I take no credit past the tiny amount of editing. It turns out my friend is an excellent fanfiction writer. Oh well.

As Annabeth lead me into Camp Half-Blood, I began to notice three figures stood in the pavilion; undoubtedly demigods like me.

My eyes were drawn to the guy in the middle, his tall muscular frame was topped with short blond hair and he carried himself with a certain air of grace. His posture was almost regal, as if he had spent his life leading armies (though knowing what I've seen, he probably has) but he wore casual jeans and a purple t-shirt as opposed to the armour you'd expect. I couldn't help but stare at this guy, hot damn if this was a picture book...


The tall blond was saying something to another guy at his left; they were clearly close friends, I immediately thought of Mallory and Halfborn as the shorter guy reached up, smirking, to straighten the taller one's glasses, and receiving some witty retort in response that set all three people laughing.

The shorter guy looked a few years younger than the other two, though I knew to not base age on looks, considering my friends on floor 19 have been my age for years if not centuries. He had an Italian complexion, dark hair and eyes that, despite his smile, betrayed sadness. His skin was lightly tanned but punctuated by white scars. As he spoke to his friends I watched him gesture with elegant hands, I could virtually see Alex winding her garrote around her fingers with the same subconscious motions.

The third person was stood on the right of the blond haired guy. She was beautiful like roaring flames and had all the regal poise of Freya (please don't smite me Freya). But instead of the cat lady goddess's jewels, this person had polished golden armour strapped over a purple t-shirt and a long flowing cape. Despite how fierce she looked, there was kindness in her eyes. She was looking at the two others with an expression I'd seen on Hearthstone's face many times. One that said, look at these idiots, these are my idiots and if you touch them I'll smack you.

This expression was the only attribute that she had in common with Hearth though. Unlike my elven friend, she had dark skin that glowed in the afternoon sun and long silky hair that was braided over her muscled shoulders.

The three strangers turned to greet Annabeth as we ascended the steps to the pavilion, taking turns to voice a hello before turning to look at me in inquisition. Gods I hoped Annabeth would explain soon because I felt like I would combust from the pressure I felt from these three people, they exuded power and looked almost suspicious.

But finally, Annabeth decided to speak up. "Magnus, meet Reyna, Jason and Nico. Guys, this is my cousin. The son of Frey."