A Halloween date night

The nightclub was hazy with smoke. Grinning jack o lanterns shone through the smokey darkness illuminating the dancing crowd. You couldn´t tell because of the season, but every night was Halloween down at this club. Morticia and Gomez had been on a moonlight walk together through the outskirts of the city. Junkyards, graveyards and mental hospitals along the way, all so quiet and romantic. He held her glove less cold, little hand in his, stopping every now and then to admire an idyllic scene like a car being crammed together in a wrecking yard or a snake hurrying across the cold mud covering the road. It felt wonderful to be just the two of them going wherever the night wanted them to go. Dementia was a marvelous babysitter indeed, always preventing Wednesday from killing her younger brothers, Pugsley from being caught by the police while steeling another warning sign, and Pubert from setting the house on fire. What more could you ask for? Beside she had saved their dear Uncle Fester from his lonely bachelor life. Morticia slid her arm around her husbands waist and leaned her head against his shoulder. She breathed in the exciting mixed smell of his cologne and the October night air: burned rubber, cold mud and rotten leaves. What a wonderful night to be alive! She sighed happily as Gomez bent down to kiss her.

-Look! She pointed a sharp, red nail against a flashy vintage neon sign showing the blinking image of two dancing skeletons. His lips brushed against her cool, dark hair.

- I didn't know it was a night club, out here, did you?

- Oh Gomez, I want to dance with you.

He smiled at the almost childlike enthusiasm in her voice.

- Don´t get disappointed cara, it might have gone out of business years ago.

- Let's have a look!

She pulled at his hand dragging him towards the sign which pointed to a steep stair seemingly winding down into night itself.

- Kiss me first.

She turned and faced him swift as a shadow.

- Bien sûr, mon cher.

- Oh Tish, he groaned, dragging her close and claiming her mouth.

- Sure you want to be with other people? He murmured against her lips letting his hands slide lover down from her slim waist, squeezing suggestively.

- You can´t just take me here on the muddy ground anyway, she whispered back to him.

He pulled her closer and she could literally hear his Castillian blood starting to course through his veins. It takes so little to turn you on my dear, she thought to herself and smiled her complacent half smile.

- Can't I?

His eyes got that old, familiar glow and the heat from his body made her will weaken.

- No, you can't my little pumpkin, she said, referring to the way his eyes were glowing in the dark. She tried to sound unaffected but she wasn't. If he really wanted her right there, right then she wouldn't be able to resist.

- Ok, let's go then. He offered her his arm and walked her towards the dark stairs. As they moved closer they could see a small torch greeting them as a friendly evil eye in the night. He supported her down the slippery stairs. As they reached the bottom a door opened by itself. Heat, music, laughter and the party smell mix of cigar smoke and perfume rushed against the couple. A stylish broad shouldered werewolf sneered at them and gestured against the wardrobe. Morticia handed over her cape to an almost transparent looking young girl.

- God evening, Madame.

The girl smiled with pale lips and Morticia noticed that she clearly could see the dark fabric of her cape through the girls hands. Her heart skipped a beat.

- Gomez, did you see that girl?

- What girl?

Gomez was busy searching his pockets for a lighter. Morticia reached out one elegant finger and touched the cigar with the tip of her dark red stiletto nail. The cigarette lit with a blue flame and Gomez smiled with delight.

- Thank you, Tish. I think I have lost my lighter again. Such a pity, it was a collectors item, antique, expensive and with a pretty nice, little curse tied to it. Bless you, my magic wife. He took her hand in his and kissed it.

- And to answer your question. Querida! I never look at other women. You know that.

- She's right behind you, darling.

Morticia nodded and looked at the girl on the other side of the counter, her transparent hands busy with handling coats and furs, floating between the wardrobe rows in her old fashioned dress.

Gomez turned and raised his eyebrows.

- I see no girl.

He narrowed his eyes and blew cigar smoke in direction of the weird little worker. The smoke made her appear even more etheric to Morticias eyes.

- Nope.

Gomez shook his head.

- You are seeing ghosts, cara mia.

- Yes, she smiled at him- I think I do, indeed.

- And all I can see is you.

He spoke with his face close to hers, allowing her to smell the cigar on his breath and see the twinkle in his dark eyes.

- More pale and beautiful than any ghost, any corpse anywhere.

The way he looked at her made her shiver inside, feeling liquid heat seeping through her veins making her light headed and tipsy, as if she already was halfway down a bottle of the finest wine which he used to buy for her on evenings like this. She blinked quickly and looked down, her lashes dark and fine like spider legs making soft shadows underneath her eyes.

- Darling…you always know how to flatter a woman.

She had to look down for a while to regain control over her self. After all this years, he still possessed such power over her it sometimes scared her. Nothing else did or could, not a human being nor and angel from Heaven or a demon from Hell. Morticia was able to look all creatures in the eye, fearing no one, ashamed of nothing. Still she found herself needing to look away from her own husbands loving eyes.

I think I love you just a little too much.