Heyyyyyy! I'm Baaaack! Had a really bad case of writers block, and I just got back into Undertale, as well as finally got back to playing the game. I finally got past Miss Muffet! But now I'm stuck on Mettaton... Anyway. I also changed Chara to a He, because I think it's more interesting that way! :)

I don't own any of the characters or Undertale. (I wish!)

Chapter 3

Before Sans could even get a word in, the front door of the house slams, and a loud yell reverberates through the house. Sans curses under his breath, taking one more look at Frisk and stalks out of his room, only really leaving when he's locked the door behind him. Frisk looks on in shock, as tears start to pool in her eyes. She knows that voice all too well. That kind face that only wants to solve puzzles, be the best, and have friends. A small whimper leaves her lips as she buries her face in her still bound hands. She doesn't want to face any of them. Now that she's free, she just wants to get out of the Underground, and hopefully never lays eyes on another 'Reset' button again.

"But, 'Partner'..."

Frisk jumps and almost screams. Tears start falling down her face, but now not only in sorrow, but in fear...

"N-no... It can't be... I beat you..." Frisk whimpers and fights to get free, even though she knows Chara is in her head.

"We're in this together, remember? I can't do this without you..." She can almost feel Chara's fingers, like a caress, trailing down her spine. Frisk shivers, the tears keep falling. She doesn't want to go back to the dark, and she doesn't want to keep killing her friends. And this is how it started in the first place; Chara whispering sweet nothings in her ear on how different each reset could be, if you just took one life. He then guided Frisk's hand, showing her what could be possible if she just carried through with the knife in hand. And it was different, because Frisk was no longer the one in control. She shakes her head, digging her nails into the palms of her hands so hard that blood started to bead around her nails. Sans face popped into her head from the first Genocide run. The pure betrayal on his face had made her want to sink deeper into herself at first. Now, it's making her stronger so it won't happen again.

"N-no, Chara... You're not... in charge... Go back... To whatever Hell you crawled out of..." Frisk almost growls at herself. She is DETERMINED to make sure that Chara does not get control again. She can almost imagine Chara cocking his head to the side, with that sick grin on his face.

"We'll see... I'll leave you alone for the time being... Don't worry, you'll see that the Monsters you remember aren't the same... You'll see..."

Frisk sighed in relief as Chara's presence reseeded, but she knew she was still there. Tears still fell down her face as the sorrow came back full force. Papyrus... was in the house...

The door unlocked and opened just enough for Sans to get in. Of course, that's when she noticed, from her struggling, the sleeves of the hoody had been pushed up, and blood was now running down her wrists and from her palms. She looked up at Sans, whose eyes were closed, almost in frustration if he had more of a facial expression... Wait... Frisk giggled to herself as she looked over at Sans.

"Hey, Sans, why the long face?" She bit her lower lip to keep from busting out laughing from her little pun. That's when he looked up at her again, in complete confusion.

"Did you just..." That's when he finally notices the blood running down her arms and hands. She looks down, her wrists and hands now numb from the abuse, and a little light headed from the blood loss. Frisk still looks up at Sans, eyes closed and she smiles.

"Looks like... I made a mess... I'm... Sorry..." She starts to get dizzy, starting to pass out again. Her last thought is that she really wishes she would actually stop passing out. It was getting old. Then... Darkness again.

As the Kid falls back, passing out from blood loss, Sans lunges to catch her before the back of her head hits the wall. Even in unconsciousness, tears continue to fall from Frisks eyes. He just looks down at her in confusion, like he's seeing her for the first time again. It had been - he didn't even know a number at this point - resets since he had heard her crack a pun like that.

A small smile appears on his face as he thinks of the times before the Genocide runs. Sure, the constant repeats sucked, but Frisk, during one of the earlier reset, explained to him that she enjoyed meeting her friends over and over again and recreating the bond that they all had. She had never had that at the Orphanage, and she was positive she would never find that anywhere else. Of course, she said this with no idea that Sans kept his memories through every reset. And with that thought, Frisk moved slightly, whimpering.

"Sans... No... N-no more... Please... I don't... want to..." Sans cheek bones instantly went blue as his mind went straight into the gutter. As Frisk gripped her chest as if in pain, the blush instantly went away. She must be dreaming of the resets where he killed her over and over again... Instantly, Sans good mood disappeared and he was pissed all over again. He waved his hand over her wrists and the bones disappeared. He needed them gone to bandage her wrists, at least. Wouldn't do any good if she bled out and reset again. This reset was different, since Sans interfered and brought Frisk here to begin with.

As he finished bandaging up her wrist, she started, shifting against his hip bone. Sans tensed, lightly taking her wrists in his and binding them together with magic. This would speed her healing, and keep her bound without her hurting herself again. He gets up and heads towards the door. Paps had stopped by to see why he wasn't at his sentry post, and why he hadn't re-calibrated his traps in 8 days. Just like before, but a difference destination. He takes his short cut straight to his post, leaving the kid - the anomaly - on his bed.

Hope you like it! Read and Review Please!