AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hello, everyone! So this story popped into my head after reading a wonderful three shot named 'Three faces of an affair' by 'mustlove11'. However, there are only very few similarities between the two stories - which you'd get to know eventually. I'm writing it after taking the complete permission of 'mustlove11'. This is going to be a multi chapter fic. I hope you guys like it:)


Adkins Williams had never bowed his head in front of anyone. Being a half blood Slytherin, in the den of Purebloods, he had always showed it to everyone that he had just s much magic in blood as them all. The former Head Boy of Hogwarts hadn't let his career get a single blotch ever. Hard work and cunningness took him higher and higher till he reached his current position of five years - The Head of Public Relations.

The Second Wizarding War had ended eight years ago. It had taken a lot of effort by the Ministry to restore the wizarding society. Even though the architectural structures had been repaired and people being rehabilitated, the establishment of peace was taking a toll on them all.

Everyday Adkins tried his level best to discuss the new laws that were being decided by the various departments and their effects on the general public. His team worked consistently and dutifully every single day to bridge the gap between the different strata of the society. Yet, it somehow fell short.

The DMLE had imprisoned as many guilty Death Eaters as they could over the course of the past years. Muggleborns had been given posts in the law making process in various departments. Every single Dept. at the Ministry had a mixture of people working in it. Yet, there were apprehensions, there were quiet glares and open retributions.

The general muggleborns had been oppressed for so long that some of them had developed hatred towards the members of the pureblood families. They hated seeing some purebloods living a life of dignity. Whereas some members of the Sacred Twenty Eight still harboured their prejudice as was evident in the upturning of noses and seething glances.

The people of different blood types working together did have an effect on the public. It did manage to thaw the perceptions of people but to a limited extent. The general public all had their prejudices and no amount of galas and events were able to create a dent big enough in the pre conceived notions of the people.

If the Ministry would release a law about the rights of Magical creatures, they would receive howlers from the pureblood elite. If the Ministry would employ children of Death Eaters, they would receive howlers from the Muggleborns. The behaviour of people was not so gently fueled by the various media establishments that had cropped up over the years.

Now, managing the anger of the wizarding world would be still manageable provided it was divided in the entirety of the Ministry of Magic. That wasn't the case though. Anything regarding unrest of the public was inevitably directed towards the Department of Public Relations. No matter the address on the envelope, if it was unofficial, it was sent to the Dept headed by Adkins Williams.

To say he was tired of the consistently pouring Howlers and hexed letters and constant media questions, was as big an understatement as ever possible. His clear record and spotless image was now under constant pressure from both the Ministry and the Public. He struggled everyday to maintain - to create a balance between the two, and failed. Greatly.

He needed to do something big. Something that would stun everyone and restore their faith in each other. Something that would bridge all gaps and change all perceptions. There had to be something that could prevent his sinking career graph. Something that would prevent hin from becoming a laughing stock.

He was roused from his musings by a knock on his door. A disheartened 'Come in' later, his Secretary opened the door to announce that the meeting between his department and the DMLE was soon to begin in the conference room. He grunted a thanks and put on his cloak to make his way to the said room that was adjacent to his office.

As he entered it, the people stood up to greet him and he took a look at the ones present, as if some idea would miraculously pop into his head by seeing their faces. A few members of his department along with a few DMLE members were present around the long table. Some of them looked bored and some excited. Yet, two people stood with identical murderous expressions on their faces and it seemed they were just barely controlling their impulse to murder each other. Completely oblivious to the remaining board members as they stared each other down.

The young man sent a classic sneer in the direction of the young woman who narrowed her eyes in a tow curling glare. And just like that, an idea bubbled into Adkins Williams' head as he looked at the pair in a completely different light. The solution to his misery was here. This was the something that could be his saving grace. Adkins Williams felt like he had won a thousand Galleons as he beamed at the sight of seething Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger.


A/N: Woah. So here was the first chapter. Please let me know your opinions on it and what do you think is going to happen. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it:)

Until next time,
