Gibraltar Watch Point.
Spanish-U.K. Territory.
"Winston?" The voice interrupted the simian's thoughts. The names and faces were scrolling by him so fast that he himself got lost in the eyes of all the men and women the computer system was presenting to him. Eyes that had seen the worst, and the best, that the world had to offer.
"Yes, Athena, Sorry." Winston gently removed his glasses and brought his two large fingers to rub under his sore, watering eyes. His body still ached, and his muscles were still delicate from the Talon operative he that ambushed him just hours before. The scorch marks from The Reaper's canon's still pulsating at his muscular arms and across his chest.
"Winston…you are happy. But your body language tells me otherwise. Is this fear?" The calming voice questioned, trying to get a better read on her only company in the deserted base that once held many more.
"I'm not afraid, Athena…or I don't think I am…" Winston reclined in his chair and his feet reached for a jar of peanut butter, feeling that it was empty he tossed it over his head and listened as it landed with a small plastic thud into the trash bin which had become a cemetery of similar containers.
"I'm just…I hope they all come. All of them. I want to change this world for the better, and I know we can do it. I just know we can."
The artificial voice gave a soft mhm of acknowledgement. That was new.
She's learning, all right. Faster than I give her credit for, the gorilla thought to himself with satisfaction.
"You seem elated when you see the face of Lena Oxton. The Tracer. I think you have feelings for her."
Yeah, she's learning. Maybe too fast. Winston's features clumped together in embarrassment.
"I do not! She's…she was my friend. One of my best friends," Winston light heartedly deflected.
"And Angela Zeigler. Mercy. I could sense something in her voice, Winston. She sounded both happy and sad. What do you call that?" Athena questioned. The light blue and white hue of the screens around him was the only source of light in the dark oceanic night-sky which had consumed the island.
"I don't know what I'd call that. Maybe she's…looking for redemption."
"Redemption." Athena repeated back slowly.
"The action of saving, or being saved from sin, error, or evil. Noun." Athena clarified.
"Yes," Winston acknowledged, "I think maybe we all are. We're getting another chance to save this world."
"An illegal chance, Winston. The Petras Act-"
"-I know, Athena. But sometimes to do some good, you have to be a little…bad, first." Winston adjusted his glasses, and caught himself wearing a cocky smile in his reflection.
It was getting late into the night, late enough that it would be early morning soon, and Winston scaled the rocky formation the base had been quietly built into. Finding a spot at the top thanks to a weak boost from his backpack's thrusters, he let the cool breeze from the ocean kiss at his hair.
He'd successfully recalled several of his former allies, and was surprised that they'd all made it this long. More than twenty years into the future, and he'd almost not recognized a few of them.
Reinhardt Wilhelm's location had shown him in Nuuk, Greenland and his booming voice was almost so overjoyed Winston thought he'd need to replace the speaker system on his set-up. The triumphant night's flowing thick mane of hair now encompassed his strong jaw, just as white.
Jesse McCree was in the United States, somewhere. The cowboy was happily chomping on a cigar on some dusty Texas road, and tilted the brim of his hat to acknowledge the request.
Lena was in England, attending a Shambali gathering where their leader, Tekhartha Mondatta, would be addressing a crowd in an attempt to sway the Human/Omnic relationship.
Mei-Ling…was still lost. Lord only knew where. That would be Winston's first joint task.
Genji Shimada told the monkey he had business to deal with at home, but he would soon find his way to him.
But there were more heroes. More he needed. He couldn't just take on the world…take on Talon…with a handful. Winston then drifted his eyes skyward, at the dark of the moon above.
The Horizon Lunar Colony was still illuminated as bright as ever, like a hairline crack upon the surface of the Moon. It mocked him, and it made him feel at peace all at once.
"I'm doing this for you, Winston." He whispered the keeper of his namesake into the air, and touched the man's glasses that he wore in his memory.
"I'm doing this for all of us."
King's Row.
The crow was hundreds deep and the London air was chilled just how Lena Oxton enjoyed it.
Although she had never had a love yet- a true love- that didn't involve aviation, her heart was filled to the brim at the sight around her infront of the Meridian Theatre. The cobblestone street was populated by humans and Omnic alike. Friends, lovers, all gathered to welcome words of peace as the world seemed to grow more and more frightening.
In her yellow jumpsuit, sprinter's shoes, and jacket, Lena was a sight.
Tha's the point, love. She'd told the Shambali when she'd volunteered for security detail.
By tha' time they see me commin' it's usually too late.
And she'd anticipated an attack ever since Mondatta said he was coming to visit. Eyes to the rooftops, eyes on the ground, Lena was prepared for anything.
Then something told her to look up. An instinct? Women's intuition? Lena's gaze along the gorgeous architecture silhouetting the London night sky shifted to a figure that looked like it belonged to a slender phantom.
An omen from the darkness itself. It was perched hanging upside down, like a spider, with 7 beady red eyes glowing softly in the pitch of the night. It's form then began to lower, dipping seductively between the buildings. The arachnid shadow slipping from sight.
Lena smirked, and broke from the crowd to confront it.