On Bended Knee

Attack on Titan fanfiction


Blue Sonnet (Nana_41175)

Chapter One

Author's Notes: Hello and welcome to another Eruri fic! This time we're delving into Omegaverse! Trigger warnings for dubious consent, ABO dynamics, the works. Enjoy!

The wedding ceremony was mercifully brief. Afterward, Levi would have almost no recollection of it, except that he was in dark silk, as befitting a prince of Erudia, and his husband was in white and gold braid— a dazzling figure, almost unreal as he knelt beside Levi on a gold-tasseled cushion in front of the altar. Levi would not be able to remember the words that left his lips, so mechanical was his response, but he would remember the way Erwin held his hand; the firmness of Erwin's grip that belied the soft suppleness of the white leather gloves that encased those long, graceful fingers.

There was no time to think things through. Ever since he stepped foot here, on foreign soil, not two days ago, Levi had found himself swept along with the inexorable tide of events of which he had absolutely no control. Separated from his retinue and not allowed even his own clothing from Erudia, everything had come as a shock to Levi, yet nothing could surpass the surprise that awaited him in the form of his betrothed. The first and only time they met, Levi had been eight years old, and Erwin fifteen, and Erwin had called himself by a different name then. Now, ten years later, Erwin was known yet again by a different name— this time as the new King of Levario, and Levi's new husband— but Levi could not help but think that all these years, Erwin had played him for a fool.

It was all a mockery— the elegant wedding breakfast (why would they even call it a breakfast, Levi wondered irately, as it was quite obviously a heavy luncheon?), the way they were made to drink wine with their arms intertwined, symbolizing their new union; the many speeches, tedious and empty, that Levi had to endure from the gathered Levarion nobility; all those hollow wishes for his and Erwin's happy future, of their having many children, only served to fuel Levi's growing resentment.

At one point, Erwin, sensing Levi's simmering repugnance, leaned in so that it appeared to the assembled guests that he was whispering intimately into Levi's ear, and said, "I know there has been a great misunderstanding over the years, Levi. I don't know how it went unchecked for so long, but if only you will accept my heartfelt apologies so that we can move on…"

Levi gave him a basilisk stare and only hissed, "fuck you, Mike."

Infuriatingly, Erwin merely looked amused. "Yet you told me that you wanted to marry Mike, all those years ago."

Abruptly, Levi turned away from him to watch the lavish entertainments playing out before them with unseeing eyes, and to accept another glass of wine. Obviously, there was no point in talking to the smug bastard, and it did not help matters at all that he felt very lightheaded whenever Erwin talked to him, or so much as glanced at his direction. What was happening to him?

Before Levi could examine himself further, he realized that fresh horrors awaited him after the wedding breakfast.

"Go and bathe," Erwin said to him as they finally rose from the feast, and Levi could already see the change in him. There was a different light in those piercing blue eyes that stole the breath from Levi and made him suddenly weak as Erwin finished with, "and I shall be with you soon, Levi."

Levi felt that strangeness creeping in again as he was carefully bathed in warm, scented water by two holy women. He did not understand why he did not— could not— resist. He felt almost languorous, his will ebbing away with the lapping water in the porcelain tub as a heavy, curling knot of sensation began to form deep in his belly. When it finally dawned on him what it could be, it was too late. He was already in the full throes of it.

They were not even going to wait for nightfall for the bedding ritual. Apparently, they were going to do it out here, in broad daylight, under the collective gaze of the Levarion council. Any idea that Levi might have entertained that these people were more genteel and civilized went flying out the window, but by the time the nuptial ceremonies commenced in earnest in the King's bedroom, he was so far out of it that he had to be carried in by Mike. The real one.

Clad in nothing but a thin gossamer gown, Levi seemed to weigh no more than a rag doll as Mike deposited him gently at the center of the great, canopied bed, in the middle of the great, gilded room where bright afternoon sunshine flooded in from the tall latticed windows, along with fresh air, carrying with it the whiff of fragrant incense. Beyond the open windows, he could hear the sounds of the jubilant crowds, of a nation celebrating the King's wedding day.

His wedding day.

Feeling suddenly sick, Levi turned away and squeezed his eyes shut. Everything seemed too bright; the slightest noise in the room, the softest murmur, was magnified inside his throbbing head until he could not stand it. He felt queasy, roiling in sensations strange and never before experienced.

The wine, he thought. The wine he had drunk earlier with Erwin had been laced with something. Not a sedative, because he was not feeling calm at all, but something else. He felt the unfamiliar, lurching desire broiling inside him and knew instinctively that he had come into heat for the first time in his life.


He must flee. By all means, he must. Yet he could not even rise from the bed without feeling the urge to throw up. Moaning, he curled himself into a tight ball, heedless of the admonitions, of the hands on his body, trying to soothe him and restrain him. He thrashed against their hold until, all of a sudden, the hands fell away from him. A hush fell abruptly in the room.

Opening his eyes slightly so that they were mere slits, Levi saw the King had arrived.

Erwin. That fucking liar.

He was clad in a simple white silk robe. He stopped at the edge of the ceremonial bed, his gaze carefully blank, almost impersonal as he stared down at Levi's huddled form. A priest began chanting prayers, and two holy women came forward, bearing pots of fragrant oil. Erwin let them remove the robe that covered his body, and despite Levi's mounting panic, he found himself slowly taking in the magnificent body of the man who stood before him. Levi could feel his thoughts scattering, but he was far from insensible, and he was ashamed of the pull Erwin's physical beauty had on him. All throughout the fertility prayers, Erwin's hard, impersonal gaze was fixed on him, seemingly heedless of Levi's widening eyes, his panting breaths, yet Levi could see that Erwin was not disinterested. Far from it. Almost without him knowing it, Levi let out a low moan as the women began to rub the oil all over Erwin's body, preparing him for the savage mating ritual ahead.

An alpha-omega mating was anything but ordinary or common, after all, and just then, Erwin— who had never been anything but polished and suave— looked every inch the alpha male who had just scented his mate.

Levi's eyes grew wide as the thought hit him. All this time, unconsciously, they had been scenting each other. The lightheadedness, the strange languor, the way his body was unconsciously reacting around Erwin— they were all a part of his omega biology, triggered by the proximity of an alpha male who, in turn, will go into rut the moment he scented an omega in heat, which was what Levi's body was in right now. If only he'd realized sooner.

There was no hesitation on Erwin's part. He let Levi see him in his state of arousal, yet he held up a hand to halt the women when their soft, oiled hands drifted farther down the hard contours of his body. This he would do for himself. Slowly, with his eyes never leaving Levi's face, Erwin dipped his fingers into the pot of fragrant oil and coated himself with the fluid, his movements unhurried, almost leisurely. Levi felt his mouth go dry as he took in the thing that Erwin cradled in his hand. He was huge. Ah, so huge, with that thick ring of flesh at the base that would knot them together, when the time came. Of course, Levi had heard all the bawdy stories about alpha males, but he'd never expected this. He eyed Erwin's cock and wondered how it could ever fit inside him, though he had a sense that his body already knew what to do. He flushed hard as he felt the unfamiliar wetness that his body exuded, along with his ripe, musky scent which Erwin picked up immediately, to judge from the sudden flaring of his nostrils and the way Erwin's eyes drifted closed, as though he were savoring a deep, sensual pleasure.

There was no stopping what came next. Levi felt the mattress dip and for a moment, he had a glimpse of Erwin on his hands and knees, his face a hard, feral mask as he made his way toward him, and Levi turned his head away. He felt a large, firm hand on his back, gently sliding up his shoulder, and Levi shivered violently, with fear, with need.

"Sshh," said Erwin soothingly, his lips against Levi's ear. "It's alright. It's going to be alright, Levi."

Levi shook his head. No, he was never going to be alright, not when he had to clamp down hard on his own body as it clamored for Erwin. It hurt, it hurt so much to keep himself intact, and the murmurs around them rose in volume.

Levi gasped as his eyes flew open. He'd forgotten that they had an audience. Instantly, Erwin's arms were around him. "Don't look at them," he warned Levi. "Look at me, Levi."

Levi remained frozen in place, his body rigid, until he felt gentle fingers on the side of his face, turning him around slowly. He shook his head, his jaw clenching tight. He would not kiss Erwin, that lying bastard. He—

Levi groaned as he realized it was not Erwin's intention to kiss him at all. He felt his self control slip further as Erwin bit down gently on the engorged glands just behind his ear, releasing his pheromones and unlocking a part of his brain that responded purely by instinct to an ancient stimulus. Levi felt something fall away from him. He felt his will relax suddenly as the floodgates burst wide open inside his mind, engulfing him in sensations intoxicating and irresistible. He gave in to the pleasure as he turned his nose against Erwin's skin and took in his scent, inhaling deeply.

A low rumble of satisfaction sounded in Erwin's throat. "Yes," Levi heard him say. "Yes, that's it, Levi. Just like that."

Fuck, Erwin smelled so very good, with the oil rubbed into his skin merely serving to accentuate his natural scent that only Levi could detect. He was losing it. He was losing himself, and he should be alarmed, but Levi found that he could not bring himself to care as he felt Erwin's body against his— the broad expanse of a warm, muscular chest against his own, through the thin gown that clothed him. The slickness of the oil provided a friction that was delicious and, without thinking, Levi started to rub against Erwin, imitating a rhythm as old as time.

"Beautiful." Erwin's voice was hushed, reverential as he trailed his mouth along the column of Levi's throat. "You're so beautiful, Levi."

Levi felt Erwin's tongue, a flickering flame as it trailed down his body, stopping briefly to anoint his nipples with saliva. A strange urgency was coursing through him, a fire in his blood. He wanted. He needed. With a moan, he arched his back as Erwin took him into his mouth. His hand was in Erwin's hair but it held no force, no will to extract himself from Erwin's arms.

"Levi." Erwin's voice was a guttural growl as Levi found himself being hoisted up so that his legs dangled over Erwin's shoulders. Erwin's fingers, slick with oil, were around his quivering shaft, gently pumping, and Levi could not suppress a shout as Erwin dipped his head once again to lick at him in that newly sensitive place where he was wet with want.

"Delicious," Erwin growled, as though he could not help himself.

"Please," Levi said as he felt Erwin's tongue, lapping at him, spearing itself deep into him. He sensed the gathering force of Erwin's kisses and realized dimly that he was not the only one losing control, fast.

It was time.

Levi threw back his head, his body suddenly going rigid, unable to stop the deep groan of pain as Erwin mounted him, as he felt the fullness of hard flesh piercing him— so big— as Erwin made the first push into his body.

Something was terribly wrong.

"Levi," said Erwin, concern clearly etched in his voice, and still, Levi's body was reluctant, closed off, unwilling to accept him.

There were the voices once again, intruding into Levi's consciousness, an unwelcome reminder that he was the stranger here.

Levi turned away, slinging an arm over his eyes, shielding himself from the intruders. "Tell them to go away," he whispered.

"Your Majesty, he's supposed to—" broke in one of the courtiers.

"Leave." Erwin's deep voice sliced through the chatter and noise inside the room, as busy as a marketplace.

"But Your Majesty…"

"Now," Erwin growled, and Levi heard the voices gradually fade away until there was only the sound of his and Erwin's labored breathing.

Levi felt Erwin withdraw, heard the regret in his voice: "I'm so sorry, Levi."

Without a word, Levi gathered his remaining strength and rolled onto his stomach. He buried his flushed face into the pillows as he pushed himself up on his knees. He heard the sharp intake of breath behind him as he spread his legs and presented himself to his alpha.

"Now," he ground out. "Now, Erwin."

Erwin did not need to be told twice. Levi felt huge hands fisting at his gown, effortlessly rending it to shreds and freeing him for Erwin's kisses, the touch of his open mouth on the bare skin of Levi's back. Levi moaned, utterly shameless, as he felt those hands gliding down to wrap around his hips, steadying him. He braced himself for the rough penetration that must follow, but Erwin merely slid his cock slowly along Levi's wetness, teasing him.

"Erwin," Levi said through gritted teeth.

"Levi. My beautiful Levi." Erwin's voice was soft, filled with a fondness that surprised Levi. "Forgive me."

He felt Erwin's flesh slide back into him— slowly, so very slowly— and this time, there was none of the pain as Levi's body opened of its own accord to accept Erwin. The change in position made a world of difference as Levi moaned with the exquisite pleasure that filled him.

"Levi," Erwin said, his breath coming out in a harsh sigh as he slid out slowly, only to thrust in again, and again, the slick, wet sounds of his flesh coated in Levis' juices serving only to fuel his ardor.

Levi clutched at the sheets as instinct took over and he raised himself to meet Erwin's thrusts, growing harder and faster as the age-old rhythm took over their bodies, primed for this one moment of mating, of lovemaking. Levi felt his body swell and grow heavy with lust, hungry for Erwin's engorged flesh as it pounded ever deeper inside him, seeking that secret place that had lain dormant in Levi's body, until now.

"Levi, Levi," chanted Erwin as he began to let go, the movement of his hips becoming short and abrupt. Levi could feel Erwin deep inside him, at one with his body and his mind. The bond between alpha and omega was a strange thing, an inexplicable link that ran deep in their psyches even as their bodies fused and became one. Erwin's voice was a presence inside Levi's head, even as he felt the sharp pain on his nape as Erwin bit deep into his flesh. He cried out just as Erwin breached that final barrier inside him, surging into him fully and sending them over the edge with a pleasure so intense that Levi nearly passed out.

He slowly resurfaced to find himself lying on his side, with Erwin curled protectively behind him. He shivered as he felt Erwin wipe away the copious fluids from his thighs with the tattered remnants of his gown.

"Fucking hell," moaned Levi, even as he felt Erwin's length throbbing deep inside him and the engorged knot of Erwin's flesh, plugging him tight.

"Don't, Levi," Erwin warned as Levi shifted away a fraction, sending a fresh wave of release coursing through him and into Levi's body. "Don't move. Not yet."

"Fuck," said Levi again as he leaned his head tiredly against Erwin's outstretched arm. He felt Erwin tenderly licking away the sweat and blood from the wound on his nape to facilitate its healing. All the while, Levi could feel the little quakes of pleasure that continued to rock their bodies.

Only the priest was allowed back inside, and only once, briefly, to ascertain that their marriage had indeed been consummated. Levi gave a yelp of surprise as he felt the man place his hand in blessing on the sensitive junction where his and Erwin's bodies were joined.

After that, the priest was told to leave by Erwin, whose voice was a deep growl, his tone unmistakably possessive, and Levi realized that this was just the beginning. Later, much later, they would not be able to utter a word, much less form a single coherent thought, as they succumbed, again and again, to the blinding dictates of the extraordinary lust that consumed them.

It would be four days before they came back to their senses, and by then there was no turning back, not when Levi could feel Erwin lodged deep inside his body, and deeper still in his mind. It would take even longer for Levi to acknowledge that Erwin, the King of Levario, was who he'd wanted all along.