Blanket Disclaimer: moi-moi819 does not own Danny Phantom or any of its affiliated titles therein. All original characters are the property of moi-moi819. This is a nonprofit fan fiction. No copyright infringement was intended. Please support the official release.

Moi-Moi: Hello everyone! I'll try not to take up too much of your time. There's a few things you should know before you proceed.

1) Phantom Planet NEVER happened. Personally, I felt like the series finale was a rushed effort at ending the show. Some things could have been done better, like Tucker becoming Mayor (he's not even a legal adult yet. Seriously?) or Danny revealing his secret to the whole world (why not just whisper "I'll see you at home mom and dad" and then fly off? Why change in front of EVERYONE?). Of course this means that Danny and Sam aren't together. If this bothers you, I am genuinely sorry but that's the way the cookie crumbles. Personally, I don't like Sam all that much (here comes the fan rage) and I dislike the idea of her with Danny. :-/

If I've already lost you, feel free to click away. I had to get the big one out of the way first.

2) This trilogy will have OCs. I've created a new family of original characters just for this trilogy. I really hope that you all grow to love them as much as I already do.

3) Yes, this IS a trilogy. You can expect two stories to follow this one (in their own sweet time). I've already got the plots, titles, covers, and everything else all sorted. An I'm SO EXCITED.

4) Like some of my other stories, this one is available on Wattpad. I'm not gonna lie. I LOVE Wattpad. I still upload my stories here on , but Wattpad is generally where my chapters come out first and much earlier. I'd rather you all read this story on Wattpad, but obviously I can't force you.

Finally, I hope that you enjoy this story and its sequels as much as I do. I really want you guys to comment as much as you can, too. There's nothing I love more than to have a conversation with my readers. Writing is more than just a way for me to express my creativity. It's a way for me to connect with others and have a conversation about a mutual love. Anyways, I'll let you guys go.

Welcome to my Danny Phantom Trilogy (that doesn't have an official name as of yet)!


Danny's baby blue eyes glanced at the clock that was being hung on the wall for the tenth time in the last five minutes. His fingernails drummed on the top of his desk as he rested left his cheek on the palm of his left hand. Somehow, the sixteen-year-old was able to pull off looking bored and anxious at the same time. His right heel started to tap on the floor as his eyes jumped to the clock again. 'Come on...Come on...'

"Looking at the clock every thirty seconds won't make time move any faster, Mr. Fenton," Mr. Lancer chided Danny from his desk at the front of the room. The overweight teacher had been interrupted from his book, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by the sound of Danny's tapping heel. At the teen's loud groan, Mr. Lancer went back to his book. He couldn't understand what would make Danny late almost every morning. The boy would sometimes suddenly burst into his classroom looking worse for wear and out of breath. He'd stutter some excuse before quietly taking his seat and proceeding to whisper to his friends, Samantha (Sam, as she preferred to be called) Manson and Tucker Foley.

Lancer had seen many troubled teens in his time as a teacher, but he had never seen a case like Danny's. Most troubled teens were rude, obnoxious, disrespectful, and poor students. It didn't take much effort to spot them. But Danny was different. Aside from the normal amount of teenage disrespect, Daniel Fenton was a good kid. The only trouble Mr. Lancer could spot was that boy constantly looked tired and sometimes battered. (Mr. Lancer had always been extremely concerned at those times, but Danny always brushed off the concern.) There were other times that left Mr. Lancer stumped. Sometimes, Danny would act far too mature and wise for someone his age. It was as if Danny had been through something... Mr. Lancer couldn't find the word to describe it. And that was an astounding thing, considering he was an English teacher.

Danny slumped forward on his desk. Detention was the worst. If it weren't for Skulker suddenly appearing this morning and attempting to try out his newest upgrade to his armor, Danny wouldn't have been late to first period. What made it even worse? He was up late last night chasing the Box Ghost around the town. As weak and annoying as he was, the Box Ghost sure knew how to run away when the going got rough. Nonetheless, Danny wasn't looking forward to hearing anyone shout "Beware!" any time soon. Stifling a yawn, Danny rubbed his tired eyes.

Mr. Lancer glanced up from his book in time to see Danny's barely hidden yawn. Mentally sighing, Mr. Lancer closed his book and shot Danny a level gaze. "Mr. Fenton, I will be right back. You are not allowed to leave and if I return and you're not here, I will be calling your parents tonight. Do I make myself clear?" Mr. Lancer questioned while rising. He didn't bother to wait for Danny's response as he made his way to the classroom door. Lancer made his way towards the teacher's lounge, intent on spending the rest of the detention period there. He normally had a strict "No Sleeping" policy in his detention periods. But he supposed that if he wasn't there to enforce it, it temporarily didn't apply. Danny looked like he could use a rest anyways. Even if it was only for half an hour.

Danny watched Mr. Lancer leave before he quickly stretched out and took his phone out of his pocket. He saw that had three unread messages, one from Jazz, Tucker, and of course Sam.

Jazz: Where are you!? Is there a ghost? You're not with Sam and Tucker. Danny?

With a roll of his eyes and a small smile on his face, Danny quickly replied.

Relax. There's no ghost. I got detention. Skulker made me late.

Jazz was always on his back about keeping in contact with her. This was her last summer in Amity Park before she had to leave for college. Jazz was doing everything that she possibly could to help Danny and keep their parents off his back before she left. Danny wasn't sure how he would be able to go back to how his life was before Jazz knew his secret. Danny went through his other messages.

Tuck: Sorry u got detention dude. That sucks. Sam really wanted us to hang together after school since she's leaving bright and early tomm.

Danny: I know. I'll see you guys in 30 mins.

Danny sighed audibly while checking Sam's message. He didn't need to be reminded that his best friends weren't spending the summer in Amity Park. He wanted summer vacation to start as soon as possible, but he wasn't looking forward to spending the summer without his friends.

Sam: How r u? U looked terrible when u came in to class this morning.

Danny actually laughed. Sam was always worrying about him, despite knowing that he had a higher tolerance for pain, accelerated healing factor, and superhuman durability. With a small smile on his face, Danny replied.

I'm fine now. Lancer just left. I might take a little nap. See you and Tuck in a bit.

With that, Danny put his phone away before stretching out over his desk and closing his eyes. He would only rest his eyes for a bit. He only needed a few minutes to recharge.


Mr. Lancer opened his classroom door at exactly 4:00, making sure to do so with as little noise as possible. Stepping into the room, Mr. Lancer spotted Danny passed out and drooling on his desk in the middle of the room. Mr. Lancer folded his arms with a narrowed gaze before a softer look overtook his features. Shaking his head with a sigh, Mr. Lancer approached the sleeping boy.

"Mr. Fenton..." Mr. Lancer called out in an agitated drawl.

It took a few seconds, but the boy eventually blinked his eyes open before looking around him drowsily. Mr. Lancer patiently waited for Danny to regain his bearings. When the boy's blue eyes glanced up at him in nervous guilt, Mr. Lancer raised a brow. "Oh man," he groaned softly.

"If you're tired, may I suggest that you sleep at home, Mr. Fenton?"

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Lancer. It was an accident! I-"

Mr. Lancer raised a hand to silence the boy. With a patient and slightly sympathetic look, Mr. Lancer said, "Mr. Fenton, I've have known you for quite some time. While I know that you are not a perfect student, I know that you are capable of much more. This school year is over. May I suggest that you take this summer to reevaluate what's important? You will be a junior. Perhaps it is time you think long and hard about where you wish to go in life? High school will not last forever."

Danny could only stare up at his teacher in silence. After a few seconds, he nodded and reached down to grab his bag. "I... I'll see you next year, Mr. Lancer," Danny said as he was about to leave.

"Of course you will. Principal Ishyama feels that I would make a good junior homeroom and english teacher," Mr. Lancer said with a smirk. "It appears that you can't get rid of me just yet, Mr. Fenton. Have a good summer, Danny."

With two, stunned blinks, Danny watched Mr. Lancer leave and head down the hall towards the teacher's lounge. With a shake of his head, Danny went the opposite way towards the front entrance. He was sure that Lancer would have laid into him for falling asleep in detention. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, Danny quickly rushed through the halls.

Casper High's grounds were completely deserted, summer already in full swing. Once he was out in the deserted open, Danny quickly changed into his ghostly alter ego and took to the skies. With a loud whoop as he flew, Danny pulled out his phone to text his friends that he was on his way.

Tuck: cool! We're at the nasty burger.

Flying was one of his favorite things about being half-ghost. He could literally touch the skies. And flying at night? The best feeling in the world. The freedom that flying gave him was like a small reprieve from reality.

"Mom! Look! It's Danny Phantom!"

He heard a little boy cry out excitedly below him. Glancing down at the sound, Danny offered a friendly wave to the blonde boy. Instantly, his face lit up and he proceeded to tug urgently on his mother's arm while pointing up at the sky.

"Look, mom!"

Danny continued on his way, his spirits slightly lifted. It was nice to not be looked at as a menace or a monster anymore. Well, 87% of the town now saw him as a hero according to the latest polls. He'd really busted his hump to keep his town safe. Granted, he wasn't asking for statues of him to be put up everywhere, but it was nice to be appreciated just a little bit.

Landing in the alley next to the Nasty Burger, Danny quickly changed back to his human self and ran around to the front entrance of the burger joint. He was suddenly queued in to the sound of someone calling his name. Sam and Tucker were sitting in a booth and waving him over.

"Hey guys. Sorry I'm late," Danny said with a small smile. He slipped into the booth and took his seat next to Sam and across from Tucker.

"No worries, dude. We got you something," Tucker said and pushed a tray with a double cheeseburger and fries over to his best friend.

"Thanks," Danny said just before digging in.

"What happened with Skulker? You know you could have called us. Right?" Sam questioned Danny urgently over her greek salad.

"He attacked me out of the blue. I would have called, but he caught me off guard. Besides, I could have taken him. I didn't want to drag you guys into it," Danny replied.

"We're your friends, Danny. You can always call us," Sam stressed.

"Yeah, dude," Tucker supplied as he took a bite out of his burger.

"Alright guys. I hear you. But it's not like Skulker is that much of a threat anymore. I'd kick his butt easily in a fair fight," Danny bragged.

"Whose but could you kick, Fen-turd?"

Danny sighed with a roll of his eyes. The three teens shared an exasperated look just before Dash appeared at the side of their table. His large hands slammed down onto the tabletop just before he smirked superiorly down at Danny. "Go away, Dash. I'm not up to dealing with you right now."

"Feeling brave? Huh, Fenton?" Dash said with a grin.

Danny sighed again before focusing on channeling his ghostly core. Pulling up as much energy as he could tap into while in his human form, Danny formed an invisible copy of himself that flew out of his body. The copy quickly flew into Dash's body and overtook him.

Dash's eyes shifted to green for a second before he grinned brightly and moved into the middle of the restaurant. "HEY EVERYBODY! MY NAME IS DASH BAXTER AND I'M SECRETLY A BALLERINA!" Dash shouted just before attempting to perform a split leap. He proceeded to crash into a table and slump to the floor with a groan. Several people laughed at the sight while others refrained from doing so. The last thing they wanted was to get on the jock's bad side once he got back up. Releasing his hold from Dash's body, Danny quickly reabsorbed the clone.

Tucker snickered loudly with tears forming in the corner of his eyes. Danny laughed as well while holding his gut. Sam frowned at Danny, but didn't say anything.

"Man, that was awesome," Tucker said to Danny just as Dash pulled himself up from the ground with a confused look. He clutched his blonde head just as Kwan ushered him out of the restaurant.

"I'm getting better. I can't do it for too long, but that was just long enough," Danny grinned.

"Danny, don't you think that you shouldn't be using your powers like that?" Sam questioned.

"Oh come on, Sam. You can't tell me that you aren't happy Dash's gone. At least we can finish hanging out in peace," Danny replied. "Just forget about Dash. He's the last thing I want to talk to you guys about before you leave."

"Ugh. Don't remind me. A three month long, world cruise with my parents and grandma? Just kill me now," Sam groaned.

"At least it's better than my parents' excuse. They're dragging me with them on a road trip across the country to visit family," Tucker griped.

The amount of ghost attacks that had been occurring lately had risen to an astounding high, despite Danny Phantom's best efforts. Some of the parents in town felt that it would be in the best interests of their families (and most importantly their children) if they got out of town for the summer while the kids no longer had attend school. The Foleys and Mansons were some of these parents, choosing to avoid conflict by spending their summers far away from the most haunted town in the continental US. Fortunately (or unfortunately) for Danny, his parents wouldn't dream of leaving their town unprotected for an entire summer.

"You gonna be alright on your own, Danny?" Sam questioned with a sympathetic frown.

"Yeah. Jazz will still be here. Don't worry guys. I've been doing this for two years. I'll be fine," Danny tried to reassure his friends. Sam shot Tucker a disbelieving look that the boy returned with a shrug.


Moi-Moi: Don't forget to review! :)