Year: 1

Side: Barton/Romonoff


Clint Barton: A love-struck assassin/spy, fiercely loyal but finds it difficult to trust

Natasha Ramonoff: An assassin/spy whom Clint is deeply infatuated with, ruthless and uses his feelings to her gain, commonly seen as a team

Phil coulson: A member of S.H.E.I.L.D who supports the ideas and aims to be a secret agent for the future organization studies the movements of the elusive Hawkeye and Black Widow, not so secretly fanboys over Captain America

Nick Fury: A mysterious boy with a keen eye, Phil's commanding officer who hopes to one day make S.H.E.I.L.D an either official or unofficial organization , is currently trying to find the elusive assassins

Steve Rogers: A child soldier who ultimately defeated Grindenwald, frozen for seventy years and is trying to adjust to the new world

Tony Stark: Genius inventor who was kidnapped at a young age, details classified, for reasons unknown, he holds a certain resentment to Steve

Bruce Banner: Genius with major temper problems, respects Tony for not fearing him and "speaking English" as the latter puts it, the two are trying to induct technology into the magical world

Thor: ?

Loki: ?

"The hawk has nested." An eleven year old boy in a purple costume said into his communicator. He promptly pulled an arrow from his quiver and took aim to cover his partner. From his position on the roof, he had a good view of the building a couple blocks over, where his partner was infiltrating. You might have guessed by now that he was no ordinary boy.

"The web is woven." Came the response from his earpiece. The boy aligned his sights with a redheaded girl with pretty green eyes, who was currently saying something to the front guard of the mansion. After a moment he moved his sights to the guard who seemed rather concerned for the girl, before following her into the mansion when the guard let her in. So far so good. Moving his sights around her, he narrowed his eyes when he spotted a patrol to her left, aligning his sights on them.

"Trouble on the port." He muttered as he looked for a possible escape for her if things got messy. "A den starboard." He said as he spotted a small gap in security before aiming his sights back on her. She was walking somewhat nervously, clutching a letter the front guard had given her when the other guards caught sight of her. The boy quickly moved his sights back on them, waiting for things to go downhill. Upon stopping her, the guards began interrogating her presence before she fearfully held the note out. The leader of the patrol took the note roughly before scanning it, motioning his men to keep an eye on her. The redhead fidgeted nervously the whole time he read, before the man's face melted into a warm smile. He gently handed the note back to her with something that could have been an apology before pointing in some specific directions and moving on with his patrol. The boy kept his sights on them for a moment in case they turned back before moving to keep an eye on his partner as she continued on her path. When she disappeared behind the front door, the boy got up from his perch and moved to another vantage point. After a brief climb, he was on another rooftop, aiming his sights through a window that gave him a good view of the room his partner was in. She was alone with what appeared to be a very wealthy man, the owner of the mansion...and their target. The two were sharing a meal, she asking him questions apparently, when he collapsed. The girl quickly got up and rummaged through a couple of things before finding what she had been looking for in a small alcove under a loose floorboard before she opened the window, climbing out and silently closing it in one fluid motion. The boy kept sights on her in case of attack, warning her when to take cover.

The whole operation only lasted five minutes.

The boy quickly left his perch to meet her at the rendezvous. Moving past dumpsters and alleys, he met up with her at a small apartment some distance away. The place was tiny, with one room and little care from the owners, but it suited their needs. It wasn't likely to be connected with the crime scene and was discreet enough that few would question their presence. His partner locked the door behind them, he checking the ventilation for eavesdroppers, before she spoke.

"Complete success. Good work Hawkeye." She said with a small smile, causing his heartbeat to quicken.

"I'm just glad no tanks came out this time. That was a nightmare." He said as he sat on the bed, checking his bow for signs of ware. He had had it prepped to fire the whole time after all. It was then that they heard it, a small pecking sound. Hawkeye pulled one of his arrows, ready to use as a dagger, while his partner reached for one of her various guns simultaneously. The two instantly located the source of the noise: The window. Hawkeye slowly positioned himself against the wall beside it while his partner did the same with the opposite wall. Making brief eye contact, they both gave a small nod before tearing the curtains open. There plan was for the attacker to tumble in giving them the chance to quickly close the curtain and capture the pursuer so she could find out how many knew their location. What they got was an owl still pecking the window. The two made brief eye contact again, silently questioning if the other knew what was going on, before Hawkeye shrugged and she opened the window just enough for the irate bird to get in before closing it and the curtains. It was Hawkeye's sharp eyes that first caught it.

"Letters." He muttered as he carefully removed said items from the bird's leg. He carefully flipped them over a couple of times, testing the weight for any traps concealed inside, before once more making eye contact with his partner. "They're addressed to us."

She quirked a brow before extending her hand for her letter. Hawkeye complied before looking at his own again.

Mr. C Barton

Treehouse Motel

The cheapest room

Hawkeye's eyes narrowed as he opened the letter to read it's contents. Something that specific was never a good sign.

'We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of school supplies. We expect your owl by June 1'

Hawkeye scanned the list, twice, before putting the letter down and looking at his partner, removing his hood as he did so. She seemed to be trying to figure something out as she scrutinized the letter repeatedly, not seeming to comprehend what she was reading. He decided to speak up when it seemed if she stared any harder the letter would burst in flames.

"It's legit. I've seen magic before." He said with a smirk. It was always amusing to know something she didn't. She moved her hard gaze onto him before it softened into a hurt expression, making him instantly want to do something to cheer her up despite knowing it was fake.

"You wouldn't lie to me would you Clint?" She asked with something of a whimper in her voice. Clint cringed before remembering he wasn't lying.

"Of course not. You see a lot of things in circuses. For me a wizard thought I was one of them and just started blabbing, I guess he was right." The more mischievous assassin said with a shrug and small smirk. Natasha blinked before regaining her composure, her eyes narrowing as her mind raced. So this was the part where-

"I've got to go. Stay here." She said before she carefully made her way outside. Clint sighed before pulling himself up into the air vents. After a bit of crawling around, he was in the perfect spot to guard the building. It wouldn't do to have people see the bird and him suited up after all. Clint notched an arrow and took aim at various things to both pass the time and keep an eye out for hostiles. First, he aimed at a drunk couple going into the nearby alleyway, quickly deciding not to look, or even think, on that, he moved to aim at a homeless man who was wandering too close for comfort before turning away and laying down on the sidewalk, things like that. It was about an hour later that movement caught his eye again and he instinctively set his sights on the source. Natasha was walking back towards their room with a serious expression. Looking around to make sure she hadn't been followed, he slipped out of the vent and landed neatly next to her. Natasha, used to this type of entrance from him, nodded and motioned back inside. Clint followed her in, himself being the one to lock the door this time, to be greeted by an irritated hoot from the almost forgotten owl perched on the bed.

"We going?" He asked as he picked his letter back up along with a pen he found in one of the dwares. Natasha nodded, so Clint wrote a quick response, tying the letter back to the owl's leg afterwards, Natasha followed his lead. Clint could have sworn the owl stuck it's tongue out at them before he let it out the window, but maybe it was just him. Natasha held a grim look as she watched the bird fly away before turning to him.

"How do we get there?" She asked with a frown, eliciting a shrug from Clint.

"I've only ever heard that guy babble and do a couple of spells. We'll find out when they receive our acceptance I guess. I do know that they have some kind of tracking charm on the letters though, better not be suited up when they come." He said nonchalantly as he went to the bathroom to change.

"In other words we're going in blind." The other spy said with a frown.

"It's a school. No one will be the wiser." Clint said with a smirk as he emerged from the bathroom, wearing a black tanktop and matching pants. Natasha returned his smirk after a moment of thought.


It was a week later and still no response from the school, but being the spies that they were, the two were being patient and taking the delay to their advantage. Natasha had set up a temporary ownership of the motel room for them to stay in so as to not rouse suspicion when they appeared, trouble was they were staying close to the crime scene. As a result, they both kept a cautious eye out for police that were investigating the area. They also couldn't go on anymore missions at the moment in case a teacher showed up to escort them to the wizarding world while they were 'working'. Clint amused himself with modifying his trick arrows some of the time, while others he looked for more string for his bow and went through drills on what to do in situations with Natasha. The latter seemed to be getting more and more skeptical of the whole thing, occasionally questioning him if it was a prank before he reminded her that the letters were delivered by owl and that he knew better than to compromise their position. When the teacher arrived, Clint had been cleaning his bow while Natasha brushed her hair. The teacher's arrival was announced by a knock on the door. Both assassins froze what they were doing before making brief eye contact. With a slight nod, Natasha got up to answer the door while Clint stashed his bow away and withdrew a knife to hold up defensively, Natasha doing something similar.

"Who is it?" The female spy asked with caution lacing her tone.

"Your teacher. Let me in." Came a smooth voice from the other side, electing a frown from both assassins.

"What do you mean?" Asked Natasha with a little bit of defiance in her voice. There was a slight scoff from the other side before the door unlocked itself and let in a greasy haired man, who promptly froze for half a second when he saw Natasha, a half a second that both spies took note of.

"So that's what you meant." Clint said cheekily, earning a glare from the teacher. Natasha closed the door behind him before tucking her knife away but keeping it withing easy reach, Clint doing the same. This was one of their magic teachers, huh? Clint was not impressed.

"Sorry sir, but living here we've got to exercise caution." She said with what Clint knew to be false remorse. The teacher's black eyes softened when he looked at her. Clint knew that look, it was one of love and regret, one that he himself often gave the girl. Who was this teacher seeing when he looked at her?

"It's understandable under these conditions. I am Professor Snape, I will be your potions master." The teacher dismissed quickly. Poor bastard, Nat was going to use his feelings in the same way Clint was used.

"I'm Natasha Ramonoff, and this is my friend, Clint Barton. How will we be getting to Hogwarts?" Natasha introduced then asked. Snape gave a small smile before answering.

"Nice to meet you. I will take you through the floo. We will need a fire place." He said, earning a quirked brow from Natasha.

"Fire?" She asked skeptically, causing Snape to blink. Clint spoke up.

"She's muggleborn. I was the one who convinced her magic was real." He said, earning a nod of understanding from Snape. Of course Clint was muggleborn too...probably. At least he didn't think his parents had been magic, nor was Barney.

"Then I will guide you through. Follow me." Snape said, offering a strange glance between the two. Almost nostalgic. With that, he turned around and proceeded outside, the two assassins shared a glance before following him, having packed what little they had earlier while Clint folded his bow to stash in his jacket, though his quiver was still visible people assumed he just liked to practice archery. They'd be partially right, he did like it. He led them down the street to a small shop in between a bookstore and a jeweler that was strangely ignored. It seemed like a good place to hide out on occasion. Snape led them over to the fireplace and grabbed a strange powder.

"Take a pinch of this and throw it to the fireplace and step in. Would you care to demonstrate Barton?" Snape asked after a moment, Clint quickly scrambled for an excuse.

"I'm actually a halfblood, and my father wasn't too fond of magic. I've never gone by floo before." He lied smoothly, having done cover ups before. Snape nodded and decided to demonstrate himself. He threw the powder causing it to flare an emerald color. He gave a couple instructions on how to go before going through. Clint and Natasha followed him through to Diagon Alley. They both made it OK, used to landings on Clint's part and trained for balance on Natasha's.

"I see why he doesn't like it." Clint mumbled after getting his bearings, earning a small quirk of the lips from Snape.

"No kidding." Natasha muttered in response. It was a rather uneventful trip from there, the assassins mentally marking everything and gathering as much information as possible. They also made mental notes to interact with goblins as little as possible seeing as every single one eyed them suspiciously, perhaps somehow sensing that their hands were stained with blood. Even so, they found themselves having more fun then they had had in a long time when they explored the alley itself. Clint personally wanted to see how the brooms handled, maybe use one for more vantage points in missions, while Natasha eyed the arithmacy and Flourish and Blotts. Though what Ollivander said about their wands unnerved them as they seemed to reflect the duo's nature as assassins. They came to the silent agreement to lie about their wands if asked. Not need to compromise themselves. Snape occasionally gave the odd look to them, but otherwise nothing happened, aside from Natasha occasionally having to keep Clint from climbing the buildings and said assassin grumbling almost inaudibly about the lack of ventilation for him to explore. Snape found himself amused at their antics, no matter how subtle they were, and vaguely reminded of himself and Lily while he escorted them around. Hogwarts would be interesting with these two there, too bad Potter would be too. He dismissed their subtle natures as them having to grow up early.

So this is yet another story. Yeah...I guess this is based partially on the comics for some of the character background. Some will be movie, you'll just have to identify which is which. Also for those of you who are curious, S.H.I.E.L.D won't become an official thing until second year. Also, I have no intention of letting the avengers join Harry's group or visa versa. They will interact with him and he will still be up to his own antics, but they have a different plot.

I'm considering rewriting this chapter, putting a little more details in areas I rushed through, but I'll need a beta to do that. Help?