"What are we even doing?" Clarkson chuckled out barely able to breathe standing up causing Elsa, Anna, and C.J to laugh hysterically as Elsa pushed down on her shoulders to go back down on her hands and knees. "It's leap frog." Anna said jumping. The answer caused Clarkson to look back between her legs sticking her rear in the air a view Elsa lingered on before turning her attentions back to the kids. "Why didn't you guys tell me that instead of forcing me on my knees?" The standing trio side glanced at each other seeking an answer neither of them had. Anna went first jumping over Clarkson followed by Elsa then C.J who had some assistance from the two adults due to her small height. On the fourth turn Elsa accidentally stepped on Clarkson's toes causing her head to jolt up from the tickle into the blonde's abdomen. They collapsed upon each other and thus dog piled into a laughing heap by their kids. The pile soon laid on top of each other looking at the dusky sky above. "Hyena." Clarkson pointed out. "Alligator." Said Elsa. "Atretochoana." C.J said picking out a particularly long cloud. "What's that?" Elsa and Anna asked at the same time. Clarkson hummed responding. "A Caecilian type creature that lacks any sort of visionary sense." After noticing both Anna and her mother blinking at her she quickly corrected herself. "An eyeless snake."

After a moment Anna spoke up in a quiet voice. "No the devil made it, God wouldn't make something like that." This caused a uproar of giggles. She frowned mumbling. "I'm serious."

The quiet was broken by the sound of footsteps created by a butler. He nodded to Clarkson. "Mrs. Blakeshire I came to remind you of your negligence to have Clarkson Junior dressed for her brunch with her mother." both Blakeshires gulped. Clarkson grabbed hand and rushed her from the garden pasture into the house with Elsa and Anna on their heels. Elsa sat Anna in the kitchen and tuned in when Clarkson and C.J entered Katrina's office worry assaulting her heart.

The voices were muffled but she could make out some. "No you fucking had one thing to do today, a simple task and you couldn't even do that! It's gotten to eh point now where I'm not as mad but mostly shocked at how inept of human fucking being you are!" Elsa's lips trembled when she heard the soft voice of her bluejay that was cut short by her spouse. She leaned against the door closing her eyes. There had to be a way out for all of them.

"Forget it! The maid will fucking do it. After all what the hell does she do besides suck your disgusting cock all day anyways." Elsa heart panged when her beeper went off she hesitated a bit before going in numbing out Katrina's instructions to get C.J dressed.

She picked the girl up cradling her leaving. "She can fucking walk!"

Clarkson headed for her office quiet arms wrapped round her small frame but felt a grip on her hand to look down at Anna smiling and tugging her towards the stairs. Atop them stood Elsa holding C.J waiting for her with a soft grin.

They were angels trapped in hell.

C.J sat quietly across from her mother doing her best to look like a "normal" child as paparazzi got their cameras full of the duo. Her mother needn't try so hard she had a natural glam that came with her pedigree. When the crowd died down they left without even touching the food. The silence was nice and helped C.J burry into herself until she made it back to her mama...and Elsa...Anna. The thought created a unintentional lip uplift. "I don't hate you, ya know." Her eyes lifted to her mother's pulse quickening. The woman sighed. "I don't even hate Clarkson as fucking inept as she is...I want to though, try to, make myself even. You two didn't take every last single chance of happiness from me broke me up inside, but you were the tools used to do so. I can't hate granddaddy cause he's the boss yep." she seemed to more so be talking to herself as she fished out a cigarette staring bitterly out the window. "When I'm alone in bed though I hate him, more than anything, there's a lot you don't know about your sick twisted disgusting family Junior and one day you will know and it will ruin you but for now do you know the best thing you can do?" C.J held in a cough that was caused by the smoke as she stared her mother's eyes down which met hers slowly wilting inside. Innocent violet orbs which were losing light since the day C.J was born met silver pools that lost all light because she was born.

"Hate Luther Gunnery with everything that you are." As her mother leaned back she was relieved the rest of the ride carried out in silence yet confused. Yes Luther was imposing, forceful, and didn't like her or her mama very much but he wasn't as malicious as Katrina and Chad.

"Don't worry Clark honey she'll be back soon." Clarkson sniffled looking out the window face flushed red. She smiled a little when she felt a hand rub her back with the slight scratch of nails that gave her shivers in the best way. She glanced at Anna who had both hands on the window as well as her face mushed against the glass sighing every five minutes. Elsa comforted both of them as best she could while quelling her own anxieties. "Oh my baby Jesus!" Anna exclaimed at the sight of a car pulling up. "Baby!" Clarkson gasped standing rushing to the door. Her lip trembled wondering what terrible things Katrina told her on the trip. As soon as she was through the door C.J was scooped up by her mother and tugged on by Anna. Elsa expecting to hear a bunch of complaints and curses from Katrina instead saw the woman snag a bottle of decorative whiskey of a all glass shelf. She took off the cap and took a desperate swig catching eyes with Elsa. "What the fuck you looking at?" The woman mouthed Elsa turned away and entered the hallway following the kids and Clark but not before hearing a "Yea you better look away bitch." And a slammed door.

When they were leaving a loud crash was sounded as a beautifully dressed Katrina held her purse "I won't be back for a few days." She spoke out into the house not caring if anyone heard or not leaving the house in a stumbling hurry. Clarkson and Elsa looked down at their joined hands then up at each other with longing smiles. "I can tell by your faces everyone is thinking what I am." Anna hummed rubbing her hand together.

Katrina was long out of Elsa's mind and instead her thoughts were filled with the kids and Clarkson singing loudly almost celebrating in the car along with the radio.

Anna had already tugged Clarkson to her room when they arrived slamming the door excitedly. Clarkson took her suitcase up to Elsa's room resting it on floor. They settled getting sleeping clothes out. Clarkson began unbuttoning her shirt but the were so tight and her nails so short she kept slipping. Elsa assisted. "In the shower hot is cold and cold is hot but only during the summer and spring." Clarkson blinked sputtering silently. "What?" she chuckled. "I'll show you."

After learning the puzzle of what was the shower Elsa left out the bathroom lingering against the door. Feelings stirred within her causing a shaking breath.

Clarkson getting undressed noticed how the shadow underneath the door remained for a little while making her whole body to blush and smile. She looked over herself in the mirror. Nothing impressive one could even see her ribs for the split second every time she inhaled it also didn't help that she was born at seven months.

Once the kids and adults were all washed Clarkson entered the bedroom which was blaring music to find a dancing Elsa who noticing her presence made a come hither motion. Elsa was an amazing dancer Clarkson noticed dancing shyly trying to copy her. It quickly became physical between them as Elsa twirled the chuckling Clarkson around doing 80s type moves making the younger bubble even more. They somehow ended up on the bed dancing the hour away. Until the need for brownies and milk was urgent. They continued to dance in the kitchen cooking up the treats drawing out the two little trolls from Anna's bedroom taking milk and brownies before retreating back. "Oh man this is gonna hurt in the morning." Clarkson said pouring milk. "Why?" Elsa asked putting scoops of ice cream on the brownies. "I'm lactose intolerant." Immediately Elsa took her glass from her and poured it back then scooped her ice cream onto her brownie. "You can eat dairy on your time but not ours I'm not having you explode my bathroom." Clarkson pouted.

"You eat so much dairy Though." Elsa said putting her plate on her bed turning on the string light that hung atop her bed closing the canopy next. Clarkson snorted in a way Elsa found completely Adorable "Well I mean who honestly follows the rule of no dairy that is lactose."

"True." Elsa tilted a spoon to her. They sat in silence plates on the floor doing a building 3D puzzle. Elsa's foot sat atop Clarkson's. "El-Elsa?"


"What's something simple that is your favorite thing in world?" Elsa thought about the question for a few seconds. "Puzzles. What's yours?"

Clarkson smiled at her answer. "Fireflies." An hour passed. Elsa looking the intricately constructed mansion 3D creation reached for the last piece when she felt soft fingers beneath her own. The world outside was nothing but soft hums and dim lights, the house was silent the girls being in bed, and the air warm. Violet and Azure danced together like their owners did a few hours back. Elsa leaned over planting her lips to Clarkson's who immediately molded into it as if she was anticipating this. Clarkson whimpered as she was numbed underneath Elsa's tongue. She tasted like a sweet drink which held no alcohol yet made Elsa drunk and dehydrated needing more and more as she drank the heiress away. Soon they were laying down with Elsa sitting on Clarkson's pelvis clutching her face as if she would sink through the bed. Hands didn't wander, this was all they needed from each other right now. Clarkson grew anxious as she felt herself harden beneath the pressure of Elsa's hips. Elsa pulled back a fraction. "Shh shh it's okay. It'll be alright." Her tone drew in Clarkson into its warm silk keeping Clarkson's heart from turning into a racing horse. Clarkson leaned up for more wrapping her arms around Elsa pulling her down. She happily oblige hands gripping chocolate locks gently. They buried their faces in each other's necks breathing in dwelling in the moment, it wouldn't last forever yet became their eternity that existed within them.