Harry was in a pickel, he was losing the fight with the Horntail badly. He was force to partaken in the Triwizard Tournament when someone unknown put his name in the Goblet of Fire and now he was getting his ass kicked by a fucking Fire Breathing Dragon.

"Boy Harry sure is losing this battle"said the anouncer "he'll need to finish quick or he'll lose this match."

"I gotta use a spell that can help me get to that golden egg, oh i'll just use the accio spell mad-eye taught me" Harrythought.

The Dragon was ready to fire his breath, Harry wasn't going to give up, not now "i,m not going to up, not while Ginny's watching, Fuck I meant cho not Ginny" Harry thought "time to impress Ginny, no Cho is the one you want."

He then lifted his wand and said "Accio-"

Just than the horntail spat a fire ball at harry, just narrowly dodging it. "GRRR, ACCIO Ginny". said Harry. Just than Ginny came hurrling towards Harry.


"I don't know it was the heat of the moment and i panicked"

Fred, George, Ron, and Hermione were watching this. Fred said "boy I know Harry likes Ginny but c'mon"

" I just hope he knows what he's doing" said George

"Accio Harry's fire-bolt" chanted Ginny."I know a spell that'll help us, it's called Reducto" Harry's firebolt then came to Ginny she handed to him and said "You get the egg, I'll distract him, REDUCTO"

Harry then got on his broom and flew towards the nest and grabbed the golden egg just in the nick of time. Once charlie saw this he ordered for the Horntail to be tranked. Noe that the Dragon was down and both Harry and Ginny safe Charlie had a few words to say to Harry.

"So Harry, how long have you had a crush on my sister" charlie asked calmly.

"I'm sorry Charlie, I just panicked, I'll won't let it happen again" said Harry.

"Alright just don't scare me like that okay, oh look here comes your fan club" said Charlie

"that was very risky Harry, please don't do that to Ginny" said Ron

"I promise"

"By the way I'm sorry for treating you badly"

"it's cool"

Harry then went to Ginny and said " I'm Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry Gin I nearly got you killed, thanks for helping out I owe you big time."

"It's cool Harry i'll think of some thing for you to do"


A couple weeks later the yule ball was anounced, Ginny went up to Harry and said " Harry you're taking me to ball, cool?"

"Yeah that's fair"

"Thanks" Ginny than kissed Harry on his forehead an walked back to the the common room.

"i am so damn luck" Harry thought.