Chapter 24: Awakening Jailbreak

*Actually catches-up with my work* Let's see I can either read ahead of the material or I can write. Well, you see which one I chose.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Balto or How to Train your Dragon. They both belong to their respective owners and this is just for fun, NOT for profit.

(Hiccup POV)

Let's see. I just passed out... I have this weightless feeling despite knowing my feet is on something solid... I can feel the subtle vapor & humidity of swirling fog... I'm in that Dream Space again, aren't I? I opened my eyes and sure enough, I was in that familiar space again.

"Home Sweet Home." I said to myself in my usual dry tone.

I tried to pull myself back to reality and force myself to wake up. After a few minutes of trying but failing to return back to reality, I realized that couldn't leave. At least not until my actual body had to ability to wake up, so I was stuck until then. It wasn't too long before a column of blue fog appeared and materialized Toothless.

"Please tell me that you weren't knocked out too."

"Of course, not" Toothless said as he laid down. "They couldn't get close enough to knocked me out without one of your gadgets. I came here on my own, but with some bad news. They locked both of us up in that place that you called the Arena and I'm still tied up there with your unconscious body. And the ropes are too tight and strong for me to bite through."

"I should have a knife on me, but I can't leave this place until I'm physically able to wake up. We got to think of some way to wake me up before they punish us both." I said slumped against Toothless' side as we sat and thought of what to do next.

"What if I tried to leave and tried bringing your subconscious with me?"

"Is that even possible?" but at this point, I wouldn't be surprised.

"It's worth a shot. We've gotten to the point that we can come and go from this Dream Space so long as we're asleep. If we had that sort of pull to our own will I don't see why I can't push you as well."

I tried to focus the same way that I would if I was trying to leave this Space but tried to find and direct it toward Toothless' conscious. As soon as I found it, I felt it tugging me toward it. As if being pulled by sled by your finger or toe, I collided with it. Our entities sort of became synced to where I didn't feel independent, but not dependent either, just an odd warmth of not being alone. The sudden collision sent a pressure to the left side of my head before pulling me again in the familiar way of leaving that Space.

As I opened my eyes, the pressure in my head was still there like a tension headache but my vision was different. The dark arena coral left little light aside from the cracks in the door. The right side of my vision seemed normal, but the left side didn't match up to it correctly. What also caught my eye was also this weird bluish green light coming from me like candle glow. But from all I knew it could have been from being knocked out. And with being tied to Toothless, I couldn't move around to test how much my vision was altered. Despite being tried up, I felt around until I reached for my hidden knife to cut myself loose. As I freed myself and scrambled to my feet, I tried to take in what little I could see. On my right side, I could see normally. But on my left side, I saw myself like I was looking in a mirror. See myself glowing from a couple feet away as if point of view was from...

"As if it was from me?" I heard Toothless in my head like I did in the Dream Space. But when I looked up at him, I could only see Toothless in my right-side view, he had the glow as well, but his eyes looked different. ""Would you mind cutting me loose as well." he motioned to the tangled netting that was out of his reach.

"What? What the hell happened?" I said as I started cutting him loose.

"It seems that the syncing our consciousness wasn't undone when we came back to reality."

As soon as the netting was loose enough, Toothless tore the ropes to shreds. Now that we could look at each other properly, our sight was split right down the middle and our eyes were different colors. Our heterochromia caused our left eyes to have the other's point of view and the iris became blue as oppose to the usual green that we shared.

"Okay, enough staring at each other." Toothless said in my head as he turned to the door, looking for weak points. "We got to get out of here before they come back for us. If there anyway out of here?"

"There's a lever outside the Arena's ring, but the doors been reinforced to deal with wolves' strength. However..." I eyed at the shredded rope and showed where Toothless torn the rope. "This rope usually can't be bitten through, yet you got through the ones that you could reach. Try hitting the higher areas of the doors."

Toothless backed up and leap to ram himself against the door. The door gave a distinct creaking and cracking sound before settling again. With a few more leaps and even running along the walls, Toothless busted through the door. Near the entrance of the Arena a couple of guard came in only to be bulldozed and tossed aside. I grabbed my club from Toothless' saddle and knocked out the guards chasing me, grabbed my duffel stowed in a far corner, and climbed onto Toothless' back before dashing into the woods. As he ran to the Cavern, he seemed faster than before to the point that the glow coming from us made a tail like wisps of breath in the cold.

Enhanced Strength. Increased Speed. Weird glowing. Altered sight.

What in the Spirits is going on? Or more importantly what do they have planned?

When we reached the safety of the Cavern, we took a minute to collect ourselves and relax a little. We relaxed so much that we both dozed off, but instead of going to the Dream Space, I felt my spirit leave my body like when I pray at the Qugax Tanaa. Instead of feeling myself being pulled to the sky, I was tugged toward Berk or more specifically Gobber's house. I'm pretty sure this was what Gothi called Spirit-walking, but considering I've never been able to do it before, it was hard to tell.

"Spirits of our Ancestors." Gobber said praying near the fire. "If you can reach out to Hiccup, please convince him to come back to talk this whole situation out. Please just give us a sign of where we can find him."

I touched his shoulder even though he didn't respond to it in my spiritual state and I tried to think of a short and clear message, 'tomorrow at the Qugax Tanaa' as hard as I could. When Gobber jerked his head up and stared at the fire, I knew he got the message and could only hope that I wasn't in too deep whatever is going on.

I was this close to making them fuse when they were consciously synced up, I even tried to visualize it and everything. Or maybe that's just from watching too much Dragon Ball Z and Steven Universe lately, idk.

Other Atkan Aleut Translations used:

Qugax = assistant spirit

Tanaa = place.

Thanks for all those that reviewed, every little bit helps. If you're new to the story, please let me know what you think with a review. Constructive criticism is accepted, but no flames please. And don't be too shy to check out some of my other stories.