Vivid Strike: Consequences
The Omake!
"Well, the author got it completely wrong," Fuka noted, the brown haired woman munching popcorn as they watched episode five.
"Yup. The beating hit the news and everything," Vivio agreed.
"And the tabloids," Nove nodded.
"Anyway," Fuka said briskly, "the Author plans to revise the chapter with any added names etc etc, but will otherwise be leaving it."
"Because he's too lazy to completely rewrite it," Nove nodded.
"Pretty much!" Vivio agreed cheerily.
"Oy," Fuka shook her head.
"The scene where the gang grabbed Rinne...," Nove shook her head. "I may not like Jill, but that was one hell of a rescue."
"And yet another case of dumb villains," Vivio noted. Everyone looked at her and she shrugged, "Jill literally smashed the entire front of the building in. You'd think the bad guys would have just RUN at that point..."
"True," Fuka agreed.
"Hey," Vivio added thoughtfully a few seconds later, "if we're just hearing a report, how is it we're seeing all this stuff we couldn't know about?"
"The magic of anime," Nove nodded having experienced this kind of thing before, "try not to think about it too much."
"Okay!" both Vivio and Fuka chorused.
Notes: Yeah, episode 5 didn't do what I expected. Tho they did keep everything out of the courts, but otherwise it wasn't kept quiet and Rinne got into various kinds of shit. Also, she was the one to change schools, not the bullies.
Oh well...