Welcome, readers, to 'Reverse of Arcadia: Digital Guardian', the sequel to 'Stardust Accelerator: Digital Warrior'!

Now, I know some of you have been wanting this story to come out for some time. So, in the spirit of Halloween (at least, at the time of this chapter being posted), I am bringing this out for you to enjoy!

Before we begin, there are a few points I want to get across to you. Bare with me, I'll keep to the point.

Issue #1: This story is a sequel to 'Stardust Accelerator, Digital Warrior'. If you have started this story without having read that one, I strongly recommend you read that story first to understand what canon elements I have changed.

Issue #2: This story will not have a posting schedule for several chapters. I have work that requires more of my time right now to accomplish (class work, for example), and that takes priority.

Issue #3: This story will have my Original Characters (OC's) from 'Stardust Accelerator: Digital Warrior' included. There will also be custom-made Yugioh! cards (based off of the 'Android: Netrunner' Living Card Game) used in Duels against canon characters. If you do not wish to see either of these things, you are welcome to stop reading.

Issue #4: I will be using Japanese names for character names, and terminology, as often as I can. If you are confused as to who, or what, something is, please look at the Yugioh! Wikia page to find the translation into the English version.

Issue #5: This story will not have a Duel every chapter. A minor point, really, but I want to make sure readers understand that before going in. Some chapters will be used to advance the plot, or develop characters.

Alright, with that out of the way, let's get the DISCLAIMER in: The author does not own the Yugioh TCG, the 'Android: Netrunner' Living Card Game, the Yugioh 5D's anime, or the 'Reverse of Arcadia' video game. The author claims ownership of their Original Characters, and any future custom elements they introduce into this story.

Onward to the Chapter!

[? POV]

"Is anyone out there?"

Someone asks this from the darkness around me. I can't connect the voice to a person, but it sounds high-pitched. A child, maybe? Female? Should I speak back to it?

It turns out I don't need to say anything to change my surroundings. The darkness around me slides back, and I now stand in a forest filled with trees. Sunlight peeks through a layer of leaves that block the sky from my sight. The leaves themselves are bright and green, the trunks around me an earthy brown. I place a hand on one trunk to find the tree is very sturdy, like it's in its prime.

Birds twitter and chirp, but I don't see any fly by. The air feels warm to me, but not uncomfortable. I briefly think that I should know how the air here feels, but that thought skips away from me before I can focus on it. This place's atmosphere makes all my thoughts act like that. It's almost like the world is on pause.

"Hello?" It's that child's voice, again. "Can anyone hear me?!"

I frown. That child sounds worried. Worry doesn't fit with this place. It shouldn't be here. I know this instantly, and don't question it. But, where is this person, this worry, coming from?

"Help me!" the child shouts, her voice now clearly a girl's. "Someone, help me!"

I want to open my mouth to shout, "Where are you?" back to the child, but my body doesn't move. I try to force myself to action, but I can't. I can't do anything, and that breaks all the peace I felt earlier. I need to move, to help this child. She needs my help!

I put more strength into moving, but nothing responds. I then try with all my strength; still nothing. I need to move, but I'm frozen up in this moment. I can't move my body to express my emotions, and that terrifies me inside.

Something runs out from the trees ahead of me. It's a small girl, covered in shadows. Her breath is quick, harsh, panicked. She runs by me without a word. Deep grunts and hoots come from where she came, and they get closer to me with every second.

Then, a loud series of beeps make the forest vanish before my eyes.


"Divine-sama!" Seria turns to face the back of my head as the beeps continue. "The subject's mental energy is spiking!"

"I see that," I reply as I read over the various graphs and charts on the subject's stasis pod. "How serious is it?"

"Results aren't absolutely clear," she reports as I hear her shift back to her computer. "But, there is one important thing, here." I turn to face her, and see her finger pointing at a purple line among a full graph of lines.

"See this line?" she asks me, despite the fact she's pointing at it. "This means the subject is in mental contact with some other being, or place. It could even be the Duel Monsters Spirit World!"

"Let's not jump to conclusions, Seria," I calmly state, despite feeling quite pleased with this possibility. "Keep analyzing the data for now. We don't want anything to be missed regarding his reprogramming."

"Yes, Divine-sama," Seria replies, her expression focused on the screen. I turn back to the pod in time to see the subject's head twitch once, and then twice.

"Oh!" Seria shouts from her computer. "The subject's waking up! Is it too early for that to happen?" I feel Seria's gaze on me, but I keep my eyes on the subject. The beeps drone on in my ears as I quickly make a decision.

"It's fine," I say. "Let him wake up. He needs the chance to stand on his own two feet." I don't show my own concern about the subject's awakening.

I place my hand on a marked screen and feel the pod's computer scan my handprint beneath my gloves. The pod's lid opens with a hiss of compressed air, and the slight gurgle of liquid being drained. The lid then leans to the right and lowers itself into a side compartment.

The subject inside the now-open pod is a teenager with a young appearance. He wears a white form-fitting body suit, which matches his pale complexion. Wires stretch from a thin metal cap that wraps around his head and ears. These wires connect his brain to the pod's computers, opens his senses for us to see. The subject rests on a small set of pads designed to cushion the body and provide minimum stress.

The subject's face is still an unusual sight each time I look at it. The right eye, and some skin around it, are gone. What replaces that area is a cybernetic eye with two circles that act like an iris and pupil. Both circles are grey, at the moment. I take another glance around the eye and see that the metal has been sown into the skin, rather than just put there and left alone.

The subject's left eyelid moves, clenches, and then slowly opens. The eye is a blue-green color, like the ocean in sunlight. The metal eye's inner circle shines bright green at the same time. Both eyes begin to move around in their sockets. The metal eye moves just as well as the human one. The subject's chest rises and falls in a steady breathing pattern.

"Subject is fully awake," Seria reports from behind me. "No mental issues detected." The boy looks over to her with both eyes, and then tries to sit up. He doesn't get far before his limbs give out, and he falls back onto the pads.

"Take it easy," I say to the boy as I carefully detach the metal cap from his scalp. "You don't need to rush." The boy now looks at me as I remove the cap and reveal his multicolored hair. Red, blue, and green all mold together into some cacophony of primary colors. His breath picks up speed as he slowly places his hands against the sides of the pod. I step back as he pushes himself to a sitting position, and then holds his head in his hands.

[? POV]

My ears are full of noise. The light here is different from the forest, and I don't like that. My senses feel warped; my eyes tingle as I sit upright. I rub my hands along my head, and that helps a bit.

Soon, I move my head around with my eyes to fully see where I am. This room's walls are a light blue, or maybe that's from the blue glow of all the computer screens here. Two other people are here, one woman and one man. I look to the woman, first, as she looks back at me.

She has short golden-brown hair, lightly-tanned skin, and wide golden eyes. She wears a strange robe over a white shirt and undergarments I can't see. This robe has golden lines along the edges, blue on the front, and black along the collar. She gives me a smile as I look at her, but I feel like that smile doesn't reach her eyes.

When I look at the man, I don't get the chance to note anything special. Pain lances through my head the moment we make eye contact. I moan, close my eyes, and turn my head away to try and block out a rush of sound. My vision flashes red behind my closed eyes. Luckily, the pain quickly turns into a dull throb that I can deal with.

"I thought you said there weren't any mental issues!" The man angrily shouts this at the woman.

"I-I'm sorry, Divine-sama," the woman stutters as I hear the clacking of computer keys. "The computer didn't pick up anything odd, so I thought—"

"You thought wrong!" I gather the willpower to look at the two as the man shouts this at the woman. She wilts under his glare, frozen like I was in that forest. I feel sorry for her against this overpowering man. It makes me nervous to look at him, again. Luckily, no new pain comes when I do so.

I can now take in his appearance. He wears a dark-green vest, black gloves, and white tie over a black suit and black corduroy pants. His auburn-colored hair slightly obscures the right side of his face. His skin looks bright against the artificial light. His eyes are an odd shade of brown and green. At least, I think they're like that; they seem to shift colors when I focus on them.

"It's alright," the man says to me, his voice suddenly very calm. "You're safe, now. No one can harm you, here."

"Here?" I croak out this word through my dry tongue and parched throat. "Where is 'here'?" The man and woman stare at me for a second after I talk, which doesn't help me get an answer.

"This is the Arcadia Movement," the man replies as he walks next to me. "A safe haven for people like us against the common society. Now, before you get too excited, can you tell me your name?"

"My name." I parrot this back, look away from the man, and rack through my head. "My name is…"

Silence falls. I try to find my name, try to speak it, but nothing comes out of my mouth. No memory comes to me about my name, not even someone else calling me it. I suddenly feel cold, fragile, at this fact.

"I… I don't know my name." I then turn to the two people and ask with quick breaths, "Should I know it? Did I somehow forget it, and then forget I forgot it?"

The woman shoots a glance at the man, who smiles with closed eyes. He doesn't seem fazed by my problem, or he's doing a great job of hiding his emotions.

"You must have amnesia," he says without changing his expression. "It's only temporary, I'm sure. But, I learned your name when we brought you here, in case you forgot it." He then opens his eyes, and I can't look away from him as he speaks.

"Your name is Epsilon."

"Epsilon…" I say that word over and over again. I let it run over my tongue, taste each syllable. It feels like a good name, and I smile as I look into the man's eyes. "My name is Epsilon."

"You are safe here," he says.

"I… I am safe here." It takes me a moment to repeat that, but I feel satisfaction in doing so.

"You are safe in the Arcadia Movement," he continues.

"I am safe in the Arcadia Movement," I speak back. This makes sense, stating back the facts this man gives me.

"You are a Psychic Duelist."

"I am a Psychic Duelist," I automatically reply. I don't know what that term means, but it feels right to say it.

"You are a member of the Arcadia Movement."

"I am a member of the Arcadia Movement." I feel happy saying this, so it must be true.

"I am the Movement's leader."

"You are the Movement's leader." Of course that's true. How else would he know the Movement's goals, as well as who he says I am? I shouldn't contradict his words.

"You are safe with me, and other members of the Movement."

"I am safe with you, and other members of the Movement." A warmth flows through me as I know this to be true.

The man then breaks his gaze on me and turns to the women with the word, "Seria!"

The woman—Seria—snaps to a standing position with a quick, "Yes, Divine-sama!" So, the man's name is Divine. That's a good name.

"See that Epsilon is taken care of until I return," Divine orders. "I need to see to the other members of the Movement. Bring Epsilon to the Duel Arena when he's ready."

Seria silently bows her head, and Divine gives me one last smile before he walks to a pair of pale-green doors. They whoosh open automatically for him, and close again when he leaves.

Seria and I remain in the room. I still sit in the device I woke up in, and Seria still stands by her computer screen. We are both silent, and we don't look at each other. I feel the moments tick by, and eventually feel the desire to say something. Before I do so, Seria clears her throat.

"So, Epsilon," she starts with a slightly-shaky voice. "I know you have questions about things are here. How about we play a game to answer them?"

I raise an eyebrow as I ask, "What kind of 'game'?"

"A question game." She looks at me, now. "We'll each take turns asking the other a question. I think it'll help answer any concerns you may have. Divine-sama did say that I should take care of you, but I need to know more about you, first."

"Alright." That makes enough sense, even though I may not give her the best answers. Seria gives a small smile, and then sits back down in her chair. She swivels it around to face me as she smooths a crease in her robe.

"You can start," she says as she points a finger at me. I nod, and try to think of a good first question. I've got several questions, but I feel I should start with a simple one. Don't want to make her upset, or anything.

I finally ask, "What is the Arcadia Movement?"

"It's what Divine-sama said it is," Seria replies. "A safe haven for Psychic Duelists, like us. We're here because the people of the world hate us. They hate our gifts, and abuse us for having them." She looks down as she says, "You've been abused worse than many of us here."

Abused? That word sounds wrong to me. I shake my head to remove it as soon possible. I don't recall any moments of being abused, but that might actually be a good thing. I don't like the images it leaves behind in my head.

"My turn," Seria says as she looks at me again. "A Psychic Duelist needs to know a few key terms to fully learn their abilities here at the Movement. One of these is the game 'Duel Monsters'. Do you know what that is?"

"Yes." Something clicks in my head the moment I hear those two words. Duel Monsters. Pictures flash by my eyes at a rapid pace. I start to talk faster than I can keep up.

"'Duel Monsters' is a trading card game using Solid Vision technology on a variety of mechanical devices to simulate a real battlefield through holographic images. Various types of Duel Monsters cards are used to represent Monsters, Spells, and Traps. This game is popular across the world, and has been integrated in several different styles over its existence. The game has connections to—"

"Woah, woah, woah! That's enough!" Seria's hands are up in front of her as she stops me mid-sentence. "I just needed a 'yes' or 'no' answer!"

"I'm sorry…" I stare down at the device I'm sitting in as I say this and Seria sputters something out in what I assume to be apology. I notice this device looks like some kind of chamber I can rest inside. It has a white outer surface and a large clear lid off to one side. Several wires are on the inner black surface.

"It's your turn to ask a question, Epsilon," Seria reminds me. I look back to her, and a new question quickly comes to my mind.

"What is a Psychic Duelist?"

Seria's eyes glaze over; her face grows sad. I feel a pang of regret for asking her about this. But, she still answers me in a long explanation.

"Psychic Duelists are people with the ability to turn Solid Vision into reality. Through our powers, the Monsters, Spells, and Traps we use in Duels become real. This can cause terrible harm to our opponents, and bystanders, if not used carefully. At the worst, it can lead to death, but that very rarely happens among our kind.

"Because of this power, and the fear it brings, people think Psychic Duelists are crazed killers. But, they don't realize how difficult is to control our energies. Duels are exciting for everyone involved, and people tend to get emotional in one. When that happens, people can say, or do, things they wouldn't otherwise.

"That's what the Arcadia Movement is for; controlling our Psychic Dueling energies. Divine-sama plans to gather as many of our kind as possible and use our powers to help the world. That way, people will love us for our gift, rather than hate us for it."

I take all this in, let it mull around in my brain. This Movement's plan makes sense to me. Then again, I don't know of any other plans, so I have to stick with it. It's better than having no purpose at all for my being here.

"My turn," Seria says before she asks her next question. "If you know what Duel Monsters is, do you also know how to play it?"

"Play it?" I close my eyes for a second and see countless images of Duel Monsters cards, and Duelists, in action. "Yes, I do. But," I continue as I open my eyes again. "I thought you said Psychic Duelists got emotional in a Duel, and we lose control of our power. I don't want to hurt anyone if I can help it…"

"No, no, it's fine." Seria quickly says with a smile. "I think Divine-sama will want to test your skills as a Duelist, anyway." She then stands up with the words, "Come on, let's get you changed into an official robe."

'Official Robe'? I look down at myself and see I'm in a white suit that covers everything but my hands, feet, and head. I blush as I realize I'm not wearing anything beneath this. How much of me can Seria see? How much did Divine see?! Seria chuckles as I try to cover myself.

"It's alright," she says with an amused glint in her eyes. "Divine-sama put you in that suit when you were put in the pod. It's designed to give the maximum possible immersion with the pod's technology, while still maintaining a decent appearance. We didn't see anything we weren't supposed to."

That doesn't make me feel better as I take Seira's hand. She helps me step out of the pod, like I'm just learning how to walk. The floor is cold to my feet, but I try to ignore the new sensations. Seira gives me another smile as she finally releases her grip. I stand on my own two feet as she heads over to the device and opens a small compartment on the side.

She pulls out a white shirt, pants, and socks, black shoes, and another of those robes from that compartment. Kind of odd how all that stuff can fit in there. Maybe she'll explain it to me later.

"There's a bathroom to the left of this room," Seria tells me as she hands me all these clothes. "I'll stay outside of the bathroom and keep the place private for you. Call out if you need me, okay?" I nod back, and step carefully to the door. It opens up to a light-green hallway that has lights in the floor and ceiling. I look to the left and see a door marked with the word, 'UNIVERSAL BATHROOM'.

I mentally thank Seira as I race the short distance to the door. It automatically opens, and I step into a white-floored bathroom with multiple green-walled stalls, white sinks, and one long mirror. I move over to a stall, shut the door behind me, and start to change.

'Huh. This doesn't look half bad.'

I think this as I brush down a few wrinkles in my new robe. The only difference from Seira's clothes is that the front part of my robe is colored light purple. I wonder why Seira's is a different color? Some kind of system? Ah, better not judge it now; Seira's waiting on me outside.

I fold up the suit as best I can, take it in my hands, and step out of the stall. As I head to the door, the flash of something red on the mirror makes me slow down. I turn to face the mirror, and stop completely.

Something's wrong with my face. More specifically, my right eye. It's metal, and green, and… creepy. I have no other words to properly describe it.

I move up to the mirror, to try and take in every detail. I reach up and touch it with my fingers. I then blink rapidly to dispel what feels like tears from running down my face. Okay, at least now I know I shouldn't touch my eyes like that. Even if they're made of metal.

A muffled, "Are you alright, Epsilon?" comes in from outside. Seira's still waiting on me. I don't want her to get worried.

"Just a moment," I shout back. She probably has answers as to why my eye is like this. I shouldn't poke around with it, for now. So, I turn away from the mirror and head out the door.

"Nice look, Epsilon!" Seira comments as she sees me in my robe. "I'll just take that suit from you, and we can go the Arena."

"Before we go," I ask Seira as I hand her the suit and point at my metal eye. "What's up with this? I saw it in the bathroom mirror, and it—"

"I can't tell you." Seira's response is sharp and crisp as she cuts me off mid-sentence. "But, Divine can. That's one reason why we're going to see him, now. Come along. No more questions."

I fall into step behind Seira. She now looks focused on something else. It sounds like Divine is her superior, but is there something else at work? I shake my head and dismiss it as we make our way to the 'Arena'.

The 'Arena' is actually a large chamber with padded walls of blue and purple shades. Two Dueling fields, or what my mind says are Dueling fields, are marked out on the brown floor. A small window is on the upper left wall, for anyone who might be interested in watching.

One of the Duel Field spaces has a mannequin with some kind of device around its right arm. A large circle-shaped computer with five slots around a central red stone is behind the mannequin. It extends from the wall via large pistons, and several wires. More wires stretch from the computer to a device on the mannequin's arm.

Divine stands near the door when we enter, talking with a few Movement members with the same-color robes as Seira. Each of these people have different-colored hair that covers their eyes. Otherwise, they all look the same to me. They also seem to move as one being. Kind of creepy, actually.

"Ah, Epsilon," Divine says with a smile when he notices our entry. "Good to see you're up and moving. I trust Seira answered all your questions?"

"She did, sir," I respond. Seira briefly glances at me when she realizes I just made a white lie. Technically, we didn't agree we were finished asking each other questions, so we didn't actually finish. But, Seria doesn't lose her focused expression. Divine doesn't seem to notice Seria's glance, since his smile remains the same.

"Epsilon knows what Duel Monsters is, Sir," Seria then states to Divine. "He also says he knows how to play it."

"Well, then," the man says as one of the other members hands him a stack of cards and another of those devices. "I think it's time we saw how much Psychic Dueling power you have. The best way to do that is through a practical test."

"You want me to Duel?" I ask, just to confirm what he said. "But, Seira said Psychic Dueling can be dangerous. I don't want to put anyone in harm's way."

"That's why we're using this arena," Divine explains as he gestures to the room around us. "Its walls are padded to block out even the strongest of psychic attacks. Also, the rest of us will be watching you from the reinforced observation room up there." He then points to that small window I saw earlier, which explains why it's there.

"I see," I say. Then, I ask, "Wait, who will I be Dueling, if all of you will be watching?"

"You'll be facing a computer opponent." Divine points to the mannequin. "That mannequin is connected to a Dueling program that the computer can use. We have a test Deck programmed into the computer, and it will use cards like a human Duelist would. All we need to do now is give you your Deck and Duel Disk for your time in the Movement. I have one of each you can use, here."

The words 'Deck' and 'Duel Disk' are familiar to me. I know what they are mere seconds after hearing them. Divine first hands me a Disk with a yellow stone in the center of a green-and-white surface. Five Monster card zones, and five Spell and Trap card zones, are on the front end. A small holder for my Deck rests to the right of the stone.

Speaking of the Deck, Divine then hands that to me with the words, "Take a look, if you need to." I grasp the stack of cards in my hand, and fan through them. I wonder if I can get any sort of strategy from a quick glance. The images in my head say that there are many different strategies you can use in Duel Monsters. It's a matter of which strategy connects with which Duelist.

A collection of Monsters, Spells, and Traps are here, all the Monsters having higher Attack Points than I expect for their Level. They all have images of a strange symbol; three small, orange dragons flying in a circle around a central orange sphere. They also all have one similar name that I ask out loud to myself.

"Koa'ki Meiru…?"

"An underused archetype, actually." I jump at Divine's voice, absorbed as I was by the cards. "The Koa'ki Meiru were first developed to counter some other archetypes that were being overused by professional Duelists. To describe this archetype simply, they focus on overwhelming power and control while they are on the field."

"However," Divine continues as he takes the Deck back, fans through it, and pulls out one Spell card for me to see. "Such power comes with a price. Each of your Monsters needs to use the energy of their Iron Core, or a Monster of the same type, to stay alive for more than one turn. This matches what I teach Psychic Duelists like you; great power, but also great responsibility. Understand?"

"Y-yes, sir," I say as Divine hand me back the Deck. To be honest, I don't completely understand, but my gut instinct says to just shut up and go along with it. Seira said Divine was going to use Psychic Duelists to help the world, and learning how to control my powers sounds like a good way for me to start helping him on that goal.

I jump as Divine places a hand on my shoulder. My eyes meet his, and they seem to shift before me once again. His calm face removes my questions about this Dueling test. I should trust what he says, since he's the leader of the Movement. I shift into a focused expression, all external thoughts gone. Divine steps back with that same smile.

"Let's clear the Arena." Divine orders to everyone else inside. "We'll watch Epsilon's Duel from the observation room." Seira and the other Movement members nod, and then follow their leader out the same door Seira and I entered through. I move onto the center of the closest field's back row, as the images in my head tell me to do.

I place the Deck into the Disk's holder, and the Disk activates with a shimmer of multicolored light. The holder shuffles the Deck's cards, and the Duel fields briefly flash below me as they activate. I glance to the window for a second, before I draw my initial hand. Is Divine looking back at me right now? Is he watching me with Seria and those other officials?

No, I shouldn't focus on that. My goal is to do my best in this Duel. That's all that matters right now. I need to show Divine that I am what he says I am. I trust his judgement.


"Excuse me, sir." One of the officials behind me speaks up when we enter the observation room and walk to the window. "I do not doubt the credibility of your actions, but I can't remove a feeling of doubt about this Duel."

I don't look back to this official as I simply say, "Explain what you mean." I keep my eyes on Epsilon as he prepares for the Duel.

"With all due respect," the official begins, "this doubt comes from the fact you are placing a high-priority Psychic Duelist straight into a testing Duel. Surely you could have double-checked his condition beforehand?"

"We could have run him through a few Duel puzzles," a second official quickly speaks up. "Figured out how much he actually knows about Duel Monsters. Then, this practical exam would have given more accurate data than us just trusting corruptible data."

I close my eyes and take a breath to respond, but Seria beats me to the punch when she cries, "Would you two shut up? Divine-sama knows what he's doing. He's trained us in the same manner, yes?" The officials do shut up, but I can tell from their mental stress that they still doubt my words. That's understandable, but I still don't like to see this much doubt among my Movement's members.

"I appreciate your confidence, Seria," I say to the woman as I turn back to face her. "However, these questions are important ones to consider." I see Seria's eyes widen, and I quickly raise a hand to stop her question, and explain my statement.

"The Duelist you see here, Epsilon, has a lot of energy that the Movement can use. I'd even say his power could match Aki's, if used correctly." I almost chuckle as I sense the shock of everyone else in the room. They certainly weren't mentally prepared for that statement. Maybe they need more training, themselves.

"I knew of Epsilon before he came to us," I continue as I see him draw his initial hand of cards. "He is someone who will accept what he is told as long as there is proof to back it up. The moment he finds something seriously wrong with what he's told, he won't fully accept it. We need to make sure Epsilon doesn't ever doubt the Arcadia Movement's goals."

The first official from before then asks, "I assume this is placed under the highest priority restrictions, sir?"

"What we see in this room stays in this room," I answer. "Others have tried to control Epsilon, and failed. We will not. We must not, if our goal of a perfect world is to be realized."

At that moment, Epsilon looks to the window. My eyes meet with his, and I sense he has a question in his mind. That question is dispelled after a few seconds, when I feel his confusion turn into determination to impress me. His metal eye doesn't show any emotion at all, which I expect to happen.

"Epsilon will be fine," I state with as much sincerity as I can give. Considering he accepted the mental mantra that I fed into his open mind earlier, I don't anticipate a high level of resistance to my demands. I just need to see how a Duel like this will affect his mental state. The moment something goes wrong, which I anticipate will happen, I want to be ready to patch up any holes in the reprogramming.

I've spent far too much on this boy to see him walk away from me.

My attention turns back to Epsilon as he shouts, "DUEL!" The computer echoes the same words in an electronic voice. I smile as future ideas begin to form in my mind. For now, I'll be content in seeing how the former 'Netrunner' can deal with Dueling under my command…

Alright, that's all for now.

I hope you will keep what I said at the top of this chapter in mind. However, I do appreciate your feedback as well. So, please give constructive criticism, reviews, and comments as you wish. Any negative comments, or criticism made without proof, will not be tolerated.

I will look through each review that is given, and respond to as many as I can (either via Private Messages, or the next Chapter's Author's notes). But, I will not give away any spoilers as to how the story will develop.

(Stretches ache in wings)

To those of you who are reading this around Halloween, I wish you a night of frightful fun. To people reading this at a later date, I hope you will stick around to see how this story develops.

Draconos is taking off!