Chapter 1: Fate is twisted, yet interesting.

(17 years ago…..)

In the gynecology office of the Kuoh hospital…

"I'm sorry Hyodou-san, but the abortion is necessary. Your wife's life will be at risk if the baby remains within her."

Refusing to accept this, Mr. Hyoudou slammed hard on the doctor's desk in rage.


"Darling, it's alright. If it's for our son, I'd happily go for his sake."

"No! You two mean the world to me! I'll not let fate have his way with either of you! Sigh… Let's go dear."

With a tug on her sleeve, both Hyoudou's stormed off the building, but not without a few tears to shed.

"We'll figure something out dear. Don't worry…."

"Sniff…we've been trying for so long now, and then we have to deal with…sniff…this!."

As they enter their home, there stood a man in robes with shoulder length crimson hair, sitting on the living room couch.

"AH… I've been waiting for you Hyoudou-san."

The Hyoudou couple stood there dumbfounded…. Until Mr Hyoudou reached for his cell phone.

"911…..Huh? No signal?"

"Forgive my rude intrusion. I'm here to help you with your problem."

"Wh-what problem?"

"I understand that you're having difficulty delivering your offspring. So I'm here to make you a deal."

"Forget it! How could we trust a total stranger?"

"Because this total stranger can do this."

With a flick of his wrist, the crimson-haired man made Mrs. Hyoudou's wilted sunflower stood up and planted itself in the garden outside."

"Who are you?"

"Me? Just call me Maou."

(Timeskip- Present day.)

At the rays of the morning sun, a young boy with messy brown hair got up on his feet as he heads to the bathroom for his daily routine.


"Issei! Rias is here!"

"Oh, tell here I'm coming okaa-san!"

With no time to spare, Issei changed to his school uniform and rushed downstairs and out to the door, but not before bidding farewell to his parents.

"Have a nice day in school!"

"I will! Bye!"

As the brunette reached the front gate, he came face to face with his childhood friend and senpai, Rias Gremory. The top idol of Kuoh Academy and president of the Occult research club.

"Morning Ise, do you need a lift?"

"You know the answer. I'll drive."

With Rias hanging on behind him, Issei pedaled with all his might pass the busy crowds and the occasional walking student.

"So, what's up in the ORC today Rias?"

"Oh nothing. The usual. We'll be taking a look into the secrets of Japanese yokai. You're welcomed to joined us if you want."

"I'd love to. But I've promised Saji to help him with his homework. Maybe some other time."

"Just out of curiosity Ise. Which club are you in now?"

"So far I'm clubless. I just have no interest in any of them."

"Oh? And Sona is ok with that?"

"Well…..Not exactly. I've been trying to apply for a position in the student council, but all my offers were rejected. Maybe kaichou hates me."

"Aww….cheer up Ise. If you like, there's always a spot ready for you in my club."

"I'll consider it Rias. Thanks. Ara? We're here."

"Ok, I guess I'll see you around. Thanks for the ride Ise."

"What are friends for?"

As the two of them part ways, Rias turned back as she saw her kouhai left for class with the most optimistic smile he can put on.

'I guess the time will come soon.'


It was lunch break. We find our brunette looking for a table after he received his bowl of ramen from the cafeteria lady. The problem is, being a male friend of the school idol isn't easy when almost every male student basically envies you. As for the females, they either think of him as Rias's pet or her stalker. However, there are a few nice ones who willingly see Issei as a regular, nice boy who happens to know the school's idol. So for the past 2 years, the brunette would always have his meal under a tree just outside of the old school building, where he would sometimes be accompanied by 1 or 2 members of the ORC. As for his famous senpai, she'll always have her lunch in the clubroom where she could work and eat at the same time. But for now, Issei will have to make do with the school's prince and mascot as his partners in crime.

"Hey guys, how's it going?"

"We're doing fine Ise-kun. Our meeting will start in 10 minutes so Koneko-chan and I decided to come here."

"Ise-senpai, we now lack of club members. Would you like to join us? I'm sure buchou would approve."

"Thanks, but I'll have to think about it for now. Rias did offer me this morning but I told her exactly that."

Both club members felt disappointed but kept their hopes up nonetheless.

"So any plans after school?"

"Yes actually. I'll be at the library helping Saji with his assignments."

"I see… Oh look at the time; we'd better get going Koneko-chan."

"Hai. We'll talk again soon Ise-senpai."

"Alright, bye Kiba, Koneko-chan. Please send my regards to Rias."

With thumbs up, both club members left for the clubroom while Issei continued with his ramen.

Meanwhile, up from a window of the old school building, Rias was overlooking at the lone boy solemnly.

"I'm sorry you have to put up with this Sona. Just give me some time so I could tell him the truth."

On the couch, another girl with black, bob-cut hair and glasses replied graciously as she sipped her cup of tea.

"You know I can't hold him much longer Rias. It's against the rules for a student to not be part of any as the president of the student council; I will not allow it to last any further."

"I understand. It's just….I don't want him to get the shock of his life once everything is revealed."

"Don't worry about it. He's a big boy, I'm sure he can take it."

"Ara ara buchou, I don't see why we couldn't tell him. After all, he might have noticed some anomalies since birth."

"From what I heard from Oni-sama, Ise's parents never spoke anything about his past or our secrets. The only constant news is that the boy is aware of his enhanced night vision. Other than that, everything seems pretty normal for Ise."

"Or perhaps you could ask Sirzechs-sama for advice. I'm sure he'll know what to do."

"Hmm… It's worth a shot. Thanks for the tip Sona."

"Now if you'll excuse me, the council needs their leader."

After Sona left, the Red-head turned back to the tree outside, only to find out that the person in topic was absent.

'Sigh….. Just wait awhile longer Ise….'


After helping out Saji, Issei walked back home under the dimly lit street lights whilst enjoying the night scenery. Usually, most people would carry some sort of light like a flashlight or ever their smart phone to navigate through the darkness. For Issei however, the streets were as clear as day. So he didn't even bother to use the roadside lamps to find his way.

'Haaaahh…Another quiet evening. I just don't get why people are afraid of the dark.'

After about an hour and a half worth of walking, Issei opened the front door, only to find his parents resting on the family couch. But they were not alone.

"Issei, welcome home. Please, come and sit with us."

"There's somebody who wants to talk to you. A believe you know her quite well."

Right next to the Hyoudou couple sat Issei's beautiful yet gentle senpai in her casual attire, wearing bitter smile.

"Hey Rias, what are you doing here?"

"Ise….you might want to sit down for a while. There's something your parents and I need to confess to you."

'Confess? What's going on?'

As Rias took a deep breath, she stopped for a second to make sure she chose the right words as to not scare away her precious kouhai.

"You're a devil Ise…."

There was silence in the room. Nobody dared to say another word.

"S-sorry, I'm a what?"

"A devil…a creature of the night."

"No…there must be some mistake….I-I can't be a devil I mean…I'm Issei…. just Issei."

Issei slumped onto his spot with multiple thoughts flying around his head.

"My son, there's a reason why you can see in the dark unlike okaa-san and I. Devils have excellent night vision. Also, your immune system is much stronger that those of a regular human."

"Is that why everyone but me suffered from the bird flu on 2005? I was immune to it?! More than that, how does Rias know about this?"

It was then Rias stood up and revealed a pair of bat wings from her back.


"Because I'm a devil too."
