I have fallen in love with drabble stories and decided to do one of my own. Each story is exactly 100 words, no more, no less (not counting the author's notes). Who knows, maybe these will help me out of writer's block.
Disclaimer: Yeah, I own Merlin. Actually, I wrote that one episode. You know, the episode when Merlin's magic is revealed, and the prat saves him from the flames, and everything is awesome. Wait, that isn't a thing? That is only my burning desire to see on screen? Guess I don't own Merlin, then.
Prompt: I came up with this on the spot; there is no prompt.
Rating: K+
Genre: Humor
Characters: Arthur, Morgana
Time Frame: Before "The Poisoned Chalice"
Summary: Arthur really needs to stop getting into these bets with Morgana.
Let's Go On An Adventure
"You lose." Morgana simpered gleefully at Arthur.
Arthur looked away from the board game, annoyed. "Whatever, Morgana." She stared at him, suppressing laughter. "What?"
"Oh, nothing. I'm just picturing you wearing this." From under the table, she pulled out a box. Inside was a hideous feathered hat. "Either you give this to someone else to wear tonight, or you wear this yourself."
Arthur stared dumbly. "I am not wearing this."
"Then you'd better find someone else." Morgana slapped his back. "See you at the feast, Arthur."
And that is how Merlin ended up wearing the ceremonial servant robes.
I never bought the idea that these were really the official attire of Camelotian servants. Merlin was the only one wearing such a hat, and this was the only episode with such robes. So this came to be.
For whatever reason, I wrote this whilst writing for The Prat and the Pauper. Maybe I can stay focused now? Maybe?
If you want something done, just let me know in a review or a PM, and I'll do it :D