Hello guys sorry for not updating. Is busy at my college and a lot of situations happening at my country but I'm fine. I haven't quit this story nor given up so don't worry.

Chapter 8: Rising! Zeta joins the team!

Marshall rushed to help out Iki as fast as he could on a room in the Lookout.

Marshall: What happened to him?

Zuma: I don't know he just showed up like this out of nowhere.

Raigho: It seems he got in a brutal fight. And by the looks of it, he lost.

Zuma: I'm willing to bet it was this strange guy. Too bad Phantom is on vacation doing something himself. He could have helped us very quick.

Marshall closed the doors and started helping Iki around, luckily the wounds were not that bad as they looked. Even thought they were deep, it wasn't a matter that he could not handle.

Zuma: CHASE!

Chase: I'm on it Zuma, I will go find out who did this, and don't worry, I will be careful myself tell Isa to watch the kids.

Fehu: I will come with you.

Raigho: Me too.

Chase nodded and ran following the blood tracks while Raigho and Fehu followed him.

Zuma: Please comeback safe.

Princess: Daddy?

Zuma: What is it dear?

Princess: I'm bored and hungry.

Zuma: I know baby, I'm sorry, why don't you comeback with your brother and sister, I will fetch you some food.

Princess: Daddy?

Zuma: What?

She so much want it to say on what happened between Junior and Misty being evil and manipulative against Cloud, she missed him dearly and want it to see him again, she even hated the way her father looked down at Cloud like a bad dog that didn't belonged. But that threat she received by her two elder siblings was scary enough for her to stay silent even now.

Princess: Is nothing.

Zuma: Is okay baby, if you ever feel like saying it someday, you can tell me anything. Is something bothering you? You haven't been very yourself lately.

Princess: is nothing daddy.

Zuma: *Sights.* Okay baby. Get back inside, it is dangerous outside.

She obeyed and returned back inside. Zuma knew she wasn't saying something. He knew she tried to say something important, but his questions washed away with the events happening right now. He walked back inside and head to the kitchen to find food for his kids.

Misty: Junior, do you think Princess will open her mouth and tell on us?

Junior: You worry too much sis. In fact, you are being too naïve. Princess knows what will come for her if she opens her mouth.

Misty: But bro, you know what mom says, the truth will eventually come out. And even if she tells, what are you going to do? Dad will be pissed and mom, oh mom, she will be more than furious. She will never forgive us and we will be the ones living in the streets and…

Junior: Hey, hey, hey. Listen, we have the advantage, if any of that happens, we have the proof oh a wolf. You know how wolf instincts are always the reason why wolf hybrids are not accepted in our dog family line. They do stuff out of our behavior and they like it and make it a habit. We just say we acted this way out of self-defense against him, I mean if a wolf attacks you what do you do if you are a strong dog who protects its family. You fight back for the safety of them even if it kills you.

Misty: You are right? After all he did attacked us.

Junior: You see. No problem. You just need to keep seeing it like we always do.

Misty: Right. He was a little monster inside our family and our mission is to make sure he stays out.

Billy: *Yawns* You guys are still on it? Give it a rest.

Junior: Hey, Billy the day you have a brother who is a wolf and he nearly kills you one of those days, then you have permission to say your crap.

Billy: But, but, honestly you drove him to that lim…

Junior knocked him down and threatened him with showing his injury.

Junior: You see this? Is the mark of a beast trying to kill me. Open your goddamn mouth again and I swear, I will make you swallow all the shit that is coming to you. Capiche?

Billy: Ye…yes sir.

He pushed Billy back to his room and closed the door. Misty felt slightly bad on how Junior treated Billy, she saw Billy as close family and he was a good-hearted pup. In fact, his heart was pure and kind. Seeing him being treated this way was hard and rather a bit angering but she only saw that Junior behaved this way thanks to Cloud, so she didn't blamed him.

Misty: I think you went too hard on him bro.

Junior: Shut up.

Princess watched the entire conversation and event herself. She was scared of Junior now, it was hard to see her siblings be so cold hearted but she couldn't do anything. But watch the fight.

(Top floor, Lookout)

Skye was watching the city from the large window of the Lookout Tower, as she watched she wondered in which forest her baby could be, she was grateful to know he was okay at the least, but like any other mother in life she was incredibly worried despite knowing he was doing well. She wished so much to see him again, but Ryder wouldn't allow it now that everyone is convinced he is a criminal pup who is up to no good. Those thoughts still hurt her deeply knowing her baby is not capable of doing so. But it was worst knowing the very father of that pup actually declaring such pup a stranger unfit to carry the family name and blood was all that made her world in ruins. Never has she heard of such atrocity.

Zuma: Skye, are you fine babe?

Skye: You still asking me that? Do you think I am?

Zuma: Well I'm sorry honey but there is nothing we can do on that matter and we already had this discussion already.

Skye: But Zuma, he is only a pup, he is not capable of doing something like this.

Zuma: He already did and he has betrayed us dearly, I won't let that little monster keep ruining our lives and less hurt this family and mine.

Skye: but we are the only family he's ever known.

Zuma: Skye! Is over, forget about him. He…is not…worth…your LOVE! NOT WORTH IT!...Skye listen, I understand you feel this way about him. But you have to forget about him and move on in life. I want to protect us.

He tried to put his paw on her chin sympathetically but she refused and forced her head away. He didn't try to do this again.

Zuma: Food is ready downstairs. Please come down to eat.

He used the elevator and went down. Once he reached the lower level he exited seeing Rocky out there.

Rocky: She still doesn't budge?

Zuma: No, she is still on it. She is still convinced on the idea of him being a good pup.

Rocky: Hey, I know the situation, and I'm behind you all the way. But remember that she is the mother of your kids, also the one who was closest to Cloud. She just needs more time to regain that strength, she will understand in time. Don't rush her over.

Zuma: Yeah, you are right. She was the closest to him. I will give her time.

Rocky: Good, now come on, we need the food on our stomach.

They proceeded to go to the room to eat.

(Somewhere in a big pile of rubble.)

Old Recording: Sometime in that big pile of rubble used to stand a big tall laboratory building. Back in the days this laboratory educated itself on scientist wanting to create more rather than studying stuff. The power of science was greater than people imagine. The people used to say that the future was possible thanks to this laboratory's existence and mission. Others say this place was a curse that tried to bring bad things to a time that it was yet not ready. But despite the praise or hate our scientists only worked to create the future they believed in. they have worked ages to create the thing that could have bring more capabilities to us. They created immortality. Following the Greek alphabet from Alpha to Omega, they were some test subjects who successfully survived and became the immortals we once seeked, but then the disaster came Omega the most destructive and most powerful of all awoke first and turned the place to ashes. His anger and confusion destroyed our work, destroyed our back up work and most of all, he destroyed all his brothers and sisters along with the hard-working scientists that created this form of life. Now that subject Omega is free, no one knows what the world will turn into. His confusion and incapability to know and differ from right to wrong just means that this is truly, the end of our wo…

The recording device that was being held by an immobile hand was crushed by it cutting off the last bit of the message. The hand opened itself and dropped the shattered device. It moved again and it pulled its arm completely, it was just a black armored arm and the arm positioned itself to pull something. From the pile of rubble, a visible black horned helmet with red glowing multi visors came out and a fully black armored being came out from the big rubble. The being looked up and looked at the ruins of the place. A bunch of blade like objects started to hover around the being in the back. The helmet had a symbol engraved on it. This was Zeta, he is the mind that neutralizes any other subject that goes full power without thinking. His job is to keep his brothers and sisters in a stable mentality. He came out looking at his destroyed place. He was hearing the recording and all he could think about was to find his lone lost brother.

Zeta: Omega…I will come for you. This time you won't be alone.

The place around shook and a violent purple energy blew the ruins away and he jumped with such height that he left a crater in his place.

To be continued…