And we are back! I'm gonna have a break over the holidays, but I should be back at it in January. Happy Holidays everyone! :) As always, I didn't make RWBY, much love or Monty Oum, and love to my editor, the best sister in the world :) Enjoy!

The walk to lunch was not very helpful. Winter didn't speak as she walked, hooded, with the two gentlemen. They spoke only in looks and gestures. Tai glared at Qrow with folded arms, and when Qrow saw it he replied with his hands behind his head and an adamant stare followed by a shrug. In response, Tai would groan and angrily speed up ahead of the trio. Winter watched these actions unfold and kept to herself. The rest of the way, she could feel Qrow looking at her. She didn't look at him, but she knew he was. It was as if he was analysing her, preparing a list of questions.

The trio arrived at a small restaurant that was slightly in the shadows. It sat by the river nearing the docks in the shade of the alcove it was built into. No one was in the restaurant so they picked a booth inside and sat down, Tai and Qrow on one side with their weapons placed beside them, and Winter on the other. A young waitress came to their table and handed them menus, leaving them with a jug of lemon water. Tai was the first to pour a cup of the water, and offered Winter a cup. She nodded and accepted it. Tai poured Qrow one and placed it in front of him. Qrow eyed up the drink, drained it in one swallow, and pulled out a flask from his pocket.

"Qrow!" Tai said, quickly scanning the room for the waitress or owner, "Never mind the fact it's way too early for that, you'll get us kicked out."

"Nah, I just wanted a gulp," Qrow replied as he took one large swig of the flask before pocketing it, "Lemon water just doesn't burn the same way..."

"What are you talking about? Lemon water isn't meant to - we're getting off track before we even start..." Tai argued, trailing off as he rested his forehead on the table and placed his hands on top of his head.

"Fine, then I'll start," Qrow said as he leant back in the booth chair as he addressed Winter, "What's your story, kid?"

Winter was shocked at how up front he was. Winter opened her mouth and tried to start, "I...I...I ran..."

"Take it easy, there's no rush..." Qrow said in a more soothing tone. Tai lifted his head and leant back as well.

"I ran away from home..." Winter said quietly as she looked down at the menu.

"Kinda figured that part out," Qrow said, red eyes still on her.

"You wanted to help... a runaway from home?!" Tai said, looking curiously at Qrow, more than Winter.

"Those guys were part of Birchfell's hired thugs. Surely you can see that. They were highly trained. She may be able to help us find them and end their crimes," Qrow shot back at Tai. He turned back to Winter. "Why did you run?"

"It's...complicated..." Winter said, still not looking up from the menu.

"Then make it less..." Tai began but Qrow interrupted.

"Who is your father?"

Winter looked up and stared Qrow dead in the eyes, "That's none of did you..."

"You're wearing a Schnee Dust Company hair tie. You're dressed in finer clothes than the people you'd usually find staying in a inn like that. Believe me, some of them would kill for your clothes. So who is your dad? On the board at the SDC?" Qrow said as he indicated with his hands as he talked.

"He is the owner of the Schnee Dust Company," Winter replied as she looked back down at the menu, "I think I'll have the BLT with a side salad and fries, what about you guys?"

Tai spat out the water had been drinking when she dropped the bombshell, but Qrow barely responded, only widening his eyes slightly.

"You're Winter Schnee?!" Tai said, as he wiped his mouth and cleaned up the mess he'd made. "As in, THE Winter Schnee?"

Winter nodded. It was at this point, as Tai's mouth hung open, that the waitress returned.

"Have you chosen your orders?" she said, pen at the ready.

"She'll have the BLT with a side of salad and fries," Qrow said before Winter could begin. "I'll go for the barbecue cheeseburger with extra bacon and a side of fries. And Tai?"

Tai looked between Winter and Qrow a couple of times before composing himself and saying, "Uh, just a bacon bagel and a banana milkshake." The waitress took the menus and left into the kitchen.

"Are you kidding me Qrow? You want us to get involved with the most powerful dust company ever?" Tai said, looking squarely at Qrow.

"We help people right? And if she has those thugs coming after her, they rarely leave people intact, if alive at all. They have quite the itchy trigger fingers," Qrow replied, turning to look at Tai.

"But the mission is..." Tai began.

"The mission begins when Ironwood gives us the intel we need. We can't go in their there when we don't know what..." Qrow said angrily with a red flash in his eyes.

"You're both Hunters?" Winter said curiously. They both stared at her.

"Yeah, yeah I guess we should clarify who we are as well...I'm Tai Xiao Long," Tai said as he settled back down to talk, "You already know that he's Qrow. We are part of Team STRQ from Vale. We studied at Beacon Academy and now we were traveling Huntresses and Huntsmen. Taking down Grimm and taking on missions. We're just getting the team back together, because we were called in to Atlas as a favour for an old friend. General Ironwood is gathering the intel we need before we can begin our mission."

"More like trying to get his shit together..." Qrow mumbled as he folded his arms. Tai glared at him but continued.

"We have a dangerous mission to take care of but we can't go in till we get the OK to proceed," Tai continued. " 'Til then, we've been hanging around Atlas. Helping the poor, intercepting bar fights, saving damsels in distress..."

"The usual," Qrow grinned as Winter turned red with anger.

"Just so we're clear, I appreciate your help but I was not in distress. I had them..." Winter began but Qrow interrupted.

"You had nothing. You put up an okay fight, but you were losing. A good warrior admits that and moves on. Just be thankful you don't have a gash in your neck..." Qrow pulled down the collar of his dress shirt and showed a barely healed scar. Winter was shocked at the damage but felt a strange mix of awe at his wisdom, and shock at his straight forward thinking.

"So you went to Beacon?" Winter asked, brightening up slightly. "What was it like? How well did you graduate? Did you take part in the Vyttl Festival? Were you there at the finals when..." The pair shushed her down and Winter calmed down.

"So that's the reason..." Qrow said, analytical eyes staring back at her.

"Excuse me?" Winter replied, locking eyes again. She didn't know why she kept doing that.

"This is about Beacon. You wanted to go and daddy said no. So you ran..." Qrow said, slightly slurring his words. No doubt, the alcohol was kicking in.

"It's more than that. I got in and he said no, so I decided I'd had enough, and left," Winter replied defiantly.

"Nothing else?" Qrow said, raising an eyebrow.

Winter froze. She knew there was more. All her father had said to her before she'd ran. Her predetermined future, and what he thought of Weiss, came rushing back to her."I...yes, but..." Qrow placed his hand on hers and smiled.

"It's ok. You don't have to say what it is. I get it."

His warm hand felt so good on hers. She wished it would last longer, but the waitress had returned with their meals. She placed them down and asked for money. Winter had forgotten she had left her money with Anthill and had nothing to pay with. She gave a concerned look to Qrow but he raised his hand and paid for hers as well as his own.

Tai smiled and quipped as he paid for his own, "You never pay for the lunches you take me on..."

Qrow and the waitress laughed. Winter managed to let out a slight giggle at the comment as the waitress walked away. They dug into their food and didn't let up until they finished. Tai was first to finish, followed by Winter and then Qrow. Tai struck up conversation with Winter as Qrow finished.

"So Winter, how are you enjoying the real world?"

Winter thought for a moment as she pondered a response. "It's...different. It's not as happy as I believed it to be."

"Yeah, life is a bit like that," Tai said thoughtfully, "The biggest things you see when you look at life - the things that really stick with you - are the extreme and impactful moments. It's either extreme positivity and happy moments, or the really bad negatives. You really have to look to see the inbetween. But that's all the more reason to live and fight. You can't let the negative win."

"Very inspirational Tai," Qrow managed to say between bites, "You should go political, I'd vote for you." Winter giggled as Tai began an impression of being a politician.

"I will not rest 'til our boarders are safe! We will prevail and the Grimm shall fall!" Tai said in an old timely voice, using a sauce bottle as a prop microphone. Winter laughed as Qrow leant over and squeezed the bottle, sending its contents straight into Tai's face.

"Qrow! You asshole..." Tai angrily said, wiping the sauce off his face, and was about to go into a rage, but stopped himself when he saw Winter laughing. Also preventing a fight breaking out, Tai's Scroll chose that moment to ring. He picked the Scroll up to check it. "Aye...the other half...if you'll excuse me," he said as he stood, answering the call away from the pair. Qrow lent back in the chair and looked at Winter's weapon.

"That's a fine weapon you have there. Looks quite unique to me, never seen anything like it..." he said as he peered at the sword.

"Neither had I, it was my mother's..." Winter replied, trailing off as she looked down at it.

"Don't know how much ammo you have left, but if you're gonna roll with us, you're probably gonna need more," Qrow said, holding the back of his head in his hands as he lent back further. Winter's eyes widened as he said this.

"You want me to follow you guys around?" Winter said as Qrow stood up.

"Well, we'd be fools to let you go around unprotected with those kinda thugs coming after you, and you wouldn't be in any more danger following us around. Also, I get the feeling you're gonna need some training with that kind of weapon. If you want, I'm more than happy to teach you."

"I..." Winter started before briefly stopping to think the matter over. This was what she had dreamed of. Travelling the world, fighting Grimm, saving the poor. She was only worried about the trouble it would bring for her new friends. But she couldn't help but feel compelled to answer. "I would love that."

Qrow let out a grunting laugh. "Thought you might. Welcome to becoming a temporary Huntress." He reached his hand across the table to shake hers. She accepted as Tai returned to them.

"What? Did I miss the ceremony already?" he said, as he patted Qrow on the back. Qrow glared back at him before addressing him.

"Young Winter here has agreed to join us 'til we sort this mess out," Qrow said, looking back at her.

"Smart choice. I told Raven, and uh...she was as skeptical as I was originally, so she may take some more convincing. But by the sound of it, Summer was fine with it," Tai carefully said as he looked at Qrow and Qrow looked back.

There was a very brief stare down between them before Qrow patted Tai's back, saying, "Raven will be fine once she warms up to her, they will probably get along. Okay, let's go get some more ammunition - we know a guy."

Winter brought her hood back up as the trio left the restaurant and walked down the river. As they walked, Winter asked "Soooo, what's the rest of you team like?"

"Well, Raven is my sister, and she's...a little dark, but her heart is mostly in the right place," Qrow said with a blank expression.

"That and she's my wife," Tai piped in quickly, "We were out of the hunting business, but our old was kinda an emergency so we had to leave our kid with my mother and come back into the fight."

"You have a kid?" Winter said in shock. "That explains why you left hunting..."

"Yeah...not exactly the kind of life you want to bring up a kid in, fighting and darkness and all that," Qrow said, with a hint of bitterness in his voice.

"Here she is," Tai said as he handed Winter his Scroll. There was video of a baby girl who had long blonde hair, a mischievous smile on her face as she was rolling around in her crib. She was laughing as Tai crouched into frame and began tickling her tummy and she giggled happily.

"Yeah, ain't she a little firecracker? So little and cute, but on the other hand, she..." Tai said as he looked over Winter's shoulder, but Qrow interrupted.

"Here we are, finest ammo seller in all of Atlas," Qrow said as he stood looking at the store front they had stopped at. "Old Man Robin should be able to craft you some more ammunition."

The three of them entered the store with a ting-ling of the door bell, and Winter looked around in confusion. The walls were lined with bookshelves and paintings, not a single weapon, let alone bullet, was in sight. A short old man with light brown hair and thick round glasses came out from the back room, looking down and reading a book as he came to the counter.

"Welcome to 100 Acre Book Emporium, where if you're smart, you'll..." the man began to recite as he walked up to the counter, before lowering the book and looking at the three of them. "Mr Branwen! What a present surprise!" He ran forwards and hugged Qrow, who stiffened and sent an looked incredibly awkward look at the other two.

"Great to see you too, Robin," he said, patting the old man on the head until he let go.

"What has it been? 5 years since you last came in to see me?" Christopher said, peering at Qrow through his thick spectacles, stroking his moustache.

"Heh, not that long Christopher, you're just trying to make me feel old. How's team WEPT doing?" Qrow said, as he and Christopher walked off over to the counter.

Tai bent down to whisper in Winter's ear, "Christopher Robin was a world class weapons expert. Nowadays he just teaches his team, Team WEPT. Not the best name, but he's proud to say they are the best all-Faunus team in the world..."

"And they are, Mr Xiao Long!" Christopher called them as he and Qrow walked up to a bookcase at the back of the store, quickly followed by Tai and Winter. "And to answer you, Mr Branwen, they are doing fine. Whitney still can be a little obsessive about details and get fixated on them, and poor dear Pierette gets anxious a lot. Tai-Gera still loves getting attention and can barely sit still. Ebilo still struggles with bouts of depression from time to time, but as I say! You can't let the negative set in, you can only move forward with what you are and learn as you go."

Christopher peered over the bookshelf and grabbed a big red leather bound book and pulled it back like a lever.

The bookcase split down the middle and opened to a small elevator. The group stepped into the elevator and Christopher pressed the down button. The elevator shot down as Christopher addressed Qrow.

"You haven't introduced me to your lovely lady friend, Branwen," he said looking up at the lanky red eyed man.

"She ain't my lady friend, Chris, and the less you know, the safer you'll be," Qrow said, a slight shade of red rising in his cheeks, but for barely a second. Christopher shrugged as the elevator came to a halt. The doors opened and the men walked out ahead as Winter looked around. This was what she had expected. In the centre of the bunker-esque room was a spotlight on a extravagant workshop bench that was a full circle except for two entrances to the centre. The walls surrounding the room were dimly lit but from what Winter could make out, they were decorated in weapons of every make and model.

"Welcome to the Acre Woods, Christopher makes such fine weapons in so quick a manner, it's like they grow off trees," Qrow said as he waited for Winter to walk with him to the workbench in the centre. The bench was covered in all kinds of tools and parts. Christopher swept over the bench, cleared some space, and addressed them.

"Now I assume you want something specific, Qrow. You know I already have your team's custom munitions on preset. You can go with O.W.L. to go get some from storage."

As he said that, a humanoid robot with a jet pack and wings descended from the darkness and landed behind the two young men. Tai jumped but Qrow barely reacted.

"The girl needs some custom ammunition. Make it ice Dust based, and don't ask her too many questions," Qrow said, still facing Winter and Christopher as he followed Tai and O.W.L, "We'll be back soon, 'k?"

Winter nodded and he turned to face the shadows, following the blue light of O.W.L before they disappeared. Winter turned to face the short man.

"Can you hand me the weapon in question, please?" he said, hand extended towards her. She unsheathed her sword and handed it to him. He turned it over in his hands and weighed it in on a scale. "Curiouser and curiouser..." he muttered to himself as he ran his hands over the weapon. Christopher unclipped the ammo clip and emptied the rounds over the table. He picked one up and inspected it closely. "Yes, yes... I remember now..." he said and he held the round up to his eyes to peer at it in deep thought. He placed the ammo in a vice and pressed a button on the workshop top. A mechanical cannon came down from the roof shadows, beyond the light, with wires and a handle. Christopher pulled the cannon down by the handle and positioned it over the vice. He pressed another button on the bench. The cannon let out a high pitched noise as it powered up, and then blasted a light blue laser down to the middle of the round, splitting into multiple beams and running over the round.

"I'm pretty sure, but I'm gonna give it a scan anyway," Christopher said as he lent on the bench.

"What do you mean you're sure? About what?" Winter whispered lowly, folding her arms and looking at the round as she kept her face hidden from Christopher.

"Well it was many years ago, way before I got this place. I was visited by a man, he never told me his name. Seemed like the vicious sort. Anyway, he brought me a sword that was the exact same as this and asked for some more rounds. Wasn't hanging around for long, but I gave him what he wanted. He didn't talk much and left as soon as I gave him his ammo."

Winter pursed her lips and thought. This was her mother's sword, no one had seen the other one since her mother's death, and it was a unique weapon, so the weapon he was talking about had to be her mother's missing sword. Winter opened her mouth to pursue it, but the cannon dinged and the lasers shut off. Christopher picked the round out of the vice and placed the rounds back in their clip, loading the sword up again.

"It's always a surprise to find munitions I've already worked with, but it's not impossible that it's a coincidence," Christopher said as he placed the sword down in the bench. "I'd hold onto that weapon, the metal it's constructed out of is some of the strongest I've ever seen..."

He pulled a remote out of his pocket and pressed a red button. Several small four legged robots came out from underneath the bench and began crawling over the weapon. Winter jumped and leaned forward to swat them off, but Christopher leaned forward and grabbed her hand.

"Don't be afraid ma'am, the RABBIT drones are just using the scan of the weapon to clean it systematically and effectively. They obsess when it isn't perfect, so don't worry, they will be careful," Christopher said, letting her hand go as she pulled it back. Winter peered at the mad form under her hood.

"Mr Robin, why do you let your machines work on the craft if you used to be the world's finest at it?" Winter asked, watching the drones work.

"Mr Xiao Long exaggerates, I wasn't THE best, but by Oum was I good. I worked in Mantle a long time ago, but when the Great War happened, and I was dragged into the militaries mechanics and munitions experts. I worked on anything that needed to be made, all for the glory of Mantle, right?"

"Anyway, I worked away, and then I met a reporter who had been to the front line. I say met, but she hunted me down and showed me what my creations were doing. I...It broke me down...I couldn't let my work be used for such bloodshed, but at the same time, you don't exactly say 'No' to a military mid war, so I did what I had to. I kept working away. Many sleepless nights, thinking of all those people I killed...I praised the day of the Signing of Peace at Vytal. I was released from work and have been here since, helping the passing Huntsmen and Huntresses."

"This is my escape my dear. I refuse to work for any company, no Atlas government, no military, no Oum damn Schnee company either! These are my friends." He indicated the drones with his hands. "While you may see simple robotics, they are my friends, as well as O.W.L, and my lovely Faunus friends. They are my friends. So to answer your question, young lady: I do not work my craft anymore, for these hands have enough blood on them as it is, but my knowledge I give to my friends and those who fight the path of the righteous. That I will help with."

There was another ding and the drones scuttled off the weapon. Winter looked down at it. The whole weapon was polished and slick. The paint was buffed and crisp and the moving parts of the gun looked clean and freshly oiled.

"Thank you Christopher..." Winter said with a slight bow to him. "Its...beautiful..."

"Ah don't mention it, young lady, it was nothing...Ah! And here is your company." Winter turned to see Qrow and Tai arriving back, walking behind the large owl robot. The pair were carrying a case that Winter guessed contained their ammo.

"How's the process going, Chris?" Qrow said, dropping his side of the crate to thud on the ground, and pocketed his hands.

"I wish you would take more care with that..." Christopher scorned Qrow.

"I don't understand why your bird robot couldn't carry it..." grumbled Tai as he placed his end carefully down on the ground.

"As for the process, it is already done, Mr Branwen," Christopher said as a RABBIT drone walked along the desk with a tool box full of ammunition fit for Winters sword. "Simple as that once I..."

"Already done?!" Qrow said, his eyes widening as Winter closed the lid on her ammo box. "What are you talking about? When you processed our weapons, mine took two hours, let alone the complexity of Summer's..."

"I took shortcuts, since I have already handled the same weaponry. Your team has incredibly foreign weapons from Vale, not like I know everything as well as my home country's weapons," Christopher said as he cleaned his desk space. "As I was telling the young lady, a man came in years ago came in with the same weapon, dangerous looking man if you ask me..."

"What did he look like?" Qrow said, leaning toward Christopher in frantic interest.

"Mr Branwen, I would give you a name if I had one, but he barely said a word, and was wearing full body armour that covered his entire body. I never saw his face, all I saw was a patch of skin when he handed me his weapon and his wrist showed. He had some sort of tattoo that seemed to be a thorny vine..."

Qrow looked over at Tai, who turned to address Christopher.

"Did his armour have an emblem?" Tai said carefully. "Like a logo or something?"

"Might've had once upon a time, looked like a tree. But the amount of rust, paint overlapping it, and what looked like a streak of blood cutting the tree down the middle made me think he didn't very much agree with that anymore," Christopher replied, shrugging when he finished. "Must have been a Huntsman at some point in his life."

Qrow brought his hand up to his chin in thought.

"Yeah, you know what Chris? I bet you're right..." he said as he lowered his hand from his chin. "Anyway, we really are thankful for your help Christopher, but we better be off. A whole world to save and that sort of thing, you know..."

"It was no trouble, a pleasure if anything," Christopher said as he adjusted his glasses and smiled.

"Yeah, and no thanks to your dumb O.W.L..." Tai said, lightly punching it in the arm.

"Mr Xiao Long, my dear friend, did I tell you about the time my previous model CLARA had to lift a small Mantle tank home all the way from Vale?" the O.W.L said in a incredibly synthetic voice. "It all began back in the Great War, you know. She was commissioned to a Mister Gavin Grapestone..."

"I'm...I'm sure she did, and that is an incredible feat but we really have to be going, see you Christopher," Tai hurriedly said as he lifted his end of the crate and pulled it behind him, dragging Qrow behind him, who was carrying the other end. Winter turned to run after them into the elevator. She stopped, ran back and gave Christopher a hug.

"Thank you Mr Robin, just...please remember, even after all you have been through - and I know I don't know you too well - but you are braver than you think, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you believe. If you remember these things, you will be able to keep moving forward and not let your past haunt you."

Winter broke from the hug and looked down at him. A tear dropped from the tip of his nose as he stifled a sob.

"Thank you, my child. Now go, I fear you may be in for a long journey," Christopher said, patting her shoulder. Winter turned and ran back to the elevator.

"You have no idea..." Winter muttered to herself as she entered the elevator with Tai and Qrow.

"You good?" Qrow asked as she entered.

"Yeah...yeah, just...a little emotional and confused..." Winter said as they went up.

"Hey, don't worry," Tai said, patting her soldier, "we'll sort it out, but come on, you gotta meet the rest of the team!"

The inn was a real mess. It had been a mess before, but now the building had scorch marks and holes to add to its...'rustic' impression. Anthill sighed as he mopped the ground. He was more beaten up than the last fight, with half his face bruised and cut, and his arms covered in deep cuts and bloody stains. Anthill chuckled looking at them though, because he knew the stains weren't all his blood. He looked at the puddle of blood on the floor he was currently mopping. He had cleaned blood out of the wooden floor before, but this was more than the normal amount for a bar fight. 'There is more to this...' Anthill thought, connecting the dots of how experienced the fighters were - when the door suddenly crept open behind him.

"Sorry pal, due to the ruckus last night, karaoke will be cancelled tonight as it seems I'll be the repairing the building for the rest of my Oum damn life. We're closed, sorry. Head down to Dan Applesbys," Anthill said, not even looking up from his mopping. He didn't hear the person leave. Anthill placed the mop down and quickly turned around. "I said we're..."

"My boys tell me it was really quite the row you had last night, and that it continued on to this morning," a short man in a pinstripe white suit and fedora combo with a red rose in the breast pocket. "Something about two Huntsmen, and them losing. I don't want to go into details, but let's just say they so won't be talking much without their tongues when I get my hands on those useless assholes..."

Anthill went white as sheet. He reached behind himself and grabbed the mop, swinging it around like a sword at the man, but the effort was useless. The short man quickly grabbed his crowbar rifle from his back and met the mop, which shattered into pieces.

"Clearly you know who I am, so you know that wasn't a smart move," he snarled at the innkeeper, leering at him, even from his small stature.

"I'm sorry Mr Birchfell, I didn't mean to, you kinda scared me coming in like that, you know? I've heard the tales..." Anthill stuttered out, scrambling over the table for anything else to grab as a weapon. Birchfell didn't let up and followed through with a solid smack to the bruised side of Anthill's head. Anthill fell to the floor as a wave of red flowed over him.

"Can't say I'm surprised your Aura is depleted, after the debacle you've been through..." Birchfell said, walking over to where Anthill was scrambling. He crouched down and rolled Anthill over. "So, why don't you save me the trouble of rearranging your face and talk."

"I don't know anything. She was here, and I never knew, and then she ran when I helped her, and then those two Huntsmen arrived and helped me, and they ran off after her and I haven't seen them since, please Mr Birchfell, that's all I know, I swear," Anthill confessed as he used the little energy he had to fidget.

"Don't worry, I believe you. No sane man would meddle in Schnee affairs, so you can live to see another day..." Birchfell said, standing back up and adjusting his red tie.

"Thank you Mr Birchfell, and don't worry, I won't tell anyone you were here, I swear..." Anthill thanked him, amidst tears.

"But, when it comes down to it, you did help her escape," Birchfell said, sliding the crowbar rifle into his hand. "So I can't let you walk away without life threatening damage."

Birchfell brought the crowbar over his head and fired the crowbar rifle, swinging it down and around into Anthill's unprotected stomach. There was an audible series of cracks and a bad sounding squirm amongst something getting torn, which was instantly blocked out by Anthill howling in anguish.

Birchfell turned and left the inn, grabbing a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiping off the stray blood on his crowbar rifle, and returned it to his back. He sighed as he opened the door and said to himself, "Huntsmen...ugh, they are always difficult to deal with. This is not good..."

Oh snap! Also, I voice Birchfell as Jeremy Dooley in my head. Just like a Boston heavy accent. But I have my work cut out for me, not sure about how to portray Raven and Summer...and their reactions to Winter, but meh! I'm all in for it! :) Please let me know what you thought, I love feedback and comments :)