Chapter 10

Bath Time

Dick filled the sink with room temperature water, making sure it wasn't too hot or cold.

Wally just watched as he swayed R.J in his arms.

"Are you ready for bath time?" Wally cooed. "Do you like the wa-wa?" he asked in a baby voice.

Robyn giggled as Wally rubbed a little water on her stomach.

"I think it's ready," Dick informed.

Wally lowered Robyn into the sink, supporting her head and neck.

Robyn splashed the water, making happy sounds.

Dick gently poured cupfuls of water over her, making sure she doesn't get cold.

Wally squirted a tiny bit of soap onto a washcloth. He started to gently clean R.J off.

She giggled and splashed the water at her Dad and Papa. "Wa-wa!" she laughed.

Dick poured more water over her, getting rid of the soap.

When they felt that Robyn was clean, Dick gently lifted her from the sink, wrapping her in a towel, gently patting her dry.

"All clean!" Dick called out to her, making her smile. He kissed her forehead and led her to the diaper pad. Gently leaning her down to get her dressed and in a fresh diaper. He reached into a drawer and grabbed a diaper and a onesie. He secured the diaper on to R.J.'s hips, and locking the Velcro. He slipped her into her onesie, feet first, clicking in the buttons.

Wally snorted when he saw which onesie Dick decided to dress Robyn in. She was wearing a Batgirl onesie with a little cape.

Dick picked Robyn up and kissed her forehead before placing R.J onto the floor. Robyn looked around, and crawled to Wally. She held on tightly to his jeans, using them to help her stand. She looked up to Wally and stretched out her arms.

"Papa!" she called, "up-up" whined the 6 month old.

Wally picked her up off the floor, holding her tightly in his arms, and looked to Dick.

"She is really smart for her age." Wally says to the younger man.

"I know. I mean, are you surprised. With us as parents? She'll be the smartest in school." Dick bragged.

Wally grinned, bending over to pick up a brush off of the dresser. He brushed the ginger locks out of her face, revealing her beautiful blue eyes.

"Ready for bed little wing?" Dick asked Robyn.

'No!" she said. "Stowy." R.J. ordered.

"Yes ma'am." Wally joked leading her into the bedroom while Dick grabbed a book.

Dick followed them into the bedroom.

Wally placed Robyn in the middle of the bed, laying on the right of her and Dick laid on the left, sandwiching in the middle so she wouldn't roll off the bed at night.

Dick opened the book 'Goodnight Moon' and began reading.

Wally watched as Robyn drifted into a sleep.

Hello. I have many ideas, and i'm not sure which to do for the next chapter. For the next chapter i'm planning on writing about the West-Grayson household visiting the Wayne Manor. I'm also getting ideas for a wedding for Dick and Wally, because they have been engaged for way too long. Tell me what you guys think.