Hi Everyone!

Welcome to my second story. This will be the sequel to my first story "Broken Angel" so check that out if you haven't yet!

Please leave a follow and a review, I would love to know your thoughts on this story :)


Everything was a blur, from portaling themselves from the Seelie realm, back to the city of Alicante.

Time seemed to have slowed down and Clary's surroundings were nothing but silence.

She sensed her brother signaling for the others to start moving.

Clary stayed in her shocked state and kept her glassy gaze down as someone pushed her forward with their hand.

Her mother was dead, Luke was dead everybody was dead.

The scary realization finally sunk in, she had no family left aside from her wicked brother.

The petite redhead lifted her head to look at the scene in front of her.

Alicante, once a beautiful city filled with beauty and elegance, was now just a floating memory from yesterday.

The sky had turned grey and silent. Birds had flown away leaving the trees empty.

There was a faint smoke in the air making her lungs burn.

The smoke came from the field where the fighting had taken place. Leaving the grass filled with dirt and remains of shadowhunters whose lives had been taken from them.

The silky green grass they are were walking through was stained with blood and scattered with weapons.

She tried to focus her eyes elsewhere as they continued to walk.

The red army had captured many shadowhunters that had tried to run away, and they were now walking somewhere behind her in the massive train of people.

This was all her fault.

She should have killed herself when she had the chance, because maybe just then her brother would have stopped.

Clary swallowed down a thick lump forming in her throat.

Her dress flew around her in the wind and the material felt heavy against her damp skin. They continued to walk further into the thick forest.

Only the strides of the marching soldiers' leather-clad feet could be heard through the deserted landscape.

Even though everything was gone, she still clung to the small hope that some people managed to escape her brother's wrath.

After what felt like hours they finally reached their destination.

They stopped outside a large manor deep-rooted inside the thick forest.

The manor looked like an old fairytale castle in her artistic eye, it was huge.

If Simon were here he would have said that the castle looked like a smaller version of Hogwarts.

She looked at the manor. The manor walls sprang from the soil like the very dirt insulted them. Such smooth bricks were too pretty to touch the earth, indeed it was fancier than many a palace. The windows were oversized, mullioned, and almost cathedral-like.

"The famous hidden Morgenstern manor," Jace said. He came up beside her bringing an arm around her small body.

Clary could see Jonathan turn silhouette turn around with a wicked glint in his eyes.

"I had it rebuilt after a certain woman, blew up my moving apartment. It took months to rebuild so that it would be perfect" Her brother said in a good mood.

She could feel the demon walk up to them placing himself on the other side of her so that she was squeezed between them.

He gripped her cold hand bringing it up to his lips before kissing her knuckles gently "Ma Belle" he whispered.

Clary kept her gaze steady towards the massive gates protecting the manor, not moving a muscle.

"Oh come on Clarissa don't look so sad, you're going to enjoy it here. I had a chamber made just for you. But then again you probably won't spend your nights there" Jonathan said mischievously giving Jace a secretive grin.

She shuddered uncomfortably between the two boys.

She knew the meaning behind his words.

There was no one saving her now.

She was truly going to be a prisoner, used by the two boys whenever they wanted or pleased.

Even if she managed to get away where would she go?

Her family was dead and she had did not know if Alec and her friends had survived. Maybe she should just end it.

If she begged for forgiveness maybe the angel would have mercy on her and save her a place in heaven so she could be with her mother again.

The thought made a tear roll down her cold cheek.

The only comfort she had was that Jace was still with her.

After all those months praying and waiting for him to save her, all those months were just a waste of time.

Who knows maybe he will join the party?

She was suddenly being pushed forward by the two boys through the high gates, all while talking and laughing together.

She couldn't even hear what they are saying or laughing about, it felt like she was floating in oblivion.

She's was pulled back into reality when the two boys reached down to grab hold of her hands.

She stood there, wide-eyed and lost between them in front of large wooden doors.

She could feel Jonathan bend down so that his lips barely touched her ear.

"Welcome home sister, all together at last"

- The End