∞A/N: Hi, guys! Here is my new story. I know I should continue my other stories but this idea just popped into my head. So I had to write it down. I hope you will like it and I prose that I will update my story Left And Hurt soon.

Chapter 1: Beginning

One girl was walking to her class, but she wasn't just any girl. It was thirteen years old, Hailey Fort. When you looked at her you could see a girl with long dark brown hair and mysterious hazel eyes. Someone could say that the most amazing thing about her was being a witch, but that wasn't a true. She was a much more.

The potions class just started when Hailey sat down on the chair next to Chris Halliwell. She didn't know him much because she was new in Magic School. But she already heard that he is a son of one of the Charmed Ones.

"So today we are going to make a Teleportation potion. You will work in pairs and if you won't have enough time to finish it on the lesson, I hardly recommend to you to try it at home. You can find the receipt on page 21 in the book.

Please begin," the teacher said.

She opened the book on the page with Teleportation potion and tried to understand it, but she couldn't.

Chris could see the despair on Hailey's face, so he decided to help her. "Do you know how to make this potion?" he asked her gently.

"No. I'm sorry but I'm new here and I'm kind lost in it," she admitted.

"It's okay. I can help you. My mom helps me with making potions so I should know how to do it," he gave an encouraging smile.

"Thanks, you are so nice," she smiled back.

Chris tried to teach names of potion ingredients and then he put first ingredients into the potion. Before they were able to finish it, the bell ranged.

"I'm sorry I was slowing you down," Hailey apologized to Chris.

"It's fine, I'm glad I could help a little."

"I just wish we were able to finish it. I guess I won't be able to do it at home on my own," Hailey said sadly.

"If you would like we could meet tomorrow at my place and try it again. What do you say?" he asked.

"That would be great but I don't what to bother you."

"No, it's totally okay. And by the way my mom is one of the best potion makers so I'm sure she can help us," he grinned.

After they packed their things they went together on lunch. They talked about their powers, hobbies family, and that kind of stuff.

"Is your mom a witch? Or dad?" Chris asked curiously.

Hailey wasn't a person who likes to share personal information with anyone else, but Chris seemed to her as a great boy. She was nice to her, he was funny and what's more, he actually cared.

"My mom was a witch and dad was a mortal. But they died. After my grandma died I've discovered my powers. I was sent her to learn how to control them ," as she talked few tears dropped from her eyes.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude. I shouldn't have asked you about your family," he felt bad for upsetting her.

"No, it's okay. The death is part of our lives, we can't control it neither we can fight it. And remember every death has a reason," she said.

Chris had to admit that her words were trustful but even though he felt bad for asking. He could tell from her words that she was extraordinarily strong, wise, mature, but he could also see the pain behind the words.

It was Saturday afternoon when Hailey knocked on the doors of Manor. "Hi, I'm Haley Fort, a friend of Chris. He offered to help me with school," Hailey said to Chris's mother.

"Hello, come in. I'm Piper, his mother," Piper said and let the girl inside.

"He is not here yet, he went to pick up something but he should be back soon," she told her.

"I will wait for him if it's okay," Hailey said.

"Of course. You can sit on the couch. Would you like a tea or water while you are waiting?"

"The tea would be great," she answered.

After few minutes Piper returned to the room with two cups of tea and some deliciously looking cookies.

"Thank you," the girl said as Piper gave her a cup.

She sat opposite the girl. Hailey looked like a nice girl, but Piper wanted to find out more about all of Chris's friends. Especially when it was a girl.

"Do you go to Magic School?" she asked her.

"Yes, but I've just started. I'm in the same class as Chris, but he's much better with magic," the girl answered.

"He practices a lot with his brother, cousins, aunts and with me. But don't worry, I think you will be great. It takes a lot of practice," Piper gave her an encouraging smile. "What are your powers?"

"I'm not sure yet because I found out that I'm a witch only a month ago. But I have Cryokinesis so far," she said proudly.

"Wau, Cryokinesis that's a rare power a strong one," Piper was shocked.

"It was my mom's power. It's nice to know I have something in common with her," Hailey said.

Before Piper could say anything else her youngest son just orbed in.

"Hi, Hailey! I'm sorry if I'm late but I had to get some ingredients for the potion," he greeted her and also apologized as soon as he saw her.

"It's fine, I've talked with your mom," she gave him a small smile.

"So can we start?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, totally," she grinned.

"Okay, then let's go to the attic," he said and then walked upstairs. He and Hailey were almost upstair when Piper said: "Be careful, please try not to blow out the house.

"Wau, this place looks amazing, Chris," Hailey was surprised when she saw the attic. "Potions, Book of Shadows full of spells. Chris, you are so lucky to have all of this,"

she said but she wasn't jealous.

"So let's begin."

To Be Continued...

A/N: This is only beginning of the story. It will get much darker and more sad. I hope you liked it and that you will stick with me, Chris and Hailey on this adventure. Thanks for reading!

∞ Thalia