On Homeworld

Yellow Diamond is sitting on her throne, still angered at Peridot Facet 2F5L Cut 5XG's (The Peridot that joined the Crystal Gems.) betrayal! Suddenly, her Pearl came running in the room.

Yellow Pearl: My Diamond. There's something you need to see. It's very important.

Yellow Diamond: Okay Pearl, what is it.

Yellow Pearl presented her information from a spy drone to her Diamond.

Yellow Pearl: I managed to send a spy drone to Earth when that Peridot called you a clod and it picked up something very interesting. I figured you should see it.

Yellow Diamond: I'll be the judge of that.

The spy drone showed Yellow Diamond the events of Gem Drill all the way to Bubbled.

Yellow Diamond was EXTREMELY shocked at everything she saw.

Yellow Diamond: I can't believe this, there are still gems on that miserable planet! Okay, they can corrupt Jasper, sent my Ruby squadron drifting through space, but they bubbling my cluster is where I draw the line!

Yellow Diamond was seething with immense anger as she looks at the video of Steven again.

Yellow Diamond: That boy... is a gem, but he's a human, what is he?!

Yellow Pearl: Maybe he's a fusion my Diamond.

Yellow Diamond: I doubt that Pearl, he doesn't have 2 gems or more.

Yellow Pearl: Oh, of course my Diamond.

Yellow Diamond: This boy... has Rose's powers... I got it, he's a hybrid!

Yellow Pearl: A hybrid?!

Yellow Diamond: Yes, my Pearl! Rose's offspring. A combination of a human and a gem, and that means Rose Quartz is gone and her remaining are leaderless!

Yellow Pearl: I see. What do we about the problems on Earth and this... hybrid my Diamond?

Yellow Diamond: Assemble all of my gem soldiers and technicians Pearl, we're taking Earth once and for all!

Yellow Pearl gives the diamond salute.

Yellow Pearl: Yes my Diamond!

Yellow Diamond started to laugh evilly as the scene fades out.

On Earth

Steven was going to the Barn with Connie to introduce her to Lapis and Peridot for the first time. After they've arrived on the warp pad, they walked the 20 ft. to the Barn. They finally get to the Barn, seeing that Lapis and Peridot were on the truck watching Camping Pining Hearts.

Percy: But Paulette, I need you! Peridot: Oh, get over it, Percy. Go make another friendship bracelet. Lapis: Seriously.

Steven: Lapis, Peridot, Hi!

Lapis was excited to see Steven again and flies down to hug him with Peridot coming in close behind her.

Lapis: Steven! It's so good to see you again!

Steven: It's good to see you guys again too.

Peridot came out of the Barn and hugs Steven too.

Peridot: Steven, it's been awhile.

Steven: It's good too see you again Peridot.

Lapis then notices Connie standing right next to Steven and lets go of Steven.

Lapis: Steven, who is this?

Peridot notices Connie as well.

Peridot: Hello.

Steven: Oh right I'm almost forgot. Lapis, Peridot, this is Connie.

Periodt: Pleased to meet you.

Peridot shook hands with Connie, who shook hands with her.

Connie: It's nice to finally meet you Peridot.

But Lapis was a bit confused.

Lapis: Connie?

Connie: My name is Connie Mahesweran, you almost drowned me and Steven in your fight against the Crystal Gems trying to the use the ocean to fly back to your Homeworld.

Lapis: Lapis Lazuli, it's nice to finally meet you and I'm sorry for almost drowning you.

Lapis extends her hand to Connie.

Connie: It's okay, I forgive you.

Connie shook hands with Lapis in return.

Steven: How have you guys been?

Lapis: We've been good.

Peridot: Oh Steven, Connie, guess what!

Steven: What?

Connie: What is it?

Peridot: I've improved my metal powers, come and see!

The group goes into the Barn, where there was a bunch of metal rods on the floor.

Peridot: Watch this.

Peridot makes a fist.

The metal rods formed themselves into a simple gauntlet around her fist, a little bit like Ruby's gauntlet but completely made of metal and skinnier.

Peridot: I can finally make weapons for myself!

Connie and Steven were amazed.

Steven: Cool.

Connie: Wow.

Peridot: Thank you.

Steven: How did you do this thing?

Peridot: It all started when...

Flashback: The Barn, Evening...

Peridot walks around feeling a little down and thinking to herself when Lapis comes up to her.

Lapis: Hey Peridot, what are you doing.

Peridot: Thinking about my new powers and how I can activate them when I want to.

Lapis: Well think, when was the last time you used your powers?

Peridot: Hmm, let's see... I first used it when I saved my tablet from being thrown into the ocean, the times I introduced my one gem band when Amethyst and Steven were here, that when I tried to show off my metal powers to Jasper and failed to but I kept trying, the same day when Jasper was corrupted and I used them to poof her and recently when I tried to drop an injector on that speedy corrupted gem, and I failed to make it fall.

Lapis: Okay, what were you feeling in those moments?

Peridot: With my tablet: Fear.

When Amethyst and Steven were here: Excitement.

Against Jasper's Corrupted Form: Fear.

Finally Against that speedy Corrupted Gem: Cockiness.

Lapis: Maybe your powers are like Steven's. They probably run on your emotions.

Peridot: Hmm... Maybe they do.

Lapis: Why don't you try to use your emotions offensively.

Peridot: How Lapis?

Lapis: Hmm... Let's go to the Beta Kindergarten, you need do to some training with your powers.

Peridot: Alright.

The two barn mates went to the warp pad and warped to the Beta Kindergarten.

Beta Kindergarten...

Upon arriving to the Beta Kindergarten, Lapis and Peridot stepped off the Warp Pad.

Lapis: Alright Peridot, let's see if you can remove that injector up there from it's spot with your metal powers.

Peridot tried to use her powers to remove the injector from it's spot but like against Jasper, it fails.

Peridot: I can't do it.

Lapis: Don't give up Peridot, you can do it, just keep trying.

Peridot kept attempting for the next few hours and after all that, it's still not being removed.

After numerous attempts she snaps.


But Lapis was having not of this.

Lapis: Peridot, stop crying!

Peridot stopped crying a little and was just sniffling and looked up at the ocean gem.

Lapis: Peridot, listen to me. You're not a waste of space, you ARE a Crystal Gem. You do have powers, they just take time manifest.

But Peridot says this in response!

Peridot: What do you know Lapis! You're not a Crystal Gem!

Lapis: I may not be a Crystal Gem, but I've known them a lot more then you have, I was there during the Rebellion, now granted I was trapped in that mirror but still. I've known what it's like to feel powerless. When I was trapped in that mirror, I was helpless, I couldn't escape and when I'm up against someone stronger than me, I just give up because I feel like if I fight back, it will just make the situation worse, I used to, but now I can feel like I can do about anything with my power and I have Steven to thank for that. So believe me when I say you can still save the day with or without powers.

Peridot started to feel a little better.

Peridot: R-Really?

Lapis: Of course, now let me ask you this: Who saved your tablet from being thrown into the ocean?

Peridot: M-Me.

Lapis: Who came up with the One Gem Metal Band when Amethyst and Steven were at the Barn?

Peridot: Me.

Lapis: Who took down Jasper after she got corrupted?!

Peridot: Me!

Lapis: Who captured that Speedy Corrupted Gem, one that outsmarted the Crystal Gems?!

Peridot: Me!

Lapis: Who helped Steven save the Earth from the Cluster?!

Peridot: ME!



Peridot's declaration echoed throughout the Beta Kindergarten!

Lapis: That's the spirit Peridot!

Peridot felt better now.

Peridot: Thank you Lapis, I needed that.

Lapis: You're welcome Barn Mate.

Peridot hugs Lapis' legs, who returned it a few moments later.

Peridot then tried to move the injector again and... she move it.

Peridot: I did it.

Lapis: Good job Peridot, I knew you could do it.

Peridot: I have you to thank for that.

Lapis blushed at this.

Lapis: Let's go home Peridot.

Peridot: Okay.

They went back to the Warp Pad, and warped back to the Barn.

End of Flashback!

Back to the Present...

Steven: Did you keep improving your powers.

Peridot: Why yes, I did.

Connie: Amazing...

Peridot: Heh-heh, thanks.

Steven: Thanks for helping out Peridot with her powers Lapis.

Lapis: You're welcome Steven.

Lapis, Steven and Peridot gave Connie a tour of the Barn, showing her Lapis and Peridot's ate or as they called it meepmorps, showing her the Giant Metal Yo-yo that she made for Smoky Quartz.

Connie: Nice... meepmorps. But what's with the giant metal yo-yo?

Steven: That's for me and Amethyst's fusion, Smoky Quartz.

Connie was amazed.

Connie: Woah, you and Amethyst fused!

Steven: Yes, it was during the final battle against Jasper. Amethyst was fighting Jasper, but she wasn't doing any damage to her at all. I threw a shield at one of the injectors to separate Jasper from me and Amethyst. Amethyst was about to give up, but I told her that she doesn't have to be like Jasper, that she's like me, because we're both not like anybody. I helped her up and she hugged me and BOOM, we fused!

Connie: Wow, I'm so happy for you and Amethyst, I can't wait to meet Smoky Quartz.

Steven took her hand, which causes Connie to blush.

Steven: And Smoky Quartz can't wait to meet you too.

Suddenly, The Crystal Gems came into the Barn.

Garnet: Guys! Stop everything!

Steven: Garnet, what's wrong!

Garnet: Yellow Diamond is coming to Earth, and she's her entire army with her.

Steven, Connie and Lapis: WHAT!

Peridot: OH NO!

Garnet: I saw it with my Future Vision. She found out that we stopped the Cluster. She'll be going after Steven.

Steven: What's the plan?

Garnet: We need to get Steven as far away as possible from Beach City as possible.

Steven: What, why!

Garnet: Steven, you don't understand! Yellow Diamond will stop at nothing to find you. You must leave Beach City.

Connie: Garnet's right. We need to protect you!

Garnet: You're going with him to do just that Connie.

Connie: What?!

Pearl: Yellow Diamond will be too much for you to handle, you've trained hard but Yellow Diamond is on an entirely different level than us. You and Peridot must leave with Steven.

Connie: O-Okay Ma'am.

Peridot: Wait a second. Steven and Connie leaving is understandable but why do I have to leave as well?

Amethyst: Yellow Diamond might know where the Barn is, so, she's probably gonna come after you too since you called her a clod to her and helped Steven bubble the Cluster. So you're a target for her rage as well.

Garnet: We have a day to prepare for her arrival. We need to use that day wisely... cause they could be our last one together.

Steven, Connie, Lapis and Peridot looked at each other with worried looks on their faces.

Hour 1: Training with Pearl

Steven, Lapis, Peridot and Connie are at the Sky Arena, Lapis and Peridot sitting in the stands watching and Steven and Connie were in the center, with shield and sword respectively in their hands, ready for Pearl's training. Pearl was standing in front of them.

Pearl: O-Okay you two. I hope you're ready for you're final l-lesson...

Steven: Are you okay Pearl?

Pearl started to tear up a little.

Pearl: Yes, I'm f-fine.

Connie: Pearl... please tell us what's wrong.

Pearl looked at them with tears in her eyes.

Pearl: I-I'm sorry it's just that... you are going to leave Beach City so we can could protect it from Yellow Diamond's Army, and you can't fight alongside us, despite everything that we went through. I feel like I failed as a teacher to you.

Steven and Connie immediately went up to Pearl and hugged her.

Steven: Don't say that Pearl, you haven't failed us, Connie and I wouldn't be where we are today if it wasn't for you.

Connie: Yeah, and besides I wouldn't be training in sword fighting if weren't for you, I've gotten stronger both physically and mentally because of your teachings.

Pearl started to tear up a little more.

Pearl: You're right, thanks you two.

Pearl hugged them closer to her.

Steven: You're welcome Pearl.

Connie: It's the least we could do, Ma'am.

Lapis and Peridot smiled at the scene before them.

Pearl: Are you guys ready for your final lesson?

Steven: Ready!

Connie: I'm ready!

Pearl summoned an army of a thousand Holo-Pearls with all sorts of different weapons. Steven and Connie looked at each other with determination and charged at the army of a thousand Holo-Pearls (which were on Master Mode by the way.) and vice-versa. The sounds of metal clashing against each other was the only sound that filled the air around the Sky Arena.

Steven defended Connie from a Holo-Pearl with a battle helmet with his shield, and Connie sliced it in half, causing it to disappear. Connie and Steven were surrounded by a group of Holo-Pearls who were wielding drills or tridents, Connie started spinning Rose's Sword so fast, it was like a spinning fan. The Holo-Pearls' weapons were destroyed like wood is chopped up by a wood chipper. Also, the force of Connie's sword spinning causes a tornado to propel the group of Holo-Pearls into the air, unable to move. Steven threw his shield at the immobilized Holo-Pearls. The training continues from there.

The entire time that Steven and Connie were training, Lapis and Peridot were cheering them on the whole time.

Steven and Connie were tired after the hour of intense training.

Pearl: Good job you two! I'm so proud of you!

Steven (weakly): T-Thanks Pearl.

Connie (weakly): We've finally passed your t-training.

Steven and Connie fell on the ground, completely exhausted from their intense training.

Lapis: Steven, Connie!

Lapis and Peridot immediately got up and ran towards the trio.

Pearl: Woah, woah, it's okay guys. They're just tired, they need a little rest.

Lapis calmly rub her hand her on the sleeping Steven's face.

Lapis: Get some rest you two, you've earned it.

Peridot: Get as much sleep as you two can.

Hour 2: Wrestling and Eating Amethyst

After the training session with Pearl, Lapis and Peridot carried Steven and Connie to the Warp Pad and returned to the Beach House by the Warp Pad, with Pearl staying behind at the Sky Arena for some time to herself. When they arrived, Amethyst was there eating a sandwich.

Amethyst: Hey guys, how-

Lapis: Shh.

Peridot (whispering): Steven and Connie are sleeping, please keep your voice down.

Amethyst (whispering): Oh right.

After a few minutes passed, Steven and Connie woke up.

Steven: Hey Amethyst.

Connie: Hi Amethyst.

Amethyst: Hey guys, listen I'm about to go to the wrestling warehouse, do you guys wanna come?

Steven: Yeah!

Connie: Sure!

Amethyst: Lapis, Peridot, you guys wanna come to?

Peridot: Well... of course.

Lapis: Sure thing.

Amethyst (in her Purple Puma form), Steven, Lapis and Peridot walked out the house and walked to Warehouse.

After arriving there, Mr. Smiley was there as well and smiled at their arrival.

Steven: Hey it's Mr. Smiley.

Mr. Smiley: Well, well, well, if it isn't the Jungle Duo and uh...

Lapis: I'm Lapis Lazuli... pleased to meet you, Mr. Smiley.

Mr. Smiley: Nice to meet you. Listen, today is the final match of Group-Team Division, are you two ready?

Purple Puma and Steven: Yeah!

Mr. Smiley: But there's some bad news, the other two members of your group: Handsome Hank Hackleschmidt and Dashing Danny Doober (Characters from the Tiger Millionaire episode in case you don't know), are sick with the flu, so there not going to be here for your final match tonight.

Purple Puma: Oh no.

Steven: What.

Mr. Smiley: Yeah, so unless you can find some new recruits, I'm gonna have to cancel the match.

Steven and Amethyst looked at each other with worried looks, but Connie spoke up.

Connie: Hey, you guys need some replacements... I'm in.

Steven: Woah!

Amethyst: (Purple Puma): What, really?

Connie: Of course.

Mr. Smiley: Good, but it's a 5 on 5 battle, you need 2 more people to qualify.

Steven, Amethyst and Connie looked at Lapis and Peridot.

Steven: Lapis, Peridot, you guys in?

Peridot: Hmm, I don't know Steven, I'm not exactly the combat type.

Lapis: It would be unfair for the human competitors.

But Steven gave them the puppy dog eyes.

Steven: Please...

Lapis and Peridot couldn't resist the puppy dog eyes.

Lapis: Okay.

Peridot: Okay, I'm in! Just put the puppy dog eyes away!

Steven: (Giggles). Okay.

Mr. Smiley: Great, we start tonight!

3 hours later...

Peridot: Steven, is this something wrestlers wear?

Peridot was wearing a green wrestling outfit, and a green mask with cat whiskers on it, and to top it off, she has a hand band (a triangle one.) with cat ears on it on her head.

Steven: No, not all wrestlers wears this. It's your wrestling ego: The Green Cheetah.

Peridot: Oh. Okay.

Lapis: How do I look Steven?

Lapis has long cat whiskers on her face and was wearing a blue female wrestling costume, with blue gloves, a blue shirt with a V-shaped cut and blue shorts.

Steven: You look great Lapis, your wrestling alter ego is the Sea Cat!

Amethyst: You two look great!

Amethyst shapeshifts into her Purple Puma form.

Connie came out in a outfit similar to her training outfit. but it had cougar fur all over it and had a mask on as well.

Connie: So guys, how do I look?

The gang had different reactions.

Steven started blushing.

Amethyst had a wide grin.

Peridot had stars in her eyes.

Lapis had a small smile on her face.

Steven: You look amazing Connie, your alter-ego is the Courageous Cougar.

Amethyst: You look like a beast!

Peridot: Like a boss!

Lapis: You look great.

Connie: Aw, thanks guys.

Amethyst: Alright, let's go guys.

They all headed out the door to go to the Warehouse.

At the Warehouse...

Mr. Smiley: Are you ready to wrestle?

Amethyst (Purple Puma): YEAH!

Steven (Tiger Millionaire): Yes!

Connie, Peridot and Lapis (Courageous Cougar, Sea Cat, and Green Cheetah respectively): Yea!

Mr. Smiley: Great, then let's go.

At the ring, two groups were ready to face off.

Mr. Smiley: Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the final match of Beach City's Group Division. In this corner, we have the Jungles Heroes, consisting of Tiger Millionaire, Purple Puma, Courageous Cougar, Sea Cat, and the Green Cheetah!

The crowd cheered at their group.

Mr. Smiley: And in this corner, we have the Titans of Destruction, consisting of the Undertaker, Kane, Stone Cold, the Rock and Steve Blackman!

Peridot felt a bit intimidated at their opponents.

The crowd went wild at this group!

Mr. Smiley: Are you ready!

The groups nodded.

Mr. Smiley: Get set...

The groups and the crowd waited in anticipation.

Mr. Smiley: WRESTLE!

The Titans charged at them.

Amethyst charged at Stone, Connie was face to face with Kane, Steven and Steve Blackman faced off, The Rock charged at Peridot, and Undertaker tried to attack Lapis, to no avail.

Steven was dodging Steven Blackman's kicks and Steven grabbed his leg.

Steven: Wait, please Mr. Blackman, can we talk this out?!

Steven Blackman: I'm sorry Steven, but I have a title to defend. I hope you understand.

Steve Blackman used his other leg to kick Steven in the face, sending him back a little.

Kane had Connie in his chokehold and was about to do his finishing move when Connie grabbed him by her legs, forcing him to let go and flips him onto the ground.

Peridot ripped one of the metal bars of the rings and tries to hit The Rock with it, but the Rock grabs it from her and starts to attack her with it.

Amethyst and Stone were in a grapple match, which is at a stalemate.

The crowd was going wild.

Mr. Smiley: Oh, it's a madhouse in there!

Stone threw Amethyst to the ropes, which propels her into Stone, and he clotheslines her to the ground.

Mr. Smiley: Oh, a devastating move by Stone!

Steve tried to kick Steven, but the half gem grabbed him by the leg and threw him into The Rock, who was trying to beat Peridot with her metal bar.

Mr. Smiley: Nice backup from Tiger Millionaire!

Lapis was just standing still letting the Undertaker hit her with everything he has, but Lapis, being a gem was unaffected by all of this and he eventually tires out and Lapis pokes him to the ground.

Mr. Smiley: OH! The Rock and the Undertaker is down!

Lapis: You brought this on yourself Undertaker.

Peridot used her metal powers to launch a few chairs at the Rock.

Kane was having some trouble trying to keep up with Connie's speed, eventually Kane tried to punch her but Connie grabbed him by his arm and flipped onto his back, paralyzing his arm.

Mr. Smiley: Ouch, a devastating move by Courageous Cougar!

Connie: Oh no, I'm sorry, are you okay!

Kane: Don't worry, I can still fight with one arm.

Kane grabbed Connie by her throat and slammed her to the floor.

Mr. Smiley: Uh oh, Kane pulled off his finishing blow!

Kane: It's been good fighting you, but I got a prize to collect.

Kane started to advance on the others when Connie called out.

Connie: Hold it right there Kane!

Kane turned around and was shocked that Connie get back up, completely fine.

Connie: I'm not done yet Kane. I'm just getting started.

Connie charged at Kane and in a surprising show of strength, flipped Kane over on his right leg, breaking it.

Mr. Smiley: OH! Courageous Cougar broke Kane's leg.

Connie: Sorry Kane, I didn't mean to do that!

Kane: Don't worry about it kid, this is we wrestlers do here. Break bones and body slam each other in the ring.

Connie felt a little better at that.

Amethyst elbowed Stone in the face and Peridot forced The Rock down with her metal powers.

Steve got his leg stuck in the rope of the ring and Steven threw him into the center of the ring, knocking him out.

Mr. Smiley: Oh! The Jungle Heroes has won the championship!

The crowd cheered for their new champions.

Amethyst hugged everyone in her group.

Amethyst: Ha, ha, ha! Great job you guys! We won!

At Fish Stew Pizza...

The gang opened the door to the restaurant, Kofi was there to meet them.

Kofi: Steven, it's been a long time, what can I get you!

Steven: Hmm, Lapis, Peridot, do you guys want anything?

Lapis: I have a slice.

Peridot: I'll try some of it.

Steven: I'll have a half pepperoni and half plain pizza Kofi.

Kofi: Okay, one half pepperoni and half plain pizza coming right up, Kiki we got an order!

Kiki: On it Dad!

After a few minutes, Kiki made and gave them their pizza.

Kiki: Hey Steven, here's your pizza.

Steven: Thanks Kiki, how are things with your sister?

Kiki: Things are going good between me and Jenny. How have things been with you?

Steven had a sad smile on his face and look down to hide his inevitable tears.

Kiki: Oh, I'm so sorry Steven, was it too personal?!

Steven: Yes, very emotional...

Kiki: You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.

Steven: No, it's alright Kiki. I can't bottle these things up.

Kiki: We'll I'm here if you want to talk about things.

Steven: Actually, I feel like to talk about them now.

Kiki: Okay! Dad, I'm going to take a break!

Kofi: Okay, I'll take your shift!

Kiki: Thanks!

Connie grabbed a seat for Kiki to sit down in.

Steven: The past week have been a traumatic rollercoaster for me. First, I had to poof Bismuth, one of my own family members, to prevent her from using her weapon called the Breaking Point: A weapon used to shatter other gems. Then I tried to save Jasper from being corrupted, but she wouldn't let me and became fully corrupted. After that, Me and the others went to moon with some Rubies where I found out that my Mom shattered her diamond, the head of Earth's colonization, Pink Diamond. Finally, when I was blown out into space, I nearly got killed by the Ruby that was there when Pink Diamond was shattered. That's how traumatizing the past week has been for me. I've learned a lot about my mom this week, now I have to suffer the consequences for her actions...

Steven had tears running down his after his explanation.

Everyone was shocked at this and felt bad for Steven.

One by one, they began to hug Steven.

Kiki: Steven, I'm sorry all of that happened to you.

Connie: I hope you can talk to Garnet and Pearl about these things.

Amethyst: You'll be okay Steven, I know you will.

Lapis: Don't be sad Steven, you had no choice.

Peridot: You can't help everyone Steven.

Steven returned the hug.

Steven: Thanks guys, I needed this.

Amethyst ruffles his hair.

Amethyst: It's the least we can do.

Everyone spent the rest of the night talking, and eating their pizza.

Meanwhile on Homeworld...

All of Yellow Diamond's soldiers (both Eras 1 and 2) were assembled in Yellow Diamond's control room.

Yellow Diamond: My army, you are all assigned to a very special mission: You see there are some remaining Crystal Gems on Earth and there another thing on that miserable planet.

Yellow Diamond showed her loyal gems the footage of Steven.

The Homeworld gems gasped at what they were seeing. Yellow Diamond spoke again.

Yellow Diamond: Now before you say anything, no this isn't that traitor Rose Quartz in a new form, and no this isn't a normal human. This is Rose's offspring, her son Steven. He's a half gem human hybrid.

A brown Jasper spoke.

Jasper (Facet 3D5K Cut 7H)K): What's our mission, My Diamond?

Yellow Diamond: Your mission is to capture the other Crystal Gems... especially Peridot Facet 2F5L Cut 5XG... to lure the hybrid to me!

Yellow Diamond's Army: Yes, My Diamond!

Yellow Diamond: Good, get ready, we go to Earth in one Earth rotation, so go train for it.

All of Yellow Diamond's soldiers went to the training arenas.

Yellow Diamond: Soon Steven, you will fall.

Back on Earth...

Garnet walked into the Burning Room and looked at the Gem bubbles, to make sure none of them popped.

Garnet: Okay, none of them are popped.

Garnet then looked at two gems in particular. a tear slid down her face.

Suddenly, Garnet walked out of the Burning Room...

Only to return a few seconds with a pencil and some sticky notes, writing something.

Hour 6: Fusion Training with Garnet!

Steven and Connie were in the living room watching the season 3 finale of Under the Knife, when Garnet walked in.

Garnet: Hello Steven, Connie.

Steven: Hey Garnet.

Connie: Hi Garnet.

Garnet: Are you two busy afterwards, I want to train you guys as Stevonnie.

Steven: Sure.

Connie: Of course.

After they finished Under the Knife season 3 finale, Garnet, Steven and Connie were outside on the beach.

Garnet: Okay, you two, are you ready?

The two nodded.

Garnet: Good, you know what two do.

The two held hands and fused into Stevonnie.

Stevonnie: Ah, it's good to be fused again. So Garnet, what's our training?

Garnet materialized her gauntlets.

Garnet: I want to see how far you've come as a fusion.

Stevonnie: Oh, okay.

Stevonnie pulled out Rose's Sword and summon their shield.

Garnet: I want to come at me with everything you've got.

Stevonnie: You too Garnet.

Garnet: I plan to.

The two fusions charged at each other.

Garnet tried to punch Stevonnie in the face, but Stevonnie blocked with their shield, Stevonnie tried to attack Garnet with their sword, Garnet dodged it and jumped back. Garnet made her gauntlets grow to big and fired her rocket fists at Stevonnie, but they made their shield big to protect themselves. A big explosion rocked the beach. When they emerged from the smoke, they charged at Garnet and threw their shield at her, which she catches in her hands, but Stevonnie was counting on this. Before Garnet could throw the shield back them, Stevonnie jumped off the shield and into the air and readied Rose's Sword. Just as they are about to hit Garnet with the sword, she glows and unfuses into Ruby and Sapphire.

Stevonnie: Ruby! Sapphire! Woah!

Stevonnie unfuses into Steven and Connie and Steven ran up to hug Ruby and Sapphire.

Sapphire: It's nice to see you again Steven.

Ruby: Hey Steven.

Connie walked up to the trio.

Connie: So is this Ruby and Sapphire?

Ruby: Yeah, it's good to meet you Connie.

Sapphire: Hello Connie, I'm Sapphire and that's Ruby.

Connie shook hands with Sapphire.

Connie: Well it's nice to finally you two for the first time.

Sapphire: Likewise. Why don't we spent the rest the day getting to know me and Ruby.

Connie: I'd like that.

Sapphire: Ok, Steven, Ruby, are you guys ready?

Steven and Ruby: Yeah!

Steven: To Beach City everyone!

Sapphire, Ruby, and Connie laughed at Steven's cheerful attitude. This was going to be a fun day for the four of them.

The rest of the day went like this:

1. Steven, Ruby, Sapphire and Connie went to the Big Donut, where Ruby and Sapphire were introduced to Lars and Sadie. While ordering their donuts, Lars accidently made an insulting comment about Sapphire, and Ruby took it the wrong way and it took the combined strength of Steven, Connie, Sapphire and Sadie to hold Ruby, who summoned her gauntlet, back from attacking Lars. Lars quickly apologized to Sapphire and he gave them their order: two chocolate donuts for Steven and Connie, and a red frosted and blue frosted donuts respectively for Ruby and Sapphire. They bid farewell to Sadie and Lars and left the Big Donut.

2. The gang went to Greg's It's a Wash, where they helped Greg with some business. After a reunion between Greg, Ruby and Sapphire, Ruby and Sapphire decide to tell Connie their backstory of how they met Rose and Pearl, how they first fused into Garnet and how they've decided to stay as Garnet. Connie was amazed by all of it.

3. Finally, they decided to take a walk around Beach City, where introduced Ruby and Sapphire to everyone they came across, share stories with one another, etc.

Steven and the others returned to the Temple when it got late.

Ruby and Sapphire were ready to fuse back into Garnet.

But before they do, Ruby untied her headband from her head and gave it to Steven.

Ruby: Here Steven, you can have this.

Steven: Your headband?

Ruby: As something to remember me by.

Ruby started to tear up.

Sapphire kissed Steven on the forehead, giving him a little Future Vision.

Steven: Future Vision for the road?

Sapphire: Yes.

Connie: Will I ever see you two again?

Ruby: You probably won't but remember Connie, we'll always be with you in spirit.

Sapphire: You and Steven always have each other.

Ruby and Sapphire tearfully hugged Steven and Connie, which they tearfully returned.

After releasing them from the hug, they fused back into Garnet.

Garnet: Did you two enjoy your day with Ruby and Sapphire?

Steven: I did, thanks Garnet.

Connie: They were nice gems, I'm glad your made of their love Garnet.

Garnet ruffles Connie's hair.

Garnet: So am I Connie. So am I...

Steven called Connie's parents to see if they can let Connie stay over, at first they were against it, but seeing that it's late, they allowed it as long as nothing went wrong. Steven agreed that nothing would go wrong and ended the call. After ending the call and telling Connie that she can stay, they went inside the house.

After a few hours, Connie was already asleep and Steven was getting ready to go bed, with Garnet by his bed.

Steven: This was a great day, thanks Garnet.

Garnet: You made it great Steven.

Steven: Yeah that's true.

Garnet: Good night Steven.

Steven: Goodnight.

Garnet kissed Steven's cheek and left into the Temple.

On Homeworld...

Yellow Diamond and her gem followers were into their ships to head to Earth. But Blue Diamond stops her from entering her own ship.

Yellow Diamond: Hello Blue Diamond, what is it?

Blue Diamond: I'm wondering why you are leaving Homeworld.

Yellow Diamond: There are still Crystal Gems on Earth Blue, I'm going there to take care of them and there's also a gem human hybrid, he has that traitorous Rose Quartz's gemstone. I'll make sure he falls as well.

A sudden voice calls out to Yellow Diamond... it was White Diamond.

White Diamond: Wait!

White Diamond ran up to them.

White Diamond: There are still Crystal Gems on Earth and you didn't tell us?!

Yellow Diamond: I'm sorry, I just wanted to destroy the Earth so badly, that planet is the reason that Pink Diamond is gone!

Blue Diamond: Well you're not the only one who misses her Yellow, you had no right to keep this from us.

White Diamond: We miss her too, we should do this together!

A silence filled the air and after a few moments Yellow Diamond spoke again.

Yellow Diamond: (Sigh) You're right. I was being selfish. We should do this together...

White Diamond: Blue, gather your forces. We're going to Earth too.

Blue Diamond: Got it. You do the same.

White and Blue Diamond went to gather everyone in their factions, letting Yellow Diamond enter her ship, she went to her control room and sat down in her chair, waiting for her fellow Diamonds to prepare for their invasion of Earth.

On Earth, The next day...

Steven and Connie were walking around Beach City, bumping into Mayor Dewey in the process.

Mayor Dewey: Oh hello Steven, who is this with you?

Connie: I'm Connie.

Mayor Dewey shook hands with Connie.

Mayor Dewey: Well it's nice to finally meet you Connie, here have a button.

Mayor Dewey gives Steven and Connie voting buttons.

Mayor Dewey: Please show your support in the next election, could really use it.

Connie: I will.

Steven: Me too.

After he left, they ran into the Cool Kids.

Cool Kids: Hey Steven!

Steven: Jenny, Buck, Sour Cream!

Steven and Sour Cream high-fived, fist bumped with Buck, hugged Jenny, who returns it.

Steven: How have things been you guys?

Buck: It's been good for me, my dad decides to lay off on the things I do.

Sour Cream: It's been great for me, my dad decided to let me be what I want.

Jenny: It's been good, business is booming at Fish Stew Pizza.

Connie: I'm glad it's working out for you three.

Jenny: Thanks Connie.

Sour Cream: Well, we'll see you guys later.

The Cool Kids went their separate ways.

Steven and Connie went to Beach City Fries, where they saw Peedee and Steven working.

Peedee: Hey Steven and Connie, how are you guys?

Steven: We're good, how are things with you?

Peedee: Amazing! Things have been going for my family.

Steven than noticed Ronaldo.

Steven: Hi Ronaldo!

Ronaldo: Steven, Connie, it's been a while, how have you two been?

Steven: I'm good.

Connie: Me too, how's your blog Ronaldo?

Ronaldo: Why don't you take a look for yourself?

Ronaldo showed Steven and Connie his blog, Keep Beach City Weird, and the subscribers it had.

Steven: Woah! No way!

Connie: 5,000 subscribers!

Ronaldo: I know right. It shocked me when I saw it this morning.

Mr. Fryman: Ronaldo, I need some help back here!

Ronaldo: Coming! See you guys later!

Steven and Connie: Bye Ronaldo!

Ronaldo: Bye, check out my blog!

Steven: We will!

Steven and Connie decided to walk back to the Temple, hand in hand.

Meanwhile in space...

A massive fleet of gem warships, roaming eyes with Yellow, Blue and White's ships leading them through the stars towards Earth. Blue and White Diamond contact Yellow Diamond from their ships.

A projection of Blue and White Diamond appeared in Yellow Diamond's control room.

Yellow Diamond: Hello Blue and White Diamond.

White and Blue Diamond: Hello Yellow Diamond.

Blue Diamond: Yellow Diamond, I have an idea for when we get to Earth.

Yellow Diamond: You do? What is it?

Blue Diamond: How about instead of destroying the remaining gems when we arrive, we capture and interrogate them for the hybrid's location, because I'm sure that when we get there, he's not going to be in the vicinity.

White Diamond: That sounds like a good idea.

Yellow Diamond: Hmm, that's good. When we get to Earth, we'll send our army on them. They're strong but they'll be overwhelmed by superior numbers. Good idea Blue.

Blue Diamond: Thanks Yellow, I must go now.

Yellow Diamond: Okay, see you soon.

The projection of Blue Diamond disappears, but the projection of White Diamond stays there.

White Diamond: I have another idea in mind.

Yellow Diamond: You too. Well is it White?

White Diamond: Well checked the footage you showed us and I came up with something, when we arrive on Earth, you and Blue send your armies on the Crystal Gems, I'll set a force field around the city there protecting to make sure the humans there don't escape and we force them into slavery in those gems don't.

Yellow Diamond: Hmm, great idea, prepare your troops for that.

White Diamond: Thanks, I will. Please inform Blue and I'll see you soon.

White Diamond's projection disappears.

Yellow Diamond thinks to herself as the fleet gets closer to Earth with every second that passes by...

Back on Earth...

Steven and Connie returned to the Temple to find Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Lion there, supposedly waiting for them.

Garnet: Hello Steven, Connie.

Steven: Hi Garnet!

Connie: Hi guy, how you been waiting for us?

Pearl: Why yes, we have. There's one last training session for two to take before you leave.

Steven and Connie: What is it?

Amethyst: Brutal group combat... against all of us.

Connie: What! But don't you think that's a bit much...

Pearl: That's what I said, but don't worry, I'll go easy on you.

Garnet: One more thing, this is separate training, then teamwork training.

Amethyst: I'll go first, Connie you're up.

Connie: Okay.

Amethyst equips her whip and runs at Connie, but Connie quickly got out Rose's Sword from Lion and charged at Amethyst. Amethyst lashed her whip at Connie but she slid under the whip and knees the defective quartz in the stomach, sending her back. Amethyst got back up and spin dashed at the young, but skilled swordswoman, Connie blocked the attack with the sword, but it was slowly pushing her back. Realizing this, Connie use this to her advantage, and turned the sword upside down so that the tip of the sword was planted in the ground and Amethyst spun dashed up it like a ramp and was sent into the air. Amethyst landed on her back.

Connie: Are you okay Amethyst?

Amethyst: I'm fine. My turn.

Amethyst spin dashed at Connie, but she dodges it but Amethyst was counting on this and spun dashed back at her a few times but Connie dodged it every time and a smoke cloud from Amethyst continuous spin dash blinds her. When the smoke clears, Connie was tied up in Amethyst's whip.

Connie: Huh? How did-

Amethyst tightens up her whip and sends Connie to the ground.

Connie: Wow, I didn't see that coming. That was amazing Amethyst!

Amethyst: Ha-ha, thanks.

Amethyst sends some energy through her whip but Connie cut herself free and rolled out of the way of the incoming explosion.

Amethyst: Okay Connie, brace yourself for my strongest attack.

Connie: I'm ready!

Connie held Rose's Sword in a defensive stance.

Amethyst summons another whip and lights them on fire, rolls into them, and it turns into a fireball and rolls into Connie, causing a big explosion.

Steven and the others were forced to cover their eyes from the smoke.

When the smoke clears, Connie was standing on one knee with her sword, she some burn marks on her face, and her clothes had burn marks all over them and smoke was coming from them. Amethyst was on the ground coughing from her attack.

Amethyst: Are you okay Connie.

Connie: That was powerful, but I'm okay Amethyst.

Amethyst: Okay I'm done.

Pearl: Good job, you two.

Steven ran over to them and healed both of them with his healing spit.

Steven: Yeah that was great.

Amethyst and Connie: Ha-ha, thanks.

Garnet: Okay, it's your turn Steven.

Steven: Hope you're ready Amethyst. Cause I'm coming at you and not holding back.

Amethyst: I'm ready for you Steven.

The two "worst" gems charged at each other.

Meanwhile in the deepest reaches of space...

The Ruby which Steven calls Eyeball was still floating through space after the events of "Bubbled" she was so angry at the events that has transpired.

Eyeball: Rose Quartz... I'll get her for this, when I find the others.

Unknowing to her, the fleet was closing on her position.

Yellow Diamond: The last Ruby of my recovery team.

Yellow Diamond's ship sends out a tractor beam to retrieve her.

Eyeball suddenly felt being pulled in by the tractor beam.

Eyeball: Huh! What the- what's going on! HELP! AAAAHHHHHHHH!

Eyeball has been pulled into Yellow Diamond's ship.

Eyeball: Huh? What the- Where am I?

Yellow Diamond: Your in my ship Ruby.

After a few moments, Eyeball regained her eyesight and saw Yellow Diamond. Eyeball quickly got up to salute her.

But before she had the chance, she was immediately hugged by the retrieved Army Ruby.

Army: Ruby!

The other Rubies which Steven called Leggy and Navy who were also retrieved joined in on the hug. Leggy was shedding tears.

Navy: You're okay!

Leggy: I'm glad you're alright.

The other Ruby which Steven called Doc who was retrieved as well ruffled Eyeball's hair.

Doc: I knew you could make it soldier.

But Eyeball was having trouble breathing.

Eyeball: It's... good to... see you guys again too... but you're... crushing... me... could you please... let go... before I... poof!

Army, Navy, and Leggy immediately let go of her.

Yellow Diamond: Rubies, stand at attention.

The Rubies immediately looked towards Yellow Diamond and saluted to her.

Yellow Diamond: Now that you're all here. I've known about the status of your mission to retrieve Jasper.

The Ruby Squad gulped after hearing this.

Yellow Diamond: Your incompetence is appalling. Not only have you failed your mission, but you've lost a Roaming Eye ship to the remaining gems on Earth. Gems of your incompetence should be shattered.

That line sent a chill down the Rubies' non existent spines.

Yellow Diamond: However, since resources on Homeworld are low, you won't be shattered.

The Rubies all collectively sighed in relief.

Yellow Diamond: Now listen up, Homeworld is invading Earth for a second time to capture the other Crystal Gems and their allies. When we capture them, I want you to take their base for Homeworld and guard from all opposition! Got it.

Ruby Squad: Got it.

Yellow Diamond: Good. Now go prepare yourselves for battle.

The Ruby Squad left to do just that.

Yellow Diamond smiled wickedly to herself.

Back on Earth...

Steven and the others were in the Beach House, they were done with their training and were just talking about some things, like previous missions, what happened when the others weren't around etc.

Until Steven decided to talk about something that's been on his mind since "Mindful Education".

Steven: Hey guys, there's something I want know.

Garnet, Amethyst, Connie, and Pearl all looked at him.

Garnet: Of course Steven, you can ask us anything.

Steven: Well... since Yellow Diamond is coming with her army, this may be the last time I can talk to you guys about this. it's been on my mind for a while now.

Pearl: You can tell us Steven. We'll understand.

Amethyst: Yeah man. C'mon, spit it out!

Steven was hesitant to tell them, but Connie held his hand.

Connie: Steven, you can't keep this bottled up inside, it's time to tell them.

Steven nodded, took a deep breath and spoke again.

Steven: It started when I was fused with Connie as Stevonnie when we were training. I was having visions of Bismuth, Jasper and Eyeball, and how I failed to help them. And the vision was the one I had with my mom, and that look she gave me was too much for me to bear, that's what caused us to fall from the Sky Arena.

Garnet and Pearl were shocked at this and Steven spoke again.

Steven: Those visions were because of what happened before that, Pearl, remember when we found Rose's Sword and Scabbard?

Pearl turned pale remembering those events.

Steven: When I trying to calm you down, I said that maybe she was just trying to protect you like everyone else, and you said that I never met her, do you have any idea how much that hurt me, and when was chasing you, you gave me such an angry look like you were blaming me for her being gone...

Pearl was wide eyed in shock and Steven started tearing up.

Steven: Amethyst, remember New Year's Eve?

Amethyst looked down in shame and nodded.

Steven: I saw the argument you had with my Dad. I know about how my mom was always there for you until she started hanging out with him...

Amethyst started tearing up too.

Steven: Back to you Pearl, I was awake during your song of how you couldn't move on from my mom even now that she's gone...

Pearl started tearing up as well.

Steven: Garnet, when you unfused that time at Keystone Motel, I felt like it wasn't just Pearl tricking you that made you guys fight, it was the fact Rose is gone and you guys blaming me for it too!

Garnet was driven to tears.

At this point, Steven was started to get angry as tears rolled down his face.

Steven: I want you guys to be completely honest when I ask this.

Steven took a brief pause to wipe the tears off his face, he took another deep breath and continued in a loud tone.


The entire Beach House was silenced after Steven asked that. At this point, Steven and the other gems had tears running down their faces.

Steven: I mean all I d-do is love, protect, and care for your guys a-and all I get is hatred from my own family. I DON'T DESERVE THIS KIND OF TREATMENT!

Neither of the gems could believe what they were hearing. All of this was coming from the youngest Crystal Gem's mind. This is how he feels about them? Like they were just masking their emotions to make him feel better? He's kept this a secret for so long and he's just now telling them? This was very scary and upsetting to hear, especially because he thinks they have so much hatred towards him just because he 'took their leader away.'

Pearl was driven to tears. Her own baby thinks that she hates him because he knows how she feels about Rose. She even said so herself that she was beautiful and wonderful, but now, she's no longer here. He thinks that she's only watching over him because he reminds her of his mother. She thought she knew the young boy so well, but now it's like she hasn't met him at all. Sure she misses the former leader, but she didn't know that the son of Rose Quartz felt discriminated and destroyed about all this. The ballerina gem felt devastated and heartbroken.

Amethyst didn't feel any better. She, too, felt heartbroken about this thought. She got teary eyed, but she didn't visibly cry her eyes out like Pearl did. Instead, she was mentally sobbing. She was supposed to be the big sister to the son of Rose Quartz, letting him know that she'll help him out with any situation that he's having trouble in. She feels as if she's broken that promise to pieces and thrown it out into the sea. To avoid letting anyone see how upset she is, she covers her face with her hands and her hair.

Garnet. Nobody can feel anymore undone, self hating, and guilty than she does. As close as she wanted to be with the young boy, she felt like he didn't want her anywhere near him, despite the fact that he's literally sitting on her lap right now. She feels like she's the one responsible for making him feel the way he is now because she's the leader. She's supposed to support him in any situation, whether it be good or bad. She couldn't stand to hear him think so lowly of himself. Steven Quartz Universe. The half human half gem kid who's always so positive about his surroundings, the people, anything. Never, in his entire life has she ever heard him say anything so hateful about himself. More tears were coming out of all three of her eyes at this point. Garnet felt like she was going to unfuse right then and there, but she can't. She must keep it together. She has to stay strong. For her planet. For her team. For Steven.

She takes off her visors, revealing her teary eyes, and tells the youngest gem, who's also crying.

Garnet: Steven. Why do you think we would do such a thing to you? Of course we miss Rose, but we would never forgive ourselves if you were gone because of us, or anything for that matter. You have brought so much joy, happiness, and love to us throughout your whole life. From the time you were born all the way up til today and you still do. It hurts us so much to see you torn apart because you think we hate you. We, as the Crystal Gems, would do anything to make sure you're safe and sound, even if it means that we have to be shattered.

Steven stops crying. He wiped his wet eyes as he was listening to more of what Garnet tells him.

Garnet: And it's not you or Greg's fault that Rose isn't here right now. She made the decision to let you experience this world. She was willing to give up her physical being for your existence. She told us herself that she wasn't going to be on Earth when you were born. She was aware of this. She was willing to make that sacrifice and we accepted it. Steven, even if you do hate us because of how we've been treating you, we'll still love you until we're shattered, and even after that. I'm sorry you feel this way to us. If you forgive us, we'll be more open about Rose whenever you wanna talk about it. If you wanna talk about it. If you don't, then we'll understand. We'll leave you alone for however long you want us to. We won't bother you if you're not in the mood to deal with us, and we won't spend time with you if you feel like we don't deserve it. It scares us that you're hiding these feelings and not telling us what's going on. Especially about your mother. We wanna know because we wanna help. And we wanna help because we love you. Again, I'm sorry.

After the fusion apologizes for the second time, the young boy looked at the three gems. The tone in Garnet's voice is telling him that she genuinely means what she said. They weren't angry or disappointed in him. They were scared and upset because he wasn't open about his feelings to the gems in terms of his mother, like Garnet said. What was he thinking? The gems would never hate him or discriminate him for who he is. If anything, that's the reason why they love him so much. Not just because he's a part of Rose, but because he's the symbol of friendship, love, and hope. He's the reason Amethyst has matured more. He's the reason Pearl became more calm, less picky about things, and hardly ever fights the short gem anymore. He's the reason Garnet has been more open about her feelings and has become more loving towards the young hybrid. He's also the reason Connie has changed from the shy and quiet girl to the exciting, confident, and friendly person she is now. Steven is the love that binds everyone together.

The young 14-year-old hugs Garnet as tight as he could, not ever wanting to let go, as little droplets of tears came out of his face. The fusion returned the embrace while Amethyst and Pearl joined in on the hug fest, meaning that they have been forgiven. Steven could only say this.

Steven: I'm sorry I made you guys feel scared. I didn't know how you would react when I told you. And, I didn't wanna take this stress on you guys either." He tells them.

Garnet: Don't apologize. We're the ones that should be sorry. And don't feel like you're taking your stress out on us. There's nothing that you say or do that'll make us feel frustrated. If anything, I'm glad you told us.

This made the young girl feel so happy, seeing her best and only friend be so loved by his guardians. She kinda wishes to join in and to tell the young boy 'I told you so,' but she doesn't wanna ruin the special moment for the family. Steven deserves this, after everything he's been through.

Seeing that Connie was being left out at the hug fest, Steven opened his arm, allowing her to join.

"A-are you sure it's okay for me to..." She says and blushes in the process.

"Don't be silly, Connie. Friends hug, and we're friends, right?" he tells her, still offering her to join.

Now wanting to take this opportunity, Connie rushes over to Steven and the gems and joined in on the hug fest. She, along with everyone else, was treasuring this valuable moment

The silence was broken when Steven tells everyone this.

Steven: I love you guys.

The gems tell the lovable half human, "I love you too, Steven." And they mean it with all their gemstones.

All is forgiven. Steven and the gems still love each other, and the baby of the team has strengthened everyone's relationship more than before. Now, the young boy truly feels like he has someone, or 'some-three' to be open to about anything without feeling like a burden. Because he knows that they'll be there when he needs them the most. Connie is still his sweet best friend, Garnet and Pearl are still his motherly figures, and Amethyst is still his big sister that he can also look up to, but this time, their love is stronger than ever.

But then...


An earthquake rocked the entirety of Beach House and knocked everyone off their feet. Outside, Beach City was feeling the earthquake as well. The streets were getting torn up and buildings were shaking from the inside out, windows were shattered and the things inside the buildings were shaking around.

After a few moments the earthquake stopped.

Steven: Oh man. Are you guys okay?!

Garnet: We're fine Steven, let's head outside to find out what's going on.

Outside The Beach House...

Steven and the others went outside and looked up and were horrified by what they saw...

The Homeworld fleet has arrived, and it's slowly coming closer.

Steven: Oh no.

Amethyst: Is that-

Pearl: Homeworld's-

Garnet: fleet!

Connie: What do we do?!

Steven: We need to lead the citizens out of Beach City.

Garnet: And fast.

Steven and the others immediately went to the center of Beach City and rounded all of the civilians up.

Mayor Dewey: Steven, what's going on! What was that earthquake all about.

Steven: It was because of that!

Steven pointed to the approaching fleet.

The citizens of Beach City were all shocked at this.

Steven: We all must evacuate Beach City before it lands, we'll lead the way.

Mayor Dewey: Okay. Everyone, gather up your things and proceed to your vehicles, we're evacuating Beach City.

Everyone proceeded to do just that.

Back at the Temple, the Crystal Gems were preparing to open fire on Homeworld's fleet to try to stop it from landing.

Pearl and Amethyst fused into Opal and readied the bow, Garnet prepared to fire her gauntlets and Steven readied the Quartzite Trio.

Garnet: Go for it Steven.

Steven: If every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn't have hotdogs.

The 3 Laser Light Cannons fired and as soon that happened, Garnet fired her gauntlets, Steven threw his shield, and Opal fired her bow.

But their combined might wasn't enough as the fleet didn't even get a scratch.

Thanks to this, Opal unfused.

Garnet: Oh no...

Later that night...

Steven, Connie and Peridot were saying goodbye to the Crystal Gems.

Garnet: Goodbye you guys, we'll be okay. Trust me.

Pearl: I'm just glad you'll be safe from the battle.

Amethyst: Be careful out there.

Lapis: Let us protect you from the Diamonds.

Steven: I wish I could stay and help.

Connie: Me too.

Peridot: Me three.

Garnet: I know, but the Diamond Authority is on a whole different level.

Pearl: Please understand, we wouldn't forgive if you guys were killed because of us.

Amethyst: Besides, the Diamonds are out to get you. You shouldn't be in their reach.

Lapis: We believe in you.

Steven, Connie, and Peridot got in Greg's Van, and Greg drives them to Beach City.

Greg's Van was leading the evacuation through Beach City.

Finally Greg drives out of Beach City but before the other citizens can follow... they were cut off by White Diamond's force field. Greg continued to drive away, knowing what just happened. Steven, Connie, and Peridot were shocked to see that happened. Steven whispers to the trapped people of Beach City.

Steven: I come back for you...

At the Temple...

The Crystal Gems was looking at the approaching threat... and they knew they wouldn't stand a chance.

Garnet: Get ready gems... this could be our last battle.

Pearl and Amethyst looked at each other and nodded.

Garnet: Lapis, go see if you can destroy that barrier.

Lapis: I'll try.

Lapis flew over the trapped Beach City and the citizens were freaking out.

Lars: What do we do?

Mr. Smiley: This is not fun!

Peedee: Dad, I'm scared!

Mr. Fryman: I'm scared too. But don't worry, this barrier should go down soon.

Sadie then noticed Lapis flying towards their city.

Sadie: Hey, everyone look! Isn't that the gem that stole the ocean?

Everyone looked at Lapis, afraid of what she was going to do. But they were relieved when Lapis said this.

Lapis: Don't worry everyone, I'll see if I can get you out!

Lapis made huge fists of water and started punching it to try and destroy it with her power, not knowing that White Diamond's ship was slowly approaching behind her.

Back at the Temple, the Crystal Gems stood at the ready and... Yellow and Blue Diamond's ships landed on the sand.

Both Diamond's armies slowly emerged from their respective ships... along with their Diamonds.

The Crystal Gems, especially Garnet were horrified at the sight of the two Diamonds, Yellow spoke.

Yellow Diamond: It's been a long time Crystal Gems.

Yellow Diamond smiles evilly.

This is probably one of the longest intro chapter I've ever done. Ironically, it's my first story but still. I don't want to do this as a long story. I'll probably do 5 or 6 chapters. Please review and I'll see you guys later.