm sorry!"

"And you thought you were going to get away with threatening my woman's life, without consequence?!"

"Should we stop her?" Claudio asked, but Fría just waved it off. She was still a bit peeved at her brother and decided to wait a few minutes, before telling Elsa that he couldn't go through with his plan.

"Nah, let her express herself a bit more." she suggested, as they watched Elsa throw him onto the ground and repeatedly kick him.

"Lying!" kick. "Selfish!" kick. "Brat!" kick.

"OW! Make it stop!" the boy cried, wincing in pain.

"Is it wrong to feel kind of happy, right now?" Claudio asked his sister.

"Nope!" she said, smiling brightly. "Consider this progression, helping her deal with her emotions. Good job, honey!" Fría encouraged, "Just let it all out!" Claudio just smiled and sat back.

"Uncle was right: violence is pretty therapeutic."


After a few more minutes of watching Elsa beat on Alejandro, Fría untied Claudio and they pried the queen off of their youngest brother. Doing so was harder than it looked. Elsa was hell-bent on avenging her fiancée. Fría, of course, found it endearing

"Hey, hey! Shhh! Calm down, Icicle!" Fría attempted, holding Elsa's arms behind her back. "It's okay, he couldn't go through with it!" Elsa halted her actions and took in what the raven-haired girl just told her.

"Wait, what?" the blonde asked. Fría still withheld Elsa's arms behind her for extra good measure. Fría had to laugh at Elsa's confused expression.

"He thought 'overthrow' meant tossing us overboard." Claudio chuckled, bringing a smile to the queen's face.

"Really, Alejandro?" she asked, looking at him with a smirk. He sighed and shook his head. "You're 16 years old." he rolled his eyes at her scolding.

"It's an easy mistake to make, alright?" he defended, heatedly. The three adults just laughed at him again and he felt his cheeks heat up. "Whatever! Can't someone just untie me, already?!" Claudio shook his head and made his way over to the cranky prince.

"Okay, hold still hermano." the king instructed, as he began to untie his brother. It was only then that Elsa realized the king's state of undress. He was only in his trousers and burgundy ribbon, that was tied around his waist.

"Where are your clothes, Claudio?" Elsa asked, mildly concerned.

"Beats me," he answered her, "I woke up like this, after they locked us up." Elsa turned to face Fría and, also, noticed that she was only in a corset and trousers. Her hair cascaded down, over her shoulders, gracefully. It also was no help, to Elsa, that Fría's already form-fitted trousers, coupled with a gold and burgundy corset, successfully emphasized the princess's curves.

"Uh..." Elsa said, losing her train of thought as she stared at her suitor. Fría was confused, at first. However she then followed the blonde's gaze and smirked when she realized what was happening. Fría folded her arms over her chest.

"My eyes are up here, your majesty." Fría teased, lowering her voice just so that Elsa could hear. The queen blushed, furiously, and cleared her throat. She averted her gaze with much effort and looked back up at Claudio.

"Yes, well...ahem...I'm sure Jorgen will be here, soon." Elsa said, still blushing and avoiding eye contact with the only other woman in the room.

"Mhm." all three siblings said, knowingly. Claudio leaned in to Elsa.

"We'll work on your unsubtle ways, when this is over, E." he told her, patting her on the back. Suddenly, they heard footsteps, just beyond the locked door. They braced themselves, as the doorknob began to turn.

"Hold." Fría instructed, standing in front of everyone. They all narrowed their eyes at the door until it opened to reveal –!

"Jorgen!" Elsa exclaimed, happily.

"I've never been so happy to see a man, in my life." Fría said.

"How'd you get passed Alonso?" Alejandro questioned, completely dumbfounded that Jorgen appeared, relatively, unscathed. Jorgen just shrugged.

"We were having a fist fight, when I knocked this off of his belt." he pulled out a small vile. "I accidentally spilled it on him, knocking him out, within seconds." the lieutenant explained. Alejandro smiled, nervously.

"Heh...yeah, that's the ether we used to knock out these guys." Claudio and Fría glared at him.

"You used ether?!" Fría questioned. "Where did you even get it from?!" there was no known apothecary, on board.

"I made it..." Alejandro admitted. Claudio gasped.

"You failed remedy class!" Claudio exclaimed, "You could've killed us!" Alejandro raised his arms in defence.

"But I didn't!" all of a sudden, the door swung open again, and in walked Oswaldo, Isabella and Ferdinand. They looked very displeased; as anyone would when their plans are foiled. Claudio, Jorgen and Fría, protectively, stood in front of Alejandro and Elsa.

"Right. You didn't kill them; much to my dismay." Oswaldo said, solemnly. He smirked once he cast his eyes upon the queen. "Good afternoon, queen Elsa." he greeted, snidely. "Nice of you to join us." Fría was about to lunge at him, but Elsa's steady hand on her arm kept her at bay. The queen nodded to her suitor, and stepped forward.

"Yes, I didn't intend on stopping by, but here we are." Elsa responded. She eyed the former general with much distaste. "So...you're the man responsible for the death of our parents?" Oswaldo rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Again with these stupid accusations." he said, feigning exhaustion. "Can't anyone just have a normal conversation, not revolving around that little mishap?" after a moment of tense silence, Oswaldo sighed again. "Fine, have it your way; forget the formalities." he turned to face Isabella and Ferdinand. "Kill them." he said, simply, before stepping out of their way. Isabella drew two swords, from her holster while her father pulled out his own. Jorgen drew his sword whilst Claudio and Fría got into a fighting stance. Jorgen made the first move and lunged towards Ferdinand. Isabella ran at Fría and Claudio. Elsa and Alejandro just watched on as everyone engaged in combat.

"I feel so useless." Elsa said, fearfully. Alejandro scoffed.

"You honestly shouldn't be," he told her, "you have remarkable ice powers; you'd do so well in combat." Elsa hugged her sides and frowned.

"But I don't...I hate hurting people with my ice." Alejandro scoffed; she sure had no qualms about beating someone with her feet. "I can't control it well, and it gets too powerful. You've seen it; I struck Fría and Anna."

"But you also got Jösten, right in his shoulder!" Alejandro said, in an attempt to lift the queen's spirits. But she just sighed, in discontentment.

"I wish I wasn't so afraid." Elsa admitted, "Maybe, then, I could help." Alejandro, immediately, had an idea.

"Maybe you can." he said, excitedly. He wrung his hands together and smiled evilly. Elsa squinted her eyes at him.

"What are you thinking?"

"I have a plan, that does not involve your snow harming anyone." Alejandro suggested. Elsa listened intently as he explained his plan. "I'll sneak up, behind my uncle, while you distract him, using your powers." he said. She nodded but then got a bit confused.

"Wait, how do I distract him?" she asked.

"I don't know," Alejandro said, "just think of something." Alejandro, slowly and quietly, began to crawl his way to Oswaldo. Elsa just stood there and tried to think of something. Suddenly, Fría used her magic to rid Isabella of her swords, causing one of them to shoot up into the ceiling. This caused dust to fall around the room. Elsa felt the familiar tickle of her nose. Uh oh.

"Ah...ah..." Elsa tried her best not to, but her sneeze was inevitable. "ACHOO!" the sneeze was strong enough for a few snowgies to appear, around the room. Everyone paused.

"What the..?" Ferdinand said, watching the tiny snowmen run about.

"What the hell are these?" Isabella shrieked, kicking one off of her foot.

Alejandro, in the midst of all their confusion, jumped on Oswaldo and wrapped his arms around his neck. The former general was finding it difficult to breathe. Jorgen, not at all phased by the tiny snowgies, seized the opportunity. He delved his sword, directly into Ferdinand's stomach. Isabella gasped.

"PAPI!" In her new found rage, she lunged her sword into Claudio's leg.


"FRATELLO!" Fría exclaimed, before delivering a swift punch to Isabella's face. The punch, effectively, knocked her out causing her to fall to Elsa's feet. The queen, carefully, stepped around the knocked out huntress. Fría smiled; watching Elsa be her careful and kept self, even in the middle of a battle was highly endearing. Oswaldo growled, he had had enough of this nonsense.

"Get off me, boy!" he yelled, tearing Alejandro off of him. He flung the boy directly at Jorgen and Claudio. The three of them fell on top of a dying Ferdinand, in the corner of the room. He eyed the queen and his niece, who were the only ones left standing. He grinned, superciliously at them. "Well, here we are; the two future queens of Arendelle. What an honour."

"Cut the shit, tío." Fría seethed, stepping towards him. "You know that I can kill you, right?" he stepped closer, challenging her as well.

"Likewise, mi sobrina." they glared at one another for, what felt like ages, before Fría delivered a low kick, knocking her uncle off of his feet. He was expecting such a blow and grabbed her ankles, pulling her feet from under her. She landed with a shriek and he made his way to grab her by the neck, but she was too fast and kicked him in his face.

Elsa watched as they battled out, for dominance over the other, kind of like kids play fighting...except for the 'trying to kill one another' part. They quarrelled some more, before getting back to their feet. Both panting heavily and slowly beginning to feel the effects of their fighting. Fría had already sustained injuries from earlier, and now was developing fresh bruising on her face and arms. Elsa felt her heart clench, knowing that Fría would keep fighting, even with injuries. Oswaldo, in turn, for a fifty-something-year-old man, was holding his own pretty well. He was only bleeding on his bottom lip and had a gash on the side of his face. He smirked at his niece.

"You've gotten better, sobrina." he said. The princess just scoffed.

"No help to you, tío." she spat back. "Now come on," Fría said, getting back into her stance, "let's finish this, old man!"

"As you wish." they began to battle it out, again.

Elsa just watched on, in mild discomfort, and didn't realize Isabella begin to get up. The brunette pulled a small knife from her holster and sat up. She eyed the movements of Fría, carefully, before taking aim. Elsa's eyes caught sight of the small knife, in the brunette's hands, but she was too late. Isabella used all of her strength to throw the knife into Fría's back. It barely registered, in Elsa's mind, until Fría fell to the floor.


Elsa's ears were ringing and all she could feel were her feet, carrying her towards her lover. She cupped Fría's face in her hands and begged her to wake up. It was no use.

"Fría, no..." Elsa sobbed, into the girl's hair, "F-F-Fría, p-p-please...no..." she held her close and cried for, what felt like an eternity. The room began to frost over and the temperature was below freezing.

"S-s-s-shit," Oswaldo said, slowly getting up, "warn a guy next time, huh?" he asked Isabella, as she also stood. "I thought that knife was coming for me!" Isabella walked over to him and glared.

"I have better aim than you could ever hope to have, culo!" she seethed. "No matter; it's done, let's finish off her sib – argh!" Isabella was cut off by a sharp feeling in her back. The feeling was cold and weighed her down. She fell to her knees and Oswaldo looked up in horror.

There stood Elsa; bloody white shirt and all, with her hands out, towards Isabella. The brunette groaned, and clutched her sides, wincing in pain.

"What did you do, puta?!" Oswaldo asked, astonished. Elsa just glared at him and gritted her teeth as she spoke.

"What I've been afraid to do, for my whole life." as extra emphasis, she shot some ice at the door, just behind Oswaldo, not permitting him to leave. "You will not harm a hair, on those boys, do you hear me, old man?!" there was no trace of mercy in the queen's voice and Oswaldo had to admit that he was pretty impressed. Oswaldo, ever the instigator, had one last comeback, in his arsenal.

"I have to admit, you're much more determined to live than your parents were."

That did it.

Without taking her eyes off of Oswaldo, she continued to shoot ice into Isabella's back.

"ARGH!" Isabella cried, feeling her body become numb from the sheer ice that was taking over her body, slowly.

"You see this?!" Elsa asked Oswaldo, still freezing Isabella, "This is what she gets for taking away the one chance that I had at finally being happy!" Elsa began to cry, but kept at her task of freezing Isabella completely. "The one chance I had to experience love!" the room began to sound like a snow storm was ripping through, with all the wind and snow beginning to circulate. Claudio and Alejandro awoke, feeling the cold and watched as Elsa was, finally, using her powers to fight. Claudio then looked at Elsa's feet and his heart sank.

"No..." he said, closing his eyes and feeling the tears come. Alejandro followed his gaze and just shook his head.

"Fry..." he said, before sobbing. Elsa's tear laced face didn't stop her from what she was doing and she wasn't about to. She was going to avenge her parents. She was going to avenge Fría.

"This is what she gets for messing with my kingdom." Elsa said, finishing Isabella off with one ice shot to the head. In an instant, Isabella was completely encased in ice, forever frozen in her kneeling position on the floor. Oswaldo's eyes were full of horror, as Elsa walked closer to Isabella's frozen form. "This is what she gets." Elsa kicked Isabella over, and Oswaldo watched as his former accomplice shattered into a million pieces. Claudio and Alejandro gaped at what Elsa had just done. She killed someone...on purpose. Claudio spoke first, followed by Alejandro.



"hngh..." Claudio and Alejandro's gazes snapped back to Elsa's feet, where they saw movement from, what they thought, was Fría's dead corpse. Their eyes widened in shock, confusion and overall happiness. Fría began to stir, but Elsa didn't notice. Probably due to her immense feelings of rage.

"Oswaldo of Isla Solsa..." Elsa began, making her way to the former general. He gulped and backed up, to the wall. She, swiftly, shot ice as his feet, keeping him from moving any further. "Let this be recompense, for your crimes." she said, sternly.

The two brothers watched as Fría leaned on her elbows and shook her head. Claudio then noticed that the knife, used to stab Fría, had actually hit her in her right shoulder; nowhere near anything vital. The sight made them feel way better, but they just continued to watch Elsa go ham on their stupid uncle.

"Should we..?" Alejandro began to ask, if they should tell Elsa that her girlfriend was alive. Claudio just shook his head.

"Nope. Just let her finish up."

"Consider this the most merciful thing to happen to you, in comparison to the eons of burning in the eternal flames of hell." Elsa took aim. "This is for my mama, my papa, and my godparents." she narrowed her eyes and began to shoot Oswaldo in his chest. His face contorted into a pained expression, as the ice began to spread from his heart throughout his body.

Elsa watched, without blinking, as his body slowly turned into a perfectly shaped ice sculpture. She was so caught up in freezing the man that ruined her life many times over, that she failed to notice Fría kneeling beside her. The princess blacked out, for a moment. All she remembered was a knife going into her right shoulder, and falling to the floor. She guessed that she smashed her head pretty hard, on impact. I should really invest in a helmet, the princess thought. Hey, why is it so cold? Where's my bitch of an ex-girlfriend? Fría wanted to rip the knife out of her shoulder and stab Isabella, right in her stupid face. But she couldn't see Isabella. All she saw was ice, snow, a dead Ferdinand, a passed out Jorgen, Claudio with a sword in his leg, tiny snowmen huddled in a corner, Elsa repeatedly shooting ice into Oswaldo's chest, a sword lodged in the ceiling –!


"Huh?" the princess had to do a double take as she saw her fiancée, basically, freezing her uncle to death. Fría didn't know whether or not to feel extremely proud or scared shit-less, at the sheer raw power that her lover possessed.

She decided to be both.

"G-g-g-gurk-gah!" Oswaldo was struggling to breathe now, as Elsa was just finishing up.

"Don't talk." she ordered, "It distracts me." with all her might, she shot one last blow, right to his face, turning him completely to ice. After a few heaving breaths, Elsa fell to her knees and sobbed. Fría cringed; she hated seeing people cry and she certainly hated it, now that she'd seen Elsa cry. Within seconds, Fría began to drag her limp body towards the queen. Upon reaching her she whispered.

"Hey, hey, shhh...it's okay..." Fría soothed, but Elsa just shook her head.

"N-no, it isn't!" Elsa wailed with tears streaming down her face, not realizing who she was talking to. "Everyone's gone...Mama's gone, Papa's gone...Fría's gone..." she sobbed some more and Fría's expression grew very confused. "The only thing I could d-do was...was...I didn't want to but my heart...I had to do something!" Elsa cried more, and Fría was still not understanding what was happening. And after seeing the woman before her brutally torture and kill on her first try, she didn't want to proceed by saying the wrong thing.

"Um..." she began, not quite sure how to break it to her, "But I...I'm not dead, Elsa." at the admission, Elsa halted her sobs and turned to face the voice. Her heart stopped and she felt a wave of relief hit her.

"Fría?" she asked, bewildered. The younger girl nodded weakly.


"Y-you're..." Elsa reached out to touch Fría's cheek, "...alive?" Fría leaned into Elsa's touch and nodded happily. "But how?" Elsa asked, "I-I saw the dagger – Isabella – I –!" Fría just chuckled and leaned in to kiss her queen, on the lips. After parting, Fría turned to show Elsa her shoulder, with the knife still stuck in it. "Oh...that looks bad." Elsa said, cringing. She moved to remove it, but Fría slapped her hand away.

"No!" Fría exclaimed, "D-don't move it yet! I'll lose more blood, if you do." Elsa began to panic.

"I-I'm sorry!" Fría just chuckled, and leaned into her.

"It's okay, babe." she sighed, suddenly wincing in pain. "Okay, let's leave; this knife if getting bothersome." Claudio and Alejandro walked over, carrying Jorgen in between them. Claudio still had a sword jammed in his leg, but Elsa guessed that he didn't want to lose a ton of blood either. After a few moments, Elsa picked up Fría and the five of them began to make their way out of that terrible room.


"Okay, I think that's all of 'em!" Eugene said, with his hands on his hips. He, his thug friends, along with Kristoff, had just finished rounding up some guards. They tried not to kill a lot of people, but hold them captive, until Elsa ordered otherwise.

"Where's Jorgen and Elsa?" Princess Elena inquired, looking around, frantically.

"No clue." Naomi answered, cleaning blood off of her sword. Gabe shook his head.

"See?!" He asked, in a huff, "This is why we always need a plan!" he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Hey, just relax!" Anna said, placing her hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure everyone's fine! Stop jumping to conclusions!"

"Everyone, stop yelling!" Olaf screeched, but that made it worse. Everyone began to yell at one another. They were so caught up in arguing, that none of them noticed a dishevelled looking ice queen step into view, holding a half-naked Fría with a knife in her shoulder. Fría watched as their friends disputed and her shoulders bounced in laughter.

"At least dying is quieter." she joked, issuing a laugh from her brothers. Elsa was still wearing a terrified expression and Fría frowned. "Okay, so you're not a fan of death jokes..." Elsa just shook her head. "Got it." they continued to watch on, as their friends yelled, until something small and white zoomed passed them. Olaf, of course, was the first to notice.

"LITTLE BROTHER!" he shouted, running to pickup the tiny snowman. The action made Elsa smile and Olaf finally saw them. "GUYS! I found Elsa and Fría!" all of a sudden, everyone looked up and laid their eyes upon the queen and their friends. They cheered, until they saw Alejandro. Anna narrowed her eyes.

"YOU!" the redhead exclaimed, stretching out her arms and cracking her knuckles. Alejandro paled.

"Oh, boy."

Within seconds, Naomi, Gabe, Eugene, Kristoff and Anna were on top of the prince, beating him up with their fists, shoes and basically anything within their reach. Fría and Claudio, once again, decided to wait to tell them about how Alejandro wasn't exactly the bad guy anymore. Elsa cleared her throat.

"S-should we –?!"

"Nope!" Both Claudio and Fría answered, as they watched their brother get beat up.


It would take them about 3 hours to get back to Arendelle. Elsa thawed the waters and the boat, so Gabe steered it back to the Harbour. They found queen Tonia and prince Andréa, hiding in a small closet, near the infirmary section, of the ship. She said that she was getting some tea, when she saw Alonso and Ferdinand slit the throats of 3 guards. Luckily, for her, no one checked that closet, and Andréa stayed asleep, for the ordeal. Kristoff had been right, the waves were calm enough for the baby to fall into a deep sleep. Immediately, upon seeing him, Elsa scooped little Andréa up, from Tonia and nuzzled him. Fría laughed.

"It's a good thing I don't have to deal with that." she said, referring to the issue of having children. Tonia just giggled.

"Adoption is a thing, too, you know?" the queen watched as Fría's face dropped and she began to laugh again.

Everyone helped put prisoners into holding cells, at the bottom of the ship, except for Claudio and Fría. The king and his sister were moved into the infirmary, to be bandaged up and rid of the weapons in their flesh. Alonso woke up, to see his friend dead and his Oswaldo frozen. He screeched as Vlad and Kristoff shoved him into a new holding cell. Gabe and Naomi went looking for Isabella. When they told everyone their theory of her escaping, everyone began plotting a plan to find her, when Alejandro told them what had actually happened. After the extraordinary tale, everyone just stared at Elsa, like she had two heads.

"She was doing what she had to." Jorgen said, patting his queen on the shoulder. Elsa blushed and shrugged. "You did well, your majesty." he said, after hearing her tale of what had happened after he passed out.

"I honestly don't know what came over me." Elsa told them, handing Andréa over to Anna. Kristoff smiled.

"You were angry that they had hurt your loved ones." the blonde boy said, draping his arm around her. "I'm proud of you." at this time, Sven also came into the hug and nuzzled Elsa. "I'm also proud of you!" Kristoff said, in Sven's alleged voice. Elsa laughed.

"Thank you, boys." she said, hugging them both. Suddenly, one of Eugene's friends, a stout man with a hook hand, came in. He was all bloody, wiping off his hook.

"Claudio and Fría are good to go!" he said, and everyone let out relieved sighs. "They had some blood loss, but that's common." he then looked at the queen, pleadingly. "Elsa, could you go and get your snowman thing?" he asked, "He keeps talking to Fría, and she needs some rest." everyone began to laugh and Elsa nodded.

"Sure thing." she said, making her way down to the infirmary. She shook her head as she heard Olaf's voice. He was relentless, in his excessive talking. Before even rounding the corner, she could already feel Fría rolling her eyes.

"So...when are you guys going to have the wedding?" Olaf asked, excitedly. Fría groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"I don't know, Olaf." she sighed, "We got rid of the arrangement and just got back together."

"Could you get married now? OH! That would be so much fun!"

"Olaf!" Fría groaned, as Elsa walked into the room. She giggled, seeing Fría in such distress, hanging with Olaf. Fría looked up at Elsa, her hazel eyes pleading. "Help?" Elsa smiled and made her way to sit on the bed, with Fría.

"Olaf..." Elsa said, patting him on his head, "Fría and I will need to talk about those things, ourselves. And besides, Fría needs to rest." Olaf frowned. "But I think Anna needs some help with baby Andréa, back on the upper deck." his eyes lit up and he squealed in excitement. He quickly left the room and made his way to the baby and the princess. Elsa giggled as Fría fell back, onto her pillow.

"Thank you." Fría said.

"No problem." Elsa said, adjusting herself to lie down, on Fría's chest. "He's a bit of a handful, sometimes." the princess narrowed her eyes at the blonde.


"He means well." they remained in a comfortable silence, for a few moments, just relishing the feeling of being in one another's arms again. Elsa admired how, even in a weak state, Fría's arms remained strong and held her close.

"So..." Fría began, awkwardly, "what...what are we doing?"


"Are...are we going to continue as if the treaty was still intact, or...?" Fría really didn't know what was going on, and to be honest, neither did Elsa. They were just happy to be with one another again.

"I..." Elsa began, "I think...I think I wanna take things slow." Elsa began to panic, before Fría could even respond, "Not because I'm questioning anything about us, I just – I don't want to rush anything. And since we don't have any obligation, because of the termination of th –!" she was stopped by Fría pressing their lips together. Elsa melted, into the girl's touch and her hands found their way to Fría's waistline. The raven-haired princess laughed, taking hold of the blonde's wandering hands.

"Are you sure about 'taking it slow'?" Fría teased, placing a kiss on Elsa's forehead. Elsa just smiled, gazing into her lover's hazel eyes. Her heart swelled with an overwhelming warmth and she leaned in to kiss her, passionately. This kiss was different than all the others; it held a promise. After pulling away, Elsa sighed happily and breathlessly.

"I'm sure." Elsa answered, before bringing their lips together again. "More than anything."



But don't fret, my pets! As promised, the first part of the sequel is up as well!

I'd like to, personally, thank each and every one of you who have either faved, followed or both. You guys were definitely awesome and a key component to getting my lazy ass to actually finish. This story was incredible to write, and I thought I'd share some of the thought process behind it.

I've always wondered where the fuck Agnarr and Iduna were going on the ship and what the hell the trolls were actually doing, in the original story. I questioned whether or not they had already dealt with it before, since Elsa and Anna's dad knew exactly what to do, after Elsa had struck her the first time. I imagined that there was a whole other world of magical people and that it would make sense for Elsa to find another person, like her, but different. And then, there came the idea of a Spanish/Italian Princess, with telekinesis and badass fighting skills, while I was making fajitas and listening to my nonna talk about how to make pasta sauce. I also realized that Disney had a kids show, called Elena of Avalor and decided that if Rapunzel could be Elsa's cousin, then my made up princess deserves some fam as well. And my whole Spanish thing worked out, so yeah, it was pretty random.

So thanks, y'all! It was a pleasure! But now for the new adventure...

And I know troll magic babies are a huge thing, in this fandom...but we'll see ;)

So be free, and read the next part! It's so eloquently titled "And It Was Arranged".