Greetings! OK,The normal don't own Sweep...all rights belong to far richer folks than I. I decided this story should have a little more angst approach,and a good bit of drama. So here we go...This takes place about two weeks after book 14.

Real life 101
Chapter one:The first lesson

Dubhlan cuan,scotland

Eoife walked down the hallway at a clipped pace. She had recieved reports that Morgan was ill.As she hurried towards Morgans dorm room,she fretted;was it something the healers here could attend to,or was it more serious?
She tapped lightly on the door once,then entered. Morgan was laying on the bed,looking pale. Dark shadows gathered under her eyes. Eiofe sat on the side of the bed and placed a hand on morgan's forehead. she felt a little clammy,but no fever. Morgan managed a weak smile and asked "did they bother you? I told them I'd be okay."
Eiofe saw a look cross Morgans face that she couldn't read.Eiofe spoke softley "Morgan,I promised your parents that i would see to your well being. Hearing that you are sick to your stomach,at least once a day,and eating very little gives me cause to worry."she paused,"Should I call Hunter?I'm sure he could get here..."
Morgan sat up straight,"NO!" Eiofe looked alarmed at the out burst. Morgan tried to recover,"I's bad enough they called you and i'll be ok,and he's with his family.."
Eiofe looked closly at Morgan,she had turned quite green at the word "family".
Eiofe spoke more to herself "Oh dear."
She looked at morgan,who now looked scared,
"Morgan,if you know whats wrong,why you're ill,now is the time to tell me. otherwise,I'm taking you to the doctor,and will be having you checked out,a compleate physical."
Morgan began crying. Eiofe put her arms around her and let her cry. When morgan had somewhat composed herself Eiofe said gently, "so when,and how far along would you be?" Morgan sniffled and said "It was beltane,I guess i'd be about little over a month and a half along."
Eiofe looked shoked,"You mean to tell me,that on a day that celebrates fertility,niether of you thought to use protection oe do a conception prevention spell?May the Goddess help us,well it's done now."
Eiofe questioned "I take it that Hunter doesn't know?" Morgan shook her head "No, i just became certain after i got here. I don't know what to tell him. I don't know if i want to be a mom yet." Eiofe shook her head,"Morgan you need to decided what you want. I won't say anything just yet.This needs to be your decision,I believe Hunter would support whatever you want,but ultamitely,it is for you to decide.If you don't want to be a parent or have any one know,you have a few precious days to decide.If you want the child,I'll help you or if you don't...well,i'll still help you." Morgan nodded,and she ask Eiofe softly "No matter what I decide,you won't tell my parents...or Hunter? Eiofe...what should I do?" Eiofe paused in the door way,feeling much older than when she had first stepped thru it,"Morgan,I'll tell no one.I wish i could tell you what to do,but i'm afraid that this is for you alone to decide. They'll tell you at the front what room i'm in. I'll stay untill you decide."
Morgan watched Eiofe leave. She lay back down,feeling nauseaus.Yes,this was HER decision.she was scared,but she would think it through tonight,and let Eiofe know in the morning.

A/N:so what will she do? hmmmm.....unless i get reviews, I will not tell.Please,review!