This poem is about parents, and their struggles of watching their children grow up. I was inspired to write this while thinking of a line Mrs. Bennett says in the Pride and Prejudice movie: "It is so hard to part with ones children. One seems so forlorn without them." or something like that. R&R, please!

All that I can do

Your tears, on my hands

There were days you almost flew…

Your heart, your soul, on my mind; so I hope,

It is all I can do.

I have waited, waited for you,

Sat up through the night,

It is all I can do.

I have seen rivers,

Mountains too.

I know we can climb them

It is all we'll ever do

Even if I want to hold you back,

So I can watch you grow,

To say the things, you used to say,

The troubles of the world never know.

Even when I am afraid,

Afraid that I'll lose you,

I let go of your hand tonight, so you can fly….

It is all that I can do.