A/N: I read on tumblr that the Osomatsu-san director stated that Karamatsu is only nice because he likes the idea of being nice, and I thought of this.

It's short since this was more of an urge, and I have other stories to do.

*I chose Sora because when you write the kanji for Kara, it can mean sky.

Song: Give us a little love - Fallulah

Song: Landlocked Blues - Bright Eyes

Warning: OOCness


Karamatsu walked alone across the top of a roof's parapet with nothing on his mind while a soft burning sensation dried up and harden his heart. The pressure increased more and more that it set his balanced off. He wobbled a bit, and almost tripped. He sang to himself, "Where do we belong, where did we go wrong? If there's nothing here, why are we still here..." and repeated it a few more times.

The wind blew and strengthened by each passing hour. It pushed him toward the end. A large part of him wished it could blow a little harder so all of this could be just one huge accident.

"It's another time. It's another day. Numbers they are new, but it's all the same. Running from yourself. It will never change. If you try, you could die..."

His eyes fell downward. Hundreds of feet above, yet his legs do not quiver.

"Leave it by it's pain."

Karamatsu saw Osomatsu pass through his mind, yet only his red jacket was clear before his mind.

"Leave it all alone."

A green jacket appeared.

"If I never return, I will never grow."

A purple jacket appeared.

"Keep the door ajar when I'm coming home."

A yellow jacket appeared.

"I will try. Can't you see I'm trying?"

A pink jacket appeared.

They all lined up like a rainbow.

"Give us...Give me a little love."

He took in a deep breath, and swung one of his legs out into the open while the other was being blown by the wind. He swung that leg in and out as if the moment he jumped, he would fly and just fly away to a place where he could hurt no one. Where he could be with people he couldn't hurt, and still be noticed.

"I never had enough..."

He stuck that swinging leg out, and froze there. He stared up at the blue, blue sky and wondered if he was as blue as the sky that was just a reflection of the blue ocean. And he thought about when the sun would depart from his sight, leaving colors of red, green, purple, yellow, and pink across the sky before becoming completely gone. Thus, when the ocean could not take its rays to make the sky blue, he would become black, and blacken the ocean.

"I had enough..."

He remained there for a second more before drawing his leg back onto the parapet. "Heh. What am I doing here?" He spoke coolly. "It surely is quite a view from here, but being this close to the edge is dangerous. My Karamatsu girls will worry for me. I better get off."

"SHEEEEEH!" Iyami cried out from below when a bird pooped in front of him. That led him to accidentally scaring Dekapan who was holding a device that fell on the sidewalk, and went haywire. It flew up like a rocket, and a week signal was thrown across. Only Karamatsu was close enough to have his brain hit by it. The sparkles in his eyes disappeared. The red jacket turned blue. The green jacket turned blue. The purple jacket turned blue. The yellow jacket turned blue. The pink jacket turned blue, and then everything turned black. The orb of his self-awareness fell to the floor and made a bright flicker of white before the blueness of the empty orb was filled with a black liquid.

His heart panicked and gave out. Karamatsu was dead.

Death made her appearance just as she had for nearly the thousandth time since the poor man had been in middle school. She frowned down at the painful guy, and neither hell nor heaven wanted him for he was just that painful. Yet, she saw the shape that his self awareness had taken. She sweetly smiled at the dead sextuplet. "It looks like someone will die today, but a new soul will take form, and this one will be finally judged." She picked up her scythe, held it above his chest, and lightly tapped it to give him life. "Live long, and no longer care." She giggled. "It's the selfish ones who live the longest after all."

"HUAUUUGH!" Karamatsu gasped for air and his whole body tensed. His life flashed before his eyes, and in nearly each and everyone of them, he felt emotions overwhelm him that it felt like a kitchen axe had ran through his back with his guts pulled out of his front. For a moment his eyes still held a shade of blue with colorful sparkles, but after his high died down, they disappeared. Yet, in his orb, a white liquid poured itself in, and mixed with the black, which gave it a grey hue.

His darkened eyes lit up again, but in the color of grey. He stared up at the blue, blue sky with a face of confusion and curiosity. Once his breathing slowed down, and his heart relaxed, he became sober.

He sat up, and imagined a version of himself stepping off of that ledge, and as terrifying that scene would be to anyone, it made Karamatsu see clearly of his mistakes. An unfamiliar pressure in his chest heated up, which cracked the unknown surface that had been inside his body. He could feel something hot spout out of the cracks before completely bursting open. For a moment, he was about to scream bloody murder, but he remained calm with his mouth closed, and eyes that gave out a sharp glint behind drooped eyelids.

What he made himself do next was make himself get on his feet, pat his pants clean, and begin singing a new song.

"If you walk away, I'll walk away. First tell me which road you will take. I don't to risk our paths crossing someday, so you'll walk that way, I'll walk this way."

He got off of that roof, and walked into an alleyway to toss his jacket into the garbage. He went home to find his brothers home, and they didn't take notice of his presence at all. That was good for him since he didn't want to waste his breath on them. He simply sat down on the table, and stared at himself in the mirror as he thought of his plan.

"And the future hangs over our heads, and it moves with each current event until it falls all around like a cold steady rain. Just stay in when it's looking this way."

When the night came, and everyone was deep asleep, he got off without disturbing any of them. He already packed his things earlier despite all of them still being in the house. He probably could've left without having to wait this late, but the right bus came around this time.

"And the moon's laying low in the sky, forcing everything metal to shine. And the sidewalk holds diamonds like the jewelry store case. They argue walk this way, no, walk this way."

Karamatsu did give Chibita a proper goodbye earlier after the others were done eating without properly paying. He was the only one who actually showed him any genuine friendship, and he would also probably be the only one to notice him disappear, so the least he could do was tell him that he was going away.

"And Laura's asleep in my bed. As I'm leaving she wakes up and says, 'I dreamed you were carried away on the crest of a wave. Baby don't go away, come here.'"

Chibita called him an 'idjit', but he supported his choice. He gave Karamatsu some money to help him get by, and promised not to say a word to his brothers. They probably wouldn't ask for awhile anyway.

"You think after 22 years I'd be used to the spin, and it only feels worse when I stay in one place, so I'm always pacing around or walking away. I keep drinking the ink from my pen, and I'm balancing history books up on my head, but it all boils down to one quotable phrase. If you love something..." Karamatsu paused in his singing as the bus came into view, but it wasn't the bus he was waiting for, so he continued singing after skipping a few lines to the song to fit his mood, "But greed is a bottomless pit, and our freedom's a joke. We're just taking a piss, and the whole world must watch the sad comic display. If you're still free, start running away."

He played his guitar, and he did so for many months as he traveled for a home. He sang many popular songs and a few that he liked, but with less flair than before, so he got a lot of money. He made himself work odd jobs before he finally decided to settle down at the last city he stopped at, and he was able to snatch a decent position as an apprentice for a dress maker, so he was able to live a poor, yet decent hardworking life away from the others.

"I've grown tired of holding this pose...I feel more like a stranger each time I come home, so I'm making a deal with the devils of fame, saying 'let me walk away, please'."

Karamatsu stared at his face in the mirror in the bathroom, and then looked down at the sharp, long blades of a pair of scissors. He picked up that weapon, and took another look at his reflection. He took a deep breath before taking a hold of a sealed tight plastic, and cut it open, so he could use his new makeup tools that would hide the face he didn't want to see.

He wasn't rich enough to have safe and decent face surgery, so he opted for and stuck with painting his true face. On his face, he applied heavy blue eye shadow and long fake eyelashes with tons of glitter on them. And from his bottom lids to the bottom of his cheeks, he applied blush and glitter to make it look similar to tears streaming down his face. His carefully painted his lips to look like a starry piece of the universe. He then went to a hair salon where he had his hair dyed in different shades of blue to give it that ombre style.

Some thought he looked weird since he was a man, but by taking a closer look, they began to see an intriguing, mysterious, tragic character, which made people visit the shop he worked at. He was just called that blue dressmaker at first, but soon the nickname, 'Teary Sky' caught on. It was funny to the former sextuplet because when he first came to this city, he made people all around him refer to him as 'Sora'*, and he guessed if he was the sky, it'd always be the rainy season now.

"You'll be free, child, once you have died. From the shackles of language and measurable time, and then we can trade places, play musical graves. Til then walk away, walk away..."

"Hey..." Osomatsu piped up in the room with his brothers."Where's Karamatsu?"

"Hm?" Choromatsu looked up from his book. "He hasn't been home for quite awhile. He's probably out going on one of his crazy adventures."

"Huh." They moved on with their day.

"So I'm up at dawn, putting on my shoes. I just want to make a clean escape. I'm leaving but I don't know where to..."

The name Karamatsu disappeared from the former sextuplet's ears. The name still existed in the back of his mind, and some parts of the old Karamatsu could still be seen, but as far as he was aware, Karamatsu who was a sad, doting brother was long gone.

"I know I'm leaving but I don't know where to..."