Chapter 3

a/n: I've changed up the dialogue a bit in this chapter so be ready for Malfoy snark!

Do not let arrogance go to your head and despair to your heart; do not let compliments go to your head and criticisms to your heart; do not let success go to your head and failure to your heart.

- Roy T. Bennett, Light in the Heart

Order of the Phoenix HQ, The Burrow August 29th, 1997 7:30pm

Hermione apparated a shaking Draco back to headquarters, he was mostly unscathed, they both were. Before they went back inside Hermione stopped and questioned Draco. "How did you know to red flash me?"

Draco sighed, "She mentioned my mother. Pansy and my mother have never seen eye to eye and I know for a fact Pansy and my mother would never willingly speak to each other. But this confirms it doesn't it? Pansy must be a Death Eater if she could arrange for Bellatrix to take her place."

"That's true and the Death Eaters have rather shown their hand now haven't they?" Hermione added. "We need to keep you safe. We might have to use the Fidelius Charm to keep you under lock and key." She paused, "Where did you learn wandless magic? They don't teach it at Hogwarts."

"My mother. She's been teaching me since I was 14." Draco said, his voice shaking a little more than it had been several moments ago.

"Do you think she's still alive?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know but after tonight she's going to have to be on the run. I can see if I can get a message to her but it'll be tricky."

They staggered back into the house and told Molly to batten down the hatches. Draco said, "I'm going to lay down. I'll be around later."

She nodded and found herself a butterbeer and propped herself up on the couch.

Mrs. Weasley had about a thousand questions and she kept asking if Draco had tried to join forces with the dark side but Hermione wasn't sure what she was supposed to give away as Draco's handler so she kept mum, much to the frustration of Mrs. Weasley.

Hermione pulled her hair out of the elegant braid Ginny had tamed it into and let it fall in waves down her back. Taking a sip of her butterbeer she decided she needed to know more about the circumstances surrounding Malfoy's let Mrs. Weasley fuss over her for a few more minutes and then decided it was time to go talk to Malfoy.

She knocked on his door, and waited for a response but there was only the sound of a whine. She pushed the door open and saw Draco laying down half asleep.

"I want to know why you defected. If you're going to be on our side I have to know. It's been so many years of taunts and jeers I can't stand not knowing."

He tried to ignore her but she shook his shoulder. "Christ Granger! Can't a man get some rest around here?"

"No! Now answer me!"

"It's complicated ok? We'd be here all night if I had to explain it. You're a legilimens right? Look for yourself."


"You heard me Granger."

Hermione's mind flipped through the pages of Legilimency: Unlocking the Mind and she pulled out her wand from her back pocket.


The scene was gruesome, Lucius was beating Draco's mother with his bare hands. She thought it was out of character for someone who placed so much stock in magic and pureblood supremacy to beat his wife with his own hands. It continued like that and Hermione flipped through memories from when Draco was a child, always the same thing. Fast forwarding to the future she saw Narcissa especially beat up looking and Lucius standing over his wife. A blast of green hit Lucius in the chest, fired from Draco's own wand. Immediately she retreats from Malfoy's mind.

"You killed him?"

"Very astute Granger. He was going to kill her if I didn't."

There's a long pause after that and as she's looking down at him their eyes meet for a few long moments. Something's different, something profound has changed and this does explain it all yet. "Don't you want to find her if you killed your own father to save her?"

"I defected because I killed my father and would surely pay the price if any of the Death Eaters get their hands on me. My mother is just as much a pureblood supremacist as any Death Eater."

It wasn't adding up. Something was a miss and she couldn't put her finger on it. "I don't believe you Malfoy."

"Believe what you want. Can I get some rest now?"

Hermione slid off his bed and back out into the corridor.

The Burrow August 31st, 1997 9:30am

It was the day before they all returned to Hogwarts, or so Molly Weasley thought. Hermione hadn't told Mrs. Weasley that she wasn't returning to Hogwarts. Malfoy still wasn't awake and she had no plans to wake him.

Harry had left the previous day and there were a lot of tears on everyone's part. She knew it wasn't a good time to tell Mrs. Weasley but she had to. "Could you pass the jam? Oh and I won't be going to Hogwarts this year." Hermione said.

Mrs. Weasley picked up the jam and then promptly dropped it. "Oh dear! Hermione you must go to school-!"

A lazy drawl interrupted Mrs. Weasley. "She won't want to if what I've heard is true. The Carrows are going to be in charge of discipline this year and Defense Against the Dark Arts isn't being taught. They're actually going to be teaching the Dark Arts to all years. And Snape, not Professor McGonagall will be headmaster. It's going to be a bloody nightmare."

Mrs. Weasley's mouth hung open slightly. That was the first useful piece of intelligence Malfoy had offered up in nearly a week. "And how do you know this young man?" Mrs. Weasley challenged.

"My father. Towards the end I actually started listening to his drunken rambling and he knew more secrets than I thought." Draco said seriously.

Mrs. Weasley put her hand over Hermione's, "Dear you're the brightest in your year, don't you want to finish school?" She was pleading but Hermione would not be swayed.

"No. I've got to stand and fight and Harry will need our help no matter what he says. Ron's going back though, he's offered to help start a resistance amongst the students." Ron looked up from his muffin and glared at Hermione.

"Ron, you know someone's got to do it! Someone with intimate knowledge of Voldemort!" She says a little shrilly.

"I know, 'Mione, I know." Ron said, resigned.

Mrs. Weasley made a sort of discontented noise. "You're all adults now, I don't really get a say do I?"

Of course Hermione felt bad when she said that but it was true. As smart as Hermione was, she was equally as strong willed. "I know it's hard Mrs. Weasley."

Draco let out a snort of derision. "I suppose no one cares where I'll be going then."

Hermione eyed him, as if he couldn't say anything more insensitive than that. "You were second in grades to me I suppose you can help with research." This garnered her an eye roll from Malfoy.

"It's important we learn as much about -" But Hermione fell off there. Did Malfoy know about the horcruxes? Had anyone told him?

"About what, Granger?" The entire table fell silent. "You know I've risked my neck to join you all in the resistance I'd think you'd trust me a little more," He said picking up a granny smith apple and beginning to cut it up.

Hermione looked around the table and received a nod from Lupin while Ron's eyes seemed to bulge out of his head. "You can't seriously be thinking about telling him about that can you?" Ron snarled.

"We have to, Ron." She tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear and dove in head first. "It's horcruxes that are making Voldemort so difficult to defeat. It's how he survived that night in Godric's Hollow. They're pieces of his soul split into objects. We think the objects have something to do with Hogwarts but we don't know what they are."

Malfoy nodded. "I have an idea of what they could be."

The Burrow September 1st, 1997 9:15am

Hermione woke from a rather nasty dream with a fright. She looked at the clock, it was later than she'd meant to wake up. Hermione tiptoed up the stairs to Ron's room and opened the door. There he was, sleeping soundly as Mrs. Weasley made breakfast for them all. Ginny was going back this year as well. "Ron, Ron!" She said in a loud whisper.

He woke suddenly but when Hermione's image swam into view he smiled. "Morning, 'Mione. What's up?"

"I need to talk to you about this year, about us."

"Blimey, I just woke up!" Ron said wiping the sleep out of his eyes.

"I know, sorry. But we have to talk and I won't be able to send many owls to the school because I'm sure they'll be intercepted."

"Ok well have a seat." He said sliding his foot onto the floor.

Hermione sat down on the bed and took Ron's hand in her own. "Look, I don't know what's between us but I don't think I feel the same sparks for you as you do for me and with this year and you being away I wanted to let you know that maybe you should be a free bird. You know, spread your wings and see who else is out there, I'm not the be all, end all of girls."

Ron looked disappointed, "I know 'Mione. I hope you find someone who makes you feel those sparks because you deserve it, more than anyone."

She blushed and hugged him, "I'm sorry it didn't work out, Ron."

"No worries, 'Mione."

The Burrow September 6th, 1997 8pm

Draco and Hermione were sitting in the living room doing research. Hermione was reading a book entitled, Sorcery in 15th Century. "Malfoy come have a look at this."

Groaning, Draco removed himself from his perch on the couch. "What is it?"

"Well, I was just reading this passage about something called the the Sorcerer's Eye. Do you know anything about it?"

Draco gulped. "Yeah I do." Draco looked around and saw they were alone. "It's the piece of information that Moody deemed grand enough to accept me into the Order for."

Hermione's eyebrows shot into her hairline. "What?"

"Did you not think I was privvy to that kind of information Granger? All of the Death Eaters know of it's existence."

"It says here that it's a magical object that makes the user unable to die when a bonding ceremony is performed with the Sorcerer's Eye. Is that true?"

Draco sighed, "It's a magical object, and with a bit of dark magic to perform the bonding curse it makes the user invincible and magnifies their power about ten fold. Essentially it would make the war unwinnable if Voldemort got his hands on it."

Hermione sucked in a sharp breath. "Fuck."

"Granger I hardly think that kind of language is necessary, the Death Eaters don't know where it is and it's last known location was in Greece in 1721. It could be well and truly lost for all we know but he's definitely looking for it."

"So the Order knows about this then because you told them?"

"Told isn't the word I would use, but yes, they know." Draco said remembering the rather thorough perusal of his mind by Mad-Eye Moody.

"I think we should research it more."

"Christ, Granger does that brain of yours ever stop working?"

She raised an eyebrow at him, since when had he started swearing like a muggle? "No, of course not. I'll finish up, I think I'd like a glass of wine after that."

"Oh and you drink? What happened to the Granger I knew?"

There's something scathing on her tongue but she just shrugs. "The naive Granger you knew died when Dumbledore fell off the Astronomy Tower. Where's Mrs. Weasley anyway?"

"Her and Mr. Weasley went out ages ago to do some kind of patrol, it's just us."

Hermione didn't know how to feel about that. She didn't trust him just yet and it seemed strange that Mr. and Mrs. Weasley would just leave them here.

"I'm going to invite Lupin and Tonks over."

Draco flushed slightly. "You know Tonks is my cousin?"

"Of course I know. You never much acted like she was family but maybe you can put that to rights."

Draco barked out a laugh. "You know you are very high and mighty for a muggle born."

Hermione wasn't sure if she should ignore him outright or play into his hand. "Why muggle born? Not mudblood?"

Draco tensed, "Don't use that word."

"Why not, it's only what you've called me for seven years, mudblood and proud of it is what I say!" She was about to slip out of the room but Draco was on her so fast it made her head spin. He had his hand around her neck and had pushed her against the wall.

"Don't use that fucking word Granger."

She was scared, definitely scared but also very curious. "Why Malfoy?"

He leaned in and brushed his lips against hers and that was it. He pulled away and ran to his room. As she stood there alone, slight bruises forming from where Draco's fingers had clamped down on her neck, she was shocked at how gentle he could be. What had gotten him so riled up? It couldn't have just been her using that word. She went to the liquor cabinet and pulled out a bottle of wine, "Maybe it'll have to be two glasses." She mumbles to herself.

The Burrow September 6th, 1997 8:30pm

"Wotcher, Hermione." Tonks said as she stepped out of the grate. "Sorry Remus couldn't come along, it's the night before the full moon you know how he gets."

"I do, thanks for coming." Hermione led Tonks into the kitchen and poured them each a glass of wine.

"So did you know about this Sorcerer's Eye I told you about during the firecall?"

"I don't really, Remus mentioned it offhandedly."

"Well it's said to magnify magical power and make the user invincible if they are bonded with it."

"What is it even? Is it a stone like the Sorcerer's stone?" Tonks asked.

"I think so," Hermione said following Tonks into the living room with her wine. She dug out the book she'd been reading before Draco had kissed her…

She flipped to the page and showed Tonks the sketch of the stone. It looked to be a commonplace object. The only hint that it could be a magical object was a crude carving of an eye into the stone.

"Doesn't look very magical to me." Tonks said dismissively, taking a sip of wine.

"Me neither but Malfoy reckons it's the next big thing Voldemort's going to go after."

"Sounds pressing." Tonks said gravely.

"I was wondering if any Order Members are looking for the stone?"

"Remus and Moody have been up to something but I don't know what it is. Did you know Moody is ill?"

"No, what's wrong with him?"

Tonks frowned and Hermione felt like she was about to be on the receiving end of some bad news. "It's some dark curse that he got when we rescued Harry from the Dursley's. He doesn't have much longer I'm afraid but I didn't tell you, he didn't want anyone to know."

Hermione nodded sadly. She wasn't very close to Moody but she knew Tonks looked up to him as a mentor. "I'm sorry Tonks."

"S'alright he was getting up there anyway."

Hermione smiled sadly at her and took a sip of her wine. "On a different note, I need a bit of help with something… girly."

Tonks smiled and nodded, "Alright shoot."

"I think I like someone but I can't tell. He's been kind of a bully to me so I don't know if I want to give him a chance."

"Well Hermione, why do you like him?"

"I don't know? But things with Ron and I are over. I broke up with him on the day he went back to Hogwarts."

"That's sad, I didn't think you two were right for each other but I hope it didn't hurt your friendship."

"It didn't, I don't think. He seemed pretty ok with it. I told him to find someone who could love him as much as he deserves to be loved, I don't know if we were ever really official in the first place but I needed to clear things up with him." Hermione said finishing her glass of wine.

Just then the fireplace burst into green flames and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley stepped out. "Ah good evening ladies," Mr. Weasley said, dusting off chimney ash from his robes.

"Good evening." Tonks and Hermione said in unision.

"I think I'm going to head to bed early tonight, I want to go for a run tomorrow morning."

"Alright Hermione," Tonks said, going to the kitchen and setting her wine glass in the sink. Tonks gave Hermione a hug and waved goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.

As Tonks disappeared into the green flames Hermione wandered upstairs and knocked on Draco's door, it swung open and she saw he was asleep.

"Goodnight Malfoy."