Summary/disclaimer: Time for another chapter of Explosive Romance. Enjoy the 700-word chapter. I don't own Star Wars, Disney and Lucas Arts.

2 days before events of (Rise of the old masters)

6 Kom'rk class fighter/transports and 12 Fang Fighters came out of hyperspace into the middle of a massive battle, Bevin had led 20 Fang Fighters into battle with 4 Gozanti-class freighters to gain their supplies. In response, the Empire had sent 6 Light cruisers and had sent dozens of TIE fighters by Quasar class carrier and from the Gozanti-class freighters themselves.

"Soo, this is handling the supply mission?" Bevin heard over the communicator as he identified the voice as Sabine who was on board a Kom'rk as the Fang Fighters ripped through 8 TIE fighters as they joined the battle.

"Didn't expect the Empire to send so many reinforcements, my Fighters are targeting the carrier and cruisers with photon torpedoes. Since you're here, paint girl, I think you should lead the boarding of the Freighters while me and my forces handle the space battle."

Sabine saw Victorious destroy 2 TIES as Bevin flew the Fang Fighter towards a Light cruiser before launching a salvo of photon torpedoes that destroyed the cruiser as it blew in half.

"Ok the supplies on those freighters are what we want, get them and get out." Sabine said as she placed her helmet on her head as she turned to the blue and grey Death Watch soldiers behind her as they readied rifles and made sure their armor was battle ready as the Kom'rk disabled a Gozanti with its laser cannons before pulling up next to the airlock as Sabine jumped into the air lock and placed a thermal detonator on the door.

"Fire in the hole!" The explosion was muffled by space as the Death Watch troopers were deployed by a rack that slide out of the middle of the Kom'rk as they fired on the Stormtroopers in their way, slaughtering them as Sabine grabbed onto the door frame and swung herself inside.

"Sabine, my fighters have taken out 3 of their light cruisers, you have those supplies yet?" Sabine turned and shot 2 Stormtroopers before they were able to aim their guns at her.

"Nearly, your soldiers are raiding the ships now…. I just want to do one thing before we leave…." Sabine pulled out her air brush.

Bevin watched as the last light cruiser was destroyed by a strafing run of 3 Fang Fighters, the rest of the TIE fighters had regrouped around the quasar-class cruiser/carrier as Bevin looked at what remained of his forces. 2 Fang Fighters had been destroyed but their pilots had ejected before their destruction, Fang Fighters would be easy to replace. 6 were damaged and a Kom'rk was lightly damaged.

"10 Fang Fighters, destroy the carrier and wipe out the TIEs, the rest of the Fang Fighters and Kom'rks are to jump back to base." Bevin said as he looked over his shoulder to look at the Kom'rks fly away as a massive colorful explosion took out the freighters in a massive shock wave as Bevin turned on the communicator.

"Let me guess, you wanted to make a massive paint explosion in space?" Bevin saw the Quasar explode as the last TIEs were destroyed by his Fang Fighters before they jumped into hyperspace.

"Got the supplies?" Bevin asked over the comm as he was answered a minute later.

"Yet, ammo, food and explosives onboard plus some fuel canisters from the ship's engine core." Bevin chuckled before turning on his ship's navi computer.

"Let's go before more Imperials show up." Bevin, Sabine and the Kom'rks and Victorious vanished into hyperspace a minute later.

(Swamp moon of Zanbar, Death Watch Base, 2 hours later)

Bevin watched as his men unloaded supplies, refueled their fleet of fighters and prepared for the next round of battles as Sabine walked up to the Death Watch leader.

"I honestly don't think the Empire knows how the handle a Mandalorian clan, it seems like their just throwing rocks at us." Bevin said as Sabine nodded.

"We should get back to Hera and the others, showing you how our war is being fought was fun but I want more one-man army missions." Sabine chuckled as Bevin and Sabine turned to walk back to the hanger.

Author notes

Ok, there will be a Mandalorian Navy but Bevin isn't hijacking any imperial ships. Next chapter will be on next Thursday and will be longer. Let me know in the reviews how and when you want to see Sabine and Bevin get together. Until then, Lighting Wolf out!