Hello everyone, this is a fic challenge that I accepted from "Tremor230", who I recommend checking out, and am now writing it since I can see where to go and how to go about it in this fic. I hope you all enjoy it as it feels like it will be a good one.

A couple of things to mention: 1) This is a DARK Naruto fic and it will not be changing, though Naruto will have moments of being better than Orochimaru and such since he knows the value of having subordinates and such and keeping them strong and alive.

2) This will have lemons and such throughout it and, while there likely won't be one every chapter, there will be quite a few and they will be marked when they start and end since some of Naruto's plans involve having key women in his pocket… and bed both for his plans for Konoha and the future. Now, there will be NO RAPE in this fic, but other sexual items including underage, bondage, roughness (not being actually harmed except for one or two masochists), one slight blackmail that the woman will enjoy, and such may/will be in play here so you have been warned. This is not a lemon/smut fic, but there will be quite a bit of lemons and such throughout it.

3) There will be bashing and death of quite a few people, some you may like and some you may not since there are people who deserve to be bashed and killed at times but Naruto needs them for his plans so they won't be bashed/killed here or for a few they won't be killed right away as they are needed for a time and then can be removed.

4) This world is set as Naruto being 13! I'm putting this now since people seem to complain when Naruto is 13 and gets women older than him, too bad he is staying 13 and will be getting older women in this. If that's not your thing then sorry but I honestly don't care and I'm not changing it.

5) You can give pairings for Naruto, but I want reasons; both political, tactical, and potential training; for why those women should be paired with him, but I have a few picked out already and I am NOT changing them.

6) Though it isn't listed, this may have slight crossovers such as some women that will be with Naruto, weapons and/or techniques, or just a couple things that help to make the story interesting and entertaining. Nothing major, but if I do it will be a few things brought in not full on crossed over. If you give a pairing for Naruto not from Naruto, then you MUST give what/who they are in the Naruto world.

7) I'm not doing the whole backstory of Naruto and everything before getting to the meat of the story as it gets redundant after a while and any major changes to the canon story will be made clear as we go.

8) There will be some gender bends here but not many and I already decided the ones that will be so you will have to wait and see who is still normal.

NOTE: I tend to use the English names of Jutsu unless I know the Japanese name and it sounds cooler than the English name: Example Rasengan versus Spiraling Sphere, Chidori versus One-thousand Chirping Birds, and so on and so on. So if you see a Jutsu in English and you like the Japanese name, then send the name to me. However, I am going to use the Shadow Clone Jutsu as is as I like it over Kage Bunshin.

WARNING!: This WILL BE an OP Naruto fic, while he won't be going toe to toe with Itachi right off the bat, he won't be beaten by any Genin, Chunin, or most Jonin. The reason for this will be clear this chapter. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED SO NO COMPLAINTS TO ME ABOUT IT BEING AN OP NARUTO.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or a few things here outside of some custom items and jutsu; would be nice if I did, but I don't… it sucks so bad that I don't.


"Thoughts" / text

'Conversation thoughts'

"Demon, summon, and/or Naruto's pissed off voice"

"Above's thoughts"

'Above's conversation thoughts'

Chapter 1: Death and Birth of a Sannin

Forest of Death: Chunin Exams Stage 2

Naruto Uzumaki was not having a good day, first the Chunin Exams started and he knew it was a waste of his time since so long as the bigots and fools of the village had any say then he wasn't getting promoted but he supposed being in the finals would royally piss off most of them; next he had to deal with a bunch of idiots being intimidated by that one Jonin's bullshit style scare tactics, though he did like that one crazy woman who crashed through the window at the end as she had a nice body to her; anyway, then he had to deal with the stupid animals of this place, this so called Forest of Death, and the other weakling teams that kept aiming for him because he allowed people to view him as the weakest, that's right Naruto wasn't the Dobe that everyone thought he was; and now, now he had some freaking snake bastard messing with his team and it was royally pissing him off. Although, he was glad that he was able to dodge that stupid seal that the snake bastard tried to use on him by jabbing a kunai into his freaky long tongue.

After he fell, he caught himself and made it back up just in time to see the snake bastard stretch his neck out to bite his teammate Sasuke while his other teammate, Sakura Haruno, was out cold nearby and Naruto leapt between them since he couldn't move on, if for no other reason than to royally piss off the assholes of the village by doing so, if his teammates were killed. Once he reached between them, the bastard and Sasuke widened their eyes before Sasuke passed out and the bastard tried to stop but it was too late as his fangs, and I do mean fangs, sunk into Naruto's neck and a Curse Seal appeared… but that's when things went wrong… for the snake bastard anyway.

As the Curse Seal attempted to spread, Naruto's Shinigami seal reacted violently and began attacking the Curse Seal while launching Kyubi's chakra out of both seals and the bite mark and the chakra engulfed Orochimaru making him panic as he couldn't move and the Shinigami seal began pulling the Curse Seal into it and pulling the Kyubi chakra back in thereby pulling Orochimaru with it causing him to be absorbed along with the Kyubi Chakra into Naruto's body.

The effect was instantaneous as Naruto's body glowed and spasmed as it took in everything about Orochimaru: His knowledge, skills, abilities, techniques, research, plans, and everything the Sanin knew and could do was turned into Naruto's own. However, it wasn't only Naruto's mind that expanded as his body fixed its malnourished state and he grew to a height of 5'4" (The average height for a 13 year old) and gained the build of a professional runner, his hair grew to his shoulders and a darker shade, and his pupils slitted with the cerulean parts of his eyes now having a ring of dark yellow/gold and a black ring around it. While this was happening, Kyubi was freaking out inside of Naruto since not only did he lose almost a tail's worth of power to the boy, but now combine it with the vast knowledge of the Snake Sannin that was Orochimaru, the boy could potentially make the seal fully absorb Kyubi with no chance for him to ever be revived. Deciding to get on the kit's good side, or at least work his way there, Kyubi began helping his mind sort the information.

Once it was done, Naruto dropped to his knees on the branch taking deep breaths as his mind reviewed everything he knew: troop counts, dealings, experiments, plans, jutsu, and everything else that the Snake bastard knew. Naruto grinned since that made his already adequate skills far beyond what they would have been if he trusted someone in this village to train him. Oh sure, he had trained himself when away from the public or his 'team' and even had an ally or two in the village help him train and learn and knew that during the break between stage 2 and 3 of the Chunin Exams, and using his Shadow Clones, he would get his body familiar with everything. He paused a minute and snorted in laughter, that damn fool Orochimaru could have just used Shadow Clones to learn all the jutsu in the world, he didn't need the damn Sharingan since with his reserves and already vast knowledge he could have trained in countless jutsu in those three year down times between body jumping. For a genius, he was a rather stupid idiot… but then again, none of the Hokage's realized they could use Shadow Clones to do that stupid paperwork.

As he reviewed the knowledge Orochimaru had held, he frowned and grit his teeth as he found the knowledge of just WHO his parents were and the fact that his mother was actually alive and left the village after his father told her a lie. Orochimaru knew this since he planned to use the distraction of the Kyubi attack to maybe find some subjects to experiment on or recruit and had stumbled on Minato and Kushina by accident and apparently Minato lied to her about Naruto being dead so he could seal Kyubi into him and let the village have a powerful weapon/tool to protect it. Then Naruto also saw all the REAL history of the village as Orochimaru had learned it before it was changed in which the elders and others shoved the Uzumaki Clan out of the spotlight and made it all about the Uchiha and the Senju to a lesser extent.

As he learned more and more of the village's secrets and betrayals, he knew that he was even more justified in his goal of breaking this village. Oh, he wouldn't destroy it like Orochimaru wanted: no, he would take over and then punish everyone who had earned his wrath and maybe study that immortality thing that Orochimaru wanted so badly, but even if he couldn't then Naruto was going to ensure a descendant got a try at it. Why that damn fool never had a woman so he could potentially pass on his knowledge to children that would then possibly achieve his dream was beyond Naruto since he did have all of Orochimaru's memories and he seemed to be void of any sexual desire: he wasn't gay but he wasn't straight since no one got his motor running, so to speak, and he had ZERO desire to explore physical pleasures, was the guy trying to be a monk or something?

Shaking his head of those thoughts, Naruto picked up his two unconscious teammates and idly looked over Sakura before smirking since she would be useful and with Kyubi's assistance, which he was sure Kyubi would be glad to give, he could make a seal that would make her loyal to him without having to go through the process of marking her and she can still be her usual self… minus her trying to pound him every chance, which reminded him to make sure she 'apologized' for each hit. For now though, he needed someplace to leave his teammates so he could get some better clothes and ensure they didn't get eaten or whatever, but being him he had a way around that. He quickly made 10 Shadow Clones and sent them out to find some teams to eliminate quickly and bring him some new clothes and scrolls while he took his teammates to a safe zone while listening to Kyubi willing to offer it's assistance in exchange for not killing it.

However, before he could go far, he sensed the proctor, Anko Miterashi if he recalled from both the Academy and Orochimaru's memories, closing in on him and he set his two teammates down and waited for her. When she did arrive, he looked her over and had to admit that she wasn't lying when she said she was the sexy single Anko Miterashi as she was indeed sexy as hell. He simply stared at her as she inspected him and had a decent blush on her face since his jacket was ripped open and his shirt that was slightly baggy now hugged his torso showing his muscles and his pants were tight fitting as well, "Anko-san, what do I owe the pleasure?"He asked smoothly and Anko broke from her stupor and frowned.

"We got word that Orochimaru was in the area and believed he was after your Uchiha teammate, what happened to them anyway?" She asked as they looked a little roughed up and Naruto glanced at them with a smirk.

"Oh them? We ran into Orochimaru and because the snake bastard was an idiot, he's dead." He stated shocking Anko before she pinned him to a tree while holding his collar, "Easy Anko-san, wouldn't do for you to have to go to the hospital." He stated making her frown before she looked down and saw a poisonous snake ready to bite her and he had a kunai at her liver, "Calm down, the bastard tried to give Sasuke the Curse Seal and didn't see me get in the way until it was too late so he gave it to me, but he didn't anticipate that my seal and Kyubi's chakra would interfere so instead of being marked, I absorbed him through my seal and now have all of his skills, techniques, and knowledge, which means if you were nice then I could remove the one he put on your neck." He stated shocking her as she froze stiff as a board.

"You can do that?" She asked in a barely audible whisper and Naruto smirked knowing he just got a hook into a very valuable person that he could use on his side.

"With Kyubi helping in exchange that I don't potentially kill it? Yes, Kyubi's power plus Orochimaru's knowledge will let me either remove the Curse Seal or modify it so it can be used effectively without any recoil besides exhaustion." He stated and she widened her eyes at Kyubi being mentioned, "Yes, I know about him; yes, he is willing to help so I won't possibly modify the seal to kill him; yes, I am serious; no, I don't plan on killing him since he could prove useful and help me; and yes, I can help you." Naruto stated before he flipped them so she was pinned to the tree and her arms were above her head and she blushed at the way he had her and the closeness of him to her, "The question is Anko-chan, what do I get out of this?" He asked with a predator like smirk on his face she blushed at the chan reference and she had tears in her eyes slightly.

"Anything: I'll be your servant, your slave, your bitch, anything you want, just please get this damn mark off of me." She asked desperately while finding the kid had a decent amount of strength and grip to him and he raised an eyebrow before smirking and leaned into her ear.

"I may hold you to that Anko-chan, but that can wait till after I'm sure I won't kill you by removing the seal, so you will have to wait a little while before I can take that mark off of you. So, I'll just take a down payment." He stated getting a confused look from her before he claimed her lips in a kiss making her widen her eyes before she felt pleasure go through her from his lips and his tongue invading her mouth and wrapped her arms around his neck when he released her arms and moaned into his mouth as he grabbed her ass and she responded by wrapping her legs around him.

"Damn this kid can kiss." She thought as she battled his tongue and then widened her eyes with a moan as his tongue stretched and began wrapping around hers and exploring her mouth, "Guess he wasn't lying about having everything that bastard had." She thought as she fought back against his tongue but was enjoying submitting to it as his hands kneaded her ass and she became putty in his hands as he pushed buttons and brought up feelings she didn't know she had, "Kami, if he can do this with his hands, then I'm VERY interested in what he can do with the rest of his body." She thought as she held him tighter and kept up the kiss before he eventually pulled back and she moaned with half lidded eyes as she wanted to keep kissing him.

Naruto smirked and licked her neck and cheek before going to her ear, "I'd love to cement something with you right now, Anko-chan, but I have to get my teammates someplace they can relax and you need to let Hokage-sama know that I need to talk to him when I get to the tower, but don't tell him anything else besides that I said I'd only give my report to him since if the elders and civilians find out they'll demand that I be sealed away since they don't want me to have this knowledge and then you will be forced to bare the mark forever." He stated and she widened her eyes in fear before she nodded quickly.

"I won't tell anyone, Naruto-kun." She stated with a blush and Naruto smirked before giving her a light peck and a slap to her ass making her moan and eep.

"Thank you Anko-chan, now get going." He stated and she nodded before taking off while Naruto took his two unconscious teammates and took off heading for an area away from any sign of battle and found it in a hollowed out tree with a wide area in front of it and quickly put those two in the tree before taking some loose brush and covered the hole before sitting inside against the tree, making and popping a clone so the others knew where he was, and then relaxed and thought back on everything of his life.

He had been hunted since he could walk and had survived in the darker areas of Konoha, where he was considered one of the 'big bosses' since he had helped quite a few people out over his years and gained a bit of influence while ensuring he was at the apartment the Hokage gave him whenever the old man was going to check on him. Anyway, living there had adapted his stealth, lying, and sabotage skills since everyone could read people in that area and he needed to adequately survive and then he began to plan how he could take over the village someday and maybe use his connections to ensure that his authority was never questioned. This naturally led to him having to become a ninja if for no other reason than to become a legal adult and free of the damn Civilian Council and he was lucky that one of his allies was able to help with that before he took a subordinate and used them to get him another way in to being made a Genin, which reminded him he needed to reward them.

After he became a Genin, he made three new allies after showing their leader a bit of things and awakened him to how the world really was. Then he began doing missions and made some allies outside the village, but then he lost one to a bastard and then lost another to the pig Gatō but he still had two. He broke from his thoughts as he was suddenly sucked into his mindscape and was before Kyubi, "Hello fox, what's up?" He asked uncaringly since he knew the fox couldn't do anything since this was his mind and all.

"I wanted to offer you something that you can only have so long as I am alive." He offered and Naruto raised an eyebrow and looked at Kyubi expectantly and intrigued, "As you know, that fool of a Sannin knew the forbidden jutsu Edo Tensei, which lets you bring someone back from the dead but they are emotionless and not truly alive. However, Demonic chakra is different than normal chakra thus would have a different effect if you used the jutsu and then pumped demonic chakra into them. If it is done correctly, it could bring the person back to the world of the living and leave them tied to you still, though for that one you were thinking of it wouldn't be necessary to tie her to you since she would gladly serve you." Kyubi stated and Naruto raised his eyebrows in surprise before nodding.

"Thank you Kyubi, your loyalty and help won't be forgotten so long as you don't try anything down the road." He stated and Kyubi nodded since he knew from seeing Naruto that he always returned loyalty and aid when given but was a demon, no pun intended, when someone stood against him or betrayed him. The 'cleanup crew' of the darker areas of Konoha could more than attest to that since Naruto had left quite a few messes for them to deal with.

"I won't, I know the value of loyalty when it is given and should be returned and I will review all the information you got from the snake to see what else my interference could change and will inform you, just be on the lookout for those Akatsuki fools that the snake knew about since nothing good could come from uniting all the Biju in one area again and I am almost useless to you should we face a Sharingan user of Itachi's caliber and will be glad to fill you in on other information that I have that you would be interested in, but it would take some time and right now that pink haired girl is waking up and if her family name is anything to go by, she would be useful politically." Kyubi offered and informed and Naruto nodded before leaving the mindscape.

When he awoke, he saw Sakura stirring and sensed his clones coming back and stood before he moved and covered her mouth as she awoke, "Calm down Sakura, that freak is gone after he knocked Sasuke out and I grabbed the both of you and ran. We are hiding in a tree at the moment until your both ready to go, so don't scream or we may get found again and this time the freak may kill us." He whispered and she widened her eyes before nodding and then got a better look at Naruto and blushed as he seemed more mature and hot now, "Good, I'm gonna remove my hand so don't scream or yell and keep your voice low. I have clones scouting the area disguised as insects so we can know if someone comes near so we should be ok for a bit." He stated as she nodded and he removed his hand from her mouth and sat back down with her sitting up.

"Any idea who the heck that freak was?" She asked while trying not to stare at him and Naruto nodded.

"Orochimaru of the Sannin, I heard some older ninja talking once that he used to be part of the village before he went rogue and started experimenting on people in order to achieve eternal life and learn all the jutsu of the world. All I can guess is that he wanted Sasuke for his Sharingan and we got in the way." Naruto stated while Sakura blinked at him in surprise for having explained things logically and soundly and remained quiet as she looked to Sasuke, missing Naruto's eyes glaze over as he talked with Kyubi about the seal that could influence people to become loyal to him and maybe something else too and told him how he could apply it and he got a grin on his face since Sakura was too weak to resist it and he could begin getting some 'apologies' from her sooner rather than later.

With that in mind, he moved next to her and put his jacket around her making her blush and sputter before he covered her lips with his finger while the other was at her back near her neck, "It's getting late, which means it's gonna get cold soon. I have thicker clothes than you do and so does Sasuke, so we will stay warm while you freeze so just wear my jacket until morning." He stated and she blushed a bit and nodded and then blushed a bit more when he kissed her forehead and couldn't find it in her to hit him on the head, "You have such a cute forehead." Naruto stated before he moved back a bit and Sakura blushed more since no one complimented her forehead, ever. Naruto stretched as he sensed his clones returning and calmed Sakura as the brush moved a little and his clones came in and gave him clothes and scrolls while Sakura blinked in confusion and was unaware of a small crimson spiral on her body that faded away until Naruto put chakra into it again.

Naruto turned to Sakura and smiled making her blush again, "Can you turn away for a minute? I need to change." He asked then explained and she blushed and nodded before looking away. However, she felt compelled to look and saw Naruto remove his shirt, sandals, and pants showing he had a decent sized tent in his boxers and she blushed as he took a black wife beater and put it on followed by dark blue ninja pants, black calf boots that had crimson accents, a crimson vest with a lot of pockets, a pair of black fingerless gloves, and a black leather jacket that had a red four bladed glaive on the back and loose sleeves. All in all, he looked professional and deadly and she found herself blushing more as she looked at him before she turned away and fidgeted slightly and Naruto smirked as he put a bit more chakra into her seal since he was connected to it knowing it would make come to him in the night seeking warmth.

Shaking those thoughts from his head, he sat back down and began inspecting his kunai and shuriken before he started meditating to review the information from Orochimaru while Sakura discreetly moved closer to Naruto as time passed before she was snuggled up next to him and he smirked as he actually put his hand on her ass and held it as she snuggled close to him and she didn't seem to mind the hand placement or she at least didn't notice it.

The next morning showed Sakura curled up next to Naruto with one of her hands on his morning wood and her head on his chest and Naruto relaxing with his hand still on her ass. This was the scene Sakura awoke to and she looked around before blushing crimson as she saw where she was and where her hand was and where Naruto's was. However, she couldn't bring herself to scream and liked the feel of his hand on her ass and absentmindedly felt his cock under his pants, "He's big!" She thought as she had brushed against Sasuke 'on accident' a few times and he was nowhere near as big as Naruto was and she rubbed it a bit feeling and seeing it get a bit bigger and didn't notice that Naruto was awake till she felt his hand move.

**********LIME START**********

Sakura blushed as she felt Naruto's hand move up her butt and to the top of her shorts before it went in and began to grope her butt over her panty and she looked up to see Naruto and he held his finger to her mouth making her be quiet as he leaned into her ear, "You like the feel of my cock?" He asked making her blush as his terminology, "Why don't you take it out and get a good look at it? I'll let you since I'm getting to feel your nice bubble butt." He asked and stated making her blush since she thought her butt was too big and she found herself being happy at both that Naruto liked her butt and that someone liked it period.

She gulped slightly as she kept he blush from Naruto groping her ass and pulled his zipper down and fished his cock out being amazed at it since it was easily 6.5-7.5 inches and one and a half inches thick and could only blush more since Naruto still had a few years to grow, "Stroke it." She heard Naruto order and she got wet as she glanced over at Sasuke's form seeing that he was still out cold since, unknown to Sakura, Naruto had been awake for a while and knocked the bastard out again with a Shadow Clone once Sasuke started to stir. Sakura held his cock in her hand and began to gently stroke it while maintaining her blush as she felt how warm it was and continued to do it.

About two minutes later, Naruto moved his hand and pulled her shorts and panty down making her widen her eyes but before she could say anything, Naruto's tongue invaded her mouth and his lips pressed against hers making her eyes widen even more as her hand kept stroking his cock and he laid her on the ground. Naruto kept pulling and pulled her shorts and panty down to her ankles and smirked at her bald pussy, "Clean shaven Sakura? How sexy." He stated making her blush before he kissed her again and she battled his tongue while his hand that groped her ass was now stroking her pussy and making her moan before his other hand came up and pulled the zipper of her top down and moved it behind her shoulders showing her breasts were confined within wraps and he raised an eyebrow before he pulled them off showing her tits were not an A cup like people thought, but were actually a high C-low D cup and he smirked, "Nice tits Sakura, you really are my kind of woman."

He stated before she lunged forward and kissed him with her tongue attacking his since boys teased her about her ass, forehead, and tits when she was younger so she hid them and Naruto never mocked her and was now saying he liked her different parts that she was ashamed of and it made her happy, both that Naruto liked her body as it was and because someone did. Naruto kept battling her tongue before his hand at her pussy began to finger her while his other teased her tits making her moan into his mouth.

It only took a minute before Sakura screamed into his mouth as she came hard and Naruto pulled back and licked his hand that was at her pussy making her blush, "Mmm, you taste good too, you just keep getting better and better Sakura." He stated with a grin and she blushed more before he straddled her and put his cock between her breasts, "Now it's your turn to make me cum." He stated and she blushed before she squeezed her tits around his cock making them both moan while the head poked out, "Lick and suck the head while I fuck your tits." He ordered and she blushed at the language again before doing as she was told and Naruto moaned as she felt her mouth on his cock and her tongue caressing the head lightly almost like she was sucking on a lollipop and was enjoying the taste, "Ah yeah, that's a good girl Sakura. Keep doing that and maybe I'll let you take care of my morning wood every day we're together."

He stated and Sakura felt happy that she was pleasuring him and that she could do this again, "Naruto-kun likes what I'm doing… wait kun?! Where did that come from?! Well… he is sweet and he did compliment me and likes all the parts of my body, plus he protected me and Sasuke multiple times, and he has always been nice to me and even noticed me while Sasuke never did. Maybe… maybe I should give Naruto a shot after all or at the very least until we go back to the village we can do this. It's not really sex; it's more like mutual masturbation…. Oh kami, if he put this cock into my tight little pussy or even my ass if some of those sex-ed/kunoichi seduction classes were correct… do… do I want Naruto-kun to fuck me? I mean, if he was my boyfriend then I could be fucked by this monster any time he or I wanted and we could do it all the time. But I also like him telling me what to do, does that mean I want to serve him and date him?!... Oh fuck it; I'll worry about it after I get to taste Naruto-kun's cum." She thought with her inner self actually agreeing with her as she kept servicing him while looking up into his eyes seeing them full of lust and pleasure and he smirked at her.

Naruto pulled out and Sakura was worried she did a bad job before he turned and pushed his cock into her mouth while his mouth went to her pussy, "Keep sucking my cock Sakura, I'm gonna taste this slutty pussy of yours." He stated as he began thrusting down into her mouth and grabbed her ass tightly making her moan and it only increased as his torso scraped against her nipples and she reached down and spread her pussy for him. Naruto smirked before he shoved his tongue into her pussy making her moan around his cock as he tongue fucked her using his new talent to make his tongue longer and Sakura was loving it!

As Naruto kept devouring and tongue fucking her pussy Sakura kept taking his cock into her mouth and curling her tongue around it making him moan into her which in turn made her moan around him and before long she screamed as she came again. Naruto pulled out and looked at her, "Now that's not fair Sakura, you came twice and I haven't cum once. You should make it up to me." He stated and she breathed heavily for a minute before she rolled onto her hands and knees and crawled up to Naruto and began to lick his cock.

"I'm sorry Naruto-kun, let me help you with that." She stated as she began to suck and deep throat his cock and Naruto smirked since Sakura was evidently always a slut since he wasn't making her do this. He stopped influencing her when he told her to take out his cock so everything that followed was just her being herself meaning she was this slutty already, she just needed a real man to bring it out.

He broke from his thoughts to moan lightly as he petted her head making Sakura moan around his cock, "That's it slut, suck my cock like the slutty girl you are." He stated and Sakura felt her pussy spasm at that and began to rapidly bob her head while fondling his balls and Naruto groaned before he grabbed her head and began face fucking her making her moan as her nipples became diamond hard and her pussy squirted on the floor, "Get ready Sakura, I'm about to cum and I want you to drink it all." He stated and she nodded her head as much as she could while he fucked her mouth before he bottomed out and came down her throat making her moan as her pussy sprayed the ground and she eagerly drank his cum before he pulled back into her mouth and shot the last few times into her mouth and she happily tasted it and then swallowed it as he kept cumming. When Naruto finished and pulled out, Sakura kept her mouth open to show him that she kept the last shot of cum in her mouth before she twirled her tongue through it and then swallowed it showing him she obeyed. Naruto smirked and petted her head, "Good girl, we'll have to do this more often."

Sakura nodded, "Ok Naruto-kun, just let me know and we can do it whenever you want." She stated and he smirked and kissed her cheek while thanking the fact Orochimaru was in the Academy when they still had the detailed sexual education classes for both Kunoichi and Shinobi and he gave her cheek a light slap with his cock making her giggle before she kissed it lightly and both dressed.

**********LIME END**********

After they both dressed, they sat beside each other talking while Naruto's hands were either teasing her breasts or kneading her ass and she rubbed his cock through his pants, "Let's not tell anyone about this Sakura, we wouldn't want people to get the wrong impression after all." He stated and she frowned before nodding since if she suddenly started acting different with him then people might suspect something and it wasn't long before Sasuke woke up and the two separated before he opened his eyes with Naruto giving her breasts and ass one last squeeze while kissing her forehead.

After explaining that Naruto had managed to make the freak retract his neck when Naruto threw a kunai at him and then grabbed both of them and ran and that some attack the snake freak used apparently gave him his growth spurt, the three headed off for the Tower since Naruto explained he found a team dead by the animals and had the scroll they needed. Sakura knew it was a lie, but she didn't want to tell Sasuke that and gave Sasuke the impression that she only woke up a few minutes before he did and the three kept going to the tower at high speeds before entering the main room and read the riddle, "Guess that means we open the scrolls now." Naruto stated and he and Sasuke did that before Naruto made them drop them at seeing the seal array before Iruka appeared in a poof of smoke.

"Wow, you guys made it to the Tower on your second day, not too shabby." Iruka stated with fake surprise and kept his questions about Naruto quiet as he saw Naruto motion him to not mention anything yet, which he wouldn't since he was one of the few allies Naruto had and had helped him through the academy and other things, "Anyway, you three can just rest for the next three days until everyone else gets here." He stated and they nodded though Naruto had a smirk to his face that Iruka knew all too well.

"Actually Iruka-sensei, I need to see Jiji since we encountered Orochimaru of the Sannin and I told Anko Miterashi that we would be here as soon as we could since we were still technically in the exam and it could be viewed as cheating if she helped us. My teammates took more of a beating than I did, so while they go rest, I'll give the report to Jiji." Naruto stated and Iruka nodded while Sasuke didn't care and Sakura had a small pout since she was hoping for a little bit more fun with Naruto or at least keep talking to him since he actually listened to her and didn't just focus on her forehead, tits, or ass like other guys would.

So as his teammates went off to rest, Naruto went with Iruka to the emergency office and found Hiruzen there with Anko and he had a serious expression on his face but he also saw both his student and successor in Naruto with how he looked now. Naruto stood there a moment, giving time for something he had planned to take effect, before he sighed, "I'll just get right to it Jiji, Orochimaru tried to mark Sasuke with his Curse Seal and I got in the way and he bit me giving me the Curse Seal." He stated making Hiruzen, Anko, and Iruka widen their eyes, "However, due to the details of my seal, it actually backfired on him and the Reaper Death Seal actually used the Kyubi's chakra to absorb the Curse Seal and the one giving me it while also giving me nearly a full tail of Kyubi's chakra to me. In a nutshell, I'm the new Snake Sannin and I have every single bit of information, skill, techniques, and pretty much everything that Orochimaru had." He stated making them all widen their eyes again and Hiruzen quickly caught his pipe from his mouth and put it on the desk.

"So you have the strength, skill, brains, and power of Orochimaru in addition to your own power and the tail's worth of chakra that you got from Kyubi?" He asked and Naruto nodded making him sigh with a smile on his face, "You never do things simply, do you Naruto?" He stated with a hint of humor in his voice before he turned serious, "Can you remove Curse Seals?" He asked and Anko stiffened and Naruto nodded.

"Not at this moment, but I will be able to soon since I need to make sure I review all the notes and knowledge that Orochimaru had of the Curse Seal so I can be sure there isn't a failsafe anywhere. Also Jiji, Orochimaru was planning on invading Konoha during the Chunin Exam Final with the help of Suna since their Daimyo has been sending many missions to us instead of them." He stated shocking the three in the room and Hiruzen frowned, "I think we should contact their Daimyo and tell him that while we are grateful for the increase in missions, it would be wise to send some to Suna since they are our allies and we like to keep our allies strong. At the same time, we send Suna a message telling them that we captured a spy of Orochimaru's and he said that Orochimaru planned to kill and impersonate the Kazekage to enter the Chunin Exams. This not only makes us look like benevolent and kind allies, but it also makes Suna see having us is better than having Orochimaru and then they in turn will warn us that they similarly got word of an invasion and will now help to route it when it comes." He stated and the three widened their eyes before grinning since such a maneuver would allow them to not only inspire new clients but help solidify Suna's loyalty.

"A most excellent plan Naruto, I see you also got Orochimaru's craftiness." He stated before turning to Anko, "Prepare two messenger birds at once and then I want you to ensure that everything is secured here in case we have any unexpected issues here." He ordered and Anko nodded and left with Hiruzen turning back to Naruto, "Naruto, I know that I have failed quite a bit in helping you in your life and I also know of your plans and the moves you have made within the village." He stated making Naruto and Iruka tense before he held his hand up, "I understand your reasoning and I accept it. Truthfully, this village has only become weaker since my predecessor died."

"You mean my father?" Naruto asked and Hiruzen widened his eyes before smacking himself as he should have remembered that Orochimaru knew while Iruka was shocked, "Yeah, that bastard is gonna pay if I ever meet him. Not only did he seal Kyubi into me, but he also lied to my mother about me being dead so he could seal Kyubi in me without worrying about her messing up his plans." He stated shocking Hiruzen and Iruka before they both frowned heavily.

"I see, I'm sorry Naruto, I didn't know. I thought she died from the attack or giving birth to you. I will investigate immediately." He stated and Naruto nodded before he continued, "Now, as I was saying, this village has become weak but with your skills combined with Orochimaru's and Kyubi's there is no doubt Konoha could rise to the top and stay there." He stated and Naruto frowned slightly, "I understand your hesitance, but I will allow you to deal with anyone that tries to harm you as you see fit, just be kind to an old man since I have to do paperwork depending on the damage you do." He stated and Naruto nodded, "Alright then, during the break I will give you your inheritance and we can announce it to the village and the guests during the finals since then the Council can't touch you as the Fire Daimyo would back you up and protect you from them." He informed and explained and Naruto nodded, "Good, but what will you do for the remaining days?" He asked and Naruto smirked before he spat out Kusanagi.

"I'll train with this and with the Snakes since I'm their new Sannin so I should begin negotiations with them and everything. We can discuss some of my plans after the three days since you'll need to get everything ready for the possible invasion and I'll give you the info as well in a few days." He stated and Hiruzen nodded before he let Naruto go and Naruto nodded and left while swallowing the sword again and went for his room with an evil smirk on his face since he had a clone disguised as a bug go to Hiruzen and put a seal on him and then pumped a good chunk of demonic chakra into it to make him loyal to Naruto and his way of thinking over that of the village, "I'll keep you as my ally/pawn for now Hiruzen, but just in case you ever need to be removed, I'll make your wife my servant as well since Kyubi's chakra can reverse her age down to whatever I want so long as I continue to live and I recall someone mentioning she was quite the looker when she was younger and I'm sure after a bit of influence she won't mind being my Sarutobi slut even if my seal doesn't make a woman want to have sex with me." He thought keeping the smirk on his face before he reached the room he shared with his teammates and entered before he plopped on his bed and went to sleep.

2 nights and a day later: LEMON START

Sakura had just awoken and noticed that Sasuke was gone already, just like he was yesterday when they woke up, and saw Naruto laying in his bed and she quickly undid her top and freed her breasts before she went over to him and removed the covers and freed his cock before she gave him a morning blowjob… just as she had yesterday and the day before as Naruto had ordered her, and it made her wet to hear and think about it, that he wanted her to blow him every morning they were together and she happily agreed.

That now gives us our current situation of her wrapping her tits around his cock and sucking the head while her hands massaged his balls and her pussy. She had done yesterday morning and had even given it to him a few other times such as them being the only people in the cafeteria and she blew him for her morning meal and he in turn would finger or eat her out and a few times Naruto had just pushed her against the wall and played with her body and she loved it!

As it continued with her using her new skills to please him, as Naruto had been instructing her on how to service his cock, she looked up and, as she expected, he was looking down at her with a smirk and she continued working his cock with her mouth, hand, and tits while her pussy became hot and horny as she had gotten every time she serviced him. As she continued, she deep throated him and then hummed pushing him over the edge and he flooded her mouth and throat with his cum making her moan and cum herself as she quickly drank it down and milked his cock with her throat.

Once it was done Naruto reached down and pinched her nipples hard making her moan and Naruto smirked as he found out Sakura was a submissive pain slut that he could control and dominate as he pleased, he just needed to solidify his control of her.

With that in mind, he quickly took her and dragged her to the bathroom before he quickly sealed his clothes away into a small piece of paper and then buried it under Sakura's clothes before he took her into one of the shower stalls and turned the water on hot and pinned her to the wall with his mouth claiming hers in a kiss and she moaned and returned the kiss while hoping Naruto was going to fuck her needy pussy now. Naruto then moved his hand down and began to rapidly finger her cunt while he bit her tongue, not enough to draw blood but enough that it hurt a little, and made a clone to lick and bite her nipples making Sakura moan more as Naruto used and abused her. Naruto then pulled back and pinched her clit hard making her give him a moaning scream, "You're such a good little masochistic slut." He stated making her wetter before he gripped her throat and held her to the wall while he pinched her clit hard and his clone bit and pinched her nipples and pinched her ass, "You belong to me from now on bitch, you're gonna serve me as my submissive pain slut and help me with whatever I want you to, do you understand?!" He asked forcefully and Sakura came hard as she felt she was in heaven.

She nodded eagerly, "Yes Naruto-sama! I'll be your loyal bitch and help you with anything! Please just take care of me and let me serve you!" She nearly shouted, and probably would have if he wasn't holding her throat, and Naruto grinned evilly at her before he spun her around and slammed his cock into her ass, "OH FUCK YES! Fuck my ass Naruto-sama! Fuck it and make my ass all sloppy and loose for anyone besides you and your big dick." She screamed as Naruto invaded her ass and began spanking her with chakra enhanced hands.

"This is for all those time you hit me and berated me, you bitch! Now you're just a slut and whore for my cock!" He stated before he pulled her hair and used it to make her head come back and he played with her tongue with his as she kept gasping and moaning as Naruto abused her and the clone helped by quickly making four more and had three transform into clamps that he put onto her nipples and clit making her scream out in pain and pleasure and the last transformed into a chain to hold all three together before the clone then tugged on the chain making the clamps pull and making Sakura scream more before the clone started eating her pussy while also nibbling on her pussy lips.

Sakura was in her own heaven/hell as she loved the torture that Naruto was inflicting on her and she could only keep riding out her continuous orgasm that he was giving her and knew she was gonna love being Naruto's obedient bitch. She broke from her thoughts as Naruto pulled her hair again, "Starting tomorrow, you're gonna be training with me bitch. I'm not gonna have some pathetic excuse for a kunoichi as my slave when she would be much more useful as a soldier or espionage agent so you better take it seriously or I will get rid of you and you will never get my attention or cock again." He stated then threatened and Sakura widened her eyes in fear before nodding quickly.

"Yes Naruto-sama, I swear I will be obedient and learn to better serve you, just please don't leave me." She begged and Naruto smirked before he slammed his lips into hers and began dominating her mouth with his tongue making her moan around his before she screamed as she came again and he filled her ass with cum due to her ass turning into a living vice as he kept plowing into her to get as deep as he could before he pulled out and she quickly sunk to her knees and began cleaning his cock, "Your cock is so dirty Naruto-sama, let me clean it for you." She stated before she took him in her mouth before he grabbed her head and began face fucking her for a few minutes making her moan in pleasure before he pulled back and pushed her to the floor with his cock at her entrance.

However, he paused as they heard some movement and a voice, "Hey Forehead, you in here?" They heard from Ino and Sakura growled slightly at her interrupting her time with her master before she noticed Naruto smiling evilly at her and she shuddered under his gaze.

"Yeah Ino, I'm in HERE!" She stated then shouted at the end as Naruto slammed into her pussy all the way to her womb making her shout as her hymen tore and the pain and pleasure rushed through her and she froze in an ahegao/fucked stupid face as Naruto began jackhammering her pussy while Naruto's clone changed into Sakura to help keep things calm since Ino was questioning the shout.

"Sorry Ino, I just slipped and nearly did the splits. Stupid soap just makes it harder to stay standing." The clones stated as Naruto kept fucking Sakura's pussy with her moans and groans drowned out by the duel showers going and Naruto muffled her more by sucking on her tongue and nibbling on it.

"I'm great Ino; I'm Naruto-shama's bitch shlave now." Sakura thought as her mind was pretty much down in her pussy getting fucked stupid at the moment as her master kept breaking her pussy and womb and this continued on before he came in her pussy and womb making her cum again and Naruto grinned down at her before making more clones.

"We're not done yet, Saku-slut." Naruto stated before the clones swarmed her with one getting her tits, one her mouth, two got into her ass making her scream around the former, one for each of her hands, and two used her hair while Naruto fucked her pussy and Naruto was just getting started enjoying his new bitch.

**********LEMON END**********

Naruto continued to fuck and use Sakura for hours with the different girls that had arrived using this bathroom and he had enjoyed Anko's face as she caught him and Sakura during one of the moments that she was back from lala land and saw her riding him with her ass leaking cum and her tongue submitting to his. Naruto had smirked at seeing her before he turned Sakura around and showed Anko what he was doing as he broke her pussy and played with Sakura's tongue while Sakura was giggling like an idiot at servicing her master and it made Anko blush before she moved away, but his enhanced hearing courtesy of Kyubi allowed him to hear her playing with herself. Anyway as he kept enjoying her more girls came in over time: Hinata Hyuga, Kurenai Yuhi, a girl from Konoha with buns in her hair, some Kumo kunoichi with one having massive tits, a waterfall kunoichi, the sound kunoichi, an Iwa kunoichi, and surprisingly two Suna kunoichi since apparently the red head was actually a girl under an advanced Henge and he smirked as he heard the two Suna girls comment that they thought he was cute with the red head actually surprising the pigtailed girl by saying she didn't want to kill him.

However, he noticed that a red head that had been in the earlier exam that worked for Orochimaru and was a potential Uzumaki named Karin wasn't there and he decided to go find her… but being the benevolent master that he was, he dressed Sakura and put her to bed instead of leaving her on the floor in a fucked stupid state before taking off to find Karin.

It took him about 20 minutes before he found her running from a bear and he quickly threw a kunai into its head and killed it before he appeared next to her and held her to a tree, "Hello Karin." He stated and she stiffened since she wondered how this guy knew her name.

"Who are you?" She asked as she was too scared to do anything and couldn't even think at the moment.

Naruto grinned, "I was the loudmouth at the first exam named Naruto Uzumaki, but I'm also the one that killed Orochimaru by absorbing him." He stated and Karin widened her eyes in shock and disbelief, "If you don't believe me, why don't you use that sensor power of yours to confirm I have his chakra signature mixed with my own?" He asked and Karin did just that before widening her eyes again and Naruto smirked, "Relax Karin, I'm not gonna hurt you since you might be some distant kin of mine and I'm actually going to offer you a place as my servant now since Orochimaru clearly has no use for you anymore." He stated making her widen her eyes further and Naruto leaned into her ear and took deep smell of her scent making her shiver, "Unlike Orochimaru, I will protect my people and not make them fear being used as an experiment and all I ask for is loyalty and in exchange I will care for you, protect you, train you, defend you, ensure you get some kind of fulfillment from life, and possibly love you." He stated into her ear feeling her resistance crumbling before he licked her ear and rubbed her pussy through her shorts, "And I can provide other things to so long as you show loyalty to me and I'll gladly let you experience it and more while ensuring you will never be alone again like you were before Orochimaru found you. Do you remember that? Men trying to use you, women using you, and lots of people just treating you like garbage until Orochimaru came." He stated making her moan a little as his hands brushed her breasts and her pussy before he said the last part and her eyes widened in horror and fear before she finally snapped and slammed her lips into his and held him like he was going to fade out of existence and Naruto quickly dominated it and held her by her ass against the tree with her legs going around him to further keep him from possibly leaving her.

After about a minute of tonsil hockey, Naruto pulled back and Karin nodded quickly with tears in her eyes, "I'll serve you, I'll do anything you want, just please don't leave me alone again. I don't want to be back to how I was or worse, captured and tortured just to be used as breeding stock." She stated and Naruto nodded with a smile before kissing her cheek lightly.

"Then you're my servant Karin and I will expect you to act as such." He stated and she quickly nodded before she blushed and pulled down her shorts showing her black lace underwear, which had a noticeable damp spot, and undid her top to show her matching bra that was over some wraps and both were straining to contain her breasts.

"I will serve you in any way you wish, Naruto-sama. My body, skills, mind, and everything I am is yours." She stated devotedly and he smirked before kissing her again and she moaned as she liked his soft and warm lips and his tongue playing with hers.

"Don't worry Karin; I won't take you until you're begging me for it." He stated into her ear after breaking the kiss and she blushed to a degree that matched her hair before he fixed her clothes and groped her ass a bit, "Nice ass." He stated and she got a small smile with her blush, "And those glasses make you cute." He stated making her blush deepen before he lifted bridal style making the blush go to full blown tomato before he took off in rapid Shunshines, "When we get to the tower, we'll go see the Hokage and explain that you are under my protection and that only another woman I know will be watching over you since I don't trust anyone else yet." He stated and she nodded before she snuggled into his chest.

"Naruto-sama." She stated and he looked at her and saw her being peaceful in his arms, "Thank you." She stated and he smiled.

"Your welcome Karin, but I expect you to act accordingly and serve me properly." He stated and she nodded before she drifted off to sleep as the adrenaline from running from the bear wore off.

2 hours later: Roof of the Tower

Naruto stood atop the Tower calmly before he flashed through handsigns, "Summoning Jutsu!" He called and a purple snake the size of Akamaru appeared and looked around in confusion before he saw Naruto and widened his eyes.

"Ssso it'sss true; Orochimaru isss gone." The snake stated and Naruto nodded towards him.

"Yes, the idiot didn't stop himself from using his precious Curse Seal on a Jinchuriki sealed by the Shinigami and paid the price by being absorbed into my body giving me all of his knowledge, powers, and skills." He stated and the summon nodded since using a seal on a Jinchuriki when not having a vast knowledge of seals was ill advised and was just plain stupid if the Shinigami himself made the seal, "Anyway, I summoned you here so you could reverse summon me so I could discuss terms with Manda. Unlike that fool Orochimaru, I'll gladly fully commit to the Snake Clan and become a true summoner unlike that him." Naruto stated and the Snake widened its eyes before nodding and began the process of reverse Summoning to the world of the Snakes. With luck, their clan would have a true summoner to call their own and possibly a true sage.

Done! Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter and the lemon and lime within it. Next time will the meeting with Manda and the Prelims with maybe a bit more fun for Naruto with the girls he is going to take. You might also see the other few allies Naruto has.

Anyway, not sure when I'll do the next chapter since I want to work on some of my other fics but it won't be ridiculously long until the next chapter.

So Naruto is ready to train and begin his plans, he'll be getting some loyal summons, and there are a few things I have planned that will help increase his fighting capability both with subordinates and some gear he could use.

Well, that's it, please review and check out Tremor230. Later everybody.