Chapter 1: The Hunt
A/N: This will be a dark fic in terms of content because... I don't know i'm always looking for something new to try out. Plus a lot of you really, like Kakarot and Chi-Chi. Or at least i'm assuming by my numbers. Anyway, this will not be a consensual story at the start so if you don't like that well probably not for you. If this isn't what you want to read probably shouldn't read.
Metal shrieked as it was tore clear from its hinges. It was designed to survive a bomb blast, but never for what was on the other side. The nearly one ton blast door was sucked backwards and thrown forwards into the terrified faces of the men who had stayed at the gates. It was horrific as they were crushed to death only able to utter a small shriek of horror as their deaths were came quickly. The terrified screaming reaching a fever pitch as the masses panicked and ran for the back in a desperate hope for an emergency exit.
They were being delusional; the only way out was the way they had come in a few days ago.
Chi-Chi stumbled in the mass of people as she had her head bandaged tightly having been hit by some debris while reaching the fallout shelter. She wasn't interested in running, there wasn't any point to it. She had tried to hide away but this was it, the survival aspect of her brain kicking in and fight had been chosen. There would be no flight from this, their couldn't be anything else except to not die like some panicked child. She had won the world martial arts tournament just five months ago, it had been a hard match where she beat Tien in a close duel. Her old fighting rival hadn't been seen since… well since it came to their world.
There was a crash coming from within East City like a bomb had gone off, but it wasn't that. It was something far worse as the entire city was decimated by whatever had fallen from the sky. Of course, the military had gathered up its troops and they all had met with an unfortunate end as a full moon rose that night. It had been a blood red moon as there was not a single survivor from the nearly half a million men sent in, there were shaky images and photographs of a giant monster like one of those cheap Hollywood cliché movies. Except this wasn't a movie, and there was no hero coming out from that, it was ordered that everyone seek shelter over a week ago as the military had brought out its nuclear arsenal…
They sacrificed nearly twenty million people in the ensuing nuclear bombardment, they were snuffed out in a flash of light and mushroom cloud. They would die so that the rest of humanity would survive this monstrous invasion, but it hadn't happened. Whatever it was reappeared and destroyed West City and Capsule Corp. Rumors spread quickly that the prestigious Bulma Briefs had been disappeared the night of the attack. The smartest girl on the planet had vanished without a trace, only to have the city she lived and worked in turned to ash.
Rumors circulated that she was taken hostage, but most claimed she was dead.
She had only met Bulma twice in her life, spoke with her, small talk mostly about her boyfriend fighter Yamcha and friends but that had been it. They weren't friends but could be acquaintances. Chi-Chi felt her lips pull into a look of regret that such a person full of life had died, but now here she was going to meet the same fate. Maybe Kami would be generous in how she died and might find Bulma in the afterlife? It was a stupid thought though as Chi-Chi shook her head and brought her hands up into her personal fighting style, it was a combination of the Turtle and Ox schools. Chi-Chi called it Raven style, as both arms were bent with open fists and her feet spread at her shoulders.
She heard laughter echoing from the shattered doorway as the ceiling lights sparked and flashed. The strobe like effect showed the figure just beyond the light and Chi-Chi squinted trying her best to focus on the figure beyond it.
"Oh? Do they send girls to fight me now?" The voice was deep, husky, and dripping with dark intentions.
Chi-Chi felt a shiver run down her back as she saw the flash of white canines even in the poor lighting. There was something in the darkness, it looked like a man but was far too built to be one. Was this it? She grit her teeth, this would be it then wouldn't it? She launched herself forwards not waiting for whatever it was to get the first move in. Sticking to her mantra, if you can't defend attack! If you can't attack first, then hit first! Either would be her best option as she flew into the sparking lights as she punched for what she saw holding a mass of spiky hair. The being moved to the side dodging her but she continued into a pirouette to dodge his counter and brought her leg around catching whatever it was in the side of its hip.
"Not bad. I like a woman with some fight in her." The voice almost purred as Chi-Chi felt something grab her ankle.
She screamed in pain as the hand squeezed her ankle with so much force she was sure it was going to break. She couldn't roll or move, she was locked tight as she fell on her back, her nails digging into something fleshy grabbing her ankle. The pain only intensified and she screamed louder her fingers falling limp as face locked in a picture of perfect agony. Just as the pain had come and lasted for what felt like minutes it vanished and her leg was released. Chi-Chi felt tears run down her face as she grabbed at her ankle feeling as if it had been crushed by a car.
She managed to roll to her hip but was stopped as a hand grabbed her around the throat and hauled her up into the air. She sputtered as she felt the air refuse to go into her lungs as the grip was so tight. She grabbed at the arm that was now visible with both her hands and dug into it to make it move. She coughed feeling her face lose its heat and her vision began to blur into a single color.
"You are…" A voice spoke as she was dropped from where she was, collapsing on her knees she hacked and coughed trying desperately to breathe air again.
Chi-Chi stopped her actions as she looked at the large armored blue boots just in front of her. Her mind quickly realizing this was IT. She swung her head following her blow as she connected with an orange midsection a slight crack echoed out as Chi-Chi felt a tremble from whatever she hit. This is your chance! She screamed bringing her other hand up and hit the orange mid-section again and again with her fists as fast as she could. The orange cracked and formed small lines as she beat into whatever it was.
Her glimmer of hope came turned into a sting of darkness as she plowed into the wall.
"That, didn't feel pleasant but it didn't hurt either." Kakarot laughed strolling over leisurely to the spunky female. His one hand shot out to the side creating a glowing ball of yellow ki before firing it into the panicked earthlings still trying to escape. The explosion wasn't at all satisfying, he hated fighting cowards. He wanted to fight head on, to have the rush of battle as his blood and his opponents mixed into the ground. This had no sport to it, well… His eyes roamed over the woman in front of him. She was something else, and he was getting so god damn hard because of it.
The look of agony on her face as he began to crush her leg was just one of pure beauty, the way she coughed and struggled was just a thing pure delight. As a saiyan warrior he was one who loved battle, but he found the most beauty in anything as it struggled in moments of desperation, as nothing else in the world matters but those fleeting moments where you can only feel pain and desperation. It turned him on like nothing else, but on this beautiful little female it just drove him mad!
The way her eyes were wide, the way her body twitched and dug into him in order to escape, it was all so beautiful. Watching her eyes roll back into her head as her mouth hung agape with that black hair obscuring a portion of her face. "Fuck! You are the perfect woman, aren't you?" He roared laughing as he watched her get back to her feet, the outline of his hand where he had smacked her into the wall was evident, along with the purple bruise already forming and the swelling underneath. This was true beauty! He couldn't wait to run his mouth over her wounds, to suck and lick at her blood and feel her body underneath his own.
He just couldn't wait! A dark grin spread over his lips as he stalked up towards her. His hands shot out grabbing her chin and the other around back, he could still some stars in her eyes as she didn't entirely react to him. "What's your name girl?" His hot breath rolling over her lips.
Chi-Chi spat in his face, "Fuck you that's who." She growled, her wrist was caught and wrenched behind her back. She grit back in pain as she was pressed against a wall. Her brown eyes still hazy as she saw the grinning face, her mind was running at a hundred miles an hour as she tried to figure out how she could escape. She felt the hand on her face cup hers softly as if she were lover, or consoling her.
His face moved to her neck and she felt him breath in as she struggled futility as her wrist pinned, and shoulders by his chest against her own. There was one option as he smelled her she reared back her mouth and bit him square on his exposed shoulder, as hard as she could, her teeth breaking the skin and the rush of metallic blood spilled into hers. His roar of pain came quickly but he did not pry her teeth from his body instead Chi-Chi's own grip faltered as sharp teeth bit into her own soft neck.
Her scream tore out into the air as she threw her head back, her legs and free arm flailing, kicking, hitting and scratching as she felt the bite tighten down. I'm going to die like this! I'm going to die! Kami, anyone, save me! As her body jerked and twisted to remove the pain running through her body. Tears streaked down her face as she screamed, it took several more agonizing moments until it all stopped as the pressure on her caught wrist released and she collapsed against him. Her sobs of pain came out in ragged breaths as she could feel some of her blood slipping down her neck. The wound stung still but nowhere near it had a moment ago before his teeth left. Her ragged cries came as his hand tilted her chin back up to his face.
Through her tears she saw a man, with impossibly black spikes protruding every direction. Sharp angled brows with a smooth rounded face filled her vision, but all of that was not her focus as she looked at two penetrating black eyes that were looking at her with such emotion she felt smaller. That smirk was gone and in its place, was a full-blown smile with thin trickles of blood running down either side of his mouth, it was like one of the Dracula moments in her mind for a second. He was undeniably handsome, but he was a monster, he was the reason people were dying. He was the reason for all this suffering misery!
Kakarot was overwhelmed he couldn't stop himself, the little bitch had bit him, surprised him completely but it was partially his own fault that he'd let himself get distracted when smelling her he didn't think her a threat. But that was clearly wrong, she had plenty of fight in her and when she bit him like that he almost came in his pants. Of course, he had to teach her lesson and decided to mark her, yes he was going to be keeping this one for a post-world purge snack.
The look on her face as blood flowed from it, the lines of her tears, and how wonderful her voice sounded in his ears, she was just too beautiful to end like this. To waste such pleasure, such life in a simple little fight like this?
No, she would be his, but he decided that he would like a little sample before enjoying her for the main course. His fingers slowly felt through her silky raven black hair, it was so soft, a little dirty from their scuffle and the blood on his hands but it was almost as perfect like this. He pulled at the base of her neck, his other hand grabbing her plush bottom through her fighting gi and did what he been wanting since he heard her scream. He sampled her flush and swollen lips with his own.
Chi-Chi was still in mild shock but she realized the pressure against her lips as she gasped, at the surprise action. His tongue slipped into her mouth as she was so taken back by the action. His hard lips were pressing hungrily against her own as his tongue swirled along her teeth and tongue. It rolled through every crevice of her mouth unhindered as she promptly bit down on the offending appendage. If that was to stop her being violated by this man, her actions had the adverse effect. His hand on her ass squeezed her tightly and with a solid jerk ripped her light purple gi from her body, her pants followed suit in the same motion both becoming a shredded pile exposing her undergarments which were at best shameful for her.
Her old training armor was underneath figuring whatever protection she could have she needed as she owned very few proper undergarments outside of training. It was her child armor her father had given her, that expanded to meet her bodies curves and figure no matter her age. The body tight armor was enough to stop some bullets but in this situation, it was morbid to be exposed as such. Her dark blue and white striped chest armor covered her chest which squeezed together her plump breasts and the underwear was just a tight form fitting pair of protective panties.
The kiss stopped as she felt her hair yanked back by her assailant's thick fingers making her cry out as she could feel the pain of her roots being pulled. "You are one impressive whore, now… what's your name?" His husky voice spoke against her face as his sick smile looked square into her eyes.
"Fuck you!" She screamed aiming for his groin with her knee, swinging up she caught his protective guard that hung over in front of his hips, doing exactly what it was designed for and blocked her low blow.
"I'm going to do that to you my little fiery bitch, you have no idea how I'm going to ravage this body of yours. It is so perfect." His voice was making her shiver in fear, as she screamed, flailing and kicking with all her might, her hands connected with his face but it did nothing, she could've been slapping him with a towel for all the good it was doing. "Still got that spirit, I love it in women like you. Wearing such undergarments you are practically begging me to-"
Kakarot didn't see it coming as a large shiny domed head crashed into his side, it knocked him off his feet and he slammed into a wall. "What the fuck was that shining ball that hit me?" He growled more annoyed than in pain. He pulled himself slowly out of the wall as he looked squarely at a short man, with no hair, wearing an orange training gi. Little fuck hit me while I was playing. Figured the rest ran off, oh well it only makes the game more exciting. He dusted off his shoulders as he got out.
"Chi-Chi! Chi-Chi it's me Krillin!" She was jolted back to herself as she considered the face of her friend, she smiled as someone had come to help her.
"Krillin… thank kami!" She cried as he held her up.
Krillin smiled, he had come back once he had gotten everyone out of there, he had to make an emergency exit with his Kamehameha and he rushed back as fast as he could to help Chi-Chi knowing she was in trouble when her screams reached the people he was with. He would've imagined she was dead with just how much agony was tearing out from her voice, fortunate he had come at the right time. Although he was disturbed to see whoever it was kissing Chi-Chi and ogling her like some lunatic! "Eh Don't mention it, just let me handle him and you make an escape." He said trying to be cool, man he wished Chi-Chi would have at least once taken him up on his offer for a date after the tournament last year. Maybe this time she'd reconsider after this? Provided they lived of course.
"Chi-Chi? Hmm that's a perfect name." The voice said making both heads turn to him. "Before you stop me," he mocked chuckling and moving his hand to crack his knuckles together, noting with some disdain as how she hid behind this man called Krillin. "I should introduce myself I suppose since we're exchanging names on such friendly terms," He chuckled loving a little fun before a fight when dealing with such pitiful fighters. "The names Kakarot, and I am a 1st class saiyan warrior." He offered them both an overly dramatic bow. "I'm the man who's going to kill every single earthling on this planet," His eyes looked to Krillin who paled a bit at such an announcement. "Then once I'm done killing all of you, I am going to," His tongue dropped out to lick slowly from his mouth as he eyed Chi-Chi if she were a prime cut of meat ready to be eaten. "Fuck that girl until I'm satisfied, then I'll decide if I bring her back home with me for some extra rounds. So, what do you say Krillin," His voice all but poking fun at the would-be hero, "Ready to handle me?"
Krillin swallowed as he watched the man straighten himself back up, "Uh well, how about two words then?" He said nervously pushing Chi-Chi back with his hand who slowly began to retreat away from the scene.
Kakarot smirked, "Go ahead, two words baldy." He laughed as the little earthling's face went red with anger.
"Solar flare." He said, making Kakarot's brow raise up slightly.
"Solar what?"
Krillin drew both hands to his face as Chi-Chi caught his hint and covered her eyes, the room sparked in a brilliant flash of light as Krillin shouted out. "Solar Flare-!" The intense burning light flaring up as Kakarot roared in pain as he was blinded both hand grabbing at his eyes as he couldn't see.
"Fuck I can't see!" He roared rearing back his arm and fired ki blasts randomly, it was intense and blinding in its pain over his eyes.
Krillin and Chi-Chi made their way out as the mad saiyan blasted randomly, Chi-Chi's leg was already swelling up along with her wrist and side of her face, making her jumbled run a bit more hectic as she and Krillin ran as fast as they could until reaching the impromptu exit into the devastated city.
Krillin looked down their path not seeing that guy called Kakarot behind him, so he drew his hands back and charged his second Kamehameha wave of the day, pushing hard he fired the blast down the way they came until it exploded caving in the path they had made for some feet. Satisfied that might buy them some time, he got out from the hole as Chi-Chi panted for air, looking pretty beaten up. He could see the mark on her face where she'd been hit, her swollen ankle and wrist all hand thick hand marks on them, her neck though… Krillin saw the large bite mark on her neck and was still lightly bleeding. "Need a hand Chi-Chi? Come on I know where the group is going to go settle down for the night. Hopefully that… whatever he is can't find us." He offered her hand which she nodded, but didn't offer any words as he brought her arm over his shoulder.
The two set off quietly as they made their way through most of the blown-out buildings, it looked as if a bomb had gone off a few hours ago. As most of the structures were charred, windows shattered and broken by the force of whatever exploded. Some were tilted or their tops were completely blown off. It was a terrible sight, and whatever that could've remained was looted or ransacked by others leaving little behind for the people now struggling inside the city.
Chi-Chi kept herself quiet, one out of concern for her own safety, the other as her mind was a whirlwind with the image of that man's face. His tongue shoved down her throat, his hands feeling up her body. The pain she could deal without much trouble, she just limped along at times ignoring the jolts and stings that ran up and down her spine. That wasn't he problem, her mind was running images of what he might do to her if he caught her, she saw him tear down a steel door, take not so much as a scratch from her or Krillin and had promised to rape her!
"Stop… Stop for a moment." She asked beginning to pant rapidly as Krillin looked at her frazzled expression.
"Chi-Chi what's wrong?" He asked noting the distress in her eyes and how she began to shake. "Chi-Chi are-"
She shoved away from him, just off to the side of a partially crushed restaurant. She grabbed the blackened table as she felt herself growing sick, the revulsion of the image in her mind. The words he spoke to her, the feeling of his hand and mouth made her head spin. It came up in a whirl as she puked, for a few gut-wrenching moments she expelled everything from her stomach. Krillin coming over to her side, touching her back gently as he watched his friend violently throw up.
"It's okay Chi-Chi." He said trying to sound reassuring.
She shook her head. "No… No, it won't. He's the reason so many people are dead, he's survived everything this planet could throw at him, even me!" She couldn't imagine it, one so called saiyan who had appeared and promised to kill every single person on the planet except for her until he was... he was! She dry heaved again, "and then! Then what happens when he finds us again?" She clutched her chest tightly trembling as dark thoughts ran over her mind, "I don't want to be raped! I'd rather die here and now than be put through whatever he has planned for me!" She panted but as her mind raced a quick slap on her face, not too hard but enough to jolt her senses came to look at Krillin who looked squarely at her.
"Chi-Chi I promise that won't happen, we'll stop him together. Come on I know Yamcha and Tien are somewhere in this city, if we can find them then we can deal with this guy." He lied, trying his best to sound convincing but he knew if he lost Chi-Chi then there would be no hope left. She was the strongest person on the planet, and Yamcha had stormed off to find Bulma after she disappeared and never came back, he had no idea where Tien had gone to with Chaotzu, but damnit he couldn't do this alone!
"Really? They are here?" She said her spirtis lifting a bit with the thought of everyone teamed up. Maybe they could do it? Right? All of them could beat him. I hope.
"Sure, we just have to find them." He said helping her back up. "Listen we'll just find the rest of the group, get some rest and look for them in the morning, I don't think that guy will be able to follow jus the two of us." Chi-Chi gave him a soft smile knowing he was doing his best to lift her spirits and it was appreciated but she couldn't shake the feeling that his words were just empty and it didn't matter what they would do, but those thoughts were quietly pushed away as she followed with Krillin.
Kakarot walked down the desiccated streets his blood on fire as he carefully scanned around trying to find where his little bitch had gone off too. Oh, he was going to make her pay, pay in the best and worst kind of ways once he got his hands on her, he suppressed the groan of pure desire that ran through him as he was still so hard from when he found her. The way she fought, the way she screamed, all of it was such a turn on! She was a beautiful female, but seeing her eyes filled with fire and spirit with such emotion, "Fuck!" he growled grabbing his hair knowing he was getting distracted.
He had to go and retrieve his scouter before proceeding, he'd been following his nose and instincts for the past week or so but when he had a game to hunt he couldn't risk damaging it. That was something he wasn't going to have happen, oh no that would simply not do for him. That earthling, it inflamed his rare burning lust and passions, not one for fraternizing with his mission from when he heard her voice and the look on her face he was smitten and he knew it. He had to have her, this was not up for debate for him. Even if it meant taking a little longer on this joke of a mission.
He'd been 'assigned' to come to earth by Vegeta after he failed to improve in his training regimen with the prince. So that had been the end result, he had come to Earth as a punishment, several months in stasis sleep and more on the return to purge a low level planet.
Kakarot sniffed around as his scouter flicked around locating very faint power signatures all over, but they were scattered and not any of them were registering what he could imagine that woman… Chi-Chi, an odd but fitting name. He kept scanning not wanting to just kill the sniveling earthlings hiding from him. He'd blow this city to pieces once he found her but not until.
Of course, he might be reprimanded for taking too long on such a mundane assignment, but no Kakaort had already thought long ahead. The prince desired science, technology and anything that could make him stronger. It was sheer luck that he'd found that and the prince's favorite color all wrapped into one slim, fit young female. Such a wiry thing too, but as a saiyan looking to get back into Vegeta's good graces he wouldn't touch her, well not in the ways he wanted too. That was for his prince, the little woman was supposed to be the smartest person on the planet, he doubted it somehow but he'd heard a lot of people talking about her when he was doing some light reconnaissance in the area before starting his fun.
He'd found earth cuisine to be delicious and enjoyed it quite well, murdering all the patrons and staff once he was finished of course as well. He'd heard of this Briefs in the city and imagine his luck to find her working on a space craft. It was almost perfect, to surprise her how she shrieked when he pulled her out, nearly blowing his ears out in the process but he clamped her mouth shut and then fled with her. She was currently in stasis in his pod awaiting his return, the little blue haired demon had a hell of a mouth on her, he was glad to have gagged her but he snickered at the what the little woman would do when she met his prince. Any creature of potential had to be used, Kakarot figured if she was as smart as she claimed then she would be idyllic for presentation for the prince. That and her looks with definitely score so much needed favor with Vegeta who loved the color blue, when not dealing with anything related with battle of course.
His tail slowly unfurled from his waist swaying behind him as he stopped in the middle of the street. He raised his head up and took a long whiff of the air. His eyes remained closed as he followed his nose and came towards a shattered structure. "hm, what have we here?"
His keen sense of smell had pointed him in this direction, and there was something. A pile of waste, noting something had thrown up here, but as he did he could see the small droplets of blood on the ground. They were only a few… "let's see." He drew up a small taste of the dried blood on the tip of his finger. His tongue licked it clean and his mind took only several short moments to recognize its source.
He knew it well, he had drank some of it earlier, a clear taste and flavor. One rich with life and spirit belonged to its owner. Smirking he kept his nose open and followed the faint trail left behind.
Kakarot had found his prey again, it was easy of course, this was what he was bred and trained to do. "Besides, where's the fun in the hunt if I don't make them think they have a chance." A grin formed across his lips as he could only wait with eager anticipation to find that woman… Chi-Chi you will be mine… All-! Mine-! His mind roared with laughter as he flipped his scouter zeroing in a group of earthlings tucked away underground.
A/N: Many of you ask me, do I like making Chi-Chi suffer and to you I say. Maybe, but only for a good story.