Adam's P.O.V

"No!"I scream as Chase fell to the floor. I can't believe it, he sacrificed himself for us.

"You,"I say pointing to Gisselle,"You did this to him, and now you are going to pay,"I snarl as I activate my blast wave ability. I used all the energy I had in me and fired it a Gisselle.

"Argh!"She screamed before falling onto the floor unconscious. I turned around and saw my family crowded around Chase.

"Chase!"I shout sitting beside him.

"Adam, he's gone,"Bree says tears falling down her cheeks as I get a sense of déjà vu.

"No, No, it can't happen again, We've already lost him once and now…"I cry but my voice broke before I could finish.

"Big D, just do what you did last time,"Leo says.

"No Leo, you know how badly it affected the students, they were really weak after giving their energy and they still are… We can't risk their lives,"Mr Davenport sighs, "It's over.. And there's nothing we can do about it."

I can't believe this. We all went through so much, Chase went through so much, only for it all to end.

"No!"I say standing up, "It's not over, because I won't let it be."

"Adam…"Bree says.

"No!"I shout cutting her off. "I am not giving up on him, he's my little brother and I will never give up on him..Never."

Suddenly Bree stood up from beside Chase and stormed over to me a look of pure anger and sadness on her face.

"Enough!"she screamed, " That's ENOUGH Adam, Don't you think we're upset too, he was my little brother as well, I am just as upset as you are so don't you dare says he's just your brother,"she shouts, "Look I know you upset Adam, but you have to accept the fact that he's gone,"she says in a calmer voice, "And he's never coming back,"she cries breaking down into a pile of tears.

Bree was right. I was being selfish. I was too bothered about my own feelings that I ignored everyone else's.

"I'm sorry Bree, I'm sorry,"I cry hugging my little sister. She grabs my shirt and sobs into it while I put a comforting arm around her.

We then stand up a run over to Chase. We pick him up and start sobbing over his shoulders. As we were doing this I could feel a strange feeling inside of me, I was about to shake it off when I heard Leo shout.

"What that?"

Bree and I look up slightly to see there was three beams of light coming out of all of our chips. These three lights then joined together to create a ring of energy around us. The ring kept getting bigger and bigger until all the energy collided and went straight through Chase. As soon as it went through him Chase gasped and sat up.

"Chase!"we all scream.

"What happened?"he asked, but we ignored his question and pulled him into a hug.

"What was that?"Leo asked as we pulled out of the hug.

"It seems to be some sort of chip link,"Donald says.

"Douglas did you know about this?"I ask as we all look at him.

"No,No...,I didn't …honestly,"he stammers.

We all glare at him before bursting out laughing.

"Not funny!"he scowls.

"I'm glad your back buddy,"I say to Chase.

"Me to,"he smiles.

"Now all we have to do is lock Giselle up and we are safe,"Douglas says before we all turn to where Gisselle was lying. But when we turned around we saw that she had disappeared.

"Hey where'd she go?"Leo asks before we all stand up.

"It doesn't matter, because whatever she is planning, we will take down,"Chase says, "We are a team and when we're together nothing is impossible."

So this is the last chapter. The end of the story:( So this basically just leads up to the Vanishing and well you all know what happens XD. Now I am planning another big story and it will have my OC on my profile in it. Now I won't be posting it yet, probably In a few months or something, but I will still posting some short ones well. I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Until next time…
