Okay, so a lot of people were displeased with how I finished this story so I decided to make a small little chapter at the end to show what happened. It isn't very long, but I hope you guys like it better than you liked the last one.

If you want to be kept up to date with redos on stories or want to know more about stories that will be started soon or even ask me to write a story for you please follow me on Facebook under SilverMidnight52! I own nothing!

Staring out the window of his car Tony found himself forcing himself to breathe. After months in the hospital and in rehab Tim was finally able to get out of the hospital. As long as someone was there to help him.

At first it was going to be his sister Sarah that was going to help take care of him, but with her college and the internship she was starting she didn't have a lot of time to take care of herself let alone him. That left Tony to help.

He had already talked to Gibbs and Vance so he had three weeks vacation to help him. In truth he was both excited and down right terrified by that. Three weeks alone in a small apartment with the man that he had fallen for.

Over the months that they had been together in the hospital things between them had been pretty good. Given pretty good did not involve them actually living in the same place, but he could do that. He hoped.

With everything that had happened between them Tony had decided that going slowly was their best bet. That didn't stop him from thinking about the future. Thinking about that never failed to bring a smile to his lips.

He couldn't believe himself. Anthony DiNozzo Jr. was not the type of person to settle down with anyone. Yet that was exactly what he wanted to do with Tin and they hadn't really even talked about it before.

At the end of the day though he didn't really care about that. All he wanted was the have Tim in his life. As far as he knew the younger man wanted that too. Tony really couldn't wait for that to happen.

Though it didn't seem like he had to wait all that long. He had Tim were going to be living together now. Okay, so Tim couldn't do any of the things that he knew they both wanted to do until the other man was fully healed.

That was the other thing that like to run through his head every time he was thinking of something good. Tim was a Marine through and through. Nothing was ever going to change that and he didn't want it to change.

One of the things that made him fall in love with the blond was his strength. It was amazing to watch him set his mind to something and then do it. Tony had to admit that seeing that made him think that Tim was the sexiest man he knew.

Add that to his heart and his intelligence Tony was complete toast. If he hadn't fallen for the Marine when he was overseas he would have after spending so much time together. Tim was just too good of a person not to fall for.

Shaking his head Tony climbed out of his car and started towards the blond's room. He knew that the younger man would be waiting for him and he couldn't wait to see him. He was turning into a lovesick puppy.

"Tony," Tim greeted with a smile.

"Hey," Tony breathed out feeling as if his breath had been knocked out of him.

The Marine was finally starting to look like himself. His hair was a little longer than normal but it looked good on him. He was also starting to gain some of his weight back after losing a lot on bed rest. He looked good.

Without thinking Tony went to his side and took his hand in his. A brilliant smile came to the man's lips as he squeezed his hand back. It was just a simple smile but it made his heart speed up at the sight.

"Are you ready?" Tim asked gently.

"Shouldn't I ask you that?" Tony questioned back.

"You can, but I'm not scared."

"And you think I am?"

"Are you?"

"Terrified. I can't wait to do this though. To be with you."

Green eyes softened at the older man's words as a strong hand pulled him down. Their lips brushed together gently causing a shiver of pleasure to run up his spine. It was so easy to get lost in Tim when he surrounded him like he was.

"I love you, Tony," Tim whispered against his lips.

"I love you too, Tim. I love you too."