Monday thru Friday

Wake up. Brush teeth. Shower. Get dressed. Open book store. Get lunch. Close book store. Write. Sleep. Repeat.

But not Sunday.

Sunday goes:

Wake up. Brush teeth. Don't get dressed. Don't open the book store. Sit in self loathing pity. Make tea. Write. Cry self to sleep over the decisions I've made.

"I'm off," I say to myself since no one lives with me. Why would anyone want to?

I locked the door behind me and hummed a song as I walked down to my book shop in this small town. Nothing happens here, no one leaves, no one comes.

This town is the perfect little society. There are hair salons, bars, restaurants, mechanics. Everything is here so there is no reason to leave.

I turned on the radio and the Beatles began to sing. The lights flickered for a second until they stayed on. Turning the blinds made the room fill with more light.

I grabbed the duster and began to get rid of all the dust on the books. A couple people stop in and bought some things through out the day.

The day slows down and still and I begin to write. I write love stories, but I've never been in love. They mostly end up being what I want in a relationship.

"What's up Dad?" Hamish asked as he burst end threw he doors.

Hamish is my son. Long story short: teen pregnancy and the mom took full custody of him even though I want to see him. I left for war shortly after. I'm thirty now and by her grace I'm allowed to see him. I have him every other weekend.

"Not much," I said as I continue writing in my book. "How was school?"

"Fine," he said as he hopped on the counter. "Brought us sandwiches."

He placed the bag on the counter and began to eat. I finished writing my paragraph and closed the book. "How's your Mum?"

"Fine," he said as he stuffed his face with his meatball sandwich.

A pair of boys walked in and the small bell sang just to make sure we knew of their arrival.

"Hello," I smiled with food all in my teeth. I quickly swallowed and made sure nothing was in my teeth.

They smiled, "Morning." The two of them began to browse the shop.

I nudged Hamish to get off of the counter and he jumped down and wrapped up his sandwich.

When he jumped his shirt came up and I saw a black and blue on his back. Where'd that come from? He probably just fell. I mean he is 15 years old. Boys will be boys.

The pair of boys came to the counter and placed some books about "Coming Out" and how to tell your parents.

"Did you find everything alright?" I asked with a smile.

"Yeah," said the one as he grabbed the others hand.

I rang them up and they were on their way. Hamish began to make coffee and the shop fell silent.

"You know Hamish," I started. "If you were gay I'd still love you."

"Yeah," he said not being phased by it at all. He handed me the coffee, "But I'm not so that's a thing."

It fell silent again.

"I'd still love 'you' if you were gay," he said. "Just puttin that out there."

I took the coffee and laughed a bit. "Thanks."

He drummed his hands on the counter. "Well I should go to Mum's now so..."

"Alright, I love you see you tomorrow," I said from my seat.

"Love you too," then he left.

Then the store was quiet. No one was there. Just me alone. I spent the rest of the day alone.