Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Trust me, it's better this way.
Pairings: Past!Kronos/Sally. ?/Percy
Warnings: Fem!Percy-is-Penny. AU-in-which-Penny-is-Kronos's-daughter. Swearing. Slight Bashing. Demi-titans. Soft-spoken!Penny. Mature! Penny. Innuendos probably.
Notes: I recently got hooked on Supernatural – anyone know where I can watch it? Online? For free, and without having to sign up for any websites?
I made a one-shot a PJO/SNP crossover. Check it out?
So since I got hooked, this may have some Supernatural references, but not enough to make this a crossover... Though some monsters of it will appear. I'm still not gonna put this into the crossover category.
Chapter 02: Puppy And Say Nope To Hope
Three days had passed since the whole museum fiasco, and I was confused. Confused, frustrated, annoyed and angry. Either everyone in the whole darn school was playing a joke on me, or I was really going insane. I hoped it was the former. I didn't want to get admitted to a mental institute so soon in my life. Though some did try to place me in one. It didn't work out well...
Look, I was used to weird stuff happening, but the 24/7 hallucination was really something that freaked me out. So I only hoped that it was a joke.
But even when I tried to flip a Mrs. Dodds reference on some of my schoolmates, they would look at me as if I was crazy. Everyone, even the teachers! Even Mrs. Anderson, Mr. Brunner and Grover!
They were all convinced that a cheerful blonde woman called Ms. Kerr – who, until she talked to Mr. Brunner, I had never seen before – had been our algebra teacher since the former had a meltdown.
There were only two reasons why I didn't believe them.
The first was Grover. He couldn't lie to save his life. He seriously needed some lessons.
The second was MacKenzie and Jacob Stones. They would always send me weird looks whenever I said something about Mrs. Dodds, but I could see a hint of recognition in their eyes. They knew who she was. I hadn't gotten to talk to either of then since three days ago, even if me and MacKenzie shared a room. We were always so busy with exams approaching, so when we came back to the dorm we immediately fell into the arms of Morpheus.
And then on the fourth night, I had a terrible dream – no, it was a nightmare.
I blinked my eyes open. I was in a meadow, with the skies a clear blue – which was the first thing that should've tipped me off, because the freaky weather had gotten even worse – with green grass and beautifully coloured flowers. Sitting up, I tilted my head in confusion. Last I had checked, I was back in the dorm with MacKenzie snoozing next to me in the bed – Honestly, every night she somehow end up in my bed!
I sat up. No one was around, not even the tiniest of ants. I was alone, and it made me feel terrified in this calm meadow. Something was wrong, I realised, when I couldn't connect to Arco anymore. I had tried and tried, but nothing. It was as if she was... Gone.
I quickly forced that idea out of my mind. Arco and I were the same person, there was no way she could just disappear.
I frowned.
A snap behind me made me jerk and spin around. And there she was, tall and imposing, a gentle smile. I couldn't even begin to describe her, she was just too beautiful. She was kind looking, despite that aura that surrounded her and radiated power. Then, all too soon, with a surprised pout, she was gone. Replaced by a monster. Mrs. Dodds. I wonder. Can I call her that anymore? I doubt that's her real name...
Anywho, the monster lunged at me with her sharp talons aimed at my heart. I screamed, stumbling back. That was the time my clumsiness checked in and made me trip of a small stone. I fell onto my back with the monster sitting on my stomach, a crazy gleam in her eyes.
She raised her talons, aiming them at my heart.
"Now I've got you."
And she plunged them into me.
Drip. DRIP. DRip. Dri–p. DRI—p.Dri...p. Dr...ip. D...
Everything became silent.
I woke up with a start, jumping out of my head in a crouched position. My breathing was shallow, and I was shaking like a rabbit. The room was dark, with just me and a bleary-eyed MacKenzie.
"Hey, Penn–" She finished her sentence with a shriek. Both of us jumped. Lightning boomed outside, nearly knocking out the windows of our dorm room. Eyeing it warily, I whiped the cold sweat that was starting to form with the back of my purple pajama button up shirt (which had cute yellow bunnies and adorable red wolves). Everytime it rained or snowed – yeah, in the middle of spring – I felt as if I was walking on eggshells. Two days ago the biggest tornado ever seen had been spotted in the Hudson Valley by some tourists. And the Valley was only a hundred or so miles away from the academy. Along with the number of planes going down in the sky, and the shipwrecks in the Atlantic, I felt as if it had something to do with me.
"Penny?" MacKenzie's small, hesitant voice brought me out of my thoughts. I blushed when I realised I was still crouching and I stood up. I dusted off my slightly too long pajama pants.
MacKenzie was looking worried as she rubbed the tiredness out of her blue eyes. Her short ginger hair was in all directions, but if I had to say it in one word, it would be Messy. With capital letter and italics.
"Wha' happen–" She cut herself off with a great big yawn. An amused smile crawled up my face. I don't usually laugh at the misfortune of others, but she was just too cute.
"Just a nightmare." I told her softly, amusement decorating my words. She glared at me, her head lolling side to side and her eyes sleepy. "M'kay. Kenzie going to bed now." She mumbled and fell face first onto her pillow in a dead...well, sleep I guess? She didn't really faint, so I can't say dead faint...
"C'me to bed~" She whined.
I paused, hesitating. I had no problem with sleeping with MacKenzie since we've been doing since the second week of school, but I wasn't really all that tired after what I experienced in dream world.
I made up my mind. "Sorry, MacKenzie. I'm not really tired now, so I'm going on a walk. Okay?" She lifted her head tiredly. A glare was on her face. "If I'm not back in an hour, you can send a search party for me." I joked, but there was a hidden truth in my words. I was afraid that Monster!Dodds would come back to finish what she started.
She groaned tiredly, but her head was back on the pillow. I heard her mutter something unintelligible into the pillow, and then soft snors echoed throughout the room. I smiled.
Before I exited the room, I quickly threw a white bathrobe over me and put on some slippers. What? It's better than anything! I paused, glancing at my table. There, laying innocently on the table was a pen. It was laying there as if someone placed it there purposely, like I would need it.
Yeah right. I scoffed softly at the idea. What's a pen going to do.
Then I remembered how at the museum it turned into a glowing bronze sword, perfectly balanced, as if made for me. I hesitated. Then a picture of Mrs. Dodds sizzling into gold dust appeared in my head.
The pen was placed securely into my pocket in the next second. I headed towards the door, picking up my iPod and headphones a book on my way there. I clutched it tightly to my chest. It was a sketchbook, where I usually draw when I'm bored or can't sleep. A lot of stuff is drawn in there. Fairies, elves, spirits, dogs, cats, and I even have a few of MacKenzie, Jacob, Grover, Mr. Brunner and Mrs. Dodds.
Just before I left, I glanced back at a soundly sleeping MacKenzie, and I smiled.
"Don't get caught!" She said weakly. So she was awake. I paused in closing the door, a smile blooming on my face. I'm not planning on it.
Wandering through the silent halls of the school made me slowly relax. Normally, kids would be running around here shouting and laughing, with agitated teachers hot on their tails. It wasn't usually so quiet and relaxing.
Before I knew it, I was outside, sitting under the willow tree and facing the woods. I was hidden so if anyone peaked outside, they wouldn't be able to see me.
I flipped open my sketchbook, taking out a mechanical pencil that was hidden in the binds, and started sketching the scenery. I first started out with the outlines of the trees. The hardest for me to probably do were the leaves. I hated just drawing a puffy blob in imitation of the crown of a tree, so it usually took me a while to draw the trees.
I was just about done when I heard the snapping of twigs. I froze, my mind flashing back to the dream I had. Come down Penny, you aren't in a meadow. Or anywhere like that. I was forcibly calming myself. There would be no good in panicking. It would just make me more of a target.
Can't you go to sleep?! Arco's voice snapped deep inside my head. Her voice was groggy from sleep. Oh wait, you aren't in the school. I heard her mutter. What the hell are you doing out here at this time of night?! Ignoring her indigent screeching, I looked at the forest. Luckily, there was a fence separating the school and it, so no creature could get in.
I closed the sketchbook after placing the mechanical pencil into the bind, and held onto it tight with one hand while my other one went to my robe pocket. Once my fingers curled around the pen, I felt myself relax slightly. But not by much, since my body was screaming at me to get the freak out of here.
Uh, Pennies? What the hell is going on? I twitched at her question, but nonetheless, I explained everything that happened this night to her in the quickest way possible. Well, She finally replied after a few moments of silence. You've certainly had an adventurous evening so far.
I'm not sure if that was sarcasm or not. I told her moodily.
Well someone's certainly grumpy tonight. She teased, snickering.
Oh, shut it you. I pouted. Arco was such a meany sometimes. Kinda like... I tensed, shaking the thought out of my mind. Nope. Not gonna think that. No depressing thoughts tonight.
My mind went back into the game when I heard a few more snap, followed by a vicious growl. Arco quieted down, finally noticing the tension. Oh hell no. She groaned. Not another Mrs. Dodds.
I twitched again, and before I could tell her to shut her piehole, something as tall as a horse – or even taller – jumped out of the woods. And over the fence. Great... I'm screwed.
For a moment, the dog stopped and growled. And even though it was just a moment – not even five seconds – I managed to observe it. The creature was pure black, and now that I can see it better, I recognised it as a large horse size cross between a golden retriever and a pitbull. It's large, glowing red eyes glared into my soul.
The dog was cute, I coo'ed. Too cute.
Arco facepalmed. We are so gonna die tonight. She groaned in despair. Well goodbye world, you've been a bitch to us so far, so can't say I'll be missin' you.
I held back a 'palm-meet-face', because seriously Arco?
The dog lunged. I crouched down so it crashed into the poor willow tree, and then I successfully rolled to the side to avoid its body. I didn't want to become a pancake tonight. Or ever. I wasn't sure I tasted any good.
The dog shook its massive head side to side. I swore there were little cartoon stars swirling around its head. What the hell? We weren't in a cartoon last I checked!
As the dog gathered his wits, I scrambled to my feet. Running in the direction of the school, I skidded to a stop when a thought came to me. It was a stupid, insane, utterly crazy – when did I become British?! – idea, but better than any. I looked around, and just as the dog turned to me, I found what I needed.
I grabbed it from the ground, and took a deep breath. I was most likely going to get myself killed one day, but I hoped that day wasn't today. Well, tonight, if you want to be pissy about it.
The dog was slowly approaching as it growled. The sound made my blood run cold. It was so heartbreakingly lonely and full of rage. It made me want to cry and scream.
I took a deep breath, turning around, and I raised the object. The approaching monster dog paused, tilting its head to the side. It's pink nose twitched. I smirked as it's full attention was on the object in my hand. Hook, line, and sinker.
"If you want a cookie," I held up a discarded back half full of chocolate chip cookies. "Sit." The dog stared at me astonished. Which until this moment was an expression I wasn't sure was possible to make on a dog's...face(?).
No surprise there, Arco snarked – bitch mode activated, you're the size of half a door and he's the size of a freaking horse. I felt my cheeks heat up. I surely wasn't that small! Sure, keep telling yourself that.
The dog – well he, I guess – tilted his large head to the side curiously. I was sure his thoughts were either about my no-sense-for-self-preservation, or how I tasted barbecued, sauced, and wrapped in a tortilla.
...I have an active imagination.
Then the most shocking thing happened; he(?) sat down on his hind legs, his tongue out and his tail swishing side to the side. I blinked. Huh, it worked. Somehow.
We're aliiiiiivvvvveeee!~ Arco cheers made me half-deaf. No thanks to you. I shot at her, and she whined. If you didn't have me bitching, what do you think would have happened to you? She huffed. If that was possible for a split personality.
I would've been without a headache. I retorted dryly.
She stayed silent for a beat, ...I hate you.
That's my line. I told her seriously before returning to the real world with the very real, very cute large dog. Seriously, is it on steroids or something?!
I tossed him a cookie. He snapped at it in midair, causing it to break into pieces because of his sharp kitchen knife teeth. Luckily, the small pieces stayed in his mouth. I winced, imagining that was my head. I gulped. Hope he doesn't go rabid on me now.
I pleaded with God. Oh please don't let him eat me. I'll give you a cookie if you comply with my wish.
Then, to my astonishment, the dog looked at me and whined pleadingly. He wanted another cookie, I realised.
"Okay, for two cookies," I raised two fingers and he was jumping with joy. Or...at least, it looked like he was jumping with joy. "Roll over." The dog stared at me, head cocked to one side, his tail swishing around curiously.
"Roll over." I repeated, adding more force into my voice.
The dog on steroids layed down, and after a few seconds he rolled over quickly and sat up. His ears were flattened against his head.
I was not ashamed to admit I was feeling smug.
Tossing him two cookies, I watched as he munched on them. I wondered what he was. He was too large to be a regular old wolf, or dog. And he certainly wasn't any sort of feline.
My mind wandered over to some of the myths I read.
Hellhounds. That's the only race he could be. If this had been before the museum incident, I would've thrown the idea out of my mind faster than you could say 'tortilla', but now... Mrs. Dodds certainly wasn't anywhere near human, and the only thing that came into mind was mythology. Biblical, Greek, Roman, Japanese, Norse, Egyptian...
I blinked as the possible Hellhound barked slightly to catch my attention. I felt doubtful. I mean, if this big ball of fluff and cuteness was a Hellhound, than I was a demigod. Highly unlikely, I know.
But then again, it could be true. My mind wandered to the times when something... strange happened. When I was younger, I remembered once when me and my class was on a field trip. Well, more like going camping. Same thing. Back on topic, we were having a huge bonfire on the last day, when my deadly clumsiness kicked in, and I tripped and fell into the bonfire. Which was flaming. But strange thing was, that I didn't feel anything, even though I was totally encased in flames. Scratch that, I did feel something, but not pain or any negative emotion. I felt...home. I felt welcomed, and accepted, as if I was being hugged by mama. When I got out everyone freaked, but then discovered I didn't have a scratch on me. Everyone, but those four, avoided me.
Then there was another time when I was a year younger than that, when me and my class were visiting a waterfall, when I got seperated and then lost in the forest. A beautiful elf-like woman came out of a tree, her eyes kind, and told me her name was Holly. She took my hand and guided me back to my worried teacher, then disappeared back into the trees.
And then back when I was barely out of diapers, a strange even happened. My mama left me at a babysitter's because she had work to do, when the babysitter turned into some ugly creature, and then if I remembered correctly, I screamed and she...well, was slammed into a wall and then exploded into golden dust. Mama never left me at a babysitter's after that.
And what mama told me back when I was a kid...
So it was a very high possibility that the dog was a Hellhound from some myth (Greek or Biblical most likely), and I wasn't probably human.
The debatable-Hellhound whined for my attention, causing a smile to crawl up on my face. He looked at me pleadingly, red eyes forced into the puppy dog eyes. It was rather convincing when on a dog rather than a human.
"Okay boy – you are a boy, right?" He barked positively. Good, he can understand me, 'cause that would've been awkward if I had to look. "Well, if you roll over, sit, and then, uh, stand up... I'll give you four cookies!" The Hellhound gave a doggy grin. I could practically read his mind. 'Easy as pie,' was probably his thought.
He did all three of those with practiced ease, making me wonder if anyone else had the guts to order him around. Hope not, because that would lessen my chance of survival.
I tossed him the four treats – in all honesty, no offense to the makers, but mama's blue cookies are ready – and he ate them like a starved man. "Poor puppy," I coo'ed. "Probably no one feeds you where you came from, huh?" He whined helplessly. My heart melted.
I reached to give him a bonus cookie, but my damnable luck kicked in – I'm starting to think that the gods hate me. There were no more cookies.
Shit. Arco cursed. I didn't reprimand her because of her language, for she had just said what was on my mind. I'm screwed. He's so going to think I'm a cookie.
He whined. I chuckled helplessly, the bag falling to my feet. "S-Sorry, bud. It looks like there aren't anymore cookies..." I mumbled nervously, but he heard me. His ears perked up and he stared at me blankly.
That was my cue to get the hell out of there in one piece. I turned around and made a break for it. I just forgot that I had bad luck and the Hellhound could jump. And jump he did, right in front of me. I skidded to a stop, nearly running into him.
I gulped. "Look, big guy. You see these muscles?" I raised my hands in a typical bodybuilder pose. He stared at me like I was an idiot. "Exactly. You don't. Because I don't have any. So why don't I go back to sleep and you go hunt a big, fat, juicy guy? Do we have a deal?" He licked his lips, and I took it as 'you look tasty'.
You know, started Arco making me groan. They might need some toothpicks back in Hellhoundia. I twitched at her poor attempt at a joke. Now's not the time Arco. I nearly hissed at her.
The dog was watching me amused, his ears twitching every now and then. I inched away from him, towards the school. He was an observant dog. He stepped in front of me, blocking my view of the school. I didn't notice it until I was back where I started – the willow tree – and bumped into the tree.
Double shit. I agreed with her. Double shit indeed.
I closed my eyes tight when he leaned his head down, expecting to get my head bitten off and only hoping for it to be painless. Then, much to my surprise, I felt something wet on my face – slobber. The Hellhound was licking me. The realisation felt like a punch to the gut. Was he tasting me beforehand?
My eyes opened and I nearly closed them again in surprise. The Hellhound had a silly doggy grin on his face, ton lolling out, and he was sitting in front of me obediently.
"Uh, you aren't going to eat me?" I asked his hesitantly.
His response was a negative bark.
"Then, uh, wha–?" To my surprise, he leaned down and showed me his neck. What the hell? Is this like a show of trust or something?
Uh, boss? Arco's voice broke me out of my pondering. I think he wants you to scratch? She sounded confused, which was a surprise because she was usually confident in her words.
I hesitantly outstretched my arm and scratched his neck. He whimpered happily. He liked it. A smile formed on my face and I continued scratching for a few moments before he pulled away.
"Um, is that all? Because I really got to go before my roommate has a panick attack..." I told him seriously, stepping forward. A second later I took a step back when he growled, my hands raised as a sign of surrender.
I think he wants you to keep him. Arco mumbled. Or he wants to keep you. I sincerely hoped it was the former. I did not want to be kept by a horse-size dog from Hell.
"Um, you want to be my dog?" I asked hesitantly, hoping I worded it correctly, and not at all offensively.
He parked positively.
I felt numb. A freaking Hellhound wanted to be my bloody pet. Ignoring my British-ness for now (no offense to any British people out there), I stared at him in disbelief.
"Look," I said. "I am seriously bloody tired, so I'll go along with it for not." I was drop dead serious. Having nightmares every night+the weather+questioning Mr. Brunner's and Grover's secret and questionable sanity does that to a preteen girl.
He barked happily, tail wagging.
"You'll need a name." I 'hmm'-ed thoughtfully. He looked at me curiously. "How about Alastair? It's the Scottish Gaelic form of the Latin name Alexandrus, and it means 'defender of mankind'." He looked vaguely horrified at the idea of being called Alastair. Wonder why.
Somewhere else, a certain torturer sneezed, wondering which poor soul was talking about him of all people.
Back to me though. I smiled slightly at him. "So how about Sasha? It has the same meaning as the last name and it's the pet form of–" He barked negatively. I pouted.
"Then how about Alex or Alec? It also means 'defender of mankind'." I chirped. He sent me a look that mean 'you're really insistent on getting me a name that meant defender, aren't you?' I looked at him sheepishly. Guilty as charged.
"Then how about...Remus? He's one of the brothers in Roman history that was raised by a she wolf." His ears perked up and he barked happily.
"Remus it is then." I said amusedly.
Inside my mind, Arco stared in disbelief. Did that really just happen?
But my mind wondered on over to another problem. "I wonder how I will hide you." I mused out loud.
"These type of Hellhounds can turn invisible to whomever they wish." A female voice rang from above me. It was soft, soothing and I distinctively heard hopeful wishes from somewhere. I recognised the voice almost instantly.
Remus looked up, tensed and his hackles rose. He growled, stepping closer to me protectively. I looked up, and there she was. Her blond hair was braided and thrown over her shoulders, and her sapphire blue eyes shined brightly, filled with hope. She was sitting on a branch, an amused smile etched on her beautiful face.
That was Mrs. Kerr, our new algebra teacher, the replacement for the mysteriously disappeared Mrs. Dodds. Wonder where Mr. Brunner got her – because I know he had something to do with everyone but me, Grover, and probably the Stones too, forgetting about having a horrible math teacher.
Mrs. Kerr chuckled lightly at my Hellhound – my life is seriously messed up – and jumped down from the high branch. I expected having to report a suicide and scrub a teachcake off the ground tonight, but no, she landed gracefully, not a hair out of place.
"Why I'm impressed, Ms. Jackson." She told me lightly. She stared at my Remus approvingly. "A Hellhound straight from the Pit? My my, and you tamed it in less than an hour. That's rather impressive, child." I blushed at the praise, feeling timid all of a sudden.
"Thank you Mrs. Kerr." I squeaked. My face was probably red as a tomato. Praises... Well, I wasn't used to being praised. Only mama praised me.
"Oh, none of that!" She huffed, placing her hands on her hips. "Just call me Hope, dear." I was about ready to protest but she shushed me. "And I'll call you Penny okay? Do we have a deal?" I hesitated.
"O...kay." She beamed happily.
Remus was watching her, hackles raised and teeth barred. Hope Kerr wasn't what she appeared to be, but was she a monster or a dangerous human... or something else?
I observed her carefully, a fake smile plastered on my face. I hope she didn't notice.
Hope paused, frowning. And it was then I remembered she was a teacher.
"Um, please don't tell anyone I was here?" I grinned sheepishly causing her to giggle. "Wasn't planning on it, buttercups." I scowled, though thankful, but how did she know that godsforsaken nickname? Was she in cahoots with Arco, or what?
"What are you doing here, Mrs.–err, Hope." I decided to not voice my inner feelings. She frowned, before giving me a beaming smile.
"Well, I was just wondering around when I stumbled ayou taming a Hellhound. A remarkable job by the way." I shifted uncomfortably as her sapphire eyes landed on me. They were more like freshly polished jewels than eyes. "And I couldn't help but marvel at how much you resemble your father and siblings. The resemblance is uncanny." My heart skipped a beat.
My father. He disappeared when I was three leaving only a few belongings and a photo album that mama is hesitant about me looking at. She said that when 'I reach the age' that I could look at it. Wonder when 'the age' is. Anyway, all I know about my father is that he was stubborn, had a bad temper, but was gentle with mama. And a few more things but they were unimportant right now.
And then my teacher suddenly shows up – replacing a monster who nobody can remember – and tells me I resemble my father – 'the resemblance is uncanny' even! – with an easygoing smile in place. Who the hell was this woman?
Things just got interesting~ Arco sang gleefully, a hint of curiosity and excitement in her voice. She knew as much as I did about my papa. Though I had a feeling she knew more than she let on.
Remus stepped closer to me, growling at Mrs. Kerr. What? I'm a polite person and even if she tells me to call her Hope, I won't in my mind! Sheesh. I placed a calming hand on my newly acquired Hellhound's neck. He calmed instantly, the growling stopping.
Mrs. Kerr smiled at the display. At us.
Back to business.
"You know my dad?" I asked hopefully. She winced, looking guilty. "Do you know where he is?"
"Oh, no." She said quickly, a nervousness in her eyes that had me questioning her. Mentally, of course. "I never knew your father personally, but I know of him and he knows of me. We... weren't on the best of terms you could say." She grimaced, mumbling something about 'stupid grand-nephews' – much to my curiosity and confusion – but she continued nonetheless. "But both of us were quite famous – or well, infamous – back in the old days." There was a double meaning to her words. Eyes twinkling, she smiled at me secretively.
"Famous? For what?"
Hope Kerr gave me a crooked smile. It didn't suit her. "He wasn't the best of men out there. And me? Well, I was famous for my... best friend you could say." I was confused. Why would she be famous for her bestfriend?
"Best friend? Would I know her?"
"I don't believe you would." Her eyes glowed an eerie blue. "But her name was Pandora. Pandora, the Gift of the Gods." She said wistfully, a sad smile painted on her beautiful face. The name was familiar to me, but I couldn't put my finger on it.
"That name sounds familiar." She chuckled at my confession.
"Of course it does. It sounds familiar to everyone. But very few can remember who she was fully." She told me gently, and for a moment there I thought she was going to tell me who Pandora was. She didn't.
Silently gazing at the moon, she turned to me. "I'll tell you the real reason why I'm here." Didn't she say that she was just walking around? Seeing my confusion (or at least I think she did), she elaborated. "Here at Yancy Academy."
I blinked as she continued to talk. "I came here because I had sensed you would be a good successor for one of us when we, ah, take an eternal vacation to little D."
She chuckled.
I was confused.
And Remus was tense, watching Mrs. Kerr's every move.
"So I was wondering if you would leave this place and come with me to my... home and become my successor. You wouldn't have to worry about anyone but yourself anymore. And I could introduce you to Pandora. You two would get along quite well. And I could tell you about your father as well." She chuckled lightly, expectantly.
I paused at her words. I didn't want to become anyone's successor. I just wanted to be me, live a normal, calm life, and become a musician. Not some sort of successor this debatably insane woman wanted. And what she said after that, I wouldn't have to worry about anyone anymore? That means I wouldn't worry about mama, but I have to worry about her. She was my mama. I worry about her and she worries about me. It's basic family business. And is it just me, or is she sounding suspiciously like a kidnapper?
Despite wanting to meet Pandora, and learn about my papa, the answer was pretty obvious to me.
"Nope." The 'P' was popped.
She beamed happily at me. "That's great! We can go get your stuff right–did you just say no?" Looks like she finally caught up. It was hard to not laugh at her face. "B-But why not?" She whined and I couldn't hold it in anymore. A few giggle escaped my mouth, and her affronted expression made it even funnier. Remus let out some sounds that sounded suspiciously like the doggy version of a laugh.
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Kerr," I was back to calling her by her surname. "but I have a mother that I love very dearly and friends–"
"Friends who don't even tell you the truth?" She spat darkly, as if she was in my position once.
I tensed, narrowing my eyes. Beside me, Remus growled threateningly. It was only my hand on his neck that stopped him from pouncing. She was talking about Mr. Brunner and Grover. "They may not be telling the truth yet, but knowing my luck I'll eventually find out in a very... interesting way." My lips curled, knowing my luck I'll nearly get killed.
"And I still have a life to live. I have a school to finish – though I have a feeling that I'll get expelled soon – and an education to finish too. And I love my mama dearly. I would give the world for her. So even if I didn't have an education or any friends, I still would've said no."
She glared at me, looking like a pouting child who didn't get the toy she wanted for Christmas. "What if you didn't have your mother? Would you have said yes?" There was a hidden threat in her words. I felt my blood run cold. Was she threatening my mama?
"That's easy," I answered, my voice colder than ice. She shivered as she looked into my flashing eyes. I needed to keep my temper in check before I exploded. "I wouldn't be alive." I answered her bluntly.
"W-What?" Mrs. Kerr stammered out in shock and surprise.
"Something happened when I was a child that nearly made me lose myself. If she wasn't there, I wouldn't be here today." I told her seriously. My voice was hard, a no-nonesense tone somewhere in there. I wasn't joking. If mama hadn't been there that day, I wouldn't have survived. My grief would've consumed me, and I would've died.
She looked angry yet sad at the smae time, and looked ready to burst into an angry tornado of a storm, but then as I thought she was going to do something, she sighed resignedly. "I should've expected this. Despite your personality – which I suppose you picked up from your mother – you are your father's daughter. Terribly stubborn, both of you." She smiled bitterly. Her eyes were sad. "In the end, that man would always bring you to him. You two are of the same domain." She chuckled dryly.
"Mrs. Kerr?" I stepped closer but she held her hand up. "Don't, sweety. It'd only make things more difficult." She sighed tiredly. "I can't say much, but I wish to inform you something did happen on the Winter Solstice. You will play a big part in the whole story." She informed me seriously. I nearly gasped. The weather hadn't been weird since Christmas – it had been weird since the Winter Solstice! Amd what does she mean I'll play a big part in the 'story'. I nearly shrieked when a book appeared out of nowhere.
"When the time comes, tell your mother the truth instead of lying. You might have a chance at survival then." She stated solemnly, her eyes darkening. She took the book and handed it to me. The title said 'How To Handle Hellhound For Dumbasses, and How To Not Get Killed'.
I deadpanned. "Seriously?"
Mrs. Kerr shrugged helplessly. "A man named Fergus something wrote it." She said. "It's a preset for you. So you learn how to take care of your Hellhound Remus – brilliant name – and not get killed in the process. I'll just tell you thst he can become invisible to everyone but those who you wish to have the ability to see Remus."
"Thanks." I was surprised. After I declined her invitation, I hadn't even thought about her giving me something.
"I advise you to not approach me much after this. I shall not be so kind after this, and the others will get suspicious." She warned me.
I nodded, blinked once, and she was gone. There was no sign that she had even been here except for the 'How To' pamphlet in my hand. Next to me Remus barked in surprise. I shushed him, thinking about Hope Kerr. Who was she exactly? No, what was she? And how did she know my father? Who was my father? What did she mean by not being a well liked man? And I have siblings?
With many questions on my mind, I headed back to my dorm room. Remus walked next to me.
I gently opened the door, letting the massive dog in. I hoped MacKenzie wasn't awake. That would be one hell of a talking to. She was a bit overprotective of me.
I sighed in relief once the door was gentle closed an locked. I turned around ready to head to bed and make Remus sleep on the ground or the unused bed opposite my bed.
I nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw a gaping MacKenzie looking at Remus, hands on hips. She gaped.
I blinked. This was not in the plan.
I raised my hands in surrender. "Er, Remus? Turn invisible please?" He promptly turned invisible with a bark.
MacKenzie took one look at the place that the Hellhound once stood, and shouted on the top of her lungs. "WHAT THE HELL PENNY?"
"These are not the droids you are looking for?" I tried.
MacKenzie Stones glared at me furiously.
Sigh... I was in for a long night.
Happy Halloween everyone! I tried to post this yesterday, but I didn't manage! Why? Because it was my birthday and I was a bit busy.
Happy birthday to me!
And I'm sorry about Penny acting British, but seriously, I can't help but think of Kronos as a British guy, so Penny's British-ness (again, no offense) was born.
Just to let you know, Penny getting a Hellhound from Supernatural wasn't planned. At all. It's just, they're so cute.
Did anyone guess who Mrs. Kerr was?
Anyway, thank you all for your reviews, favourites and follows.
Special thanks to silvery crimson moon, .vampire, Crixus981, Guest#1, Guest#2, 917brat for reviewing.
Now, about the pairings... I'm going to make this a Will/Penny/Nico fic because the pairing literally slapped me in the face with the force of a bulldozer. But there will be other characters/Penny moments, including female characters 'cause I'm pretty sure I made Penny bisexual. There will be a few moments of Apollo/Penny but either way I'd be hesitant to do him because, well, he's a god and last I checked gods can't keep it in their pants. And Apollo is, well, Apollo. There are no other words I can explain him with.
Thank you all for your continued support, and I do hope you continue to support.
Happy Halloween/All Hollows' Eve/Day of the Dead!
Favourites: 7
Follows: 11
Reviews: 6
Communities: 0