When Robert of the House Baratheon, First of His Name, took the Iron Throne - ending his rebellion and the reign of the Mad King - he saved the Seven Kingdoms and earned the devotion of his people. They all adored Robert, commoners and high borns alike. They wrote and sang songs of his victories, named children after him, held feasts in his honour and presented him with gifts from cities all over the world.

Six years after claiming the throne, Robert visited the Kingdom of Dorne, and returned home to King's Landing with another gift, this one not for him, however, but for his legacy instead. The deal was necessary and the Kingdoms would prosper. It was an exciting day for all. Once again, King Robert was the saviour of the realm - and everybody knew it.

Everybody but two. Two silver-haired children with nothing but a broken legacy; left to pick up the pieces of their father's madness and mother's weakness. They skipped from city to city, leaving behind a new life each time along with a piece of themselves they'd never get back: compassion, love, understanding, safety. One by one, they lost these valuable things. Until one of them left too much of it behind. Then it wasn't they, it was she. Or her. Or Khaleesi. However you put it, Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen refused to hail Robert Baratheon as anything but a Usurper and a murderer. And she intended to get her revenge.