It's not a date !

Part 1 : Making the stand

Yep, I too fell head over heels for this little show known as "The Loud House". It's funny, it's simple, and the chemistry between Lincoln and his 10 sisters is adorable !

So here's my take on trying to recreate an episode of the Loud House, but with a bit of my writing style. I hope you'll enjoy it.

On this Friday afternoon, Clyde McBride was feeling very confused. Not Lori Loud confused, or taking a halestorm of Luan's pranks confused, or even trying to see the 'apparent' difference between the 32 different pinks of Lola's dresses confused.

He had learned the golden rule for that last turmoil though : Agree with her.

No, today Clyde was truly confused at the actions of his best friend, his lead bro, Lincoln Loud.

Being an only child, Clyde had always wondered what it would mean for him to have a sibling. With Lincoln, he had the closest thing to a brother he could ever get. Plus, he could see in Lincoln the other extreme of having siblings, namely because of his 10 sisters. Come to his house on a Friday Night, and you'd see them live up their family name, loud and proud.

(This pun is Luan-approved)

Thus, Clyde watched his best friend skipping in joy... before drooping in sadness, then contorting into anger, rocking himself in fetal position, taking his thinking pose, doing a little jig, and repeating the cycle again and again.

And he had been like that all the way from school. And now that they were nearing Lincoln's home, Clyde wanted awnsers.

"Lincoln, I'm getting concerned. You've been like that since school ended. I let you out of my field of vision for 30 seconds, and you transformed yourself into a mess of emotions." said Clyde truthfully.

Lincoln stopped his skipping in mid-air, before grabbing his friend by the shoulders. "That's because I AM a mess of emotions ! And it's all because of this !" awnsered Lincoln in panic, sorting a folded letter from his backpack.

Clyde opened the letter, and read out loud :

"Hey Lam- Lincoln.

I'm writing this letter because my phone is dead, and it won't get replaced until Sunday. I'm doing this the 'traditionnal way', as my parents call it.

There is one heck of a promo at Gus' Games and Grub. One grub bought, three tokens for free ! One life-time experience dude, and I thought about going with ya, since you can actually defend yourself on Turbo Blast XXIII and Chainsaw Ninja IX.

I'll be there Saturday at 1 p.m. You better be there, or next week will be a very endangering one for you.

See ya soon (for your sake),

Ronnie Anne.

"Do you see the problem now ?!" said Lincoln, gripping his face.

Clyde looked at his white-haired friend in confusion. "You've spent all your allowance ?"


"You already have plans this Saturday ?"


"You've got an army of zombies after you, and they're waiting for you there ?"

"No !"

"Then I can safely say that I fail to see the problem." deadpanned Clyde.

"The problem is that THIS, right here, is a Girl Letter !" shouted Lincoln, shoving the letter closer to his friend's face, who pushed it in mid-annoyance.

"But why do you care ? You and Ronnie Anne are just pals." questionned Clyde.

"Yes, and for now, I want it to stay it that way !" explained Lincoln.

"Wait, for now ? Oh..." said Clyde with a smile, wriggling his eyebrows. "When's the wedding ?"

"Not now, Clyde !" retorted Lincoln, not amused. "I don't want to rush things, I want to be sure she is cool with it, so hell doesn't break loose. For now, we are FRIENDS. And I really do enjoy this friendship."

"You kinda already went First base when you kissed her and Jean Juan's." reminded Clyde.

"Exactly, I already have one action against my will, and it's going to make everything harder when I'll have to defend myself." said Lincoln.

"Defend yourself ? Against who ?" asked Clyde, concerned that someone might come after his bro.

Lincoln gave a very long look to Clyde, one that could crack his glasses if it could.

"I received a Girl Letter, from a girl I kissed, TWICE, that is asking me to join her at a restaurant, and spend the day there, just the two of us. Don't you think that can click something in some people's minds ? Hmm ?!" stressed out Lincoln, trying to make it obvious to his naïve friend.

"But you and Ronnie Anne both know that it's just friends hanging out." said Clyde. He then paused, gears rotating in his mind. It then became very clear, and he winced. "Oooh, your sisters, right ?"

"YES !" hollered Lincoln to the sky. "As soon as they'll even look at the signature, they are going to meddle as much as they can ! They'll make everything akward, and Ronnie Anne won't even talk to me anymore, right after she grinds me into Lincoln Filet !"

"Oh come on, they aren't that bad. They did arrange your real first kiss with Ronnie Anne after all." said Clyde, trying to pacify his friend.

"I'm not saying they are always wrong. They have, usually, the best of intentions. But for every time they succeed, I can count at least two times they've messed up, big time ! Do I even need to talk about the science fair of 4th-"

But he was stopped about a fear-stricken Clyde, who shut his mouth with his hand. "We don't talk about the science fair of 4th grade ! There was no science fair during 4th grade ! What's even a science fair ?! I don't know, because it doesn't exist !"

Lincoln then proceded to pat the back of his hyperventilating friend, waiting for him to calm down. When he did, Lincoln continued.

"Sorry for the bad memories buddy, but you get what I'm saying. Can you imagine what they could do with a girl affair ? I might be filed, to all girls in the world, as the guy who must never be dated, nor approached ! I'll be girl-less for the rest of my life, apart from my sisters visiting me when I'm old and alone !"

They were now before Lincoln's house. He gulped in aprehension, as it was Clyde's turn to pat his back.

"Can't help you from this point, buddy. Lori will be there, and you know I can't do anything when that woman is around me. Just hearing her voice will turn my brain into yogurt. You've got all my support though." said Clyde, before pulling Lincoln into a bro hug. "Good luck, comrade."

He then departed, leaving the Loud's absolute middle child to mount the steps of his porch. But before he entered, he looked right at the camera itself.

"You've been listening for a little while, haven't you ?"

The camera nodded back, and Lincoln sighed.

"Then I won't have to repeat myself. What I can tell you however, is that my sisters must not see this letter. It is imperative that they stay out of this as much as possible. No plan yet, just never let them see the letter. *Phew*. I can do this. I can one-hundred percent do this."

Passing his hand through his hair to make it cool, Lincoln entered his home with an assuring smile.

10 seconds later...

Lincoln was now looking very unamused, with huge earmuffs on his ears, as he watched his sisters letting out the shrillest of girl group squeals, even indifferent Lisa and gloomy Lucy, though baby Lily was just giggling along. He looked back at the camera.

"Note to self : Sisters can smell Girl Letters. Well, Lana and Lola can at least." narrated Lincoln. "Fortunately, I always have my emergency kit for extreme situations."

He then sorted a brown box from his backpack, which contained... a chocolate bar.

He opened it, and suddenly, naught noise could be heard in the house. The girls were intently looking at the rectangular piece of heaven. "Chocolate", they all resonated with wide shining eyes.

Knowing he had their attention, Lincoln spoke.

"Sit." On cue, they fell on their backsides at once. The sole brother sighed. "In the living room, please."

The Loud sisters zoomed off, placing themselves on and aroud the couch. Lincoln put himself in front of all of them, broke the candy bar into 10 exact pieces, and threw those one by one at his sisters, which they munched on intently and happily.

"Now that we are all assembled, we can talk about that letter you found. No shrieking !" ordered Lincoln, stopping the girls right on the edge. "I'm going to be straight to the point : I don't want you, to do, anything."

All gasped at their brother's revelation. "You're kidding, right ? This is your first date, of course we're gonna help you. You'll totally not survive without some girl advice from yours truly." said bossy Lori sternly.

"I'll, like, make you the prettiest dress ever ! Oh wait, that's for girls. But we could totally have an upsy-down theme ! You'll wear the dress, and Ronnie will wear a tuxedo !" imagined naive Leni, lost in her world of fashion.

"I'll make some fine tunes for you and the lady. Nothing better than a lunch with some music, Mick Swagger style !" said ever-rocking Luna, already banging the head to the future tunes she was going to brew.

"I'll prepare some jokes to enjoy, that will be sure to Linc the two of you, haha ! Get it ?" said comedic Luan, already cracking up.

"With the reflexes I'm gonna build in you, she'll litteraly fall into your arms, and you'll be ready to catch her." said athletic Lynn, high-fiving her older sister over the pun she just made.

"I will write poems to the extent of the ones I do for Edward. Your love will shake her to the very core of her soul." mumbled emo Lucy in her low voice, though with much more determination than usual.

"I'm going to prepare you to be the prettiest of all. Awesome treatements that will make girls crawl to you, and Ronnie Anne to fend them all off, tiger style." anounced primpy Lola suggestively, maybe too much for a 6 years old. That's the pagent world for you.

"I'll let you borrow my utility belt, so you're prepared for any situation, from stuck toilet door to raging racoon attack !" said tomboy Lana, hammer in hand.

"I might be able to concoct a beverage which will boost your social skills by two-hundred percent, with only 20% of chances of side-effects. Science is a fickle mistress, after all." said brainiac Lisa, adjusting her glasses.

"Gagblxpffft." blabblered baby Lily, clearly wanting to help in some way as she clapped joyfully.

Lincoln endured his sisters' chit-chat, before shushing them. "Enough ! There will be none of that ! Why ? Because this is not a date !"

"Right, and I'm the Queen of England. Leni, that was a metaphor, stop bowing." said Lola, as Leni returned to her place with a smile.

"It's just me and Ronnie Anne going for some pizza and video games, there is nothing romantic about that." insisted the brother.

"Right, you do get that she gave you a letter ? If her phone was dead, she would have simply come here, she knows where we live. Heck, she could have told you that at school." asserted Lori with a smirk.

"Maybe she didn't want the school or you all to know that was happening, because she knew how it would go down : exactly how it's going down right now." said Lincoln through his teeth.

"Oh pish posh, dear male sibling of mine. I can observe the brain waves kicking off the pheromones, that activate the part of your cortex which makes you feel 'love', all the way from here." analysed Lisa.

"Well, science talk aside, she's kinda right dude." said Luna with a grin. "Love is in the air, we girls can smell it from here."

"That's a myth, and you know it !" groaned Lincoln. "Look, I just don't want anything to go awry, that's all."

"Pshh, that's dumb talk. Since when did we mess up anything for you ?" said Lynn smugly, before covering her own mouth in shock. Every girl winced, as Lincoln's look darkened.

"Oh. Oh ho ho, we are actually going there, are we ?" said Lincoln with a hollow laugh. "Fine, let's take a brief trip down the memory lane. Let's see, we have my first swimming lessons."

A 5 year-old Lincoln was floating above the surface, litteraly prisonner of a cluster of floaters. He was so entangled in them, adults were talking about being forced to pop them on the spot.

On the sides, were the Loud sisters, sans Lola and Lana (Too young, sleeping at home), and sans Lisa and Lily (Not born yet). "Sorry Lincoln." they apologised in unison.

Lincoln only offered a muffled groan.

"Then there was the Flying Squirrel Scouts debacle."

8 year-old Lincoln was hanging for his dear life with his fellow scouts and instructor, as they were all being transported into the air.

How ? They were entangled in a mess of ropes, that was getting pulled into some sort of makeshift paragliding, which actually was the result of their tents sewed up together !

As all were screaming in fright, Lincoln turned his eyes to a small hill, seeing a group of people hosting a sign. But even from afar, he recognized his sisters, if the sign was any clue.


As he sighed, he thought he was starting to see things. He could have sworn he saw some sort of flying squirrel-man, with his cheeks full of nuts.

"They have great nuts around here ! Oooh, Timmy is gonna be so proud of his old man !"

"And I think nobody can forget what happened at the last science fair. You could say it was a blast. What, no snickering Luan ?"

Royal Woods' elementary school had never known such a disaster. The entire science fair was in tatters, the gymnasium had been painted with many elements, some of which were probably radioactive. Frogs, racoons and bats were roaming the place, just as distraught as the humans that used to be there.

Speaking of humans, one could be seen among the wreckage. A young 10 year-old white-haired boy, his orange shirt and jeans torn apart, and a twitching eye that could split a mountain.

His nine sisters (Lily had been taken with her parents they fled) were watching their brother from behind. They opened their mouths all at once.

"Not. a. word." hissed Lincoln with clenched teeth, prompting the girls to close their mouths.

Lincoln finished his tales with crossed arms, looking at each of his siblings on the couch. But he couldn't help but mellow at their shameful looks. Even Lucy looked more miserable than usual. What got him though, were Lana's sad words.

"But we just wanted to help..." she said, her voice almost cracking up.

Lincoln sighed, kneed to his sister's level, and put his hands on her shoulders. "I know. I know you all want to help me, and I appreciate it, really. I'm glad to know that I have you girls to back me off when I'm in any kind of serious pickle."

After a quick hug to Lana, he stood up, and faced them all again. "But it's as your brother that I do ask this request. This is not a date, so let me handle it. I ask – not demand, ask – that you do not intervene in any way, unless I call you. I swear I'll make it up to you, but please, oh please, consider what I'm telling you, and understand my wishes."

The girls looked at eachother, eyebrows raised, before giving away a smile to their pleading brother.

"Well, guess we'll have to post-pone your sessions, twerp. Go have fun, we'll stay out of this." said Lori fondly, to which all nodded.

Lincoln was beaming with happiness, as he embraced his oldest sister. "Oh, thank you ! Thank you so much, you guys ! I double-swear I'll make it up to you, you're the best !"

Lincoln then departed for the stairs, as his sisters wished him good luck for tomorrow. Pratically skipping the steps, he turned to the camera.

"Well how about that ! I was honest, I was truthful, and I simply appealed to the bond we all share as siblings. They all understood and let me go ! I can't believe it was so easy ! And now, all I have to do is wait in my room, knowing my sisters will assurely hold their word." said Lincoln with a big smile, as he reached the top of the stairs.

A frown suddenly took place on his face.

"Yeah, I'm not buying it either." he mumbled to the camera.

With an irritated look, Lincoln descended the stairs in a flash, and he wasn't disappointed by what he saw.

His sisters watched him, looking redhanded, as they were all before Lisa's chalkboard, with scribbles on it. The most proeminent writing on it was the title : "Operation : LINCOLN X RONNIE-ANNE ROYAL SMOOCH (A Loud Siblings' plan)". Lisa was sporting her military helmet, and pointing a stick at a rough drawing of Lincoln and Ronnie-Anne kissing romantically, with hearts and cherubs flying over them.

Close to the board, Luna slowly spinned the board so its blank face was visible, never tearing her eyes from her little brother for an instant. The girls then delivered very nervous smiles to their furious sibling.

"Heeey, Lincoln. H-How's it hangin', since five seconds ago ?" tried Lynn, starting to sweat bullets.

"We were so not planning on trying to transform your friendly hang-out into a romantic date if that's what you're thinking." said Lori, tugging on her collar.

"YES, WE TOTALLY WERE !" suddenly cried Leni. The other girls sent her glares. "I'm sorry girls, but I just can't cope with the kilt !"

"It's pronounced guilt, Leni." sighed Lisa, before being brought into a hug by her big sister.

"Oh, don't feel like that, it's gonna be alright." cooed Leni, prompting the small genius to sigh more.

The girls then jumped when Lincoln took a heavy step in their direction, annoyance very present in his demanor. "Fine ! I didn't want to come to this, but if you won't understand to reason, then I'll have to take more drastic measures !"

With that, he dashed off to the top of the stairs. The girls stood there, eyeing eachother in apprehension, hearing strange ruckus coming from upstairs.

Lola suddenly perked up. "Wait a sec, I know that noise. That's the sound of... my tiaras being moved ! He is touching our stuff !"

They gasped, and hastened up the stairs. But when they reached the top, they all cringed in disgust at what was put on the very last step.

"EWWWW ! It's Lincoln's special gym undies ! The ones he didn't wash for the last three weeks !" cried Lola, trying not to bile.

Lincoln came out of Lynn and Lucy's room, trudging a brown bag behind him, to then enter Luna and Luan's.

"Somebody has to do something ! I don't know what he's doing, but I haven't locked my door ! Lana, can't you budge it ?!" asked Lori in panic.

"No can do, he added that putrid lavender-scented glitter on these ! I CAN'T STAND LAVENDER !" screamed Lana.

Lincoln was now rumaging Lori and Leni's room.

"He's almost finished, we have to hurry up !" said Luan urgently.

"I suppose my rubber gloves will have to do for now, but they won't protect my skin from the smell in its entirety." said Lisa worriedly.

The ever-angry Lincoln passed his sisters without even sharing them a glance, entering his room, and locking the door.

"Hurry up anyways !" urged Luna, fearful of what her brother could be doing with her stuff right now. When properly pushed to his limits, Lincoln could get quite devious, and they all knew it.

Lisa applied the second layer of rubber gloves, before shakily reaching the dirty piece of clothing. Immediately, she shook it off her hands like it was made of lava. "I'm gonna need three heavy doses of my homemade desinfectant for my hands, and something to cleanse those gloves from... scratch that, they are going right to the furnace." moaned the very young genius.

The Loud sisters rushed to the door, but were surprised to find it locked. Not only that, they could hear the chair laid against the door, no doubt an additional defense. They also heard their brother talking, and, by the sound of his tone, certainly not to himself.

"What's he saying ? Can't hear anything because of this stupid door !" hissed Lori, giving a couple of kicks in the wooden barrier.

"You could say that knobody knows ! Get it ?" laughed Luan, receiving groans as awnsers.

"Clear the way !" shouted Lynn, who had backed off all the way to the front of the bathroom. They all obeyed her, and with a war cry worthy of Spartacus himself, she charged the door like she would on the Football fields.

The lock and chair gave way to the 'Lynn-dozer', just as Lincoln had finished talking to someone by the window. Then, a scooter departing was heard, and Lincoln sternly turned to his siblings.

"Alright twerp, what the heck were you doing just about now ?" asked Lori, sharing her suspecting glare with the others.

"Why, glad you ask. I simply made sure that none of you are going to interfere with my hangout tomorrow." assured Lincoln, sternly still. "What you just heard was a pal of mine, which only I know the name and phone number, going on his scooter with a little 'box' I gave him, that I generously filled with most valuable items."

The siblings gasped once again, Lola stepping out to grab him by the collar with a rageful expression. "Talk, you soon-to-be pulverized mongrel ! What the heck did you do ?!"

Lincoln didn't flinch one bit at Lola's fiery glare, and freed himself from her grip.

"I butted in, but with your stuff ! Lori, I took the french perfume Bobby gave you !"

"What ?!" exclaimed Lori in anger.

"Leni, I took your Cha-cha-channel white leather boots !"

Leni clutched her heart in shock, her eyes moistering.

"Luna, I took your ticket for Mick Swagger's concert due next week !"

"You what mate ?!" blurted Luna with a British Accent.

"Luan, I took your 'Yuk'em Up Jokes reference book' !"

"You better be joking right now." threatened Luan, not an ounce of humour in her voice.

"Lynn, I took your Lucky base-ball !"

Lynn clenched her fists as she let out a low growl.

"Lucy, I took your fifth tome of 'Vampires of Melancholia'."

Lucy audibly gasped at the loss of the book she hadn't even read yet. The future of her nocturnal husbando resided in those pages !

"Lana, I took your Special N°2 !"

"Not Screwy !" wailed Lana over her most efficient screwdriver.

"Lola... I took your 'Frigid'* pocket mirror !"

"WHAT ?!" roared Lola at a record volume.

"Lisa, I took the tape that contain all your logs since last month !"

"Formulas and equation results of the most dire importance were on that tape !" said Lisa in agitation.

"And Lily, I, uh, took your rainbow set of cubes !"

Lily's eyes watered, as her lower lip pouted forwards.

Among the sisters, at least half of them were this close to transform their brother into a human tapestry.

A Cubist human tapestry.

"Twerp, among all the plans you've formulated over the years, this is bound to be the one where you've been asking the most for pain yet !" growled Lori menacingly.

"You're right, it is." admitted Lincoln. "But this shows how serious I am. For now, your stuff is safe. If all goes well for me tomorrow, all your possessions will be given back to you safe and sound, without the slightest scratch on them."

"And what if it doesn't ? What if you are, hypothetically speaking, incapacitated to go, because you are, still hypothetically speaking, tied up to a chair all day, being forced to hear the history behind all of Lori's selfies, then locked into a room full of Lily's 'Friday Tacos diapers', and used as my new training dummy for all my pitches and new wrestling moves ?" grunted Lynn intimidately, already thinking of said moves she was gonna try.

But even that didn't faze Lincoln. "Well, by this hypothetical assumption, I guess my friend will not hear of me for an entire day, and act as I told him to if he didn't. That means, making sure you NEVER see your things again ! And I do know you hold those too much dear to let such fate befall !"

"Linky... How could you ?" croaked Leni, her eyes going full puppy-dog.

That actually made Lincoln flinch. What he was doing was bad, from every standard he could think of, but he had to roll with it. This was the only way he could keep his sisters at bay.

"I... I can because I have to ! So, just don't interfere, and you'll get everything back. I'll even take whatever punishement come after that, but I just want to do this on my own. That's all I have to say." finished Lincoln, actually turning away from his sisters to make his point, but also so they wouldn't see his aparent shame.

The Loud Sisters put on betrayed faces, as they all walked silently out of the room, before closing the door. Once he was alone, Lincoln turned to the camera, which was looking very disappointed in him.

"I'm not proud of what I just did, not one bit, but I'll find a way to make them forgive me. Tomorrow will go without a hitch, that's what's important for me right now. This is my worst plan yet, but one that has to work out." heavily sighed Lincoln.

Not in the mood for any comics or video games, he actually decided to finish all his homework for next week, and the week after that. Everything so he shouldn't have to go out there to meet his sisters' betrayed gazes.

The evening had been unusually calm for a Friday Night. The only real sounds that were heard were Lisa's chemicals boiling, and Luna's half-hearted riffs on her guitar. No jokes from Luan, no balls kicked by Lynn, no arguing from the Twins.

At dinner, Lincoln had come with a blindfold to take his pizza slice, before immediately going back upstairs. Rita and Lynn Sr. were tempted to ask questions, but seeing the mood the house was plunging into, they thought that it would be best to give their children a little space. Maybe this mysterious affair would be over by tomorrow morning.

Finally, the lights got turned off, and everyone was carefully tucked in their beds.

Well, Lincoln was anyways, dreaming of the perfect day he'd have tomorrow. Ronnie Anne's face smiling would put a smile on his own face...

Because, uh, that's what friends do ! Yep, absolutely, no doubt here.

However, his siblings were not planning to sleep just now, as an emergency nocturnal meeting had been declared into Lori and Leni's room. The sisters were looking quite annoyed and sad among themselves, in addition to their sleepiness.

Lori took her position as Elder of the Loud Council, though using a fluffy toy instead of her shoe as gavel. The walls of the house were after all, thin as cardboard (and just as resistant).

"Alright girls, I think you all know the subject of our meeting." announced Lori quietly. "It concerns the only absent member of our council."

"I don't know, do we ? I'm not sure there is anyone missing here, all the siblings I know of are present in this room." grumbled Lynn sourly, bringing up angry muttering from the others.

"Yes, I know we all are angry at Lincoln right now." said Lori with suprising tact.

"Uh, duh. After all we've done for him, he pulls up something like that ? Thats just... rude !" said Luna, restricting some colorful vocabulary she could use right now.

"That Joke book has some of my greatest comedy notes of all time. This is litteraly the worst." said Luan, before laughing at her own pun.

"Screwy... ye shall never be forgotten." whispered Lana, caressing a framed photo picturing her and her precious screwdriver, just after their victory over the Furnace Menace of 2015.

"Yes, I get it, and I was just as distraught before, if my blue pillow is any indication." said Lori, pointing at the mentionned object. Well, its shredded remains at least.

But with a renewed motivation on her face, she continued. "But then, I took a moment to think about it. What Lincoln did was lousy, but we did not do brilliant either."

"What ?!" whisper-yelled Lynn. "That's baloney ! We were only trying to help him !"

"Right after he told us – begged us – to do the exact opposite. He prayed us, bringing up our family union, for the sake of retaining his relation with someone dear to him. And what did we do ? We planned behind his back the moment he got up the stairs." insisted Lori.

This comment immediately made some cross faces morph into guilty ones.

"Why are you being so mature about it though ?" asked Lola.

"Because I know what it's like to be in a relationship, and not wanting your siblings to butt in, as helpful their intentions actually are." said Lori wisely, before cracking a more mischevious smirk. "Buuuuut~, that doesn't mean that this operation is still not going on."

"Alright, I know I'm like that a lot, but I'm not the only one lost here, right ?" asked Leni to the crowd.

"Nope, you're not alone." confirmed Lynn. "What do you mean we are not quitting the operation ? Didn't you just say you knew how akward siblings butting in could be ?"

"Besides, our possessions are still away, threatened by an impendent doom, that I for once, don't find amusing." murmured Lucy.

"Because, 1) We are not talking about raiding a relationship already installed, like me and Bobby Boo-Boo Bear. We are talking about the blooming relationship of our only brother, one he tries so hard to deny, despite all the signs turned against him. And 2), what's truly important here ? Replaceable stuff we can buy again or substitute, or our bro's happiness ?"

"She's, like, totally right. Plus, I bet if we actually pull it off, Linky will be so happy, he'll totally give our stuff back." said Leni ecstatically.

"An undercover operation, which success will bring gains for all sides of the conflict, both the organizers and the target. My silicon vertical writing surface (her chalkboard) cannot wait." said Lisa with a faint smile.

Smiling, Lori brought her 'gavel' in the air. "All in favor of the motion, raise their hands." The decision was an unanimous 'yes'. "Motion passed then.", as she brought the toy down, elicting excited whispers from her sisters.

They were cut off as Lily let out a long and adorable yawn, reminding everyone the moon wasn't going down for at least 7 hours.

"Well, we'll go into the details tomorrow. We all need some good shuteye if we want to succeed. I thus declare this council over, and await for you at 9 a.m. tomorrow for further discussion of events." annonced Lori, banging her 'gavel' one last time.

On that, the Loud sisters regained their rightful rooms on their tiptoes, trepidating in excitation (more or less) over their future plan, towards their dozing and unsuspecting brother.

Tomorrow would be one noisy day. Nothing less to be expected from the Loud Family.

Author's Note :

And there you have it, the first part of this little two-parter. Hope I didn't make Lincoln too mean to his sisters, though you might get surprised...

Don't forget to review to tell me if I'm actually nailing the style of the original show, or even doing anything good at all...

This is Superdimentio77, telling you to keep rocking ! STAGE DIVE !

(*Plunges into the stack of Fanfictions like a graceful dolphin*)