Chapter 1
Guardian Angel
Kagome ran toward Inuyasha."Inuyasha! Watch out!" yelled Kagome, as she pushed him out of the way of the tentacle made into a blade. Blood sprayed the ground as Inuyasha and the others watched their companion hit the ground, motionless.
Naraku took the tentacle from her side, the blood spraying the ground as Kagome dropped to her knees and fell back, her blood continuing to stain the ground. Inuyasha looked in horror as he saw her on the ground.
"Kagome!" He yelled as he tried to get to her."Kagome!" he cried. "NO!" He yelled. He continued to try and get to her. Naraku continued to lay tentacles on the ground, keeping him from reaching his Miko.
He faced Naraku. "Naraku damn you to hell! Adamant barrage!" he yelled as spears of Adamant pierced through his most hated enemy. Naraku laughed darkly as he started to disappear.
"Tell me Inuyasha, how does it feel to once again fail at keeping the woman you love safe?" he laughed as he disappeared. Inuyasha rushed over to Kagome. "Kagome? Kagome, can you hear me?" he asked, her blood flowing through his fingers.
The others rushed over. Sango looked in horror as she watched blood from her stomach and side flow through Inuyasha's hands and stain the ground.
Inuyasha looked at the others, panic across his face. "We have to get her back to Kaede's now!" he yelled. He took off running with the injured Miko, holding her close to his chest. He rushed to her hut and burst through the doorway.
"Kaede! You have to help her! Please!" he begged as he laid her down gently. Inuyasha, and the others stayed outside the hut as Kaede tended to Kagome's wounds. Tears filled the little kitsune's eyes.
"What are we going to do now?" asked Shippo as he looked at Miroku. "It depends on how bad she is." said Inuyasha, not looking away from the sky.
"But what if it's so bad that Kagome doesn't get better? OWWW!" Shippo yelled as Inuyasha hit him on the head.
Shippo looked at him as he noticed that his bangs were covering his eyes. He got up and walked away. "What did I say?" asked Shippo.
"Shippo, you cannot talk about Kagome not getting better around Inuyasha. Even though he refuses to admit it, he cannot bear it if he loses her. And if he does, he will become cold again." said Miroku.
Kaede approached the group. "Kagome is resting. I was able to slow the bleeding of her wound, and I was able to wrap her injured shoulder as well. She should be alright. But she will need plenty of rest." They breathed a sigh of relief. Sango walked over to the tree near the hut.
"Inuyasha?" she called. "What?" he asked, not looking at her.
"Kaede said that Kagome's injuries are under control for the time being. She was able to slow down the bleeding and wrap her shoulder. Inuyasha looked at Sango. "Okay." Sango looked up at him, annoyed. She walked into the hut.
Inuyasha looked from the sky to his stained hands. His hands were still stained with her blood. He looked at his haori, it also stained with her blood. It made him sick to his stomach as he smelled her blood. He jumped from the tree and headed to the river to wash his hands and hopefully his haori.
Kagome was surrounded by black. She looked around. "Inuyasha? Sango?" she called out as she looked around her. Laughter suddenly filled the void. She turned and there stood Naraku.
"Listen well Kagome. Your life will be cut short unless you get me the rest of the jewel." said Naraku, his laughter echoing. "Never!" She yelled as she turned away from her enemy.
"Let's put it this way Kagome, either you find me the other shards of the jewel, or I'll make sure that your pathetic friends watch your death. You know that you don't have much time left. There is something that you refuse to tell those that are close to you."
Kagome turned away from him, trying to ignore him. He put his lips to her ear. "You have miasma in your wound and you know that with Magatsuhi sealing your powers away, you don't stand a chance. You may be able to keep the miasma at bay for the time being, but it eventually takes over your body and kills you."
"But if you find the last shards for me, I'll release you from the agonizing death that will befall you." Kagome shook her head and ran from him. "Never! I would rather die than help you Naraku!"
His laughter echoed through the blackness as Kagome raced from the darkness. "You will die for those pathetic friends of yours. Are you ready for that?" he asked as she kept running.
"Do you want me to say that I regret what I did? I'll never say or feel like that. My life is not more important than those of my friends! They deserve their happiness and if my death can help them accomplish that, then it's worth it."
"Then you have sealed your fate Kagome." Naraku disappeared into the darkness.
Kagome opened her eyes and looked over. Inuyasha was sitting by her side. "Inuyasha?" He looked down at her, she could see the concern in his face. "Kagome? How are you feeling? Any pain?" Inuyasha asked, concern lacing his voice.
She shook her head slowly."No, not at all." she said with a slight smile. "You feel a little better?" Inuyasha asked softly.
"Yes, so we should go and continue our journey." said Kagome, getting up, ignoring the searing pain of her side and shoulder. "Kagome are you crazy?! You just got attacked."
Kagome looked at him. "But I am okay Inuyasha. Really. None of my wounds are hurting. We need to move."
"No. You need to stay here and rest." said Inuyasha with a hint of annoyance. "Why? Why are you suddenly so adamant about me staying and resting?" she asked.
"Because you need to rest. You were injured and almost killed. So you need rest." Kagome rolled her eyes and looked at him. "How is this different from any other time that I've been hurt. I don't understand why you are so adamant about this!?" She asked angrily.
"Because I almost lost you!" he yelled. Kagome backed up as she looked at him. Her eyes softened. Miroku and Sango looked at Inuyasha. They looked at each other and walked out of the hut, Shippo and Kaede in tow.
"I almost lost you Kagome. You were almost taken from me. When Naraku hit you, I thought I lost you there. Why?"
Kagome looked in his eyes. "Because Inuyasha, you're important to me as well. I wanted to make sure that you were safe."
"But you took the blow for me." he said, looking dead at her. "You have done it so many times for me." she said, her eyes full of warmth.
"But I am half demon." Kagome looked away from him. "So?" Inuyasha looked at Kagome in anger. "So!? Blows like that won't kill me!"
"When will you get it through your head Inuyasha!?" Inuyasha backed away slightly.
"I did it because you are very important to me! When will you understand that you are just as important to me as I am to you?! You always take the blow for me. I only wanted to do the same for you!" Her eyes filled with tears.
"Why can't you understand that?" she whispered as she bowed her head, her tears falling on the blanket.
Inuyasha's eyes softened and he took her hand. "Kagome, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get you all upset." Suddenly his ears twitched. "What is it Inuyasha?" Kagome asked.
"Naraku is nearby." he said, grabbing his sword from against the wall. Kagome went to get up. He looked at her. "Please, just stay here." Kagome sighed. Inuyasha walked out of the hut, glaring at his enemy.
"What do you want Naraku!?" he asked in anger. "I thought that that was simple. I want the jewel." Inuyasha unsheathed his sword. "When then you have to get through us! Wind Scar!"
"Wind Tunnel!"
Kagome picks herself up and makes her way outside. She looks up and she sees Naraku has Inuyasha by the throat. She takes aim and she shoots an arrow at Naraku. Naraku looked at Kagome.
"Impudent wench! I'm tired of you always getting in my way! Just die already!" Naraku pulsates as does Kagome. She gasps and drops.
"Kagome!" Kagome looked at Naraku angrily. She took aim and shoots another arrow. There is no effect.
"You're nothing more than a mortal. So start acting like one!" Another tentacle goes toward Kagome. Inuyasha grabs her in time. Another tentacle wraps around Kagome's waist.
Inuyasha grabs Kagome's hand, he's straining to keep hold. "Kagome hang on!" Kagome nods. Naraku frowns and sends miasma toward them. Kagome starts to cough. Her hold loosens.
"Kagome hang on!" Inuyasha begged as he felt her grip loosen more, barely holding onto her fingers. Kagome is struggling to breathe. Her hands slips slightly more.
Inuyasha tightened his grip and glared at his hated enemy. "Naraku damn you!"
Naraku smiled evilly. "What ails you Inuyasha? The fact that I am still breathing or is it that your precious Kagome is being taken from you?" Inuyasha was getting angrier.
"Hiraikotsu!" Sango yelled as her weapon broke Kagome free. She falls.
"Kagome!" Inuyasha cuts himself free and reaches. But Naraku is quicker. He grabs Kagome and brings her to him. "Damn you to hell!" Inuyasha yelled as he got ready to swing. Naraku puts Kagome in front of him. Inuyasha stopped dead.
"Come on Inuyasha, what is stopping you? I am right here. Go on and swing your sword." Inuyasha growled. Kagome came around.
"Inuyasha. Destroy him." she whispered. His ears perked up and he looked at her. "Kill him! Kill him!" she yelled. "Inuyasha! Kill him!"
"Shut up Kagome!" Inuyasha yelled. "Kill him Inuyasha! Slay him!"
"Shut it Kagome!"
"NO! KILL HIM! Please!" Kagome looked at the man that she loved more than anything. "Inuyasha." Inuyasha looked at her, his amber eyes meeting her chocolate brown.
"Think about the hell that he has put you through. Killing Kikyo, twice. All the hell that he has put Miroku and Sango through. Don't let him use me as leverage. Just kill him." she said.
Inuyasha's eyes looked tortured as he looked at Kagome. "Avenge your love's death." she smiled a warm smile. "It's okay."
Inuyasha raised his sword. "Adamant..." He looked at the young girl, tears falling and a sad smile. Inuyasha lowered his sword. "I can't."
Naraku laughed. "You really are weak Inuyasha. But now that you haven't killed me, I will make you regret it." Naraku drops Kagome. Inuyasha gasps and catches her. Naraku disappears. "Kagome? Are you okay?"
Kagome looked up. "Mmm-hmmm." Inuyasha hugged her to him. 'I'm so glad that you are okay.'
A smell enters his nose. "Your wound has reopened. Let's get you back to Kaede." Kagome nodded. She tried to get up herself. Inuyasha picked her up. She leaned into his muscular chest. They returned to the hut and her wounds were redressed.
Inuyasha and the others joined her and Kaede as they prepared to rest. Shippo walked over and curled up by the sleeping miko's head. Inuyasha looked over and saw that Miroku and Sango were sleeping in each other's arms and the old miko was also sleeping.
He looked down at the sleeping girl and he laid himself close to her body. He hated that he could still smell her blood. And he what also bothered him was that Kagome smelled off. He couldn't really figure out why.
Another thing that bothered him was the fact that she was willing to let him kill her to avenge Kikyo. That may have been the main reason at the start of his journey, but now he wanted to kill Naraku for pitting him and Kikyo against each other.
And he was also fighting for Naraku destroying Miroku and Sango's lives as well. He was fighting for them all. He wasn't just fighting for Kikyo anymore. He was also fighting for his friends and for Kagome.
He looked at Kagome. He couldn't believe how selfless she was. He looked at her with love, but that love turned to concern and worry.
'What did Naraku mean when he said I would regret not killing him and dropped you?' He looked at her sleeping form. 'What did he do to you Kagome?' He closed his eyes and he let sleep take over.
Inuyasha wakes up to Kagome shivering. "Kagome?" he asked as he looked at the shaking girl. "Kaede!" He yelled, waking everyone from their slumber. "She's burning up!" he yelled as the old miko put her hand to Kagome's head.
She opened her eyes and looked at the hayou. "I'm alright Inuyasha." she said with a slight smile as she shut her eyes again. "Bring me the other blanket Inuyasha." said Kaede. He did and handed it to her.
Kaede took the heavier blanket and put the lighter one over the shaking girl. "But she's shivering!" he exclaimed. Kaede nodded. "Aye, but we must get her fever down. This is the best way to do that. We have to watch over her for a bit."
Inuyasha nodded as he looked at her shaking form. Inuyasha said that he wanted to watch over Kagome alone. The others went back to sleep and Inuyasha watched over her for hours. Her fever broke around dawn.
Inuyasha put his hand on her head and sighed a low sigh of relief. Inuyasha laid her head on his arm as he let sleep take him. A few hours later the others woke up and smiled at the sight. Inuyasha was sleeping as close to her as he could.