Hello All! I haven't abandoned my other story just put on hold for a bit I guess. I started college and it's been incredibly hectic to say the least. This new story follows what's happened on the show but with a few changes, it takes place in season 13 except none of the Alex/Jo/DeLuca stuff went down and Leah's not back. It's dark and twisty and I hope you enjoy! Reviews and constructive criticism always welcome, thank you
Darkness and silence pair well together. Whether you find comfort or anxiety in this pair is of no importance, they still go hand in hand. It's the same feeling. Darkness engulfs your vision, silence takes over your hearing and all that's left is your thoughts. Thoughts she would quite like not to be thinking of right at this moment. Like the exact places, her bruised shoulders and hips, where her body came into contact with the cold concrete of the parking lot. She could feel the blood and the swelling but it was the other parts, the ones she couldn't feel, that she thought of most. In the distance, she thought she saw light, heard voices, but it was all too much and she let darkness and silence engulf her instead.
"Someone needs to start talking now or someone's getting fired"
Bailey started talking even as she was marching into the emergency department of her hospital. As she slowed her pace before reaching the desk where a group of her attendings were gathered, she added, "why am I only finding out about this now?".
The somber group turned to face her and April lifted her head from where it had been resting in her hands,
"We were just trying to get everything straightened out before we got more people involved than needed to be. She's a private person who… hasn't always been afforded that dignity here," April looked close to tears and Bailey softened, quieting her tone,
"I am the chief, I expect to be notified immediately when members of my staff are brought into my ER," she paused looking dejectedly toward the exam room Meredith Grey was just sidling out of, "plus I was worried. I like to think of myself as her friend and god knows she's been through enough". Bailey put a comforting hand on April's arm as Meredith reached the desk.
She looked around at the small congregation. April and Jackson were both still wearing street clothes, albeit drenched in blood and water. Karev was standing with his arms crossed a step away from the others, looking tense and fidgety. Finally, Hunt and Bailey were standing in scrubs looking disheveled and confused. She took a breath, "nothing looks surgical, she's in pretty nasty shape but it all looks superficial. Bruises, lacerations and probably a sprained wrist and a few broken ribs. I was going to take her up for X-ray and CT next, maybe get Amelia in for a consult".
April hugged her arms around herself, sighing deeply in relief, "Is she conscious?".
"She hasn't regained consciousness since we called the ambulance, her vitals are steady though so it could be any minute now," Meredith glanced around at the doctors, Karev was staring at the floor with eyes screwed shut.
"Someone please explain to me what happened this instant or I swear to god…"
"We don't know!" Jackson interrupted, a little louder than he intended. He regained his composure after the few nurses who gave him odd looks continued on their way, "We were at Joe's, all having a nice time, relaxing after our shift."
"She said she wanted to go home, that she had an early operation tomorrow. She was still sober enough to drive, we all just said goodbye and kept talking," April had picked up from Jackson, "We left the bar, oh god, it must have been at least two hours later." She lifted her hand to her mouth, tears streaming down her face once again as Jackson wrapped an arm around her. Meredith looked at Bailey, "When we got to the parking lot, we got to our cars, she was on the ground, there was blood… everywhere. We called an ambulance."
Bailey shuddered at the thought but let Meredith finish her horror story, "She woke up just as the paramedics were loading her into the back. She just grabbed my hand and and said please and just wouldn't let go. I rode with her, we got her into a room as quietly as possible." She motioned to Hunt and Karev, "These two were in the ER so they know, and a couple of nurses, but that's it."
Bailey took a deep breath, closing her eyes in the process before opening them and looking around at her mismatched crew, "ok, you and you," she said pointing to Jackson and April, "need to change, this is just scary, take showers, cool down. You," she said pointing to Meredith, "take her upstairs while, Hunt, you go find Amelia and get her up to speed. Alex," she turned around to address the surgeon still standing behind everyone, "find a room for her, far from everything, and a nurse that you trust. Can we all do that?"
Armed with plans, the surgeons of Seattle Grace dispersed and Bailey was left standing in the middle of a nearly deserted ER.
"Oh, Arizona, what happened this time?"