(Konoha 16 Years ago)

Looking around Tsunade still can't process the current situation she has found her self in, "A jutsu that presents memories as a projection to others.", 'this could be revolutionary in the mental health department giving many who have a hard time expressing traumatic events an easier way to cope and express thoughts to therapists. This could really be useful, I need to ask Naruto more about it later.', thought the perplexed medical ninja.

"Yeah, it's pretty impressive. Kurama told me about it when he was talking about his father, the sage of six paths. He has been a huge help in my sage training since he is currently the most experienced in the topic, aside from my self that is.", Informed the now timid blonde. While he's always been talkative, expressing himself in a meaningful way has always been difficult for him. All of his outbursts and loud mouthing is more of an act for others to feel more comfortable with him and not to worry about how he is truly feeling.

"So, do you think this jutsu could be learned by anyone it seems like it could really benefit doctors and therapist in the treatment of Ninjas who return from battles and traumatic missions shell-shocked, or with PTSD", Tsunade asked hesitantly as she wasn't sure if Naruto even had a choice in the matter.

At this Naruto paused, he continued moving throughout the old Konoha to a location Tsunade hadn't been familiar with but was silent and absent-minded, as if thinking it over. "Umm, well I'm not sure, maybe but probably weaker because at its core it is a sage jutsu, meaning it would require nature chakra. Which if not handled correctly could result in petrification of the user. The technique is still based off of a mind projection that gets a boost of nature chakra.", Finished naruto as he finally stopped at his destination, The Konoha Orphanage.

"Wait a second, if this is a memory jutsu then how are we walking around without you in sight?", She asked as none of this made any sort of sense. "Well, you see your body is always using all of your senses to map the area you are in to ensure that you are safe, like how we can sense when a person is creeping up on us.", he stated slowly probably getting info from the fox, "So this technique uses that information to rebuild the world in the sphere that your senses extend. The reason we have been walking around in the village is that because of Kurama's chakra being somewhat mixed with my own, I also get access to his sensory abilities." He finished, satisfying his surrogate mother/grandma's curiosity.

"So for me, this is where my story begins. I spent the literal start of my life in an orphanage ever since day 1 when Gramps (Hiruzen) dropped me off here. I don't have many memories of this place and the ones I do have are not fond ones. I would have only recently started to form memories at this point since I am about to turn three.", Naruto started somberly remembering his time here and his late grandpa figure.

"Look here,", following his order she looked through the window, nearly falling over as she found that she can't lean on it. Much less touch anything as her surroundings were just memories that could not be altered. ", see those kids playing and having fun?" he said plainly void of any emotion not sad or happy. She once again followed suit and looked at the children, specifically looking for a child with blonde spiky hair and blue eyes, however, none of these children even resembled Naruto.

Looking over at him confused as to why he would be showing her random children and not himself. However, upon seeing his plain face sullen and unmasked she could clearly sense that there was more to this story than she thought. He simply said, "follow me."

Following the order, she continued to speculate what could be awaiting her at the destination. After walking through the door and up the stairs they continued down a hallway to a corridor of rooms, presumably for the orphaned children, belonging to boys if the blue doors were any indication. They walked down the hallway until they reached a cracked door whose paint was chipping, at the bottom of the door there was a slot, about a foot in length and only a couple of inches in height. Other than that the only other noticeable feature was the high-grade lock keeping the door shut.

Tsunade was getting worried at this point imagining what creature could be kept behind this door to be kept this secluded, a sick dog, another rabid animal they do not want to get rid of or put down, or even a quarantined child. This building was starting to get on her nerves to keep children in this condition is just terrible, they should be admitted to a hospital or something. Jeez. And then, Naruto sighed and walked through the door.

Not wanting to be left in anticipation Tsunade prepared herself for what she might see in there. Taking one more moment to take a deep breathe she crossed beyond the doorframe into the room and opened her eyes, only to have them well up with tears. In the room, was an unkempt desk, a mostly barren closet, a few broken toys, a bookshelf with withered and obviously faded books. And finally a bed with a lone child struggling to read a book.

"How? How could someone treat a child like this!",she screamed more than asked. She frantically ran to comfort the kid forgetting she could not alter the timeline even to comfort this poor child as she just went right through him almost as if she were a ghost. However, upon closer inspection, the child she clung to began to look oddly familiar. "NO! It can't be.", The child had the signature Spiky blonde hair and deep Saphire blue eyes. She had just witnessed the beginning of Naruto's third birthday,

Tsunade didn't know how much more she could take at once and she hasn't even heard naruto's story yet. After taking a moment to compose herself she finally asked for Naruto to explain, His response was, "Well since my Dad and Mom died sealing Kurama in me I grew up orphaned so that my parents' enemies wouldn't be able to find me. I would have been fine if not for some people on the old civilian council leaking my Jinchuriki status to the adult population. The Sandime placed a law forbidding them to speak of it to their children and to me, but the parents just trained their kids to hate me personally, and since the orphanage had to take care of me they knew no one would want me and wanted me away from the other children lest I corrupt them with 'Deamon magic.'", explained Naruto pained as he had to recall all these moments.