Ch. 1

-Night Owl (Evan)'s POV-

It's been a month since any of us from the league has seen our friend, Batcoon. We were all getting real worried, and when we went to his hideout, all that we could find was a torn-up mask and cape. I stood on the top of one of the many banks in San Andreas.

"Coon, where the Hell are you?" I whispered as I used one of my abilities, telepathy, to find his unique brainwaves.

"Get anything?" I hear a deep voice ask from behind me.

I turned around, and there stood the monkey of the group, Mighty Monkey. He was wearing his standard red and white superhero outfit. Mighty Monkey didn't wear a mask like Batcoon and I did, he got his gift from an accidental blood contamination with a chimp. He turned into a monkey once the moon rises. I wore a black bullet proof armor with a yellow back pack. On my chest was a yellow Owl.

I shook my head and turned with a sigh. "It's like he's not even on Earth. And Early Bird checked the Space Station, and our Earth base!"

"Dammit! What the hell did our crazy Coon get himself into?" Mighty Monkey, or known as Lui, squeaked in anger.

A loud caw came from the sky, and a humanoid eagle wearing a blue and white hero suit, landed in front of us. The show off was known as Early Bird, we told him to change his name to 'Late Bird' cause he's never early. Early Bird folded his strapped-on wings against back. "None of Batcoon's typical villains have seen him."

"Ah! Who's that!?" We all ran to the other side of the roof, and looked at a young woman who pointed up at the giant screen.

"Greetings, San Andreas! My name is Delirious, and I believe you all pathetic humans are wondering where a certain raccoon is at. Isn't that right, Night Owl? Haha! Haha! And yes, I took Batcoon in his sleep. I just have one thing to tell you, League, I'll return your precious friend in exchange for one of your Orbs of Power." On the Jumbo-tron was a tall scrawny man, shaved head. His face was painted like a clown, on the right half of his face he wore a tan hockey mask with red markings painted on the face. He was wearing a white shirt, gray bullet proof vest, and a light blue coat.

"Owl, can you get a location?" Early Bird asked as soon as the screen changed to a picture of the name 'Delirious' graffitied on a white wall.

I held my hands out, and tried to find this psycho. I found his brainwaves, "I found him. I found the asshole who took Batcoon."

'Prodding in my mind, I wouldn't do that if I were you.' I hear the crazy man's laugh in my mind before I was mentally shoved out of his brain. I went flying into Lui.

I flipped onto my stomach, trying to catch my breath. My breaths were short and fast; I have never had somebody know I was in their thoughts. Ever. I took my mask off and lost it; I threw up on the roof.

"What happened?" Early Bird put a gloved hand on my back. "Evan, what did you see?"

I looked up with wide eyes, "Darkness."

-Might Monkey's POV-

"Darkness? Darkness!? What the hell do you mean Darkness!" I shouted in confusion. My anger rose, and started pushing Night Owl. "You're supposed to be able to find him! That psychotic masked man, has our friend, and all you can say is that you can see is darkness!"

"Monkey, calm down, we can go ask someone who would know about any new villains." Early Bird, aka Brock, pushed me off our weak friend.

"Someone? Who?" When Brock didn't answer, I knew exactly who he was talking about. "Oh no! I am not going to that damn pig's place. He betrayed the League, he left us! And for what!? Oh, wait I forgot, because he lost his girlfriend and blamed us!"

"Lui, calm down. We are just going to ask some questions about where Batcoon is." Evan finally stood up, wiping his mouth of vomit. Once it was clean, he replaced his mask. "Let's go."

Evan did his little Houdini parlor trick, and ran across the sky. I ground and ran across the roof tops, while Brock flew. We landed in front of a brick building; it was a nightclub, that was called 'The Dirty Pig'. The guy, who owns the joint was once a member of the League, but his girlfriend was brutally murdered and he left us. Blaming us for her death.

We walked in through the VIP door, and was immediately stopped by a couple hookers aiming pistols at us. They wore the skimpy bunny outfit, except instead of bunny tails there were pig tails attached. The club music blasted throughout the club, causing my sensitive ears to hurt. The bright and rapidly changing strobe lights, were slowly causing my stomach to twist.

A loud snap came from a pair of steps, that led up to the main office. On the top of the staircase, was a man in a pair of tight zebra jeans, a t-shirt with a cat on it, and a leather pimp coat. He still had a shitty sense of style.

"Girls, go bring me and my guests some drinks." He said behind his pig mask. The girls sheathed their guns and went to the bar. "Come."

We followed him into his office. "Tyler, we-" Brock was interrupted by a shot gun to the face.

"Don't ever call me by that name again." Tyler removed his mask, revealing a disheveled twenty-six-year-old man, with a small goatee, and a scar on his lower lip. "You come into my sanctuary, and you think that I'll welcome you with open arms!?"

"Wildcat, knock it off! This isn't about Kelly's murder." Evan threw a solid punch against his jaw.

Tyler stumbled and spit up some blood. "Then what!?"

"It's Johnathan. He went missing a month ago, and then this new villain appeared. He claims to be holding our friend hostage, and for his freedom we must give the psychopath one of the power orbs." I slammed a fist down on the desk. "And then Evan tried to find this man's brainwaves, connecting with him for about five seconds, before getting launched across a rooftop."

That caught his attention. Tyler was the one who trained and taught Batcoon, or Johnathan, how to use his gifts for good. Tyler along with his girlfriend, Kelly, gave the man a home and family. "J-Johnathan? No, you can't be serious. Johnathan was kidnapped?"

"Yes, and the kidnapper said that he was Delirious. Or some shitty name like that." I crossed my arms.

"Wait, wait that-that name. I had a clown dude, and a few of his followers waltz right in here during closing hours, last Friday. He said that he came, seeking my power orb, and when I told him that I drained it of its powers, the crazy bitch took a machete and cut me up." Tyler lifted his shirt, revealing scars covering his stomach. "He tore this place apart, looking for it."

Tyler walked over to a white and gold vase, that had white lilies in it. They were Kelly's favorite. He took the flowers out, and sat them gently on the table. Tyler looked at us with a deep frown, before slamming it against the wall. He picked through the pieces, until walking over with a gray stone.

"You weren't kidding, you really did drain it of its power." Brock gently took it and lifted it to his face.

Each member of the League, was given a stone that held great power. Each stone was a different color, and each color did something different. Mine was yellow, and it gave me the power of creating apes out of energy. Evan's was red, and his gave him the power of mind control. Brock's was green, and could talk to animals but mainly birds. Tyler's was orange, and he could conjure any weapon. And that left Batcoon, his was blue and he could split into two people.

"How did you do it? We've used them countless times, and this has never happened before." Evan asked as he examined it closely.

"I don't know. I tried to use it when the freak came into my club, but nothing was appearing. Not even a fucking Nerf gun!" Tyler took it back, gripping it tightly.

"Can you tell us anything about this guy? Please." Evan put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'll have my people ask around. But Evan, don't ask me to help anymore. I've lost too much because of that life."

We started walking out, but I stopped and turned around to face him. "If you hated the hero life, then why keep the mask?" I closed the door, letting that question to linger.

When we left the club, we all bid our farewells and went our separate ways for the night. I finally made it to my home, when I shrank down to my normal size. I gasped for air once the transformation finished. Slowly standing up, I went to my kitchen and grabbed a couple bananas and a bottle water. The door to my roommate's room opened, and out came a tall, scrawny Irishman.

"I see I need to redo your suit. Lui, this is the fourth one this month." The Irishman complained as he picked up my suit.

"Sorry David, it's not like I did it on purpose. Any luck with that serum?" I asked out if curiosity.

David sighed in disappointment. "Lui, I told you that these things take time. I can't magically concoct a serum that will enable you to change at will."

"I know, but I want to be able to go out at night as myself! Not some monkey on steroids." I pounded my fist in anger.

"We should get some sleep." David patted my bare back before going back into his room.

I sighed heavily as I went to my room. Locking my door, I looked out my window and saw the League symbol flash in the pink sky. It didn't take long for the two specks running across the roof tops.

"Good luck, guys." I said aloud before falling asleep in my bed.

-Early Bird's POV-

"Night Owl, what are we working with?" I called from the sky as I hovered above the Smokey building.

"I can't tell. Can you clear the smoke?" Owl man asked through the communicator.

I flew up higher and flapped my wings in big gusts, clearing the smoke. Evan held out his hands and moved rubble out of the way. When it was removed, we both ran straight in, getting the trapped people out of the burning building. I made it out with the last civilian, and I noticed that Evan wasn't out yet.

I ran back in, using my wings to cover my face. "Evan! Night Owl! Where are you!?"

"What did you do to him!?" I hear Evan ask in one of the burning rooms.

I ran in and saw Evan standing in front of the man, who took Batcoon. The man, Delirious, smirked darkly. "Now if I tell you, where's the fun in that? Maybe he asked me to fake his kidnapping so he could get away from the life as a hero? Or maybe I killed him, and just using him as bait to get me what I want. The power orbs."

"Night Owl, we need to get out of here. The building is going to collapse any second." I grabbed his arms and pulled him away. "We'll get the asshole next time, but we're no good to Batcoon dead."

Evan finally listened to reason, and teleported us out. He started coughing, so I flew him up onto a rooftop. Once we got out of sight, he removed hi mask and started to cough a bit more. "He caused the building to burn. What if Johnathan really is dead?"

I slapped him across the face. "Evan, calm down. Don't go crazy on me now. We all need to be level headed. He would've showed off the fact that he killed that crazy raccoon. Now we need to get some rest, and tonight we'll meet up at the tower."

Evan gasped and gave a few nods. "Yeah, yeah you're right."

"You can thank me later, but save that for later." I lifted him up, and took off carrying him in my arms.