Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any other references mentioned in this fanfic.

Quick Note: First I would like to thank everyone that was stayed with me so far. This is an extra long chapter, but I should say now that the long wait is finally over. In the next chapter there will be a time skip and Neville will finally be going to Hogwarts, so cheers.

At the bottom there will be another author's note so be sure to check it out.

Chapter 13

Neville opened an inventory window and pulled out his trusty steed Swiftflame, the nightmare that he had stolen all those weeks ago. It was now three times the size of any normal horse and was covered in glossy black ebony armor, something he had made himself and enchanted with runes to give better protection.

Stroking the large animal on her neck he received an affectionate nudge as it bellowed dark smoke out of its nostrils. "Hey Girl, think you're up for this," he asked motioning to the now four headed blood hydra behind him, only to receive two hoof stomps as she leaned down. He climbed on the saddle and nudged her on her side, she took off like a rocket high into the air.

Looking at the battle below he tried to [Observe] Eve again.

Name: Blood Hydra/Evaline Scorch (Lvl 134)

Title: Red Queen (Possessed)

Species: Vampire (Evolved)

HP: 1,200,000 / 1,500,000

MP: 100,000/ 120,000

STR: 601

VIT: 780

DEX: 578

INT: 921

WIZ: 30

LUK: 32


Queen: Can charm or control others of weaker wills.

Gaia's Blessing: Is immune to all normal weakness of her species.

Hell-spawn: Can control blood and shadows as an extension of herself.

Ferryman: Can call on the spirits of those she has killed to fight for her.

Summary: Gaia has taken possession of the Vampire Evaline Scorch in the hopes to kill Neville Longbottom. Evaline is currently unconscious in this state and is only vaguely aware of what is happening.

"Ah-ha! I knew she was getting help, there was no way that she could be leveling up so fast without some assistance. But still, to have Gaia herself help just to kill me, just how badly did she care for that stupid wolf," he thought, even if part of him was oddly flattered that a primal force, would personally take such an interest in him.

"Still, that health and mana are no joke. With Gaia boosting her, I have no hope of beating her in a straight fight," he thought as he saw his castle golem land a punch on one of it's heads before the other three attacked him in unison, managing to launch it backwards. "It's a good thing I don't play fair."

Taking out a black obsidian card from his inventory he pulsed magic inside it. The smooth black surface cleared to show the image of a woman dressed in a professional tailored suit. She looked young, around twenty, had light blonde hair tied in a French braid, her face held no emotions. Her sharp blue eyes were quick to scan him and his surrounding before she spoke in an emotionless voice, "What is it that you require Master." (Looks like Saber from Fate/Stay Night)

"Number 1, I need you to gather all of the Numbers that aren't on assignment and head towards my location immediately. Is the bunker portkey activated?" he asked the first of his creations. She walked off screen and he could hear the sound of buttons on a keyboard being smash before she returned to him.

"Yes, it is currently activated, I have also sent a country-wide alert to all of our agents to report in immediately. Should I initiate Alpha-12 Protocols?" she asked curiously, well as curiously as her monotone voice would let her.

Neville shook his head at her question he wasn't quite that desperate yet, "No, that won't be necessary. Beta-90 will be enough."

"Understood, it will only take a moment then Sir."

"Fine, see to it then," he said as he cut off the transmission and put his obsidian mirror back in his inventory. "Now then, what about you. I suppose the first thing is to break your connection to Gaia if that is even possible."

Sending a mental command to his stead, Swiftflame trotted through the air, each step covering dozens of feet in length. "There!" Neville motioned to a spot on the ground, where he could see the remnants of Eve's minions.

They landed a little way from them, those conscious looked weary at him, but nobody was dead at least. He said nothing as he located the injured body of Ai and summoned a chain to bring her to him. Once they were all together he slammed his foot in the ground and it shifted to make a stone cell around his prisoners, "Stay here, don't interfere. You will only get in the way." He could have healed them with magic or a potion but thought better on it, since he didn't want to waste anymore magic, and he didn't know if he would need those potions later, plus they weren't going to die from just those injuries.

Turning away he felt something through his senses that someone wanted access to his dimension, with a mental command he weakened the barrier enough to allow them in. In flash of light a giant metal cube 100 ft in size appeared, then the sound of gears turning could be heard and it opened to reveal his reinforcements. In front of him were five groups of 50 soldiers, they all varied in appearance but the one thing they all had in common were their black suits and metal wolf mask that covered the top of their faces. Behind them he could see 5 helicopters with mounted machine guns and rocket launchers, three black army tanks, thirty motorcycles, and 20 military jeeps with machines guns on top. As stated before, Neville doesn't play around.

Number 1 stepped up toward him and took a knee on the metal floor of their temporary base, "We are yours to command my Master."

He looked at her, she was his best creation yet. While the numbers were all named after the order in which they were made, that was untrue for those from 1-10, since they were the best of the best, with Number 1 being his most powerful. Yet despite being the first of his dolls, she was different from many of the others. For example, she unlike her siblings had a name, she was Alexandria, though she rarely used it. The other thing that made her different was the material that he had used in the process of making her.

The way that the Doll Creation worked was that any material, be it wood, plastic, even flesh could be molded to his liking before he needed to give it a soul. His first attempts were all failures, wood while extremely absorbent to magic was weak against physical damage, and plastic was easy to melt, each material would give it different properties, both good and bad. After many different experiments he had come close to calling it quits before a crazy and slightly illegal idea came to him. He went to the zombie dungeon in search for the most powerful boss monster available, the Elder Linch that was only available after beating every single boss zombie in a row. It took time and a great deal of magical items, but he had triumphed over that undead necromancer, even with its ability to summon allies to its sides. He then used the body of the dead necromancer as base material to form the body of Alexandria, the old and decayed flesh was brought back to life as it gained color turning into a milky white, blond golden locks of hair sprouted from the head, and the body was adjusted to superhuman levels. He had nod doubted that if anyone knew exactly what he had done, it would a one-way ticket to Azkaban, although he knew very well that it would be unable to contain him.

Name: Alexandria (Lvl 140)

Title: Number 1

Species: Doll

HP: 32,000 / 32,000

MP: 40,000/ 40,000

STR: 100

VIT: 120

DEX: 132

INT: 140

WIZ: 120

LUK: 59


Zombie: Unable to feel pain, exhaustion or metal attacks.

Linch: Is able to summon undead or ghosts to fight for her.

Death hand: Can drain the life of a living person and add it to herself.

Summary: Alexandria is a Doll created by Neville Longbottom using the body of an Elder Linch and various magical artifacts. She holds loyalty to her creator for giving her life and want to help him achieve his goals. She is the most powerful of the Numbers and wishes to prove herself worthy of the Title.

Neville would never admit it but the only reason he was able to progress so far was because of her. She took care of most of the management of the Numbers and his various business, which left him time to train his other troops and make various items.

"Number 1, I leave you in charge of leading the troops," he said as he mounted his nightmare again.

"As you command," she said, stand back up before she began to shout out order to the rest of the forces. In a rush of motion everyone was moving like busy ants, some setting up equipment while others went to the various vehicles. In no time they had a working base, with a couple of the less combat-oriented Numbers behind monitors typing away.

Neville helmet buzzed to life as the protective glass over the eyeholes began to show various information. In the corner he could see the image of an overview of the battle between the hydra and his golem, curtesy of a drone that was flying above them.

"Sir, are you online?"

He heard the voice of Alexandria in his head, "Yes, the masks are working perfectly. It is time to begin our assault."

"Of course."

With that out of the way Neville flew off into the air in the direction of the Hydra just as it pierced the chest of the golem and destroyed the core keeping it together. "Looks like we will need more backup," he commented as he pulled out handfuls of Elemental Gems from his inventory and scattered them around the battlefield, then got out various chess pieces with them being mostly knights, bishops, more rooks, and mostly pawns.

Once they landed he could see them begin to form, the pawns took the appearance of seven-foot-tall stone soldiers wielding swords, maces, shields, and spears. Next were the bishops that stood at nine feet tall and dressed in a purple hooded wizard robes with scepters in each hand. The knights were the last new addition as they each turned to women dressed in Valkyrie armor and rode a Pegasus each.

Neville raised his hand high into the air, before lowering it down in a cutting motion, pandemonium soon broke out.

The pawns roared to life as they charged at the giant multiheaded serpent, uncaring of their life. Bishops began to chant in an ancient language as magic gathered on the tips of their staffs. The Valkyries took off into the sky in a V formation before splitting off and aiming their magical bows at the heads of the beast. Three rooks slightly smaller than the first marched forward, ready to avenge their fallen brethren.

Neville didn't stay quite either as he charged a magic bolt in his hands and began to shoot at the possessed woman. He managed to hit one in the head vaporizing it in the blast, but it only grew back again, although he noticed that it's magic did go down.

"Neville to HQ. Report. Regenerating large amount of its body makes it spends magic."

"HQ here. We will notify the rest to attack the body in order to deplete its magic reserves."

Neville motioned his ride to fly in closer, trying to see if it had a weakness he could exploit. He could see many of the pawns either climbing on its body or hacking at the legs, tearing hung chunks of it with every blow. Fire balls and ice blasts were raining down on its hide either evaporating what it hit or freezing it before it shattered.

It was then that Neville saw it, at the very center of the beast was an unconscious Evaline naked and suspended in what could be considered a sphere of blood. He jumped off Swiftflame and landed on the hydra's back taking out a replica of the Warhammer he had lost previously. Gathering magic into his arms he activated the [Power Strike] skill and hit with as much power as he could muster.

It was like a bomb had hit, with the shock wave carrying it along it's entire body and forcing it to crash down into the ground, some of the pawns fell but they were quick to get up and charge back into the fray.

HP: 1,200,000 / 1,500,000

MP: 82,023/ 120,000

Despite the great amount of force behind the attack it did nothing, not even taking out a part of it's magic, but Neville wasn't discouraged. Slamming his foot into its back he let lose a shockwave of ice magic that froze most of it solid. Raising his hammer once more he shattered the ice and managed to make it deep enough for him to reach the core where Evaline was. Summoning a chain from his hand, he sent it flying in her direction in hopes that he could pull her away but just as it looked like it would pierce her cocoon a blood tendril was there to stop it.

"Ah-Ah. You will have to try better than that little mage."

The voice sounded rough, like it hadn't been used in some time, or like two rocks being ground together, yet there was also a feminine tint to it.

"Gaia," he guessed.

"Correct. I must say that Death was right about you. You are a very curious thing. Not quite mortal yet not quite immortal, something cut off from the rest of existence. Magic has really outdone himself. And yet despite this, I still cannot forgive you for killing one of my apostles."

"All of this because I killed that mangy wolf, and what exactly did you do to her," Neville asked as he glanced at the floating form of Eve as she twitched in pain.

"Ah the girl. It was simple really, I am just changed a couple of things in her biology, and easy task for me. She was so desperate to escape, to take back control of her life, from her father, her friends, even the curse she had gotten. A simple suggestion here, a gentle whisper there, and soon I had a useful pawn ready to use against you. The hardest part was actually convincing her to go through with fighting you, but nothing a little 'persuasion' couldn't handle. She was so desperate to build a connection to you that it was actually rather laughable," Gaia finished with a chuckle.

Neville didn't comment, he had always felt there was something off with the young vampire, this only proved his theories correct. He didn't feel anger or sadness after hearing what the truth really was, only pity. Pity that he had somehow gotten the young woman involved because he could keep it in his pants.

It seemed that Gaia was also done talking as more tentacles burst out of the hydra's flesh with the previous injury repairing itself rapidly. He wanted to continue his attack but two of the tentacles wrapped around his arms.

The young wizard gave them an uninterested look as he called on his Druid powers to shapeshift into a raven and escape their grip, he flew away from their reach. He turned back to his human form long enough to call up a potion of Fire Breath from his inventory and drink it. Still in the air he transformed into his next animal, a giant 60 ft boa constrictor that dropped with a thud and began to wrap itself around the belly of the beast. He tightened his hold as he opened his mouth as big as he could and bit it at the base of one its now six heads. His mouth full of razor sharp teeth managed to rip away half and a second strike managed to sever it from the main body, before a new head could reform he cauterized the wound with a powerful steam of fire from his mouth.

HP: 1,050,000 / 1,500,000

MP: 64,700/ 120,000

'Tch. Still not enough,' Neville thought as he bite into the hardened blood that made up its 'flesh' making a rather large hole as he burrowed inside its body using his fangs and streams of fire. He felt as blades of blood and shadows impaled him through his side at every turn, but even that was unable to deter him. Every foot was challenge and he received a lot more damage than he hoped but he finally managed to be within touching distance with the sphere that made up Evaline's prison. Just as he was going to attack he felt himself being impaled on all sides of his body, his health immediately going to red.

HP: 500/ 17,350

Without a moment to waste he transformed back into his human form and froze the insides of the hydra around him before they could crush him, the cocoon of Eve hardened even further and moved away. He took out twenty health potions one by one until it was back at green.

HP: 15,500/ 17,350

Now that he had some breathing room he contacted Number 1

"Number 1, Status report!"

"Everything is going well sir, the helicopter and tanks are currently bombarding her as we speak, with the bishops managing to take down two of its heads. The rooks are still going strong, but they lack the strength needed to hold her down."

"Good, but I want this finished as quickly as possible."

"Then might I suggest attack, Thor's hammer?"

"Good thinking! Call back everyone, make sure they are far away from the blast," Neville ordered as he got out his spellbook.

"As you command."

Neville concentrated mentally, trying to find the connect he had with the outside golems. 'Rooks, circle around and hold it down. Bishops send a barrage of fire balls towards the sky directly above it. Valkyries switch to enchanted lightning arrows and clear the area once I give the word.'

With one hand still on the book he placed a hand above his head with the palm facing the sky before summoning a magic beam that ate away at the beast body and gave him a clear view of the rapidly darkening sky. The spell he was going to cast was [Call Lightning] a Level 3 spell, that would summon a storm cloud 100 ft above the sky, with a 60 ft radius, although he needed direct eyesight to summon it.

"[Call Lightning] [Call Lightning] [Call Lightning] [Call Lightning]!"

The point he was looking at grew dark as black low hanging clouds materialized, spreading around until they covered the entire sky above the hydra, lightning flashed every second waiting to be unleashed. The young wizard however was not going to unleash it just yet, since it wasn't powerful enough to damage the hydra just yet.

The three golems were finally able to pin the heads down, but it was proving harder than they thought. Neville noticed this and summoned dozens of ethereal spiked chains that traveled along the length of serpent's body and through the bodies of his golem and into the ground, effectively sewing them in place.

Looking at the sky once more he called back his forces and blasted his way until he was outside. He looked at a place far away from the blast radius, ready to use his Flash Point to travel there once he called down his attack.

With a mental switch he let the built-up energy flow, and while the small thunder cloud would deal some damage that was not the end of it. His goal was to call down the much large amount of lightning that was located above his puny cloud, something that he had built up with the sudden change in temperature thanks to the fireballs that his bishops had thrown there. It worked as he noticed that the sky flashed in a blinding light, hundreds of powerful lightning bolts were attracted to his own cloud which then directed the attack right at the hydra.

But just as he was going to flash away something in front of him hit him in the chin, a stray tentacle, and turned his head up to look at the attack heading his way instead.

He was momentarily stunned at the move that Gaia had pulled, before the true ramifications of it came to him. He could see hundreds of lightning bolts snake through the air, crawling towards his position thanks to his Slow Motion Perception. His body might as well have been made out of concrete with how slow it was going, if it hit him, he knew he was done for. Luckily he still had an ace up his sleeve, if only he could activate it before the lightning that was now less than 40 feet away would hit.

'Iron Maiden!'

(Scene change)


A young five-year-old Evaline stood nervously next to her father. He was accompanied by a strange woman that she had never seen before. "Daddy, who's this?"

"She will be your new mommy Eve," he said as he gestured for the woman to introduce herself.

The woman was beautiful, with long black hair and dark brown eyes, and she gave the small girl a gently smile as she bent down to face her. "Hey there Eve, I'm Samantha. I hope we can be friends."

A nervous Eve smiled unsurely, but she had never had a mother before. "Nice to meet you."

A month later Samantha disappeared without a trace.

Everyone she asked would just say that she left the mansion, but she refused to believe it. She asked her father many times, but he would always ignore her until he became angry and left the house. Another month went by without a word from Samantha and Eve finally realized that her mom was never coming back.

Three more months later and a new woman showed up at their house, her name was Angie, and she claimed that she would be Eve's new mom. Eve didn't want a new mom, she wanted Samantha but every attempt she tried to push the other woman away was futile.

In a year, Angie replace Samantha and Eve was happy to finally have a mother again. But that didn't last long either as like the previous one, she just disappeared on day without telling her.

More women came into her life. Veronica, Christine, Rachel, etc. but they would all eventually disappear, so Eve had stopped trying to connect to them, just waiting for the day when they too would vanish. The distance between her and her father had grown wider and wider with every passing day, hardly talking over dinner and barely seeing each other.

It was the first day of boarding school, when she had met Ai. Ai had been lost and needed directions to her class which then ended with both of them walking all around the school and being late. From there, they became friends. Eve was fascinated with Ai and all the stories she would tell, many of them she was sure her friend had made up on the spot, but she didn't care, Ai was her first real friend and not someone that her father had set up for her.

The pair became as thick as thieves, never far away from each other. Something that her father must have noticed from the reports he was getting from the school.

It was during their second year that tragedy struck once more. Ai had received a call from home, that said her parents had been killed in an accident involving a hit and run. Eve had been there when she had received the news and was affected just the same. She had come to like them when she had visited Ai over summer break. It was like the situation with Samantha and Angie all over again.

Her father had heard about it somehow and had generously proposed to pay for Ai education as well as house her once school was over. Eve was no longer the naïve child she used to be and knew he had something to do with it, a point that was proven correct several years later when she gained control of the company.

Ai had become depressed and would constantly stick with Eve where ever she would go, panicking when they weren't together. It was through this tragedy that their friendship grew even closer and made it reach into dangerous territory.

It was when they reached college and were out of the eye of Eve's father where they could finally express their feelings. They cared about each other too much to let the opinions of other people dictate whether their feelings were right or wrong. All that mattered was that they were happy together.

But just like everything else in Eve's life that didn't last. Rumors of her and Ai had gotten back to her father, and he had demanded an explanation. Eve was mortified, she denied the rumors right there and then, not because she was ashamed of her feelings, but because she was worried of what her father would do to Ai if he thought they were true. She never told Ai of the conversation with her father fearing that she would take it the wrong way.

It was then that Ai had proposed to take their relationship more seriously. She wanted to tell her father the truth, an idea that absolutely terrified her. The resulting fight was horrible with Ai storming off and Eve being left behind in tears.

When Ai came back, Eve was quick to notice the changes in her but said nothing as their relationship was still on rocky grounds. It was then that Ai had proposed a road trip, away from the college, and especially away from her father's eyes.

What was supposed to be a romantic getaway turned into a nightmare right away. Should Ai have explained her new powers and abilities, Eve would gladly have joined her, but things didn't go that way. It was at the height of their passion when her friend had stuck.

"Ai stop. Your being too rough," Eve said worriedly as her hands were pinned to the bed and Ai looked at her with hungry eyes.

"Eve, I'm sorry. It's be over soon, I promise. No one will be able to tear us apart again," she said in an almost crazed tone.

"Ai, your scaring me," Eve pleaded but noticed that the grip on her hands was becoming painful. It was then that she noticed Ai's fangs elongate, but before she could comment they pierced the side of her neck, and then she passed out.

When she came to, Ai realized what she had done and began to apologize profusely. But Eve didn't want to hear anything, she was hurt and felt used by her friend, so she stormed out of the room and into the dead of night, leaving her friend behind.

She let instincts lead her, not wanting to think at the moment. Eve was found the next day by Ai, in a warehouse owned by her father, his men torn to pieces around her, and she was crying in a corner at what she had done.

Ai had tried to be there for her, but Eve was still hurt.

It was then that she met 'him'.

Richard Price was unlike anyone she had ever met, his mere presence was intoxicating, enveloping her in an energy she was unfamiliar with. They had a few drinks together, both of them sharing versions of their crappy childhoods and before she knew it, they were back in his hotel room getting freaky.

It was wonderful for her, he would be gently one moment, treating her like the most delicate flower in the world and then ravish her like a wild beast. The feeling of power only grew as they stayed together, calling to her.

Her plan was to take a small amount of his blood as he slept, but the moment that the first drop of his life essence reached her tongue she was unable to let go almost like a forbidden fruit. It was like heaven, like all of her most cherished memories had merged together in that one moment and it filled her with warmth, and in a sense, she could also get a better read on him. She noticed the large amounts of sadness, of regret, of crushing helplessness that was threatening to break him. He was like her, like Ai even, and she wanted to help him.

She would later admit that she could have handled it differently, but she was still high on his blood, and there was a gently whisper telling her that it was the right choice at the time.

Whenever she would try to reach out to him, the voice whispered again saying it wasn't time yet, and the few times that she was able to talk to him it always came out wrong. She could do flirty as in a way he reminded her of Ai, but she was nervous around him. 'Did he blame her for that night?' she would wonder. But all of her insecurities were placed behind a mask of confidence.

Yet there were still moments that terrified her. She would wake up in strange places covered in blood and surrounded by strange creatures, but again the voice soothed her worries.

Still she never lost hope that Richard would join her someday, if not as a partner then at least as a friend. Yet what was supposed to be a friendly talk at the restaurant turned into a huge mess before her very eyes.

Her last moments of consciousness was when Richard had frozen her in a solid block of ice and shattered her into a million pieces.

(Scene change)

The attack landed on the hydra with the force of an atomic bomb, illuminating the entire dimension as if it were the sun. Then the sound could be heard and felt as the shockwave carved up the earth and blew anything that was unlucky enough to be too close away. A large dome made out of light and flames covered the body of the beast and the golems. The Numbers and Eve's minions had to shield their eyes so as to not go blind, and many were pushed back from the resulting wave of dust sent there way.

"Eveeee!" shouted Ai from behind the stone prison bars as she watched the attack hit. She had gained consciousness sometime around when Neville had summoned his army, but had been unable to interfere with a pair of masked guards watching her every move.

She like the rest of her vampire comrades, had seen the battle unfold to what it was, a fight between gods. For the first time she regretted trying to provoke the wizard, never knowing what he was truly capable of until that moment. Some where in the back of her mind, it made sense seeing as Eve was able to gain such power from simply drinking his blood. She just didn't think things would escalate so badly for them, but she had seen her best friend turn into that blood monster and that wizard literally summon an army to his command. Ai finally understood that they had poked a sleeping bear and were paying for it, only instead of a bear it was a monster wearing human skin.

The dust cleared, the place where the giant behemoth once stood was instead replaced with a giant crater that was 30 feet deep and 200 ft wide. At the very center was a dark red sphere and a purple iron maiden with ethereal chains covering it.

Slowly the iron maiden began to dissolve into purple light and Neville tumbled out and onto the ground. His body spasmed from the electric shock, burn marks covered his entire body, and he was missing the right side of his torso as it had been disintegrated. His armor had been destroyed after it couldn't take the small amount of power that managed to hit him before he could summon his shield, leaving his upper body completely bare.

'Fuuuuck! How did she know? I've only ever used it a number of times,' the young man thought as he laid face down on the smoldering earth, trying to regain control of his limbs. Usually he would try to heal himself using magic or just pop out a potion from his inventory, but neither one of those was an option right now. His last move was a trump card, if things ever went pair shaped like they just had, but it left him extremely weakened. [Iron Maiden] was a drop item that he had received after beating the Elder Linch for the first time. What it did was create an impenetrable shield around him that would negate all attacks at the cost of all of his magic and half of his health, even if he only had 1 MP and 2 HP. The only down side was that it was a onetime deal as it would be destroyed after it was used.

Looking at the floating red sphere a little distance away from him he could see Eve still trapped inside. 'Observe.'

Name: Blood Hydra/Evaline Scorch (Lvl 134)

HP: 1,010,000 / 1,500,000

MP: 0/ 120,000

'So I managed to take out all of it's magic in that attack, meaning it can't generate anymore. Now I just need to continue to attack it before it can pull out something new. How am I doing? Status.'

Name: Neville Longbottom (Richard Price)

HP: 1,240/ 17,350

MP: 0/ 20,750

While Neville was in a similar if not worse state, he did have one advantage that Gaia didn't, he had an army.

Just as Neville thought that, he noticed that the surface of the Eve's prison began to bubble as it then started to drip onto the floor. His danger sense was screaming at him to get away, but his still stunned body didn't let him. More and more of this red liquid began to fall until it formed a large pool of crimson water. Then to Neville's horror a human hand covered in blood broke the surface which was quickly followed by another and then the head of a person. More hands sprouted, and even more bodies began to climb out of the pool of blood.

Although they looked mostly human, there were stark differences, such as the crimson eyes that shined with blood lust, the mouth full of razor sharp fangs, and the lack of genitalia.


Name: Vampire Ghoul

HP: 1000/1000


STR: 102

VIT: 20

DEX: 100

INT: 5

WIZ: 5

LUK: 4

'Really? You couldn't let me have even that? I don't think I've hated nature as much as I do right now.'

Glancing at Eve again, he was surprised that the health bar was sinking with every new ghoul that was being made.

'Ah, so she's making them by splitting up her remaining health. They might have speed and strength but lack any type of intelligence,' Neville thought trying to move his body, but failing badly.

It was then that one of the ghouls sniffed the air, quickly followed by the rest, until they turned to his helpless form. They growled slowly as they bared their fangs at the downed wizard. Neville was pushing his [Gamer's Mind] to keep him calm despite the dangerous position he was in.

As one they charged at him intent of shredding him apart with their clawed hands and fangs, but Neville remained calm.

Just as the first was only a few feet away from him, Neville struck.

After all the things that Neville had gone through in his short time after escaping the Void, he had grown paranoid to an outrageous degree, and had made back up plans for almost every situation like the one he currently found himself in.

With a mental command he open up his inventory and quickly scrolled through the pages until he found the one he was looking for. He then placed it directly in front of him and made it spit out everything inside at the ghouls.

The ghoul in front was extremely unfortunate as it's body was shredded apart from countless bullets that appeared out of nowhere. Those behind it were also hit, but the damage was much less, although many of them died on the spot.

'It's a good thing I experimented with the inventory windows,' Neville thought as he opened the next window full of bullets onto those that were still standing.

The Inventory page was an amazing ability, just as he had suspected. Not only was he able to store an unlimited amount of object inside, but it also had some hidden abilities. One of which was that anything that was put inside was chronologically frozen, meaning that things inside were frozen in time until he took them out. Food, people, even fast-moving objects could be kept safe inside without time passing by until he wanted them. He had tested this ability by grapping a stop watch and chucking it into one of the windows, only to discover five minutes later when he retrieved it again that not even a millisecond had passed by inside.

With that in mind he had shot hundreds if not thousands of bullets inside his inventory screen, all kept safely locked until he needed them. Only down side was that they would all shoot out at once like a shotgun which made aiming impossible.

'Damn, I'm running out of bullets,' he thought as he watched his bullet count drop rapidly and yet even more ghouls were climbing out of the pool.

Eventually he had run out of bullets and had switched to the live grenades that he had thrown inside and watched as they blow up those that were still trying to attack him.

It was then that his danger senses spiked up again, and he saw a lone ghoul had somehow gone around until he was directly behind him.

Just as it was going to strike at his down form, a shot rang out from the edge of the crater and its head was turned into a bloody mist.

Then something landed to the side of him with a great force before stepping into his line of sight.

Looking at the well-polished leather shoes of Number 1 he held back a sigh of relief. She crouched down to his eye level looking impassive but brushed some dust of his hair in a somewhat caring manner. "Truly, you are a reckless Master. You almost got yourself killed with that last attack. Although seeing you dead would only make you more attractive in my eyes," the blonde necromancer finished with a small smile breaking on her face at the idea.

"Don't kill me off just yet," he growled.

"A pity," she finished as she took out a large pistol from inside her suit and shot behind her without looking, hitting a vampire ghoul straight in the heart. "You would make a beautiful corpse, much better than any living filth."

Neville sighed, he had almost forgotten her extreme hatred for anything living, a byproduct of him using an undead necromancer to make her. Some of its past feelings must have transferred over during the process. Alexandria was still loyal to him, considering him something separate from living or dead. That loyalty however had turned into something twisted and corrupt to the point that it had become an obsession. Frankly he didn't know if she wanted to jump him or kill him half the time anymore, hence the reason why he mostly stayed away from her and only talked through letters.

"Well, no time to dilly dally," she finished as she picked him up in a bridal style and began to slowly walk away from the rest of the ghouls.

Neville glared at her, "You could have just given me a potion. I know for a fact that you have one right now."

Back to her emotionless face she continued to walk, uncaring at the large amount of gun fire aimed behind her, "I do, and I could, but where is the fun in that. I think it's time for the Numbers to show off a bit."

He was about to retort but was cut off when he heard the sound of spinning blades. Tilting his head up, he saw the helicopters from before open fire at the undead abominations and cut them down with machine guns while others fired missiles aimed at Eve. That however did very little to damage the sphere and made more ghouls appear faster.

When they finally reached the edge of the crater Alexandria jumped out with a single leap.

Once they landed she laid him down on the ground and took a red potion from somewhere in her body before uncorking the top, but instead of giving it to him directly she brought it to her lips.

"Wait! What are you doing?" the young mage demanded.

"I going to fed you, mouth to mouth," she said tilting her head to the side trying to be cute, but only managed to unnerve him even more.

"Stop! Just give it to me regularly," he ordered as he checked the amount of magic that he had regenerated.

MP: 1,245/ 20,750

'Close enough,' he thought as he started using [Healing].

"But where's the fun in that," she said as she tilted the liquid into her mouth, but before the first drop could even touch her tongue a hand covered in golden light snatched the potion out of her grip. She looked down to the glaring face of Neville as he drank the potion in one gulp.

"Tch. So close," the Number grumbled as she helped her master to his feet.

Now that he could finally move again, Neville took out sever potions from his inventory and began to recover his health and magic. The burns healed in record time and his muscles no longer spasmed uncontrollably. Glancing at the battle below he knew that the fighting was still going strong. He was about to jump into the fray again, but a small hand rested on his shoulder, stopping him in his tracks. Looking at Alexandria with a raised eyebrow he asked, "What?"

"Please Master, let the us take care of this. We need to stretch our legs every once in a while too, and some of us have been getting rowdy."

Thinking about it, he looked at the sphere containing Eve, 'It would be better to wait, I don't know if Gaia has any more tricks up her sleeve. I should conserve my strength and leave the small fry to my men. Plus, it's been some time since I've seen them in combat, I'm curious to see how much they have improved.' "Very well, I leave them up to you."

"Thank you Master," she said as she bowed to him, and pressed a button on her mask, "Pull back for now. Get into positions and prepare for battle."

Turning to him again, the Number raised a hand and transfigured a couple of stones into an impressive looking throne made of leather and what looked like human bones. The deadpan looked that she received in turn was unexpected to her, "What's wrong Master? Do you not like the leather? Should I change it?"

Neville sighed tiredly as he decided to just give up and sit on the ugly throne.

"Whatever. How are the prisoners?"

"Ah yes, the vampires. They are doing well, thankfully we were far away from the blast. Do you wish for them to be brought here?"


"Very well," she said turning away to give orders to the command center.

It didn't take long for them to arrive, those that weren't tied in his chains were instead bound in titanium cables to ensure that they wouldn't escape. None met his eyes, instead they looked at the ground. The only one that wasn't was Ai who was looking down at Eve's suspended form with a worried expression.

Neville didn't say anything to them either, instead paying stock to his inventory and how much he had lost already.

"Number 1, tell me what happened to my golems."

The necromancer walked to his side as she took out a box from somewhere and presented him different chess pieces. "The Valkyries are all accounted for, the bishops all ran out of magic and reverted into their chess pieces, while all of the rooks and pawns were destroyed in the attack."

Taking the box, Neville let out a sadden sigh, 'Damn, and I spent so much time leveling them up too.' "I'm guessing that the elementals didn't make it either."

The blonde nodded her head, "You are correct. They seemed to disappear when they got to close to the hydra."

"Of course, I should have expected that from Gaia," he mumbled under his breath. Looking at the pool below, he noticed that it had stopped producing ghouls, "Looks like there's at least a little over a 1,000 down there. Do you think you can do it Number 1?" There was a wide variety of ghouls with half being made up of magic creatures and the other half of humans. Neville was quite surprised to see a couple of trolls and manticores mixed into the bunch.

"Not to worry, my men will take care of those abominations without any trouble at all," she responded, managing to sound smug even with her emotionless tone. She typed away at something and soon every single one of the Numbers was on the edge of the rim looking down at the army below in what could only be described as barely controlled excitement.

Neville was actually rather curious of what they were capable of doing against the enemy. His original plan for the Numbers was to create as many as he could and make them follow under one of his Generals, then those Generals would be placed in charge of different parts of the globe to monitor or deal with any portals. He was actually quite lucky to be able to test them in a controlled environment like this, but he guessed that mostly had to do with his high level of luck.

Speaking about luck, he had noticed that it was a very hard thing to define, as he wouldn't know if he was truly luck until everything was over. For example, meeting Eve in the restaurant might seem unlucky at first, but now that he thought about it, it gave him the chance to test his army and deal with her all at the same time. In a sense luck was a matter of perspective, what might seem unlucky one second might turn into a great opportunity later on.

Even from his seated position he could feel the bloodlust in the air, both armies wanting nothing than to rip each other apart.

"Perhaps a small speech is in order Master," Number 1 said as she also got into position.

'Might as well,' Neville thought as he stood up from his throne to address his soldiers.

Gathering some magic, he called out his spell, "Sonorus!" and his voice was carried throughout the battle field. As one, they all turned to him in expectation.

"I will make this as clear as possible!" he said glaring at everyone. "We. Are. Not. The good guys."

He let that statement hang for a bit before continuing, "That being said, we are also not the bad guys. We have no allegiance to anyone but ourselves. We choose no sides but our own. We are not representatives for the people, but we will still protect them by any means necessary. We will not stand back to watch as outside forces ravage our planet. We will be the swords hidden in the dark that cut down all of our opponents. We will be the shields that hold the line against our enemies even if it means throwing our bodies against them. We are many things, but the one thing we will never be is cowards that hide when the world is in trouble!"

"Raaawwrrrrrr!" The Numbers roared in agreement, the feeling of pride was like adrenaline in their veins.

"We ask no thanks! We ask for no rewards! We fight because if not us then who else will!"


"We are the first and last line of defense! As I said before, we are not Heroes! The time for heroes is long past."


"Sometime what the world needs instead of heroes are monsters!"


"Fight! Fight, even if your legs can no longer support you! Fight, even if every breath you take sends agony through your body! Fight, even if you see friends and comrades fall, do not let their sacrifice be in vain! Never stop fighting, even if it means dying in the process, at least you will know that for your sacrifice a million more will live!"


"We will be the dogs of war, and death will be our shepherd! Now go! Tear them limb from limb!" he shouted, punctuating it by sending a magic bolt high into the darkened sky where it exploded, illuminating the ground below.

[General] Title has activated. Troops gain an additional 50% to all stats.

All his troops gained a brief silver like aura before the first of the Numbers leaped at the enemy, flying dozens of feet through the air. He was quickly followed by others that followed his example, the ground cracking lightly as they landed, but they didn't take notice as they lost themselves in the battle and ran towards the front lines of the ghouls, the eyes of the wolf masks giving off an unnatural light.

More and more Numbers ran, most reaching 40 mph before colliding with an opponent and ripping them apart with their bare hands.

Some drove large military jeeps, running over any unlucky ghoul too slow to get out of the way. Others teamed up on motorcycles, one would drive while another would shoot at the crowd of monsters with magically enhanced machine guns or rocket launchers. Helicopters would rain bullets down from above while the tanks shot at the bigger and more dangerous foes.

Canceling the spell, Neville looked at the pandemonium below with an impressed expression, before he turned to Alexandria, "How was that?"

While she maintained her composed expression, Neville could see the signs of exhilaration come from her, as his little speech had apparently affected her too. "It was perfect Master. I made sure that the drone captured it for future reference. I have also instructed them to record the battle for future analysis later on."

"Good. Well done Number 1. You may join them if you desire," the wizard said as he took his seat again and observed them below, just catching a glimpse as one of the Numbers crushed the skull of an troll by throwing a partially damaged motorcycle at it's head. Another five surrounded a hippogriff and took turns rushing in and hitting it with a wide variety of melee weapons before it crashed to the ground where one of them sliced its head off with a double handed broadsword.

"Then I will go," she said bowing to him with an invisible smile before adjusting her black gloves. Taking out two large pistols from the inside of her suit she leaped down to the crater below.

She bent her knees as soon as she reached the ground to soften the impact, but a small crater still formed under her. Unlike her fellow Numbers, she did not lose herself in the song of battle, instead she walked calmly throw the battlefield as if she was taking a stroll in a park.

Raising one of the guns, she shot to the side without looking, the bullet hit the ghoul rushing to meet her right in the heart. It briefly noticed the injury before it burst into fire was turned to ash.

Raising her other gun, she shot out twice at a troll 200 ft away that was throwing around Numbers like ragdolls. The first bullet hit it between the eyes and turned its entire head into solid ice, the second bullet hit the same place and shattered the head. The now headless troll tumbled to the ground with a large thump.

She rained more and more bullets into the ghouls, each one either killing it in one shot, or weakening it enough for another Number to finish it off.

Alexandria was intoxicated with the feeling of killing opponent after opponent, watching as the life drained from their eyes. The pleasure was almost indescribable being so close to death.

All around her death was everywhere, almost like a silent play was being made just for her.

Once she ran out of magical bullets she put her pistols back in their hoisters.

She rushed into one ghoul that was about to finish off a Number, grabbed it by its face and dragged it along the ground until it painted a red smear all over the earth.

The necromancer was unstoppable as she rushed from opponent to opponent, each punch, kick, or throw dealt massive amounts of damage, obliterating entire chests or skulls in only moments. Every attack aimed at her was dodged with ease as she was simply too fast for any normal attacks to hit her.

She finished her latest ghoul be doing a tornado kick to the head, managing to fling it sever hundreds of feet away.

Hearing growling, she turned back to face a trio of manticores, each snarling at her with promise of pain, their tails swinging menacingly in the air.

She grinned with an unsettling grin of her own, reaching towards her neck she took out a silver necklace with a sword pendant attached to it. Grapping the pendant tightly she added some magic to it and watched as it transformed into a double edged ebony sword that cracked with red lightning. Bending down slightly, the ground cracked as she lunged at her opponents.

Neville back at the top of the crater took stock of everything happening, barely holding back a wince when one of his vehicles would be destroyed, or another of his Numbers died. Already in his mind he was thinking about how much money it would cost him to repair them or how many soul gems it would take to revive everyone back. No one ever said that war was cheap after all.

Glancing at the vampires, he could see that they were also entranced by the battle below.

With the addition of Number 1 the fighting was quickly coming to a close, and even Neville had to wince as he saw Alexandria stab one manticore through the head and then grab two others by the tail and proceeded to kill more ghouls with her improvised clubs.

'God damn it Alexandria,' he thought as he rubbed his eyes in irritation. Thankfully he received a small amount of experience from every kill since they were technically his soldiers, but the difference in level made it miniscule in comparison.

Finally, after half an hour of fighting the last of Gaia's monsters were killed. He had lost almost all of his vehicles, and 30 Numbers died with another 50 injured but at least it was done. All that was left was Eve.

Slamming his foot in the ground he controlled the earth under him and the vampires to float over the battlefield until they were in front of the crimson sphere housing Eve.

Number 1 was already there wiping the blood off her face with a handkerchief, a definite shine could be seen on her skin making her look even more radiant.

Neville strolled forward until he was within arms reach of the orb. Placing one hand on the surface, he watched it ripple like water. With a grunt he push his entire hand inside until he felt what he was looking for, and with a great amount of strength he started to pull out the person inside. The sphere however didn't want to let go without a fight and Neville had to resort to using Giant's Strength to pull her out.

Giant's Strength (Lvl 5)

(Active): Allows the user to increase their strength using magic. Raises STR by 50.

Cost: 200 MP

Duration: 1 Hour

Eve flopped to the ground naked and with barely conscious eyes.

Neville however didn't take his eyes off of the sphere as it began to convulse before taking the shape of Eve, only made out of crimson water.

"Well done my child. You have overcome my army. It seems that Greenfang was not wrong in naming you his successor," Gaia spoke as she floated towards him.

Neville didn't feel any hostility from her, and therefore didn't respond to her advance, instead asked a question he had wondered throughout his battle, "I suppose this was all a test then?"

The crimson Eve bobbed her head as she reached out a hand to cup his face. The Numbers tensed up with Alexandria clutching her necklace in one hand.

"Correct. I needed to make sure that you were up to the task of defending me after all. You will find that in the future there will be many dangerous beings that you simply can't overcome alone. Think of this as a preview of those battles. I commend you on building a satisfactory army in such a short time," she complemented as she observed his dolls. "They truly are a marvel. I have never encountered life that I myself have not created. You could say I am quite curious on how they will turn out and that is quite something coming from someone who has lived as long a life as myself."

Neville huffed, "Well you are as old as dirt."

Gaia didn't take offense to his barb, as she continued to stroke his cheek, "I suppose that's true. Still I hope you continue to strive for the prosperity of the planet. I return to you the power that was taken from you, and gift you with an additional power."


[[Earth Manipulation] (Lvl 15) and [Ice Manipulation] (Lvl 14) have been combined to form [Elemental Manipulation] (Lvl 7)]

Elemental Manipulation (Lvl 7)

(Active): Fire, water, wind, earth, etc. are now at your command. Gaia has deemed you worthy of learn to control every element in order to protect her. You can create or manipulate existing elements in your vicinity.

Cost: 40 MP per every cubic foot of the element.

You have learned [Evolution]

Evolution (Lvl 1)

(Active): Life is always changing, always adapting to the environment in order to survive. You can now speed up this process by several generations at will. You may gift people this chance at evolution, but the effects are random with no way of knowing what it will be. You on the other hand cannot evolve further.

Cost: 1000 MP per person and a drop of your blood.

Quickly dismissing the windows after reading them he looked up at Gaia. "Evolution?"

She took back her hand as she traced the scars left over by Greenfang.

"Yes. Despite what you or anyone else has thought. There is only one rule that the world follows. My rule. The weak die, and the strong live. That has always been the law. I do not see good or bad, only strength. The strength needed to survive in the world. You can be small, or you can be big, sneaky or honorable, either way I do not care. Prove to me you can survive any way you can with any means necessary and I will reward you. Prove yourself weak, and you will just become food for the strong," she finished as she looked at Eve.

"I see," Neville commented as he observed the downed redhead and noticed that her health was slowly plummeting.

"Goodbye for now my dear child," the embodiment of nature said as she flashed to a green light and was sucked into Neville's scars, which glowed briefly before returning to their same color.

Eve stirred as she sucked in a large breath of air.

"Eve!" shouted Ai as she threw herself at her friend, even though she was still tied up and therefore had to crawl to her side with her arms and legs bound together. "Come on! Speak to me!"

With pain-filled eyes, Eve looked up to the concerned face of her best friend and spoke in a weak voice, "It hurts so much Ai. It feels like a piece of my soul was ripped out."

Ai cried silent tears as she gazed down at the hurt form of Eve, "Shhhh, it's okay I'm here. Save your strength."

Eve also shed tears as she felt herself begin to grow weaker with every passing second, "I don't think I'll make it Ai."

"Stop that! Don't say that! Please," she pleaded in a broken voice.

Neville had stayed silent throughout the entire exchange, 'What the hell? Why are they suddenly acting like lovers in some cheesy novel? And how am I suddenly the bad guy in this?' Either way he decided to step in as he gestured for Number 1 to hand him one of her guns, which she did silently after loading a cartridge of regular bullets.

Hearing the noise behind her Ai turned to see Neville walking towards them with a gun.

"No! Leave her alone!" she shouted as she bared her fangs at him and stood protectively in front of Eve even though she was still unable to stand up.

Neville's face might as well have been made of stone with how cold it was as he smacked her to the side with his gun before aiming the barrel at the weakened vampire. Eve saw him throw unfocussed eyes, and despite the large amount of pain she was in she offered him a weak grin, because no matter how well he hid it behind his cold mask, there was still some compassion that managed to leak through his eyes.

"You saw," she stated more than asked, talking about her memories.

The wizard gave a miniscule nod.

"How embarrassing. I suppose this is my lose huh, Richard? I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused you," she said with fresh tears as her throat clenched up trying to hold them back.

[Quest Complete]

True Predator: As someone standing at the top of the food chain, you hold no equal. Someone dares to challenge you. Show them their place.

Objective: Make Evaline Scorch submit under you.

Quest Reward: (30,000 Exp, 10,000 G) x 5, Binding Seal Contract

Neville mental congratulated himself before he felt something attack his left leg.

"Grrr," the bloody face of Ai looked up to him with red eyes full of determination as she continued to bite his leg, with no intention of letting go.

A simple swing of his leg was enough to throw her off of him as she tumbled backwards.

With a weak voice Eve, spoke again, "Please Richard, let her go. Do it as a favor for me."

"Very well, I had no intention of killing her anyway," he said as he lowered his gun. "You were right by the way, your soul was shredded beyond recognition. It simply couldn't take all that power without severe consequences. … I'm sorry."

"…I see," she said saddened at the news before looking at Ai who even now was crawling to her side. "I never got to say this Ai, but I forgive you for turning me into a vampire. I just want you to know that I-"

Ai looked crushed at the entire situation, "What?"

With a blinding smile that seemed to illuminate the entire area Eve looked at Ai with closed eyes before stating in the happiest tone she could muster, "I love you Ai."


A shot rang out as bullet pierced throw the heart of the Vampire named Evaline Scorch.

+ 250,000 EXP

100,000 G

Vampire Cross

The world turned silent for Ai as she watched her lover give her last breath.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" she screamed in agony feeling her heart break into a million pieces.

Neville gave back the gun to Number 1 who gave him an approving look at his emotionless kill. He let the young woman have her moment of grief even as he took out his spellbook to cast one of his level 3 spells.

"Alright, enough wining. I simply can't stand people crying," he ordered as he crouched down to Eve. Healing the injury, he cast the [Revivify] spell, it could bring someone back to life as long as they hadn't been dead for more than a minute.

'Her soul must have already been pieced back together once she merged back with Death so bringing her back should be no problem,' he thought as this had been his plan the whole time. The only reason why he shot her was to spare her the pain any further and because it would be a shame to lose on all of those experience points if she would have died naturally. Another reason was that he was impressed with her information network, and hoped to add it to his own, plus someone with her power would make an excellent soldier to battle whatever hostiles came out of the portals.

Taking the Binding Seal Contract from his inventory he inspected it to make sure it did what he thought it did.

Binding Seal Contract

Rarity: Rare

Description: A seal that binds one creature to another person with no drawbacks. Control is absolute and there is no way for it to be broken, even death does not destroy the contract. Owner can limit the power of the creature as they see fit.

It was a scroll that once unrolled showed some writing on one side. Pointing it towards the now alive Eve, a golden glow shot out of it before several golden chains entered her body with one latched onto his wrist, an invisible rune in the shaped of a pentagram was branded on his skin, as the scroll disintegrated.

Once it was over Neville proceeded to cast a healing spell on her until she was well enough to be fed a health potion. Once the last drop of the red elixir entered her mouth she began to stir, and she opened her eyes.

"Richard? What's going on? I thought I died?" she asked confused.

"So? You think dying is enough for me to forgive you? You caused me a lot of problems Evaline Scorch, and I intend for you to pay me back fully, even if that means I have to keep reviving you over and over again," he said with a slight smile.

Evaline teared up at that, "Aww, you do care?"

"I have a business proposition for you later. For now, I think you should give your full attention to someone else," the man said as he gestured to the still shocked Ai.

Conjuring some clothes on her with his [Create] skill, he left them alone as he walked towards Alexandria.





He ignored them as he looked at the emotionless face of his Number 1, "Well? Anything to say about my decision?"

"None Master. Only that she and her spy network will be a great addition for your goal," she said as she congratulated him on his wise decision of bringing her back.

"Good. Now let's go, I want a report on everyone we lost. Make sure to bring back the bodies to revive later," he said as he prepared to leave the dungeon.

Number 1 looked at him with blank eyes before covering her mouth with one hand and spoke in a low and teasing tone, "Tsundere Master."

Neville heard it and glared at her. Even though he would never admit it, that scene between two people that cared so deeply for each other stirred something in him that he thought he had lost back in the void, and perhaps for the first time since he was reborn, he thought of a certain old witch waiting desperately for her grandson.

(Time Skip 3 months)

March 3, 1989

Augusta strolled throw the empty hallways of the newly built building with purpose. After many months of fruitless searching she had finally received news of her grandson.

The message had come from Arthur King, a newly immigrated pureblooded wizard new to the British Isles that had taken the wizarding world by storm. She like many of the purebloods were well aware that he was changing the rules of the game, and yet he remained neutral, never choosing a side.

Word had reached months back that the entire reason why he had set up shop there was because he was in search of an heir to inherit his House. Many wizarding families had tried presenting their children in hopes of taking what was becoming the richest House in all of Europe, but none seemed to catch his eyes.

But that didn't matter to her as she followed that same man through the newly constructed hospital.

"Before we go any further, I must warn you Mrs. Longbottom," the aged gentleman said as he stopped in his tracks to look at her. "When we found your grandson, he was not in the best conditions. It was a miracle we even found him when we did. He was living on a recently undiscovered island that a team of mine had just found during an expedition, the problem lies in that it was immediately deemed hostile, with strange and dangerous creatures and plants inhabiting it. The research team claims that he was living in a cave, surviving by eating some of the magical creatures there."

"…" the aged witch said nothing, but her brow furrowed even further.

"We are unsure as to what extent this has affected him, but I have hired the best mind healers to help him," he said trying to reassure her. "Unfortunately, what we do know is that they seem to have affect his memories, while he does remember bits and pieces like his name and how to talk, he has forgotten some of his more personal information."

"I see; however, I would still like to see my grandson," she said in a low tone, warning him to stop talking and lead her to her remaining family member.

Arthur looked at her carefully before releasing a sigh of understanding, "I understand, but please be careful with him. The doctors say that he is still in a fragile state. I also would like to talk to both you and him about a proposition once things are calmer."

"Would this have anything to do with you looking for an heir?" she said suspiciously.

"Sharp I see. Yes, this does have to do with that matter," the old wizard said as he led her to a door before opening it to reveal what was inside.

Augusta saw a young boy that looked to be 9 years old looking out a window at two birds playing together. He was skinny from starvation, and there was a number of bandages covering his form, but even through all that there was no mistaking it, that was her grandson.

With unsteady feet she dragged herself forward until she was at his bed side.

Slowly he turned to full face her, and she could see the confusion and uncertainty in his eyes as he inspected her. Finally, he spoke in a quite and confused voice, "I'm sorry to ask, but are you my grandmother. Mr. King said that she would stop by today, but I still can't remember much of my life so I'm unsure as to what she looks like."

Her grandson's voice broke the damn, as tears began to rain from her eyes as she nodded.

"Oh good, the nice doctors said that I received a bad blow to the head that scrambled my brains, so I was unsure," he said smiling towards her.

With trembling hands, she embraced him as she began to cry. It didn't matter to her that her grandson didn't remember her, the only thing that was important was that he was back with her.

Neville patted the back of his supposed grandmother with a nervous smile.

On the inside however, Neville released a sigh. While he knew that she wasn't his real grandmother, that didn't mean he could pretend for her benefit, this was the least he could do for her after all. He let himself be at the receiving end of a love filled hug and just for a moment he could fool himself into thinking he really was Neville.

A/N: Finally finished. Now to answer some questions.

So of you might be wonder how there can be two Neville's at the same time and place. All I will say on the matter is clones, and it will be explained in the next chapter.

Eve and her vampire minions are now effectively under Neville, with Eve being bound like Alucard.

Number 1/ Alexandria (Aka Saber) is a necromancer. She won't get much of a time to shine until book 3 so not much to say other than she has a cursed sword and magical pistols.

The Numbers were also made mostly out of dire wolves that Neville found in the beast dungeon, since they are a great pack animal.

Gaia was using Eve to test Neville to make sure he was ready for anything that might pop out of the portals (think Godzilla and other monsters).

Neville also is slowly building up his army to protect the planet (think of S.H.I.E.L.D. from the Avengers).

The Elementals that Neville used, were consumed when they got too close to the hydra.

Now that that is over with I propose a writing challenge to anyone who feels like writing it.

Rule is simple.

Write a Self-insert fanfic about being reincarnated into the body of Draco Malfoy during 3rd year when he was attacked by the hippogriff.

(Optional) He still hate Harry.

(Optional) Draco X Hermione