Sirens filled the air and the lights flashed off the trees.

"Think she's here?"

"I don't know, it sounded bad coming from dispatch."

Nick hit the brakes.

He saw headlights through the trees.

He pulled forward and saw it.

The empty patrol car in the middle of the woods.

Nick stopped and both Nick and Wolfard got out.

Pulling their guns they approached with caution.

"Zootopia Police Department if you can hear me come out with your paws up!"

Nick got up to the door and cleared it.

The hand mic lay on the ground the spotlight was also on.

Nick focused on the wood line.

He without knowledge kicked a small metal item.

He looked down.

'OC?' Nick said to himself.

He picked the can up it was ZPD standard issue Pepperspray.

"Wolfard" Nick said turning around to show him the can.

"Is it hers?" Wolfard inquired.

"Probably" Nick replied.

"There was obviously a struggle." Wolfard started.

"She definitely put up a fight" Nick said with a snicker.

"I think Chief Bogo would kick her ass if she didn't."

"True..." Nick replied.

"Why kidnap her though? It's a stupid idea to target a cop." Wolfard replied.

"I don't think they necessarily targeted her. I think they probably just decided to kidnap the first person who came along, when it was a cop they saw an added opportunity." Nick said going into his thinking mode.

"Nick, it's almost like you are them." Wolfard said humorously.

"I never told you? I was a con artist before I became a cop" Nick said.

They were interrupted by sirens in front of them.

The car came to a halt.

Chief Bogo stepped out onto the pavement and looked at the 2 canines expecting an answer.

"She's been taken chief, there was a struggle and I believe Hopps was kidnapped."

Bogo nodded in agreement.

"Did you check the woods?"

Wolfard and Nick looked at each other.

"We will get right on that chief" Nick said with all the enthusiasm he could muster.

"You do that. Nick, me and Wolfard will cordon off the area." Bogo said.

Nick grabbed his flashlight off his belt and flicking it on and stepping into the woods.


"Judy?! It's Nick, call out if you can hear me!"

He aimed his flashlight on a black object in the dirt.

"Is that...?"

He walked up to the object.

It was a hand gun, specifically a Glock 17, police standard issue firearm.


Nick picked the weapon up and checked the magazine.

"Full mag, she didn't even have a chance to defend herself" Nick said starting to feel sick, he also felt remorse.


Nick turned.

"Over here chief" Nick replied.

"You called me?" Bogo asked as he walked up.

"I did chief" Nick said as he turned around showing him the weapon.

"You and I both know she wouldn't pull her weapon unless she had absolute reason to."

"Alright Wilde, i'll believe you. However you will not be working this case" Bogo said.

"Why not chief?" Nick replied not believing what he just heard.

"Because you have an emotional connection Wilde, Hopps is your friend, has been for 2 years, your judgement could become effected.'

"Bullshit chief, I know how to control my emotions" Nick replied.

"They all say that Wilde but I don't care either way" Bogo replied. "Go home Wilde, i'll get someone to cover for you."

Nick grunted in dissatisfaction.

"Fine" Nick replied.