Another AU. English is not my former language. I apologize for misspelled words.

This was a powerful kingdom: the Kingdom of Talsis. A place far away and ruled by a man ambitious and hungry for power, King Hunter Hemsley. He married the princess and sole heir of the kingdom and in an attempt to prove his value as regent, he was obsessed with accumulating power. He had conquered all the kingdoms that could represent a threat to his desire to expand his power and in those he knew there was riches. Leaving those lands desolated and killing their inhabitants or taking them as hostages and slaves.

But there was a place full of riches that for years had been the stone in the king's shoe. An island in the coastal vicinity of the kingdom. Its inhabitants were known to be skillful and brave warriors. It had been a problem to this day. When the King finally destroyed the defenses of the islanders and seized their treasures.

Today, the King and his family were in their palace awaiting the arrival of their soldiers. The warriors would be presenting the island's stolen wealth and war trophies.


"Your Majesty King Hunter, these are the trophies we got from the island," Randy Orton, commander-in-chief of the kingdom's troops and the son of one of Hunter's cousins, bowed down and began to list the riches obtained from the island .

Next to the King was his beautiful wife: Queen Stephanie and their heir and only son, the handsome and young Prince Seth. Several slaves, including Seth's personal slave, were there watching.

Stephanie smiled delighted to see so many precious stones, beautiful fabrics and spices. Seth rolled his eyes, bored.

"The pleasure of seeing what was gained in a robbery," Seth's personal slave. A young man of about the same age, with blue eyes, murmured.

"If my father hears what you said, you'll get twenty more lashes, Dean," Seth snorted. "Not that I care, but at least your stupidities are entertaining."

Dean rolled his eyes and Seth was not really interested in the display od power in front of him. Not so the king, who was pleased by the victory of his troops.

"I am very proud of the work that you, Batista and Ryback have done, but the icing cake is still missing. Where is he?" Hunter asked.

"The best for last, your Majesty," Randy smiled.

Ryback and Batista were trying to escort a prisoner who was tall and also very strong. Both soldiers threw the man in the middle of the room, but the guy was so strong that he didn't fall. He was standing there. The man was dressed in an armor like a warrior, but stripped of his weapons and his hands and feet tied. In addition, his waist was tied with a chain, to be presented as if it were an exotic wild animal.

"I am pleased to present the leader of the Samoan warriors, who was the reason we could never invade that island until now." Randy was proud of his achievement.

Seth looked up and almost fell from his throne in shock. He had not seen such beauty in any of the places he had visited. The man before him was tall and tanned, his body sculpted by the gods themselves, like the warriors of the books he loved to read. His dark brown eyes radiated such anger, his lips were perfect and pouty, his jaw chiseled and to finish his perfect description, his hair was long, black and so beautiful and shiny that looked even better than his own.

What a pity that this handsome man is no more than a warrior, Seth thought.

Randy's voice pulled Seth out of his reverie, "The leader of the troops, and also the son of the king of Samoa, Prince Roman."

Prince... Roman. A prince. Seth was amazed. Of course such beauty must be a prince. A warrior prince, like Hector the Prince of Troy, but even more beautiful. A prince, not just a warrior.

His father's Machiavellian laughter caught his attention.

"Roman, the prince of Samoa." Hunter stood up, "Bow down before me or die."

Roman looked at Hunter with such anger, pure hatred. He tried to throw himself on the King, but Ryback and Batista held the chain. This man was a wild animal... exotic.

"Do the islanders speak our language?" Hunter asked his warriors.

"The islanders don't," Randy said. "But this is the prince, he speaks several languages. And with all the threats and insults we received from him on the return journey, I assure you that he can speak our language."

"The pride of a prince who is now only a prisoner." Hunter boasted.

Ryback and Batista armed with large clubs beat Roman. Several times until he finally fell on his knees. His face never showed a hint of pain.

"Perfect, as it should be," Hunter was happy.

Seth looked at Dean, his slave was astonished to see that handsome and brave man.

"Stop doing that!" Seth murmured. "He is a prince and you are only a slave."

"At this moment he is only a prisoner, even I am in a better position than he is now. Your father will surely kill him, a sad fate for such a wonderful warrior."

Seth narrowed his eyes, "What do you know about him?"

"Samoa was paradise, every slave in this kingdom knows it. Slaves dreamed of going royal family was not like your family, they governed with justice and there were no slaves on the island. The islanders were willing to die for them, I don't think anyone wants to die for your family," Dean had a big mouth that always got him in trouble, but Seth was entertained by most of Dean's occurrences. "Roman was like a legend, many slaves always said he was gorgeous. I thought they were exaggerations, just stories."

Seth was impressed. Dean could see it in the eyes of the young prince. In fact, Dean had never seen the conceited Prince showing such interest in anyone. Then Dean looked at Roman. He would be a liar if he said he didn't know why Seth was hypnotized. Roman was beautiful.

"Your Majesty, before the conquest of the island you assured me that if I defeated the islanders, you would grant myself everything I wanted," Randy smirked.

"Of course, Randal, just ask." Hunter was pleased.

"I want the hand of Prince Seth in marriage." Randy grinned at the bratty prince.

"What!" Seth shouted, "No way, you're just a warrior, I will not marry you!"

"So... what do you want, Sethie?" Randy was trying to contain the anger that caused him the despise Seth showed toward him.

Seth eyed Roman intensely, "I want a prince."

Randy was trying to woo Seth since they were both teenagers. Useless attempts. Seth was not interested in anything.

Hunter seemed thoughtful, "Well, in five months Seth will turn 19 and be able to get married."

"Your Highness, you have to admit that Seth is not a warrior, much less a strategist, he's more like a spoiled brat. In other hand, I'm the best warrior and can I take this kingdom to the next era of prosperity and power. Do you trust Seth to do the same? Besides, I am family, the kingdom would be inside the family tree."

"Do you want to be the next king, Randy?" Stephanie didn't like this. "Even if you marry Seth, he will be the king, not you."

Hunter looked at his wife, "Steph, Randy's right. He's family and he's ready to be King."

"He is your family, not mine"; Steph clarified. "And I am the legitimate heir of this kingdom. It was my father's before I married you".

"Well, well, we can talk about this later. I think I can convince Sethie to give you a chance," Hunter appeased Randy. "Back to what brought us here... is Roman the only prisoner of the royal family?" Hunter asked.

"We tried to capture the Queen and the Princess, but both threw themselves from the tower of their castle." Randy smirked.

"You were trying to rape my sister!" Roman was badly wounded, but he was still fighting.

"Was she even pretty?" Hunter mocked, "These islanders are big and ugly. Unfortunately, it seems Roman is the only prisoner of the royal family."

"Randy and I had to kill King Sika." Ryback said.

"Oh well, then it is only you, Prince Roman. Tomorrow morning in the public square, Roman the warrior prince, will be beheaded before every person in this kingdom and his death will be an example for all the rebellious slaves who saw him like a hero. So all the neighboring kingdoms will know that no one can stop my army".

Roman got up and tried to fight, but was again beaten. Ryback and Batista continued to assault Roman until the ex-prince was almost unconscious. Dean clenched his fists. Seth looked frightened.

"Father," said Seth, "I want to make a deal."

Hunter nearly rolled his eyes, "Sethie, this is not a good time for your childishness."

Father, I don't think you should kill the prisoner. Seth was trying to look strong, but he was about to have a crisis.

"And what is your bright idea, baby?" Hunter spoke as if his son were a fool.

"Father, you know that slaves adore Prince Roman... Well, if you kill him, you make him a hero... The history will see him as a legend... We can... Emmm ... Turn him into a slave!"

Seth was nervous, Dean could feel it.

"We have enough slaves Seth. What can we do with a wild beast like him?" Hunter complained.

"Well, I can use a bodyguard. He's big and strong. Besides, he was a prince so he'll look good as part of my court." Seth's heart was beating so fast.

"Your Highness," Randy disagreed. "Roman is a total savage. There's no way to tame him. He's not going to be a slave, ever."

Seth looked at Randy with disdain, "There's always a way to do things. I just need time to figure this out. In the meantime, we can keep him in the dungeons."

It was obvious that Seth despised Randy and his ways of achieving his goals.

"Sethie, baby. You're not made for this. You should rather... I don't know, go with your mother and have a look at the precious stones." Hunter was sarcastic.

Seth was annoyed. It was obvious because he was pouting.

"But what would be the deal, Seth?" Randy was curious.

"I'll give you a chance to prove that you can be a good choice as a husband, if my father gives me a chance to prove that I can tame Prince Roman. Next week on the night of my parents' anniversary celebration, I'll show to all of you how I made Prince Roman an obedient slave. "Dad will boast about this with his guests and I'll have the credit for it," Seth was amazed at his facade of confidence even though he had no idea what he was doing.

"Okay," Hunter sighed in annoyance. "Seth's idea is a win win for me. If my son gets his goal, which I doubt, I'll show my power to the other kings and parade Roman as a slave. If not, I'll behead him that very night and brag about it. Besides, it seems to be the only way for Seth to agree to have a date with you."

Seth took a deep breath. Batista and Ryback dragged the beaten Samoan prince to the dungeons in the basement of the castle.

Randy took Seth's hand and tried to kiss it. Seth stopped him.

"Stop, Randal! Wait until the celebration!" Seth took his personal slave, Dean, and followed the prisoner into the dungeons.