For any of you who were expecting a chapter, I'm sorry to tell you this isn't one. For this story, I'll be putting it on hiatus. I know it's been a some time since I genuinely updated a chapter, and I don't really do it often for this story, but I just couldn't feel the same enthusiasm I had when I first started it. So, once I find that enthusiasm, or when I figure out whether or not I actually WANT to continue this story, I'll be sure to let you guys know with another author's note or a possible chapter.
Other than that, I think I got my point across, yeah?
I'm sorry for those of you who were genuinely interested in this story and then you find out I'm going on hiatus for this story. I'll be writing other things, don't get me wrong, I just need a break from this story.
You can leave ideas for subplots or OCs, I will try and keep track of everything you guys tell me.
Until I write again,