Steven's mind

Steven is talking to his mother.

Rose: Steven, I'm so proud of you, you patch things up with Homeworld.

Rose gave Steven a hug, which he instantly returned.

Steven: Thanks Mom, I'm just glad this entire conflict with Homeworld with finally resolved.

Rose grabbed him and then started to pepper his face with kisses and Steven giggled from the "attack" he was receiving.

Rose stopped and began talking to Steven again.

Rose: Steven, I can't believe the accomplishments you've done. Fusing with Connie and Amethyst, redeeming Jasper, Peridot, and Bismuth, befriending Lapis, curing Emerald and crew of their corruption, helping Greg and the Gems get over my absence. You truly are a remarkable young man!

Steven: Really, thank you Mom. That means a lot coming from you.

Steven gave Rose a hug, which she returned.

Rose and Steven separated and saw that Steven was starting to disappear, he was starting to wake up.

Steven: Well, I guess it's time for me to go. I'll miss you Mom.

Rose gave the disappearing Steven a hug, which he returned.

Rose: I'll miss you too Steven, but please remember that I'll always be here for you even if you can't see me. You can come back when you want. Oh, and Steven, you can tell the other Gems about me, they deserve to know.

Steven: Okay, I will. I love you Mom.

Rose: I love you my son.

Rose felt Steven finally vanish from her loving arms. Rose then looked out in the pink void with a tear rolling her face.

Beach House...

Steven slowly opened his eyes and awoke from his rewarded and rejuvenating nap. He heard some voices, he immediately knew whose those voices were: his family. He got up out off his bed slowly so he doesn't wake up Amethyst and Connie. Everyone heard the floorboard creak, and looked up to see Steven walking down the stairs.

Pearl: Steven, you're awake!

Garnet: Hello Steven.

Andy: Hey Steven. Hope you had a good rest.

Bismuth: Well, look who's up.

Greg: Hey Shtu-ball, how was your nap?

Steven: It was good nap, Me, Amethyst, and Connie deserved it after everything we done. Everyone else deserves a nap after helping us defeat Green Diamond.

Everyone nodded at this.

Amethyst: Ain't that the truth!

Steven and the others looked at the source of the voice and saw Amethyst wide and awake as well.

Steven: Amethyst, you're awake!

Amethyst jumped down to Steven and hugged him, and an explosion occurred, and the smoke from said caused Connie to cough and wake up.

When the smoke clears, Smokey Quartz stood into their place. The fusion shocked everyone who hasn't seen them fused before.

Emerald, Nephrite, and Jade: Woah!

Andy: What on Earth...

Greg: Unbelievable!

Bismuth: Who are you?

Smoky Quartz (Amethyst): I'm Smoky Quartz, nice ta meet cha!

Connie: That's Smoky Quartz?!

Smoky and the others looked up and saw Connie awake too.

Smoky Quartz (Steven): Yes, this is Smoky Quartz. So... what do you think Connie?

Smoky Quartz was blushing from Steven's side.

Connie: It's amazing! You two look great together!

Connie tackled Smokey in a hug, which they returned.

Bismuth walked up to the three armed fusion.

Bismuth: How is this possible?

Andy: Yeah, this is weird.

Smokey Quartz (Steven): Well, long story short, I'm half human and half gem, so I can fuse with both races.

Andy: Uh, alright...

Bismuth: Wow, you truly are amazing Steven!

Smoky Quartz nervously rubbed the back of their head.

Smoky Quartz (Steven): (Chuckles), thanks Bismuth.

Smoky then looked around the room and noticed that Lapis, Peridot, Jasper and the Rubies were gone.

Smoky Quartz (Steven): Hey, where's Lapis, Peridot, Jasper, and the Rubies?

Garnet: Lapis and Peridot are showing Jasper and the Rubies the barn.

Smoky Quartz (Steven): What, really?! Was it out of their kindness, they we're forced into it?!

Pearl: No, of course not?! While you guys were asleep, Jasper apologized to Ruby and Sapphire for separating them, and afterwards Jasper said that was going to live at the Beta Kindergarten, and Eyeball and the Rubies volunteered to go with her so that she wouldn't be lonely. But surprisingly, Lapis and Peridot offered to let Jasper and the Rubies to stay at the barn, and Andy allowed it as long as they didn't wreck it, and they said that they'll try not to, but they're not promising anything. So that's where they are now.

Smoky Quartz (Steven): Wow, we've must have been out for a while!

Greg: You guys were asleep for two hours.

Smoky Quartz (Steven): Oh, well I'm going to go see them as soon as I go see my friends in Beach City.

Smoky turns to Connie, who they were still hugging.

Smoky Quartz (Steven): You guys wanna come?

Smoky Quartz (Amethyst): Sure!

Connie: Of course!

Smoky set Connie down and defuses back into Steven and Amethyst.

Steven: Anyone else wanna come with us?

Garnet: I'll go.

Bismuth: Those humans need help rebuilding, so I'll go too.

Pearl: I'll go as well, I want to see the Mystery Girl again.

Andy: It would be nice to see all of your friends! So I guess I'll go too.

Greg: Sure thing Shtu-ball.

Emerald: No thanks Steven, me, Jade, Nephrite are going back to our ship. We're going to see if we can fix it up after all of these years.

Steven: Okay, everyone else follow me. Beach City awaits!

Everyone chuckled at Steven's enthusiastic attitude and they all went out the door.

Beach City...

Steven and the gang went into the reconstructing town of Beach City, where everyone who cleaning up from the damages from Homeworld's invasion. As they walked by, everyone was cheering for them, specially Steven, Amethyst, and Connie. Everyone split up to do something that the want to. Here's the order:

1. Bismuth went to the most demolished building and started to help rebuild them. (Obviously)

2. Garnet went around and help people get rid of the Homeworld fleet's parts.

3. Greg decides to go and check on his car wash.

4. Pearl goes to find the Mystery Girl.

5. Steven, Connie, Andy, and Amethyst decide to go to the Big Donut to get some donuts.

They heard cheers everywhere they went, and they deserved it for everything they done.

Big Donut...

Steven and his friends walked into the Big Donut and they were greeted by the patched up customers.

Mr. Smiley: Hey everyone, it's Steven and his friends.

The customers applauded and cheered them.

Steven: Aw thanks everyone. But you should applaud each other, we couldn't have beat Green Diamond without your help.

Sadie: But Steven, we wouldn't be alive right now if it wasn't for you.

Lars: Yeah, what did you back there was pretty cool.

Mr. Smiley handed Steven and his friends something.

Steven: Lifetime passes!

Connie: Woah!

Amethyst: Cool!

Andy: Amazing!

Mr. Smiley: Yup! Steven, for you and your family for saving us, from now on, you have a lifetime free pass to Fun-Land!

Steven: Wow, thank you Mr. Smiley!

Amethyst: Yeah, this is so cool!

Connie: I can't wait to tell my parents about this.

Andy: I can't wait to go to Fun-land sometime!

Sadie: And that's not all, from now on whenever you or one of you friends come in you'll get one free donut.

Steven: Really?

Sadie nodded.

Steven: Thanks Sadie!

Steven hugged Sadie and she returned it. After a few seconds, they separated.

Sadie: It's the least I can do.

Steven: Right, well can I have four chocolate donuts for us please.

Sadie: Sure.

Sadie and surprisingly Lars went back to make Steven's order and after a few moments, they came out with a bag and gave it to Steven.

Sadie: Here you go Steven.

Steven: Thanks.

Lars put his hand on Steven's chest and Steven, remembering the gesture he did back in the episode "Lars and the Cool Kids", did the same.

Steven and his friends then left the Big Donut with cheers behind them.

Beach City...

Steven and his friends walked through the recovering Beach City until they saw Priyanka and Doug Mahasweran with Fryman family, Priyanka was patching up Ronaldo and Peedee's injuries and Doug was talking to Mr. Fryman.

Connie: Mom, Dad!

Priyanka and Doug turned and saw Connie running up to them with Steven, Amethyst, and Andy walking behind them.

Priyanka and Doug embraced their daughter.

Doug: You're awake! It's been two hours.

Priyanka: I'm so proud of you honey!

Connie's parents then noticed her gem.

Priyanka: Connie, what's that on your forehead?!

Doug: It looks like a gem.

Connie: Well that's because it is a gem you see Mom and Dad...

Connie explained what happened when they went into the ship, her confrontation with the ultimate gems, her fight with the ultimate swords-gem and how the she rewarded her for defeating her with her gem, making her the second half gem human hybrid! Her parents were shocked.

Priyanka: So this is permanent Connie?

Connie: I guess.

Doug: This is going to take some getting use to.

Connie: Yes, and I'm glad because...

Connie held Steven's hand and they both blushed.

Connie: ...I can help Steven and his family even more than already was. Do you guys understand? I want this.

Priyanka and Doug thought about and answered.

Doug: Okay Connie, I'll accept it. Just promise me you'll be careful!

Connie: I promise!

Priyanka: I'll accept it, I hope you stay safe with Steven.

Connie: Don't worry, I will.

Connie hugged her parents and they left them to continue bandaging the Fryman family up.

While walking away, Amethyst whispered something to Steven.

Amethyst: Steven, it's time for you to tell Pearl about your meeting with Rose.

Steven: (Sighs) I know...

Beach House...

Steven and the others returned to the Beach House, it was time for Steven to tell Pearl about his meeting with Rose. Garnet already knew due to Sapphire's future vision and Amethyst already knew when she was fused with him as Smoky Quartz. (Just so you'll know).

Amethyst and Garnet went into their rooms, Connie was with Steven in the living room with Pearl, Bismuth went back to her forge to repair Rose's sword and Andy was outside checking on his plane.

Steven took a deep breath and spoke.

Steven: Pearl...

Pearl: Yes Steven.

Steven: Can we um, go into your room so we can talk.

Pearl: Sure Steven..

Pearl used her gem to open the door to her room and the three walked inside.

Pearl's Room...

Pearl, Steven and Connie walked into Pearl's room.

Pearl: So Steven, what did you want to talk about?

Steven: Well... it's about my Mom.

The statement shocked Pearl and she turned to Steven with wide eyes.

Pearl: R-Really Steven, w-what do you want to know?

Steven: Actually Pearl... it's something you should know.

Pearl: What do you mean Steven?

Steven: Well... I met her Pearl.

Pearl: What are you talking about Steven?

Steven: Well, when were fighting Blue Diamond's court, I tried to free Ruby and Sapphire when White Diamond stabbed me from behind. Everyone rushed me to her fountain because I was on the brink of death. While I was unconscious, I was propelled into three corrupted gem's minds... those gems were Centipeedle and her crew. It was there that I found the source of corruption, it was a monster that looked all shadowy and had no eyes and the teeth were apart of it's face, it had claws and it was dangerous. I tried to reason with it, saying that I didn't want to fight but the only way to save them was to defeat it and during the battle it started corrupting me, I tried fighting back but it was no use. I was almost corrupted when she came and stop the corruption from completing itself.

Pearl: I see, what happened next?

Steven: I soon found myself inside my gem, my body was contained in a bubble. I finally met my Mom for the first time.

Pearl: I-I see. What did she say?

Steven: Well, she said that she's sorry for hurting you guys. That she's sorry to Jasper and Eyeball for shattering Pink Diamond, and finally that she's sorry to me for causing all of this to happen to me. She said that's she's proud of us for making it this far. That's I shouldn't hold your guys anger against you. Basically, stuff like that. And I can connect to her whenever I want to now, because when I was asleep I talked to her. It was because of her help that I was able to defeat Corruption Incarnate and cure Emerald, Nephrite and Jade of their corruption.

It took a few minutes for Steven's speech to sink into Pearl's head and after a few minutes she spoke again.

Pearl: So... she still lives on inside your gem Steven?

Steven: Yes and I wanted to get her okay before I told you because I was afraid to. Especially since you've moved on from her. I figured that if I told you, you would be all sad. I just want you to be happy.

Pearl wrapped her arms around Steven in an embrace and after a few moments he returned it. There were tears running down their faces.

Pearl: Steven, I am happy... happy that you're here. I'm actually glad that you told me about your meeting with Rose and talked to her. It finally gave us closure on her life, I'm sure she would've want us to be happy too.

Steven: I love you Pearl.

Pearl: I love you too my baby.

Connie smiled that Steven told Pearl everything. After a few minutes, they separated and left Pearl's room. Steven said that there going to the barn and they did just that, leaving Pearl to do her own thing. Pearl sadly smiled to herself.

Pearl: He really is something.

The Barn...

Steven and Connie warped to the barn and saw Lapis and Peridot watching Camp Pining Hearts.

Steven: Hey Lapis, Peridot, how are things with Jasper and the Rubies!

Lapis flew down to them and hugged the two and Peridot walked her way down.

Lapis: Steven, Connie, things are good, how are things with you.

Connie: Good but where's Jasper and the Rubies?

Peridot: In the back of the Barn.

Steven and Connie ran to the back of the barn and saw Jasper and Eyeball sparring with each other while the other Rubies were watching.

Steven: Hey Jasper, Rubies, hi!

Jasper: You guys are finally awake, took you long enough.

Connie: Hey, we've been fighting nonstop for the past few days, get off our backs!

Jasper: (Chuckles) Well it's been two hours, I though you guys weren't going to wake up.

The Rubies nodded at this.

Steven: Well how's life at the Barn?

Eyeball: It's good, it's going to take some getting use to.

Jasper: Yeah, but I think we can manage. So what's your purpose for coming here?

Steven: Oh right, I just wanted to thank you guys for helping us defeat Green Diamond, we wouldn't have been able to beat her without your help.

Jasper and the Rubies blushed a little.

Jasper: Well, us Quartzes have to stick together right?

Doc: Well we should thank you, you showed us that what we were doing was wrong.

Eyeball: You healed Jasper for us.

Navy: You protected all of us.

Army: You showed Green Diamond what real strength is.

Leggy: Thank you for setting an example for us Era-2 Gems by showing us that even we don't have as much powers as our Era-1 predecessors, we can make a difference.

Steven: Well, you're welcome. I'm glad that I helped you guys out. See you guys later.

Jasper and the Rubies: Bye Steven and Connie.

Steven and Connie walked back to the front of the Barn and saw Peridot inside constructing something and Lapis was watching her.

Steven: Hey Peridot, what are you making. Another meep-morp?

Peridot turned to him and answered his question.

Peridot: Actually no Steven, I'm creating a device that can hopefully solve our corrupted gem dilemma, remember when you healed Emerald and her crew of their corruption?

Steven nodded.

Peridot: I figured that since we now know that you can heal them, since we now know that the Diamonds used a sound or a song to corrupt their minds, and that corruption can be passed on by fusion as seen with Jasper and the corrupted quartz she captured and fused with, and it's going to take a very long time for you to heal each and every single one of them since using your dream powers will exhaust you physically. I figured that with my gem technical knowledge and your powers of love, we could accomplish saving these poor gems from their fate. So I'm creating a machine that can help you heal all of them at once. I call it, the Corruption Healing Helmet!

Steven: Woah! That sounds cool! I can't wait to see it when it's done!

Connie: I don't know Peridot, this sounds dangerous. I mean all at once, it's risky.

Peridot: Don't worry Connie, it's totally safe, I'm going to make more of these for you, me, and the rest of the gems.

Lapis: She has a point, Steven can't take on corruption by himself, he's going our help too.

Connie: I- wow, okay that's... actually a good point. As long as I'm going with Steven, I'm okay with it.

Steven: Well we going to go now. See you guys later.

Peridot and Lapis: Bye Steven.

Steven and Connie walked back to Warp Pad and warped to Bismuth's forge.

Bismuth's Forge

Steven and Connie walked off the Warp Pad and into the canyon to Bismuth's Forge.

Connie: Steven, if we don't make it, I just want you to know that really, really, love you with all of my heart!

Steven: I feel the same way Connie, with all of my heart!

Connie went and hugged Steven and he returned it.

After a few moments of walking, they made it to Bismuth's Forge.

Bismuth was there repairing Rose's Sword when she heard the two walk in.

Bismuth: Steven, Connie, perfect timing. I finished repairing Rose's Sword.

Connie: Wow, thanks Bismuth!

Steven: Your weapon making skills are amazing Bismuth.

Bismuth: Well it's a pleasure doing Bismuth with you.

Steven and Connie chuckles at Bismuth's pun.

Steven: Well listen Bismuth, Peridot's making some helmets for us to go and battle the minds of corrupted gems so we're going to cure the corrupted gems when Peridot's done building them.

Bismuth: Awesome, I've been wondering to see what our corrupted friends look like?

Steven: Now all we have to do is wait for Peridot finish them so let's take a walk to pass time.

Steven, Connie, and Bismuth walked to Warp Pad and warped to the Strawberry Battlefield.

One Hour Later...

Steven and everyone else was at the Barn as Peridot finished the last helmet.

Peridot: Okay now Greg, Andy, you took have to stay behind and watch us, this is going to take awhile.

Andy: Alright.

Greg: You got it.

Peridot: Alright everyone, helmets on.

Peridot was the first to put her helmet on.

Pearl was next,

then Amethyst,

then Eyeball,

then Navy,

then Army,

then Leggy,

then Doc,

then Jasper,

then Bismuth,

then Garnet,

then Lapis,

then Emerald,

then Jade,

then Nephrite,

and Connie and Steven were left.

Before Connie put hers on she cupped Steven face...

Connie: Before we do this I want to give you this, think of it as my thank you for saving the universe, you deserved this a long time ago Steven.

She kisses him on the lips, Steven was shocked and his blushing face showed how much he was, eventually he returned it, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her closer to him. Greg and Andy were smiling at the young couple's display of affection.

Steven released Connie after a few moments.

Steven: Well that was a nice thank you Connie, and you're welcome.

Connie: Yeah, well. We should put our helmets on. The corrupted gems are waiting for us.

Peridot: Are you two ready yet?

Connie: Ready.

Connie puts her helmet on.

Steven: So am I.

Steven puts his helmet on.

Peridot: Okay, everyone activate your gems and they'll be activate as well! Except for Steven, you tap into you sleeping powers to activate it. And Connie, you need to go to sleep too and dream of being with us.

Corruption Space Rift...

Peridot and the others activated their gems and Steven and Connie went to sleep, with Steven tapping into his dream powers and Connie dreaming of being with Steven and the gems. After a few moments they were all in one place, it looked a battlefield but a bit larger and battle damaged. There were some ponds and lodged pieces of metal, presumably from a ship or a part of a weapon, planted into the ground!

Steven: What is this place?

Jasper: It looks like a battlefield.

Garnet: Where's the corruption race?

Suddenly, the ground was rumbling underneath them.

Pearl: Look!

They all look ahead and saw an army of a thousand corrupted gem entities charging towards them.

Connie: That must be them.

One of them spoke.

Corruption Incarnate: So you're the remaining Crystal Gems... pitiful. But we should thank you cause your rebellion caused our existence, all these gems are corrupted because of you.

Steven: Look out guys, these guys are stronger than they look!

Jasper: Come on!

Crystal Gems vs The Entire Corruption Race...

Jasper summons her helmet and everyone else summoned their weapons.

Garnet: Stand together everyone, we fight in groups. I'm literally a team so I'll go as myself, Jasper and Bismuth, you're team 2, Emerald and her crew, team 3, Pearl and Amethyst, team 4, Rubies, team 5, Lapis and Peridot, team 6, and Steven and Connie, you're team 7! Everyone got it?

Everyone: Got it!

Corruption Incarnate: Let's go!

All of the Corruption entities charged at them!

Pearl: Here they come!

Peridot created some staffs out of the metal lying around.

Lapis gathered up all of the water from the surrounding ponds.

Steven and Connie held each other's hands for support.

The Rubies fused into the Mega Ruby.

Bismuth shape-shifted her hands into hammers.

Pearl summoned some Holo Pearls for back up and Amethyst summoned two upgraded whips.

Emerald, Nephrite, and Jade summoned their weapons.

Finally, the battle began!

One of them brought it's claws down on them, but the group jumped out of the way and they were separated as the groups were surrounded by 270 each, 170 for individuality.

Garnet tackled one to the ground and punched it with one of her upgraded gauntlets, causing it to disappear, she sensed two other ones behind her and roundhouse kicks them away. She regained her ground and fired her gauntlets in two different directions, blowing up the unfortunate entities that were caught into the radius of the explosion. Now she has to wait until her hands can regrow, and with this battle, every second is critical.

Garnet: Guess I'll have to got on the defensive until my hands reform... I'm fine with that!

Jasper slammed one of the Corruption beasts around on the ground a few times before throwing it into a group of them, causing them to disappear like the viruses they were. Bismuth was smashing her enemies into dust, and every attack was causing them to glitch out of existence! Jasper spin dashed into them from her side and Bismuth was using her range advantage against the enemies from her side! Eventually, they were back to back!

Jasper: You getting tired Bismuth!

Bismuth: Are you kidding, I'm just getting warmed up, you!

Jasper: Of course not! This is what I was made for!

Bismuth: Let's finish this!

Jasper nods and they continue fighting.

Emerald and her crew were back to back in a triangle shape, expertly blasting all of there corrupted enemies to atoms. If anyone was getting to close, they got took out their physical form using their martial arts.

Emerald: These guys just don't let up!

Nephrite: You said it!

Jade: We can do it!

The three joined hands and some of their foes jumped towards them but they jumped up at last second and vaporizes them from above. And they landed on the ground and saw some more of them.

Jade: Bring it ON!

The Mega Ruby was blowing their enemies away with their strength! But due to their inexperience as a fusion, they were suffering the most damage. But they kept fighting regardless. The Mega Ruby was breathing heavily to signify it!

Mega Ruby (Doc): This is going to be difficult for us and our fusion, but we'll show that we can still fight!

The Mega Ruby grabbed two corrupted entities by the arm and kicked them into the crowd of them.

Lapis and Peridot were back to back. Water attacking on one side, metal was defending on the other side. Peridot took them down with her metal staffs when they got to close to them.

Lapis: This is going to be easy.

Peridot: You're right, it is!

Peridot launched a few scraps of metal, cutting through their physical forms with ease and Lapis creating a water barrier around them for protection.

Peridot: Take our combined powers you corrupted clods!

Peridot continued attacking the corrupted entities with her metal powers with Lapis backing her up.

Pearl stabbed through a corrupted entity's chest and defended herself from all of attacking sides by twirling her trident around! She then stabbed her trident into the ground jumped on top of it and some of her enemies to run towards it, and she jumped high into the air, quickly summons two more tridents, charges a fully powered energy balls on the tips of them and blasts them into the enemies below her, blowing them to smithereens. Amethyst sets her whips on fire and started whipping her foes with them. Eventually, the two were back to back.

Amethyst: Pearl, I think we should fuse. We can get rid of them a lot faster if we do!

Pearl: You're right, let's do it!

Pearl and Amethyst danced and in few seconds Opal was formed.

Opal (Amethyst): Come get some of this!

The rest of corrupted entities attacked Opal, but with Pearl's skills and Amethyst's strength, they were easily dispatched with a single multi-shooting arrow.

Opal (Pearl): Alright, let's go help the Rubies.

Opal ran off to do just that.

At last with Steven and Connie, they were fighting side by side and d were in perfect sync, and the Jam Buds were so in sync that it wasn't funny and it would make Garnet blush. Connie cuts off an arm of one of a corrupted enemy charging at her and Steven threw his shield at the other one, cutting it in half and causing it to disappear. Connie put Rose's Sword between her teeth and starts slashing away at all every enemy that came at her, three sword style.

(Shout-out to the One Piece franchise for its wackiness and severely awesome moments)

Steven was shield bashing at his enemies that were getting close to him and Connie. Steven summoned another shield and threw it at another enemy that was behind Connie.

Connie: Thanks Biscuit.

Steven: You're welcome Strawberry.

Connie saw another entity behind and couldn't warn Steven in time so she jumped into the air and did a 360 degree flip over to him and cut down the entity with her three swords. Now Steven and Connie were back to back.

Connie: Steven, you thinking what I'm thinking.

Steven: Yeah I am.

Steven and Connie held hands and they instantly fused into Stevonnie.

Stevonnie (Steven): Alright Connie, let's show them what our skills can do!

Stevonnie: Yeah!

Stevonnie then charged at the nearest corrupted entity and vanquished it with Rose's Sword. Another one appeared behind them and tried to attack them but Stevonnie summoned Steven's bubble, bouncing it away and Stevonnie threw one of Connie's swords at it, making it disappear.

Stevonnie (Steven): Sorry but you forced me to do the deed.

After about an hour later, only one of them remained.

Stevonnie (Steven): Everyone attack together!

Opal set her whips on and jumps into the air, she then did a ballerina spin really fast and with the flaming whips, she became a flaming tornado and flies down at the final enemy, Jasper charged at it with her comet charge, Bismuth, Peridot, Emerald, Nephrite, Jade, and Lapis attacked from a distance with her weapons, shapeshifting powers, metal powers, and water powers respectively. Garnet fired her gauntlets as rockets, the Mega Ruby fired her flame range attack, and Stevonnie threw Steven's shield and charged up Steven's Curing Beam in Rose's Sword and fired it. The final Corruption Incarnate fired a fully powered Corruption Beam but it couldn't stop the combined forces of the Crystal Gems! The Corruption entity let out a massive scream of fear as his entire body disintegrated right before it's very eyes. When the smoke clears, the Corrupted foe was no more! And everyone finally took a breather. Opal defused out of exhaustion and Stevonnie defused gracefully for the first time.

Steven: So... who needs to be healed?

No one raised their hands.

Steven: Ok, just asking. Now where are the imprisoned gems. Jasper can you sense them.

Jasper: Yeah.

Jasper concentrated her gem sensing ability and after a few seconds she responded.

Jasper: I've found them, this way everyone!

Jasper led the others to what looks like a war torn prison and it was.

Corruption Prison...

Jasper and the others were in a dark room.

Emerald found the light switch and turned it on and when she did, everyone was shocked at what that saw.

It was the thousand gems, Homeworld and Crystal Gem, that were victims of the Diamond's cruelty.

Steven: Alright everyone, we got some releasing to do...

One Hour Later...

Steven and everyone have released everyone from their cells and explained to them that Rose gave up her physical form to create Steven, Homeworld and Earth were at peace and that the war was over. They seemed to be alright with it.

Steven: And that's everything that's happened while all of you were corrupted.

Ocean Jasper: Thanks for the update Steven.

Biggs: So what do we do now.

Steven: I guess you're going to have to go back to your old bases around the world.

Suddenly, the prison and everything around it started collapsing.

Peridot: Quick guys take your helmets off, Steven and Connie wake up!

Everyone did just that.

The Barn...

Steven and Connie woke up as everyone took off their helmets.

Steven: We did it. Now to pop the bubble.

Steven went over to the massive bubble that contained all of the now cured gems and popped it, the barn was filled with a rainbow glow of colors.

30 Minutes Later...

Steven and the others were on a stage in the middle of Beach City, everyone from Beach City, Keystone and the cured gems were there. The cured Gems were in the audience.

Steven walked up to the mic.

Steven: Hello everyone, I been finding out that you guys don't know about what the Crystal Gems is all about. So I hope that a few songs can help explain why. Here it goes, the songs are Still Not Giving Up, Do it for her, and We are the Crystal Gems.

Still Not Giving Up...

Steven and others started playing their instruments before they began singing.

Steven: Hey there have you heard about the infamous Gem war
Well it all started long before I was born.

Garnet: Thousands of years of fighting to protect the human race
It's been pretty tough keeping up the pace

Pearl: I sure have made my fair share of mistakes.

Steven: I didn't know that Rose Quartz was such a big deal
There are some wounds that even healing powers can't heal
Oh, I feel like I've messed up This magical destiny really kicked me in the butt
We've had some good times and some pretty bad luck

Peridot and Lapis: But we're still in this together
And we're still not giving up.

Bismuth: We're still not giving up
Jasper: I'm still not giving up

Everyone else: Da da da da da
Da da da da da da Da da da da da da
Da da...

The audience cheered at the amazing performance.

Do It for Her...

Steven: Okay, next is Do it for Her, this is a three person performance between Pearl, Connie, and Jasper.

Jasper was shocked and Pearl and Connie were surprised.

Jasper: Really?

Steven nodded.

Jasper smiled.

Everyone began playing their instruments.

Pearl: All right. Everything begins with your stance. Remember:

You do it for him
And you would do it again
You do it for her, that is to say
You'll do it for him. Keep your stance wide,
Keep your body lowered,
As you're moving forward
Balance is the key Right foot; left foot,
Now go even faster
And as you're moving backwards
Keep your eyes on me. [Connie] Keep my stance wide, (Good)
Keep my body lowered, (Right)
As I'm moving forward (Concentrate!)
Pearl: Don't you want him to live!?

Connie: Right foot; left foot.

Pearl: Yes, but put your whole body into it!

Everything you have, everything you are
You've got to give–

Jasper: On the battlefield
When everything is chaos,
And you have nothing but the way you feel, your strategy and a sword;
You just think about the life you'll have together after the war! And then you do it for her,
That's how you know you can win,
You do it for her, that is to say
You'll do it for him.

Pearl: Deep down you know
You weren't built for fighting,
But that doesn't mean
You're not prepared to try. What they don't know
Is your real advantage,
When you live for someone
You're prepared to die.

Connie: Deep down I know
That I'm just a human.

Pearl: True.

Connie: But I know that I can draw my sword and fight!

Pearl: But you know that you can draw your sword and fight!

Connie: With my short existence,

Jasper: Good.

Connie: I can make a difference,

Pearl: Yes, excellent!

Connie: I can be there for him
I can be his knight I can do it for him,

All three: You'd do it for her

Pearl: Okay, now do that again

Connie: Yes, ma'am.

Pearl: You do it for her, and now you say.

Connie: I'll do it for him.

Everyone was cheering at the epic performance, Connie's parents clapped at their daughter's musical talent.

We are the Crystal Gems...

Steven: Okay everyone, do you understand us now cause if you don't, our last song should do it. Everyone get into your instruments!

Everyone picked up their instruments and began playing with them. Steven began to sing.

Steven: If you're evil, and you're on the rise
You can count on the all of us taking you down.

Bismuth: Cause we're good and evil never beats us.

Amethyst: We'll win the fight and then go out for pizzas.

Garnet: We are the Crystal Gems.

Pearl: We'll always save the day

Nephrite: And if you think we can't

Emerald: We'll always find a way.

Lapis: That's why the people of this world believe in.

Lapis: Lapis,

Peridot: Peridot,

Jasper: Jasper,

Bismuth: Bismuth,

Rubies: The Ruby Squad,

Emerald: Emerald,

Nephrite: Nephrite,

Jade: Jade,

Garnet: Garnet.

Amethyst: Amethyst.

Pearl: Pearl,

Connie: Connie,

Steven: and Steven!

Pearl: If you could only know, what we really are.
When we arrived on Earth, from out beyond your star.
We were amazed to find, your beauty and your worth.

Peridot: And we will protect your kind,

Lapis: And we will protect your Earth,

Jasper: And we will protect your Earth,

Garnet: And we will protect you!

The flashbacks of Steven's life flashed in the background from his first gem glow to now for the audience to see.

Garnet: I will fight for the place where I'm free!
To live together and exist as me!

Bismuth: I will to protect my friends and everyone else from there untimely end!

Jasper: I will fight in the name of Pink Diamond and everything that she believed in!

Lapis: I will fight to protect my home and the only friends that I've ever known!

Peridot: I will fight to protect my home cause there are things on this planet that are worth protecting!

Ruby Squad: We will fight for our hero and the person that helped her!

Connie: I will fight to protect my friends, my family, and my love Steven!

Emerald, Nephrite and Jade: We will fight to protect the messiah of our world!

Pearl: I will fight in the name of Rose Quartz!
And everything that she believed in!

Amethyst: I will fight for the world I was made in!
The Earth is everything I've ever known!

Steven: I will fight to be everything that everybody wants me to be when I'm grown!

Crystal Gems: The odds are against us, this won't be easy, but we're not going to do it alone!

We are the Crystal Gems!
We'll always save the day
And if you think we can't We'll always find a way
That's why the people of this world

Greg: Believe in

Lapis: Lapis,

Peridot: Peridot,

Jasper: Jasper,

Bismuth: Bismuth,

Rubies: The Ruby Squad,

Emerald: Emerald,

Nephrite: Nephrite,

Jade: Jade,

Garnet: Garnet,

Amethyst: Amethyst,

Pearl: Pearl,

Connie: And Connie,

Steven: And Steven!

Everyone went wild at the absolutely amazing performance they just saw!

After the cheering quiet down, Steven went up to the mic again.

Steven: Alright everyone, if you understood us, make some noise if you do.

The crowd cheered extremely loudly.

Steven: Guess that answers my question, alright everyone remember the Crystal will always protect you and your Earth goodnight!

Connie walked up to Steven and grabbed him by the cheeks!

Connie: And always remember, I'll always love you!

Connie kissed Steven on the lips again in front of everybody and he returned it! The crowd including Priyanka and Doug went "Aww" at the young couple's public display of affection.

Life was good as Steven and Connie were now dating, Jasper, Centipeedle, and all of the corrupted gems are finally free of their corruption, and Homeworld finally agreed to stop attacking Earth with a truce of peace. Earth was finally at peace. And now for the final words of this story...

The End...

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy 2017 everybody. I finally completed my first story before the year ended! Hooray! See you all next time!