Astrid was greeted by Valka as soon as she stepped into Hiccup's house.

"There you are, Astrid! How was the sleepover?"

She smiled, thinking about last night … and this morning. "Morning Valka! The sleepover was great. We had a lot of… fun."

The older woman smiled back: " It's good to hear that you had fun. Should I even want to know what you did?"

"I'm afraid not. You'd get it if you see Snotlout."

Valka raised her brow but didn't ask more about the Jorgenson boy. "Anyway, do you know where Hiccup is?"

Cheeks reddening, Astrid just answered: "I just saw him outside."

"Is he coming home?"

"I think so."

"Well, we better hurry then!" the smile on Valka's face was too big to mean anything good for Astrid.

"Hurry with what?" she didn't understand.

"Your dress, of course!" Valka looked at her like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Wait a minute! MY WHAT?" Astrid's eyes were as big as plates when she looked at Valka. The shock was written all over her face.

"I bought you a dress. It's on your bed. Go try it on," said the overexcited woman.

"But w-why?"

"Because it's tradition for women to wear a dress to a wedding. Now go already!" and with those words, Astrid walked upstairs, leaving a satisfied Valka downstairs.

Astrid took a deep breath before opening the door to her room. There, on her bed, laid an elaborate sapphire blue dress. Quickly taking off her old clothes and putting on the beautiful dress she walked back downstairs, where Valka was already waiting for her.

Seeing the sapphire-eyed beauty in all of her glory, Valka gasped: "Oh my! Astrid you look absolutely gorgeous in this dress!"

Dresses weren't Astrid favorite clothing but even she has to agree that this dress was meant for her. It was the exact same as her eyes.

"Now we have to fix your hair, then you'll be ready for the wedding," said Valka as she hurried Astrid to the wooden couch in the living room, and started braiding her hair.

A short while later the door to the house was pulled open. "Mom, where are you?" asked Hiccup as he looked around.

"I will be with you in just a minute!" came a reply from Valka.

The young chief rolled his eyes: "Alright, I'll be feeding Toothless then."

"Okay, remember to hurry! You have to get ready for the wedding!" but the only answer Valka got was door closing.

Astrid felt very uncomfortable just sitting down while Valka was working with her hair. She wasn't used to not doing anything. It made her feel … a bit useless honestly.

Hiccup quickly gave Toothless a barrel full of fish and then ran to his room to put on his best fur cape, a slick black one. Walking back to downstairs he heard Valka talking with somebody.

"Hey Mom," he greeted his mother. "Who's there?"

"It was Hilde. She came to say that the guests are already waiting in the Great Hall," explained Valka.

"Oh good! How much time until the ceremony?"

"Less than an hour."

"So um, mom," Hiccup started as he nervously scratched his neck "ha- have you seen Astrid?"

"She's in her room," Valka said casually even while she burned with excitement. She just wanted to see Hiccup's reaction when he sees Astrid.

"Um, I-I will just go a-and ask if she wants to come with me then," he said nervously as he started to make his way to Astrid's room. After some time of thinking, he knocked on her door and waited for an answer.

"Come in!" came a response and Hiccup opened the door. As he saw Astrid, the young chief immediately become speechless.

Mouth agape he stared at the blue angel in front of her.

" So…" Astrid started, "How can I help you, Hiccup?"

Hiccup, coming out of shock, immediately become nervous. Scratching his neck nervously he tried to say why he came. " Um… uh… I-I just wanted to… to ask if you want t-to come to the Great Hall with m-me?" he shyly looked at her, waiting for an answer.

"Yeah, sure!" the blonde replied instantly. Walking out of the room she called back to Hiccup: "By the way, you look nice in that cape!"

Smiling, the auburn-haired man caught up with Astrid. The two of them left the house and started to make their way to the Hall. They were greeted by the villagers who were all happy about the wedding and week-long celebrations that would follow the wedding. Mostly because of free food and drink, especially the vast number of kegs that get rolled out for the occasion.

They are Vikings after all.

The guests from other tribes were inside the Hall waiting for the chief of Berk to show up. A lot of cheering was heard when Hiccup finally stepped into the Great Hall. However, the cheering was replaced with curiosity as the people noticed the young woman, who was dressed in blue, standing beside Hiccup.

Greeting the people the two of them made their way towards Eret who was talking with his parents.

His dad, who was also named Eret, looked just like Eret (only older and without tattoos). His mom, named Brenda, also looked a lot like Eret with her black hair and fit body.

"Hello, Brenda and Eret! It's good to see you again!" greeted Hiccup.

Brenda immediately hugged Hiccup. "Oh Hiccup, it's always good to see you as well!" said Brenda as her eyes fall on Astrid. "Who's your pretty friend, Hiccup?" she asked friendly.

"Oh, this Astrid!" he answered, blushing.

"Hi!" Astrid simply said as Brenda hugged her as well.

Before they could talk more the music started and everyone sat down in their seats. Hiccup and Astrid were sitting next to each other.

The door was pulled open and Heather stepped in. She was wearing a beautiful white dress with some green patterns and her hair was down. She made her way to Eret and together they walked to Gobber, who was leading the ceremony.

After saying their vows and exchanging rings they kissed and the ceremony was over, in short Viking fashion.

Now was time for the most interesting part, the celebrating.

The gang was sitting around a table and looking how the newlyweds danced.

"Can't wait for my own wedding!" sighed Snotlout while drinking his second beer.

Tuff snorted: "Who would ever want to marry you?"

"Maybe a blue-eyed Viking who's name means divine beauty. Right, Astrid?" Snotlout winked at Astrid.

Astrid took her beer and threw it in Snotlout's face saying: "Never."

Snotlout immediately shut up. However, no one seemed to notice that a certain auburn haired man was holding his mug so tightly that his knuckles were turning white.

The party continued and soon Snot, Tuff, and Ruff were too drunk to understand what they were doing or where they were.

Fishlegs was sleeping on the table and Tuff wanted to bite him, thinking that Fishlegs was food. Snot cried at that and Ruff laughed as hard as she could.

Heather and Eret had gone to their new house to enjoy their wedding night. Actually, it was kinda weird that the three idiots weren't spying them.

Even Hiccup and Astrid were drunk but not much. Standing up from the bench they were sitting on, Hiccup walked in front of Astrid and asked gently: "Can I have this dance, milady?"

Astrid, drunk enough to not care about the nickname, answered: "I don't know how to dance."

"Don't worry about it. I will teach you," smiled Hiccup.

"You don't have to."

"But I want to." Hiccup being stubborn like he takes Astrid hand and pulled her up. "Come on now Astrid."

"Okay but only one dance." she finally agreed and the two of them made their way toward the dancing floor. And so they danced. Hiccup saying, Astrid, what to do and Astrid focusing only on Hiccup.

At the end of the night, they had danced five dances instead of one.

Great thanks to bossybossninja for correcting the chapters!

Until the next time! :)