"So Flash, you got a girlfriend?"

Jessica munched on a Twizzler from Cisco's stash, bored out of her mind.

It was a slow day at STAR labs. No metahumans had popped up in town, and no criminals were doing bad things. It was a good thing, but that meant Team Flash had nothing to do, but lounge around the lab all day. It came to the point that Jessica took the liberty of counting how many Twizzlers Cisco had in his "secret" stash.

Dr. Wells wheeled into the room, noting the quietness of the usually chaotic atmosphere. "Well, it seems that even the bad guys have a day off." The team chuckled upon hearing him. "Why don't you all take the day off as well? No use wasting time here waiting for a crime that's not going to happen."

Jessica's eyes lit up, having come up with an idea. "Hey, why don't we all go out today? We could invite Barry too!" She looked at her friends for their thoughts. Caitlin and Cisco both nodded in approval, while the Flash didn't seem too keen on the idea. Before she could ask what the problem was, Dr. Wells spoke up.

"Count me out, as well as the Flash. I need to run some tests on his biometrics." The Flash quickly nodded, agreeing with the doctor's statement.

"If there's work to be done still, then I'll stay too." Jessica frowned in disappointment, but didn't want to have Dr. Wells do all the work. She wasn't being paid to eat stolen Twizzlers..

"Nonsense, you all go out." He shooed them with his hands. "It's some small tests, so I assure you, I can conduct them myself."

Seeing the skeptical look in her eyes, he motioned for Caitlin and Cisco to lead her out of the lab.

"Fine, fine. I'll go," she said, being dragged out by her friends.

"Caitlin, honey, I think you should stop drinking now." Jessica tried coaxing her friend to put down the new glass of vodka she had ordered, on her newly opened tab.

When the three friends left the lab, they had no idea where to go to. Jessica suggested the karaoke bar, that Caitlin had visited with Barry. She thought it would be good practice for Barry, for the Christmas caroling. Of course, Barry didn't know what he was going to be forced into, and accepted the invite. Once they got to the bar, however, she got distracted from her mission, instead trying to prevent Caitlin from having the worst hangover tomorrow morning.

"I need to pee." Caitlin mumbled, her face scrunching up.

"Alright, let's get you to a toilet." She turned to Cisco, whispering so Barry wouldn't hear her. "I'm going to take Cait to the bathroom. I bestow my mission unto you, brave soldier. I expect Barry to be on stage singing when we get back."

"Sir, yes sir!" Cisco saluted, assuring her he wouldn't let her down.

And he sure didn't let her down. After ten minutes in the bathroom, she walked out, with Caitlin leaning against her, to hear the crowd chanting.


Walking back to their table, she shot Cisco a questioning look, noticing Barry was absent from his seat. He titled his head over to the stage, where she could see Barry holding a mic, not looking too enthusiastic. She burst out in laughter, patting Cisco on the back.

"Good job soldier, I knew I could count on you." She continued to laugh as her eyes met Barry's and he threw her an annoyed glare. In response, she stuck her tongue out at him, playfully. But, she then noticed his glare turn into a smirk.

"Cisco, why is B-"

She was interrupted by Barry's voice over the microphone. "You know, my friend, Jessica, promised that she would sing with me tonight."

If looks could kill, Barry would be dead.

She quickly planned an escape plan in her head. If she left now, she could make it out the door, and ask Cisco to bring Caitlin over to her car.

But there was no use. She knew she was doomed, when she heard another chant start to happen. And this time, she wasn't the one laughing.

"Jessica! Jessica! Jessica! Jessica!" She could feel the whole bar staring at her. Even Cisco started chanting along.

"Oh, you better run once the song's over Allen," she muttered under her breath, glaring darkly at the laughing Barry. With no choice left, she trudged up to the stage, glaring at her friend the whole way up.

Putting a hand over the mic, so the crowd wouldn't hear, she whispered to him.

"I hope you run fast."

Barry just chuckled, unfazed by the threat that came from the petite woman. A random song was picked, the music starting preventing the outbreak of an argument. Seeing that she was supposed to sing first, she sighed and glared at Barry.

"I really can't stay~"

Barry looked surprised, for a brief moment, before returning back to his smirk.

"But baby, it's cold outside," he responded.

She could see the teasing glint in his eyes. In front of her, she could hear some people in the crowd chuckle and a few whistle.

"I've got to go away~"

"But baby, it's cold outside." Jessica noted that her duet partner did really have a good voice, slowly forgetting about being forced to sing.

"This evening has been~"

"Been hoping that you'd drop in."

"~so very nice."

Barry, fully committing to the song, held her hand while singing, "I'll hold your hands, they're just like ice."

Playing along, she playfully swatted his hand away. "My mother will start to worry~"

"Beautiful, what's your hurry?"

"My father will be pacing the floor."

"Listen to the fire place roar~"

"So really, I'd better scurry~" she motioned walking off the stage.

"Beautiful, please don't hurry~" Barry turned her around and led her closer to the middle of the stage.

"But maybe just a half a drink more…" she smiled, letting him pull her in closer.

"I'll put some records on while I pour."

"The neighbors might think" She acted worried, going along with the lyrics of the song.

"Baby, it's bad out there." He held her side to prevent her from moving away.

"Say, what's in this drink?" She threw him a questioning glance.

"No cabs to be had out there."

"I wish I knew how"

Barry caught her eyes, in his gaze. His eyes lost all teasing, instead filled with something else. "You're eyes are like starlight tonight."

"To break this spell." She felt her cheeks heat up.

"I'll take your hat, your hair looks swell." He sang, while gently holding a lock of her hair.

"I ought to say no, no, no sir." She wiggled her finger in front of his face.

"Oh, mind if I move in closer?" He moved in closer, lessening the space between them.

"At least I'm gonna say that I tried." She felt a familiar feeling in her stomach.

"What's the sense in hurting my pride?" He continued to move in closer, barely leaving any space between them now.

"I really can't stay~" She sang, but didn't move away from him.

"But baby don't hold out"

They looked at each other before singing in unison. "Cause baby it's cold outside."

She moved away from his hold to sing the second verse. "I simply must go~"

A part of her wanted to leave. She wasn't sure what to think, when he looked at her with those eyes.

"But baby it's cold outside," he caught her before she could get closer to the edge of the stage.

"The answer is no, no, no~" She sang, but didn't try to leave again.

"Aw baby, it's cold outside"

"Your welcome has been~"

"How lucky that you dropped in."

"So nice and warm,"

"Look out the window, at that storm." He pointed towards the window, that seemed like a silent night.

"My sister will be suspicious."

"Gosh, your lips are delicious."

The both of them turned pink at the lyrics, but didn't break eye contact.

"And my brother will be there at the door," she continued to sing.

"Waves on a tropical shore."

"My maiden aunt's mind is vicious."

"Oom gosh, your lips are so delicious" She couldn't but blush again, while Barry smiled at her reaction.

"But maybe just a cigarette more."

"Oh never such a blizzard before." He motioned again to outside, playfully smiling.

"I've got to get home~"

"But baby, you'll freeze out there."

Barry tugged Jessica closer, bringing her into his embrace.

"Say lend me your coat." She tugged on the lapel of his coat.

"Oh, up to your knees out there."

"You've really been grand~"

"I thrill when you touch my hand." Barry grabbed her hand and put it in his pocket.

"But you don't see, no, no."

"How can you do this thing to me?"

There's bound to be talk tomorrow." They were so caught up in their duet, they didn't notice that the whole bar had their attention at them with knowing smiles on their faces.

"Think of my life long sorrow."

"At least there will be plenty implied." He gave her a wink.

"If you caught pneumonia and died."

"But I really can't stay."

"Get over that whole doubt."

Their eyes didn't leave each other's as they finished the last verse of the song in harmony. "Oh baby it's cold outside."

At the finish of their song, the bar cheered, whistling and clapping for the talented duo. The two proceeded with a short bow, while holding hands, then walked off the stage. When reaching their friends, Jessica saw Cisco smiling at them while holding up his phone. A light on the phone was turned on, indicating that it was recording a video. Caitlin, still drunk, was happily clapping with a big smile on her face.

She saw Cisco, from the corner of her eye, smile, while pointing at something next to her. Following his finger, Barry and Jessica noticed their still intertwined hands.

Before her face could turn into a tomato, she quickly withdrew her hand and turned her attention to Caitlin.

"How are you feeling?"

Her friend's smile turned to a sudden frown. "Not so good."

"Okay, time to go home. Barry, could you help me?" She pulled Caitlin up to her feet, but struggled to keep her standing. Barry held one of Caitlin's arm, while she held the other and they slowly walked to the exit. Cisco trailed behind them, offering to carry the girls' bag. Once getting Caitlin into her car, Jessica turned back to the others.

"Do you need a ride?" The question was directed to both of them, but she was unable to meet Barry's eyes, and settled for staring at Cisco instead.

"Yup." Noticing the awkward tension in the air, he quickly opened the door to the backseat and got in.

"Umm, what about you Barr? She had no choice now, but to look at him.

"Nah, I'll walk home. It's not far from here." Barry seemed very interested in his shoes.

"Okay then, I'll see you tomorrow…" She opened the driver's door and got in.


Trying to break the awkwardness, she joked, "Try not to be late this time."

Before it could get anymore awkward, she gave him a quick wave and turned on the ignition, before driving off.

A/N: Again, I own nothing. I'm poor.