Hey guys! In honor of Halloween, I thought I'd post the first chapter of this fic today instead of waiting until next Sunday to start it! This AU was inspired by the amazing DragonFanGirl92801-she was the one who suggested a Miss Peregrine's crossover and she and her sister were the ones who came up with the different abilities for everyone. I'm super honored that I was able to bring this story to life, and I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Happy Halloween!


A party. It always started with a party. So many people-adults (his parents, maybe?), and other kids, all laughing and talking while cheerful music played in the background. It seemed like a happy place, with such a feeling of… Love. Family. Emotions that were now foreign to him. And then everything would change-everything would grow cold and dark, and suddenly there would be the sounds of crashing and screaming. The gentle arms holding him would thrust him behind something soft and heavy-a blanket, or curtains, maybe? The screaming would continue for an interminable time, each shriek sending a terrifying jolt through him. And then the screaming would stop and for one moment he'd think he was safe. But then horrible knife-like tentacles would rip away the fabric holding him, a horrific face looming towards him, deathly pale and featureless save the rows of dagger-like teeth and the writhing tongues like so many snakes reaching out to consume him-

Hiro awakes, bolting upright in bed, heart pounding like it was trying to break free from his chest. For a full minute he has to wrap his arms tightly around his ribcage, afraid that he would fly apart into a million pieces if he let go. He forces himself to attempt the deep-breathing exercises his therapist had taught him but, as usual, they didn't do much for him. As it is, he almost has another heart attack when he swears that he sees a shadow moving outside his bedroom window. But when no creepy monster comes crashing through the glass, his heart rate and breathing finally return to normal, and he finds a shamed flush crossing his face-really, was he still a child, scared of monsters hiding under the bed? He was fourteen freaking years old, he shouldn't still be having these damn nightmares! And he'd even been doing well for so long-he hadn't had one of these nightmares in longer than he could remember, why were they starting again?

It must be the stress of the Expo tomorrow-or, rather, today-he decides as his head plops back down onto the pillow, blowing his dark bangs (which were desperately in need of a trim) out of his eyes. A lot rode on whether the judges liked his project. There was no way, he knew, that they wouldn't be impressed by his work, but would they be willing to take a chance on letting a fourteen-year-old into a world-renowned university? True, Professor Robert Callaghan, the head of the robotics program and a pioneer in his field, had specifically scouted him, but Hiro couldn't help but feel nervous all the same. If only he had an older sibling or parents he could go to at this time of night to listen to his fears and tell him that everything was going to be alright. But unfortunately he was the only child Mr. and Mrs. Takachicho had ever adopted, and, kind as they tried to be, he had learned the hard way growing up that waking them simply because he had a bad dream was a sure-fire way to get himself grounded. His adopted parents had chosen him because they could tell from early on that he was going to be an extremely bright child-they'd groomed him to be the top performer in all of his classes, and he had more than exceeded their expectations, graduating high school at the tender age of thirteen. Any suggestions from the school board that pushing him so far ahead of his age group academically might have deleterious effects on his emotional and social growth were quickly swept aside as unimportant-emotions weren't something that Mr. and Mrs. Takachicho thought much of. In fact, making decisions based on emotions was something that they tried to discourage at all costs. Logic and reasoning, that's what they believed in, and Hiro's entire upbringing had centered around just those things. Still, all the reasoning in the world couldn't dispel the nightmares that he knew were just that-nightmares. His therapist suggested that maybe they were related to some unresolved childhood trauma, possibly something to do with his birth parents. But given he had been found by some campers in the middle of the woods, miles from anywhere with absolutely no clue as to his identity but the blanket wrapped around him that had the name "Hiro" embroidered on it, there was no way of knowing for sure which parts of his recurring nightmares were actually true and which were just figments of his imagination added over the years. The entire dream was always so lifelike, and it never changed no matter how many times he had it, but who could honestly believe that there had been an actual monster in the room? It had been suggested to him that maybe his brain had created the monster as a way to cover for something more realistic-a human murderer, perhaps. Still, no matter what anyone said about it being a figment of his imagination, figment or no the faceless, snarling creature still haunted his sleeping and sometimes even waking moments, and if years and years of talking about it to various specialists wasn't going to get rid of it, he didn't know what would.

Well, at least he had a temporary respite. Knowing that he probably wouldn't fall asleep for a while now that he was awake, Hiro flips on his bedside lamp and pulls his journal out of the nightstand drawer. After keying in the passcode that only he knew to unlock it, he opens the journal to his last entry and starts sketching away at an idea he'd had for a superhero suit. His parents would probably blow a gasket if they knew he was "wasting his time" on something so frivolous, but this was his escape, and as long as no one found out about it he was perfectly safe indulging in his little fantasy. He finally fell asleep about half an hour later after that, pen rolling out of his hand and onto the bedspread as he drifted off into a peaceful and, this time, mercifully dreamless sleep.

The next thing he knew, he was waking up to the sound of his alarm going off. He hurries to shut it off and then to quickly shut his journal, grateful that his parents hadn't found him like this-if they'd thought he was having another "emotional disturbance", they probably would have given him another lecture on how he shouldn't let his feelings get the better of him and he didn't need one of those this morning. Today was far too important to let it be ruined by a rough start!

He quickly hurries over to his closet and chooses his clothes for the day with care-as professional as they expected him to be at all times, fortunately his parents were pretty lax about his wardrobe, letting him dress for comfort rather than for style. As long as he didn't get stains or holes in his cargo shorts and jeans and kept them relatively de-wrinkled, they let his wardrobe choices slide. As it was, he decides to settle on a pair of his pest khaki cargo shorts, his favorite blue hoodie, and his lucky robot shirt (alright, so maybe luck wasn't something he was supposed to believe in either, but this shirt had gotten him through a lot, and even if it was only a placebo effect at least it did have some sort of positive impact on his attitude and performance!)

After checking his reflection in the mirror and making sure that his journal is safely stashed in his backpack (one never knew when they might get some new source of inspiration!), he heads down the stairs to breakfast.

"Good morning, Hiro," Mrs. Takachicho greets him from where she was blending her morning protein shake as he enters the kitchen. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes ma'am," Hiro answers, knowing that it would be easier to lie than try to explain the truth.

"Ready for your presentation today?" Mr. Takachicho asks, looking up from the latest copy of his favorite science journal.

"Yes sir," Hiro agrees, sitting down at the table as Mrs. Takachicho brings him over a bowl of bran cereal (it was supposed to help with his digestion, even if it tasted like cardboard.)

"Good lad." Mr. Takachicho flashes him a proud smile over the rim of his coffee mug before taking a sip.

"We're so sorry we can't make it tonight," Mrs. Takachicho adds.

"I understand," Hiro answers, trying not to audibly sigh. "The research you're presenting at the national conference is very important."

"It is," Mr. Takachicho agrees, apparently not noticing or choosing to ignore the lackluster tone in the teen's voice.

"But we look forward to hearing all about how your presentation goes," Mrs. Takachicho says gently.

"I'll do my best to make you proud, tonight and when I'm studying at SFIT," Hiro promises.

"Speaking of, what time does your bus leave for San Fransokyo?" Mr. Takachicho asks, glancing at the clock on the wall.

"In twenty minutes," Hiro answers, realizing that he was running a bit behind. He quickly finishes his cereal and then slings his backpack over his shoulder. Fortunately early setup had been yesterday, so he didn't have to worry about hauling all of his supplies onto the bus with him (his parents had helped him drive those over in their car the day before.)

"I'll see you Wednesday," Hiro tells his parents, going over to peck his mother on the cheek and then give his father a more formal handshake.

"We're so excited to see how you place," Mrs. Takachicho says with a warm smile.

"Make us proud," Mr. Takachicho adds.

"I will," Hiro promises, waving before heading out the front door and towards the bus stop. As he heads down the front walk, he glances back at the house. For some reason, he had this odd feeling in the pit of his stomach that he might never see this place again for a very long time, if ever. But no. He shakes his head to clear away the ridiculous thought. The dream from last night must still be messing with him, and he couldn't let that happen-not today, it was far too important. He shoves away any lingering doubts and dark thoughts and heads towards the bus stop with as much confidence as he can muster-tonight was the first night of the rest of his life, and no childish nightmares were going to stop him!

The Expo was, in a word, breathtaking. Hiro found himself getting easily lost in the Wonderland-esque maze of booths and displays, all boasting amazing innovations in tech. Nothing came close to his own project, but that didn't keep him from admiring the work that was on display-besides, what could it hurt to scope out the competition?

He was just leaving a booth boasting knew technology for biometric body scans when he finds himself accidentally bumping into someone. Good manners had been ingrained into him for as long as he could remember, and he looks up to apologize to the individual he had collided with, only to let out a loud gasp of mixed shock and recognition.

"P-Professor Callaghan!"

"Well, hello there, Hiro," the professor answers, smiling warmly down at him. "I'm glad you could make it tonight."

"I-I wouldn't miss it for the world, sir!" Hiro stammers, trying not to geek out over getting to actually speak to his idol again.

"I'm quite eager to see your presentation-I'm sure you have something wonderful prepared for us," Professor Callaghan says.

"I do!" Hiro agrees eagerly before quickly correcting himself. "I-I mean, yes sir! I hope it will be impressive enough for you and all of the judges to consider me as a serious applicant for your program!"

"If the samples of your work that you've already shown us are any indication, I have no doubt that it will be," Professor Callaghan answers with a friendly chuckle before gesturing to the next booth. "Well, I must be continuing on with my rounds, but I greatly look forward to seeing your project."

"Y-Yes sir! I mean, thank you, sir! I mean-" Hiro trails off awkwardly, wincing at the fact that he was obviously babbling. Fortunately, if Professor Callaghan had noticed, he didn't mention it, instead just saying,

"Best of luck to you, Mr. Hamada" before entering the next cubicle.

Hiro was about to try to call some sort of goodbye after him, only to frown as the professor's words set in. Wait, had he just called him Mr. Hamada? That was a pretty far cry from his actual last name, Takachicho. Still, there were a lot of incoming students, surely it must be hard to keep all of their names straight. At least he recognized his face and had his first name right-that was the important thing, right? But as he makes his way to the stage when his time to present arrives, he can't help but feel (as ridiculous as it was to think this) that it's yet another dark omen that was hanging over what should have been one of the most amazing nights of his life.

If it was an omen, at least it didn't affect the beginning of his presentation. Despite a minor issue with some microphone feedback and initial jitters, the moment that he directed the tiny robots that he'd made for his project (aptly called microbots) to swarm through the Expo hall and up to the stage using the neurocranial transmitter that controlled them, he knew that he had the judges and his entire audience like putty in his hands. And after demonstrating the many uses of the bots-construction, transportation, and a myriad of other helpful purposes-he could tell from the looks on the judges faces that he had just guaranteed himself a spot in the SFIT robotics program. He had about five seconds after finishing his presentation and bowing to bask in the glory that he'd just achieved. But then those five seconds ended and everything went to hell.

At first he thought he was just imagining things-that the dark shadow moving along the wall was just that, a really big shadow. As the shadow suddenly moved off the wall, taking a physical form and starting to make its way through the crowd, not seeming to notice or care as it collided with and then shoved aside countless people, though, Hiro knew that it was no shadow-it was kriffing real. Fear clogged his throat. No-this was a dream! It had to be a dream. He was going to wake up in his bed and everything was going to be back to normal. Or maybe he was just finally actually losing it and seeing things-no one else seemed to be screaming about seeing a monster in their midst! But when he sees the beast raising one of its scythe-like arms as if preparing to cut Professor Callaghan right in two, he has no other choice but to cry out, "B-Behind you!"

As if moving on instinct rather than actually thinking about what he was doing, the professor ducks down just in time to avoid the creatures hands or tentacles or whatever it had. No one else seemed to notice that Callaghan had just almost been taken out by what looked like some sort of horror movie space alien, except a few teens standing in the crowd who all looked in the man's direction. Wait, could they see it too? Suddenly the one who looked like the oldest of the odd group looks towards him and cries, "Hiro, where is it?"

W-Wait, how did this guy know his name?! Hiro was momentarily petrified by fear and confusion, both of the fact that the creature from his nightmares was physically right here in front of him and that a complete and total stranger was acting like he somehow knew him. Still, when the monster makes to swipe at the older man again, the teen genius manages to get out, "T-There! Where there's the gap in the crowd!" The thing seemed to take up physical space and was creating a gap sized space around it as it moved.

"Got it!" The other man calls to him, before issuing a series of instructions, his eyes never leaving Hiro as he does so. "Honey, get some goo or powder on the Hollow-make it visible! Fred, GoGo, I need you on defense! I'm going to create a diversion to get all these people out of here-'Sabi, you're going to have to help me get them out of here in an orderly fashion!"

As if by clockwork, the small group of teens who seemed to actually have noticed the monster in their midst swings into action. The tall blond girl, as if out of thin air, starts spraying the monster with some kind of thick goo. The short biker girl and the more gangly looking blond guy next to her start moving towards the monster. The leader finally takes his eyes off of Hiro and runs over to the wall where he-holy shit, had he just lit a fire in his bare hands? No, it must be an optical illusion-still, he was definitely doing something with the fire near a small red box on the wall. Moments later his "distraction" became clear as all the fire alarms in the building start going off. Almost immediately a wave of panic starts to spread through the crowd and there's a mass exodus for the nearest exits. The tall guy with the dreadlocks tries to help direct them towards the proper exits, but it's clear that his assistance isn't needed and he quickly returns to his friends who were currently fighting the monster. The blond girl kept dousing the monster with more and more pink goo which hardened around it like a shell. Unfortunately, the goo wouldn't hold for long-the creature kept breaking through it after being held down for only moments. Still, at least it was slowing it down long enough for the rest of the people to escape. Hiro wasn't sure what these other guys thought they were doing trying to fight this thing. That is, not until the blond guy suddenly transforms into what looks freakishly like a dragon.

"Okay, I'm dreaming-I am definitely dreaming," Hiro whispers to himself over and over again as the guy-turned-dragon starts breathing fire at the monster, only to be joined shortly thereafter by the group's leader, who starts adding his own firepower with flames that seemed to be coming directly from his hands. And when the guy with the dreads comes over to join them and has what looked like lasers coming out of his eyes when he removes his glasses? Oh yeah. He was convinced that he was either going to be waking up any second now or else that he was heading straight for a padded room. In fact, he almost wasn't surprised when the leader of the group suddenly shouts to the short, dark haired girl, "Get Hiro out of here!" If he was hallucinating, sure, why wouldn't the random stranger know his name and be talking about him?
When the girl suddenly appears at his side and picks him up and then, moments later, has him outside the building before racing back inside in less than the time it took to blink, though, it's a little harder to believe that he was just seeing things given he had actually been physically moved. And the fact that all the others outside were crying out in alarm because they could see what was apparently very real smoke wafting off of the building, he started to think that maybe he wasn't as crazy as he was feeling. But how did one explain the giant monster and the apparently supernatural abilities of that group of teens? It defied all sound laws of science and logic! And yet…

"Hiro! Are you alright?"

The teen practically squeaks in terror as he feels a heavy hand on his shoulder, only to flush slightly when he looks up and see Professor Callaghan standing behind him.

"S-Sir- In there- W-Was that-?" he stammers.

"That," Professor Callaghan answers, his voice and expression calm but just the tiniest hint of tension in his tone, "is what is called a Hollowgast-a Hollow, for short."

"A-A Hollow?" Hiro says, repeating the word to make sure he hadn't misheard.

"Yes," Professor Callaghan agrees, his eyes on the Expo building even as he speaks to the teen. "They're mostly gone now, thanks to the efforts of some rather brave Peculiars not too long ago, but there are still one or two lurking about in back corners, and we believe that this one has been stalking you for quite some time. We've managed to keep him off your trail for a while now, fighting him as best we can, but tonight we set the bait and it's time we finally put a stop to him once and for all."

"I-I was bait?" Hiro whispers, eyes going wide-most of what the older man was saying was making absolutely no sense, but the idea that apparently he'd been used as some sort of lure for a monster? That was definitely not the type of reassuring thing that he needed to hear right now.

"Forgive me," Professor Callaghan says gently. "You weren't the bait-or, at least not the sole bait. Having a full family of Peculiars in one place was more than any Hollow could resist, and it was there as much for us as it was for you."

"P-Peculiars? What does that even mean?" Hiro asks, beginning to feel frustrated-the more he was told, the less he felt he understood. If anything, he was even more confused now than he was when they'd started talking.

"All in good time," Professor Callaghan replies. "I promise that we will explain everything to you, but right now we need to focus on-"

Suddenly there was the sound of a loud "CRACK" which causes Hiro to jump and the professor to frown deeply.

"That was either very good, or very bad," he sighs.

"H-How will we know?" Hiro asks uncertainly.

"We'll know soon enough depending on who or what comes out of there," Professor Callaghan sighs, sounding more like a seasoned war veteran than a teacher of robotics at the moment, before offering the younger boy his hand. "Come."

"Come? Come where? I'm not going anywhere with you until I get some answers!" Hiro cries, pulling away from him.

"Hiro, as I said-" Professor Callaghan starts to answer, only to pause as his phone starts going off. Within moments, he has it out of his pocket and is answering it. "Hello?"

"Hello, Professor Callaghan?" Hiro hears a voice that sounded oddly familiar but completely foreign at the same time answering. "W-We did it! It's done! Wasabi brought a beam down on it and staked it right through, and if that wasn't enough Fred and I made sure it was incinerated. It won't be bothering any more Peculiars ever again."
"Wonderful!" Professor Callaghan smiles in relief. "You all did an excellent job. Can you make it safely out of there?"

"Abigail just showed up and she's portaling us out of here, so we're good!" the other voice replies before asking softly, "H-Hiro-is he?"

"He's with me," Professor Callaghan confirms. "Although I think he has a lot of questions that you might be the best one to answer."

"Of course," the other voice answers, sounding tired but hopeful. "Can you bring him to meet us outside the entrance to the loop?"

"I can try, but I'm not sure he trusts me enough to follow me anywhere," Professor Callaghan replies, glancing down at Hiro who only gave him a stone faced expression in reply, determined not to give him the satisfaction of seeing any more of his emotions.

"That is understandable, all things considered," the voice sighs. "All right-can you at least keep him there? I'll have Abigail portal the others over to the loop and I'll come to you."

"I think I can manage that," Professor Callaghan agrees, adding for Hiro's benefit, "provided Hiro knows that he will be getting the answers to his questions."

"He will definitely be getting his answers and then some," the voice answers wryly. "I'll meet you by the back entrance."

"We'll do our best to meet you there," Professor Callaghan confirms before hanging up and turning towards Hiro. "So-do you think you'd be willing to walk a short distance, at least, to get your answers?"

"I-I suppose so…" Hiro answers, still keeping his guard up. "But if you try anything-"

"No funny business," Professor Callaghan answers, raising his right hand as if swearing a solemn oath. "On my honor."

"...Okay, fine," Hiro sighs, knowing that this was probably his only chance to get an explanation. "Lead the way, then."

"A wise decision." Professor Callaghan flashes him a warm smile before heading off towards the side of the building (which, surprisingly enough, appeared to be smoking considerably less now) just as the fire trucks start arriving.

Hiro follows along in silence, both to keep up his show of stoicism and because he honestly wasn't sure what to say or ask right now. What he'd seen in the last half an hour defied all explanation, and yet it was all too real to be some sort of trick or practical joke. He could only hope that whoever this person that Callaghan had been talking to on the phone would finally give him some answers.

The silent trek comes to a stop at the back of the building where there was a nondescript black door which Hiro could only assume was a fire exit given it looked like it could only be opened from the inside. He wondered how long they were going to have to wait for their mystery guest to arrive, and, as if sensing his thoughts, the door suddenly blows open. Moments later the leader of the teens from earlier comes out, appearing completely unscathed by the flames surrounding him.

If Hiro was just a tiny bit impressed, Callaghan was just as much if not moreso displeased.

"Tadashi Hamada, it's bad enough that you and Fred probably burned down half of the Expo hall defeating the Hollow, do you have to continue the damage just so you can show off?"

"Sorry, sensei," the leader answers, not seeming quite as apologetic as his words indicated. Still, he turns back towards the open door and, as if by magic, the flames disappear. "I have to try to make a good first impression with my otouto, right?" he adds as he walks down the steps, coming to a step in front of Hiro.

"Your what?" Hiro asks, gathering that this guy was referring to him and wondering why the hell he'd been acting like they had a special connection all evening when he was sure they'd never met before in their lives.

"Hiro-it's me, Tadashi," the older man answers, dropping all pretense of bravado, his tone and expression softening as he lowers himself to the other teen's level. "Please tell me that you at least remember my name?"

Hiro shakes his head, having the disconcerting feeling as he looks into the man's eyes that he'd seen them somewhere before. "N-No, I don't…"

"I guess I shouldn't be surprised-you were only three at the time, and we've both grown a lot since then," Tadashi sighs quietly. "I probably wouldn't have recognized you when we finally found you if you didn't still have that messy raven's nest… You never did like brushing your hair, even back then…"

"W-Who are you?" Hiro demands, the uncomfortable feeling that had been growing in his stomach since he'd seen the man earlier like maybe somehow they did know each other threatening to overwhelm him.

"Hiro, I'm your niisan," Tadashi answers, gently taking one of the younger boy's hands in his own. "Your big brother."